
时间:2022-06-18 13:29:44 | 来源:语文通



thanks, the fruit is familiar, the autumn is here.Autumn is not as vitality of all things in the spring of Zhu Ziqing, not as warm as the winter in Lao She's book, but it has its own different.There is also a distinctive painting in the autumn of Huaiji.


Entering the hills, everything in the surrounding is extremely quiet, like a solemn old lady.Walking on the road in the mountains, you have already experienced the coolness of summer. Only comfortable coolness is accompanied by your up and down. The wind girl slowly stroked the hair next to your ears, making people feel good or refreshing.Girl Qiu used her magical brush to add red tones to this hill.The leaves of the branches replaced the other yellow coat without signs, and it was lively and cute.A gust of wind blew, and the woods seemed to be holding a tour.The leaves with good -looking performance costumes are hurricanes in the wind, getting rid of the tree skills, and enjoying this final stage.At the end of the song, the leaves lay quietly under the tree pole, waiting for the final distribution of fortune.The ground seems to be covered with a yellow mattress.


Step into the field, it is called a golden yellow world!Suo Gu bent his waist, and a round rice grinned.Farmers' hard -working sweat and heart -hearted expectations finally had benefits.The girl Qiu picked a yellow dress to the wild, and everyone smiled happily!


Step into the plantation, a good interface for joy and joy.The farmer took the fruit with a smile and was shipped from the large truck to every part of the country, as if sending the pleasure of autumn to all parts of the country.The red apple on the treetops is delicious, making people can't help but bite forward.Lier is not willing to fall behind, with a big color.Yellow Orange Orange Orange is also unavoidable!


This is the autumn of Huaiji. Not only is there a clear clear, but also happy, but also gain!



1、怀集:怀集读音为huái jí,是指怀柔安集。《汉书·郑吉传》:“吉 於是中 西域 而立莫府,治 乌垒城,镇抚诸国,诛伐怀集之。”晋 袁宏《后汉纪·章帝纪上》:“昔 安封侯 竇融 怀集 羌 胡,开其欢心,子孙於今乐闻。”《资治通鉴·陈武帝永定二年》:“高凉 太守 冯寳 卒,海隅扰乱。寳 妻 洗氏 怀集部落,数州晏然。”...

2、秋季:秋季读音为qiū jì,是指1.秋末。 2.一年四季的第三季﹐当农历七月至九月。 夏季与冬季之间的季节,天文学中自秋分日起算到冬至日为止秋季 qiū jì词语解释:1.秋末。 2.一年四季的第三季﹐当农历七月至九月。[autumn] 夏季与冬季之间的季节,天文学中自秋分日起算到冬至日为止分词解释:九月:1.格里历(即阳历)每年的第九个月。 2.第九个太阴月。 3.九个月。三季:1.指夏﹑商﹑周三代的末期。 2.指春秋鲁昭公时的季孙氏﹑仲孙氏﹑叔孙氏。一年四季:一年中春﹑夏﹑秋﹑冬四个季节,用指整年。...秋季怎么造句,用秋季造句»