From small to large, I have many happy things.The happiest and most memorable thing is when I and my parents went to Boracay, Philippines last year.
I remember at the time, the sunset in the evening had no golden light, and only the sea surface was red.At this time, it was the best time to play on the beach. My parents and I put on a swimsuit and came to the beach in Xing.
The thin sand is like flour, stepping on the soft and crispy of the feet.I ran to the sea quickly, piled up the "sand castle" with the wet sand rushed by the seawater, and my parents lay on the sunbathing.
I piled up with sand, and suddenly found that there were silver -glittering things swimming in the shallow sea. What was it?Looking at it, it turned out that it was a small fish with only small fingers, and they shone in the sunset.
Suddenly, my pile of sand was swept away, and I was busy putting on the swimming mirror. I jumped off the seawater of the calf and lay on the underwater to observe the small fish.These small fish are all crystal clear and can almost see the bones. Only the eyes and tail are light blue. The thin body is very beautiful.
I wanted to catch a small fish to play, but they were very flexible. They always slipped away from my fingers, and bent around to swim behind me.Come and catch it, you can only grab the sediment.At this time, I thought of a way: keep the body without moving and play "wooden people" with the fish.The small fish looked at the movement, thinking that I was gone, and gathered together boldly.I immediately reached out to grab the fish group with a thunderstorm. I did not expect that the resistance of the underwater was several times the air. As soon as my hand touched the water, the speed was slow. As soon as the small fish felt the wind blowing, I quickly quickly moved, and I quickly quickly moved.I have no trace, and it seems to be ridiculed.
I was anxious, and suddenly I thought of a idiom -muddy water touched fish. Since I ca n’t catch small fish, try "Hun Water Touch Fish"!I tried my best to stir with my hands on the bottom of the water, and the water slowly became turbid.For a moment, I felt something I touched and grabbed it with my hands, haha, it really was a small fish. It must be stirred by me and hit my hand.I smiled with my eyebrows, and I wanted to take the "loot" ashore. As a result, a big wave hit me. I was not ready, slipped under my feet, and fell to my back to turn around.Breaking my nose, it was really "lost his wife and folded soldiers".
Although the capture of Xiaoyu did not succeed this time, it brought me unlimited joy.Look at other people on the beach, some are basking in the sun, some are playing sand, some are picking up the shells, and some are playing with water ... From time to time, "giggling" laughter came from time to time.
In Boracay, not only I am happy, everyone is very happy.Suzhou New District Experimental Primary School Six 7th Class Xu Qingyang
1、旅游:旅游读音为lǚ yóu,是指1.旅行游览。 2.谓长期寄居他乡。 外出旅行游览一次花钱不多的欧洲旅游旅游 lǚ yóu词语意思:1.旅行游览。 2.谓长期寄居他乡。[tour;tourism] 外出旅行游览一次花钱不多的欧洲旅游分词解释:旅行:1.群行;结伴而行。 2.远行;去外地办事﹑谋生或游览。 3.远行的人。寄居:住在他乡或别人家里:寄居青岛ㄧ她从小就寄居在外祖父家里。游览:漫步观赏:游览故宫|游览黄山。...旅游怎么造句,用旅游造句»
2、菲律宾:菲律宾读音为fēi lǜ bīn,是指东南亚岛国,和中国隔海相望。主要由吕宋和棉兰老两大岛组成。面积29.97万平方千米。人口7026.69万(1995年)。首都马尼拉。山地为主。多火山、地震。热带季风气候。经济以农业为主。世界上最大的椰子生产国和椰产品出口国。菲律宾 fēi lǜ bīn词语解释:东南亚岛国,和中国隔海相望。主要由吕宋和棉兰老两大岛组成。面积29.97万平方千米。人口7026.69万(1995年)。首都马尼拉。山地为主。多火山、地震。热带季风气候。经济以农业为主。世界上最大的椰子生产国和椰产品出口国。分词解释:面积:几何学的基本度量之一。是用以度量平面或曲面上一块区域大小的正数。通常以边长为单位长的正方形的面积为度量单位。千米:公制长度单位。一千米等于一公里,合我国二市里。相望:1.互相看见。形容接连不断。极言其多。 2.对峙;相向。 3.相去,相距。首都:一个国家最高政权机关所在地。通常是该国的政治、经济、文化中心。中华人民共和国首都是北京。产品:生产出来的物品。...
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