
时间:2022-08-13 13:27:25 | 来源:语文通



The summer vacation is a beautiful dream for children, as well as me.In the summer vacation of previous years, it was either to play or stay at home.


Too tan, the morning training was adjusted to the evening.Practice from eight pm to ten o'clock in the evening.


On the first game of the first day of training, I was "glorious".The side of the right foot was swollen, and it was bloody.The next training can not participate. I can only move while doing exercise while watching my teammates.It's so boring to stay alone!


The five -day time is fleeting, but I have a lot of perceptions and gains, and my relationship with my teammates has been a step closer, so that we can strengthen our body and improve the ball skills and tacit understanding.Although it is tired, it is worth it. Although it is very sunny, I am very happy.At the same time, this injury also made me determined to train, come on, believe in myself, it will be better and better!



Time is like an arrow, the sun and the moon are like shuttle.In a blink of an eye, a happy summer life waved to me and said goodbye to me, and I was beckoning to me in the new semester.Remembering a lot of interesting things happened. They were like the pearls that flashed in my mind. One of the brightest and most forgotten me to forget is -learn skating.


After eating one afternoon, I was holding skating shoes and my mother towards skating rinks.As soon as I arrived, many adults and children were wearing flower -green skating shoes, such as light birds sliding freely.I really want to experience it, so I can't wait to change the skating shoes.I was stood by my mother, and slowly slipped forward.It felt pretty good. I didn't wrestle. I was a little proud, so I let my mother let go.I took a step forward, but I didn't expect that I fell a "backward".My mother hurried to help me."Just fall, what is this."I let my mother let go again.I held the railing in front of me and slowly slipped forward, and I found some feelings unknowingly. I let go of the hand holding the railing and slipped forward alone.One step and two steps, when the third step was to slide, did not stand still, and there was a big "split".The skating looks very simple, but why is it so difficult to learn?I frowned.


When my mother saw me falling several times, she walked over and saw that I was a little unhappy, so she asked, "What's wrong? Is it difficult to learn skating?"


"Um." I nodded.


"Do you have to persevere in doing things. How can you not know that you can't do it?" Mom said to me with a long time.


How can I not know that in the end?Yes, I persist again, maybe I will learn!I can ask others how to learn ice skating!


I slowly slid my brother who was practicing ice skating next to me and asked him how to learn skating.He told me that the center of gravity was going forward, his feet were "eight characters", and then slowly slipped forward.I tried it and found some feeling.Yes, the center of gravity moves forward, I can go forward a few steps now!I was so happy that I had a sweet honey.I slipped the second lap here, the third lap ... unconsciously, the sky was late, and I successfully learned to skate the ice.


Whenever I think of this, I can't hold it excited.I not only learned skating, but also understood a truth: "Drip water can penetrate stone, everything is achieved naturally."As long as we master the methods and skills, we can gain the joy of success.



Many middle school students can not study at ease before the holiday, and I am no exception. I have found a reason for myself for a few months.But more than a few days, I couldn't control myself. Every time I said that there were two months during the holidays, let's play for another day. "But unknowingly passed a day, it may be half a month after accumulation.Therefore, the holidays have only completed one -quarter homework or less. After the start of school, it is difficult to enter the state, and the results have fallen into an inevitable result of holiday learning.


Therefore, during the summer vacation, the key is to have a plan that can be learned and played. It is best to take a few hours every day to rest for 30 minutes.For a few days, a few days of rest must be carried out strictly according to a fixed time.


Affected by the epidemic in the last semester, my self -autonomy declined, and I did not listen carefully, causing the results of the upgrade test was not ideal. The summer vacation was a great opportunity for me to catch up. I have formulated three summer vacation studies.


Plan 1: This summer, I have to tutor English well, it is my highlight, my English is too bad, my sister English is very good at English, and I can be translated. Therefore, I was inspired and decided to use the summer vacation to learn English.


Plan 2: My Chinese is too bad, especially the composition is too bad. According to the teacher's arrangement, read more books to improve my composition writing level.


Plan 3: In this summer vacation, you need to learn typing, because the second day of the second day will take the middle church exam.


Now my summer vacation plan is set, and this plan will be realized.I believe that in this summer vacation, strict constraints on myself will definitely become enriched and happy.



This summer is different from the past because my parents and I used the summer vacation to go to Lu Xun's former residence -Shaoxing to play.


In Shaoxing, we played the former residence of Lu Xun, the five leaks, and some famous tourist destinations in Xi Shi, and the most memories of the memory of the most remembered is to climb the Mountain of Wushu, because this not only allows me to see the magnificent waterfall, but also exercise.My will and body.


I remember the early morning of the next day, and we came to the beautiful Wuling Mountain.Because it was in the morning plus the fresh air in the Mountain, I felt refreshing as soon as I entered the Wuluo Mountain, which was very comfortable.As we walked, we listened to the introduction of the tour guide. It turned out that Wuzhu Mountain was a folding level, so it was called "Five Loin".A beautiful landscape paintings were present in front of my eyes. It turned out that we had the fifth leak of the five leaked, only listening to the roar of the waterfall, and seeing the thunderous waterfall with a majestic potential, from 20 from 20, from 20The heights of the other meters flew straight, and the momentum was magnificent. We bid farewell to the magnificent fifth leak. We continued to climb up along the stone of the stone, and we saw that the fourth leak in front of us was the fourth leak.The echoes in the sound of stone and valleys are shocking.


After the fourth leak, we continued to climb up. Because the stone steps from the fourth leak to the third leak were very steep, it was more laborious to climb up, but I still kept climbing up.Wow!The third leak of the waterfall is wide and gentle, mighty down, with a variety of attitudes and changing endlessness.It's refreshing!Immediately, we were about to board the second leak. From the third leak to the second leak, the mountain road was long and steep. When I walked halfway, I was exhausted and sweated, so I said to my dad, "Dad, I run.No, I won't climb. "" Those who have a will! "Dad said," Go, continue to climb the mountain and be easy to be healthy! "After listening to my father's words, my mood was suddenly cheerful, so IStill crashing my teeth to the second leak. At this time, I was panting, exhausted, and sat on the ground with my buttocks. My dad said to me, "Let's go, continue!" "I can't climb!"Saying breathlessly ...


Later, after my father was encouraging, I finally climbed to the first leak (the top of the mountain).The mountain breeze brushed, and it was refreshing. I was in Wonderland. It was so wonderful!


I have benefited a lot through this summer climbing in this summer vacation. This is really a different summer vacation!



Looking forward, looking forward to it, finally looking forward to the summer vacation! The sea is waiting for me, and I will fly to your arms immediately.The playground is waiting for me, and I will go with you immediately.However, the plan can't keep up with the change! The "big demon" of the new coronary virus has come out to harm us.


Before the epidemic comes, my mother will take us out to play every week, but since the "big demon" comes, we have to stay at home every day, and I can't go anywhere. I feel uncomfortable.When going to make nucleic acids, we must also wear a mask at all times to protect myself tightly. There is also the hot sun, and I feel like I am in a steamer.However, I found that the medical staff who are nucleic acids for us, they are wearing a hot sun, wearing thick protective clothing, and repeat the same actions again and again.The deep and red traces of the mask still made it working in the ugly.At this time, I feel that this is uncomfortable. Compared with them, it is nothing at all.From then on, I don't think it is a uncomfortable thing to go out. The medical staff should do my own epidemic prevention, and work hard to go out at home.His constitution does not bother the country.


After everyone's joint efforts and active cooperation, the "Demon" was finally defeated by us.At the same time, we also returned to the beautiful campus.Although as elementary school students, our strength is very small, as long as everyone does a good job of personal protection, there will be no difficulties in the city that we cannot defeat!



My summer vacation is not the same, the singing of the mood is bright ... Please listen to me to talk about my "cup" summer vacation! July 7th, Qixi Festival.The streets and alleys are happy.My parents gave me a task -selling flowers and said it was exercising me.I shook the money in my hand and bought some roses to sell it in the tide of people.There are also some big brothers and sisters around them selling flowers, and they sip beside them.There was a flower selling flowers to fight for the price of the flower, and the face was red and red, and the foam flew across. In the end, the buyer was successful and went away.I am shy, standing like a wooden man.Seeing that there are a handful of flowers in the hands of others, they gradually realize their "biochemical crisis".I thought: "Rather than waiting for it here, it is better to be offensive and defensive!" So I started searching for prey.


God helped me too, there was a pair of lover there, I said to the sister, "Wow! You officially win the sky in the sky, and the overflow of Xi Shi! (The girls are so vanity), if you match this symbol of the good moon, a century -old good combination, a hundred years of good combinationThe roses of love, then your love is really perfect, impeccable, wonderful ... "After listening to me," exaggerate his talk ", my sister was tempted and bought two branches."I wish you a sweet life!" "Thank you" I made money. I was happy in my heart.


Next, I have my three -inch tongue and attack many people. This can be regarded as the second "tongue battle group Confucianism" in history!


I have all the assignments and I have been able to work in my mother's factory.The working fingers look at the winding machine, but there is a panda eye that I am a little sleepy (there is a "point") and "no matter how people" in the chair.I do not know how long it has been.


"Flutter, oh!" The disagreement sound sounded, and the handsome brother left his feet to the sky. In order to prevent disfigurement, I took out a small mirror and shot; "Mom ... mom! I ... I was disfigured."Sleeping" I hate you! I looked up at the machine -the graphics card. Due to anxiety, the falling line stumbled, and a "dog plane type" came again, but I couldn't eat hot tofu.


After a few days of "Devil Training", I was "exiled" and became a "otaku". This life is even more bitter!


"Fengfeng! Come down." After listening to my brother, I thought there was any good news, and rushed downstairs well."What?"


"I am the most and the most ... (omitting n most) my dear brother" The older brother smiled and smiled, "Help me back!"


I am faint!


I am working hard, diligent, hard, ... I helped my brother's back. I didn't pay attention to it. I saw that it was showing his "prestige". Of course, the unlucky is always me.


"Go and buy Dongdong!"


"I protest!"






"Protesting invalid!"


Helpless, I had to become a "running dragon".


My summer vacation is not the same, the singing of the mood is more bright ... the "cup" life of this "model worker" ended.



In the summer vacation, my mother, brother, and sister Niuniu went to Lanzhou and Qinghai together. I saw different Yellow River.


Standing on the "Zhongshan Iron Bridge", known as the "First Bridge of the Yellow River", I saw the turbulent Yellow River.The Yellow River here is turbid and turbulent, and the vortex is one by one. The water waves like white war horses in hand, and the mighty rushing comes. There is really the momentum of "the water of the Yellow River comes from the water of the Yellow River, running to the sea without returning".Looking at the Yellow River, I "admired": The Yellow River is really "well -known"!It's a bit yellow!"It provoked everyone with a happy laughter.


The Yellow River is known as the mother of the Chinese nation. There is a mother of the Yellow River near the "Zhongshan Iron Bridge": the Yellow River was carved into a kind mother, holding a naughty child;Next to the dock, I walked into the embrace of the "Mother of the Yellow River" with my brother and sister Niuniu, wow!Cool, ice, cool and cool!The waves slowly hit our legs, touched me like my mother's hand, and felt like my mother patted my little ass.


On the "Zhongshan Iron Bridge", I saw a special transportation -sheepskin raft. It is said that when the "Zhongshan Iron Bridge" was not repaired before, I had to cross the Yellow River.The second is in danger.The practice of "sheepskin raft" is actually very simple: scrape the sheepskin to deal with it, and then fill the air into a "sheepskin balloon". More than a dozen "sheepskin balloons" are tied to a wooden row to make a "sheepskin leather.Root ".Now, a lot of bridges have been repaired on the Yellow River, and "sheepskin rafts" have become a way of leisure and entertainment.


In the Chanbla National Park in Qinghai, I saw a different Yellow River again: clear, gentle, quiet, like a small sheep with grass.Why is the Yellow River Qing in Qinghai?Why is the Yellow River in Lanzhou?I found the relevant information: It turned out that in the upper reaches of the Yellow River and the river water in Qinghai Province, humans were polluted there, and the soil and water conservation was good, so the river was clear.When the road passes through the Loess Plateau, trees and grass plants have always been lacking in the plateau. After the rain, sand flows into the river with the rain.The soil on the Loess Plateau flows into the Yellow River and causes the water to yellow, so it is called the Yellow River.There are three solutions: first, greening, grass and planting trees; the other is to repair terraces and digging fish scales; the third is immigration, reduce agricultural planting area, and fourth is to grow grass and livestock, and grow perennial pasture.Because the area of the loess plateau is too large, it is difficult to solve the problem of soil and soil loss in a short time.This reminds me of the "story of a small village" in the text, and I realize that I want to protect the environment.



I don't necessarily live happily, but I must be chasing the happiness of life.




After the exam, my so -called summer vacation also kicked off. Just a few days, in just a few days, I was depressed, I was unhappy, I waited, I don’t know if I will acceptThe grade is unknown. I went to stay without knowing it. In just a few days, I thought a lot. The brain was running at a high speed from time to time. I always asked myself that I worked hard?IntersectionThere is still a week of results.


I got on the train from home, the train came out of the station. In the hot summer, I couldn't feel the heat of previous years, but I felt the desolation of late autumn.Outside the window, at that moment, my nose felt a little sour and felt like I wanted to cry. I don't know how long it took me to fall asleep. When I woke up again, the sky outside the window was covered with stars. I have I have.A little cold, remembering a lot, a meteor instantly passed, I wish the entrance examination for the secondary entrance examination ...


At noon, the sun was baked in the big land. I reached the destination. At that moment, I didn't feel the feeling of late autumn, but I had a different kind of sadness. I will face my parents.How many?IntersectionI asked myself, looking at the high hanging sun, it seemed to be laughing at me, getting hotter, maybe punish me!Shortly after the settlement, I found a small factory. Where did I study, I grew up early every day. I was so sad in those days. I was afraid that after my results came down, I would have been like this ...I was very emotional, I wanted to cry without tears. I prayed to God at that time. If I gave me a chance to return to campus, I must bloom beautiful flowers and show myself to others.I have enough, but I didn't say anything, but I was a zero -time worker, and I didn't need an employee. I was "invited" home and paid the night, which also meant that I would leave a few days of posts. II didn't say anything, but I do n’t know why there is a kind of in my heart. Can I set up someone else?Intersection


I stayed at my aunt's house and didn't go to see my parents. I didn't want to go, but I didn't know how to face them, because I told me that I had a high chance of winning this time.... Looking at the score, as I expected, I was about to collapse, and I endured it. When I was desperate, a phone call came, and the school came. I received a notice. That wasI told myself in my heart that this is the last opportunity of God to give you. You have to bloom and show them to others and yourself!In this short ten days, I saw a lot of transparency, I grew up.


The school notified to make up the lesson. I planned to go back to school immediately, but I found that I had run around but never saw my father and mother. I was postponed for a few days, took the bus, and came to the place where my parents were working for a few times. At that moment, I cried.Looking at my dad, I can't feel the tough in the past, and the back of the waist gradually bent down, like the locust tree in front of the door, growing old with years, and coming to the place where Dad works.Haze -Furniture Factory, sawdust and flipping, I can't see anything. I told myself in my heart that I must work hard!Let parents enjoy different old age when they are old!


Soon after staying, I left. At that time, I wanted to cry, but the tears couldn't flow.


This summer vacation made me understand that the importance of learning is the best way out. This summer vacation makes me understand. The necessity of affection is that the family is a condiments of life; this summer vacation makes me understand. After I grow up, I must grow up.To return to your parents!This summer vacation is different from previous years. I have grown up a lot, and I will never forget what I say and pursue!


Happiness will never chase us, but we must chase the happiness of life!





It has come in the afternoon, sometimes the happiest time in the day.Because in the afternoon is our entertainment time, you can relax, you don't have to go to Chinese mathematics anymore, and you don't have to worry about learning. It is necessary to play with it.


The first lesson in the afternoon has arrived. We first took a Korean class first. It was the lesson given to us by Mr. Yang Xi. Mr. Yang Xi first told us the unit sound in Korean.It turns out that the pronunciation of Korean units is similar to our Chinese.For example, a vowel in Korean is basically the same as some pronunciation in Chinese.Therefore, it is not difficult to learn Korean. Teacher Yang Xi taught several times and let a few of our classmates get up.The teacher said, "If you don't read, you must punish a song, but you can read a song for other students." At that time, the classroom was silent. No one dared to speak.Although it is not very difficult, after all, there are more than a dozen units, and they are even more unfamiliar with Korean.There is no way, the teacher can only point with his hands, to point to who is, in addition to these, the teacher also taught us some Korean and sentences.


Soon it was already the second lesson. This lesson and the third lesson were taught in the same teacher, because these two lessons were free to choose to learn by the students.Reported music, of course, I learned music, and soon the teacher brought us to the place where they were learning.After we came, we were taught by a music teacher, and the music teacher was a tall strong man.He first wants to introduce ourselves and sing a song to see how our tone is. We have all sang a few words. Overall, it is good. There are a few of them.It was far worse than that. The teacher took out a flute and blowing up. The wonderful flute sound spread throughout the campus.The fingers swinged back and forth on the flute hole, blowing up with my mouth, and a beautiful music came out, but did not formally teach us to learn singing, so these two lessons only listened to songs, but I was very happy.



I have to go to Saxia every Thursday.Today is Thursday, and I go to class as always.


Tianyou's face, dark clouds, this weather is in line with my mood.Indeed, in a closed environment, the practice songs over and over again are boring and tasteless.


When I repeatedly blowing the song "The Spring of the North", the teacher suddenly asked me: there will be a show next Tuesday, you will not participate? I immediately stunned, I was particularly tangled in my heart, and kept thinking: I have never been in before I have been onStage, what should I do for the first time I perform? If you do n’t participate, you can waste a good opportunity to exercise; but if you are ugly, you will not only shame your face, but even the teacher's face will be dull.You can think about it, there will be many benefits to the performance, both exercise guts and test technology, but also increase popularity.Ancient people: The machine must not be lost, and it will not come again.I finally chose to participate.


So a new training course was added every week, and the performance of "The Spring of the North" practiced it over and over again.Every time I go to class, my lips have a little pain, and my head is even more dizzy, because the repeated exercises of high -intensity make the brain a little hypoxia.Originally Sax's backpack was quite heavy, and now it is more like a mountain on my back.


In the blink of an eye, I came to the performance scene.It didn't take long for the host to call my name and it was time to play.Going up to the stage, facing a group of audiences, I should be too nervous. I feel that my scalp is numb, goosebumps are scrambled around, and in the snowy and snowy, I will be in the lava volcano again.Blow three times.The first time I started, I dare not look directly at the audience, staring at the scores, her expression was stiff.The second time started, my heart fluttered, and I blown a tone, and I even picked it down.For the third time, I was almost completely relaxed and not so nervous.At the last moment, there was a long voice. I can't blow so long. Now I don't know where I come from, and I have finished the sound perfectly.


The performance was over, and I finally let go of my hanging heart, showing a confident and proud smile.The audience enthusiastically raised their palms, knowing that this was affirmation of me.I also gathered in my heart for myself, thanking myself who worked hard during this time.Because of paying, this holiday, I saw a different scenery.



Speaking of summer vacation, although the holiday time is very long, extra -curricular classes are more than usual, and the number of classes has increased.No, I was breathless by extra -curricular class.


I usually have three extra -curricular classes. In the summer vacation, my mother just gave me a grammatical class.Although there are only four classes, the number of times per class has increased.English class: There are two lessons a week.Painting class: Seven lessons a week.Olympic Class: One Wednesday Class.Grammar class: 1 Friday class.There are so many classes, but it is not easy for this summer vacation! Finally, you can sleep lazily, but the class time of some lessons is at eight o'clock in the morning, and you do n’t even let you sleep.It's so sad, sad!


Moreover, each extra -curricular class not only has many times in class, but also a lot of homework to write.How can we have time to play with the homework of extra -curricular classes and school homework?


To be honest, I don't want to have a summer vacation now, because the pressure is really too great, please raise your hand if you agree.



Last summer vacation, I went to the country's grandmother's house for a while, and found that my grandmother had an unusual hobby and was happy.


The weather is hot, so I always like to stay upstairs and blow the air conditioner, and I will blow the cool wind on the balcony at night, watching my grandmother busy.


"Come and eat, obedient!" That day, I just went upstairs for dinner, and my grandmother shouted downstairs.Grandma is not old, how can I forget that I have just had dinner?


"Granny, isn't it just finished eating?" I doubt.


Grandma raised his head with a smile and said, "It's not called you, it's calling my little babies." I was still confused and hurried downstairs to find out.


As soon as I went out, I saw my grandmother surrounded by various hairy dogs.They were dirty, but their eyes flashed, and their tails shook like the grass that blew through the wind.Grandma first touched one by one, then supported it, and took out a large bowl from the kitchen, which was filled with the leftovers of our leftovers.I thought that the dogs saw that food would be excited like evil wolves, squeezed back and forth, and robbed them, but they were sitting well and shaking their tails quietly, waiting for the arrival of the food.


Grandma poured the leftovers in front of them, moved to the chair, sat, smiled with her wrinkles, shook the fan slowly in her hand, watching the dogs "enjoy" the feast.The sky in the countryside is clean. Occasionally, the stars can be seen. With all kinds of pleasing nature, a group of dogs sit in such a harmoniously sitting, under the starlight, a beautiful painting.


"Oh, flower, don't worry, eat slowly." Grandma hugged a little flower dog and gently stroked its back."Huanhuan and Hei Tsai don't grab it! Nuo Nuo still has bones here!" Grandma turned around and threw them in front of them.The grandmother had a smile on his face, and his eyes were bent, just like the moon hanging in the sky, which was full of kindness and compassion.She was like a kindergarten teacher, always surrounded by a group of children, she hugged this for a while, and touched the head for a while. It was also like a child king. She also played with them with all kinds of toys.Although there are many things to do, grandma always laughed, happy, intoxicated.


Grandma got up and went to the well to get a bucket of water. When they saw that they gathered together, they splashed hard, and they almost all became "falling soup dogs"."Obediently, shake your body, you will be cold." The dogs shook obediently until the water on her body was dried.


"Haha! Give them a little." Looking at my expression of puzzle, my grandmother couldn't help laughing.She signaled me to sit next to her with a stool, and then talked about himself, "Sometimes we can't leave so much to eat, and sometimes I can only drink some water for them."Grandma paused," Anyway, I sometimes feel lonely, and they come over to listen to me. "


Grandma's eyes have always been full of tenderness. I can't realize her happiness, but I can see that she is happy and enjoyable.



I returned to my hometown once this summer and met a group of friends in a group of villages. We formed a "Children's Group" and spent a pleasant holiday life together.


In the early morning, when the big rooster in the yard yelled, we got up and took the net with Grandpa, humming the song to the river to fish the plants and came back to feed the geese.In the early morning field, our singing is everywhere.


At noon is the hottest time, we secretly ran to the watermelon floor while taking a nap to pick a largest watermelon, and finally took it home.Take a cold bath, take it out and get the "Grandma" home next door.We do n’t know what the surname of “Basket Grandma” is. Because she has double -handed hands, she will use corn skin, wheat stalks, reeds, etc. to make good -looking baskets, so the children in the village call her "basket grandma".She didn't make us noisy or persuaded us to sleep, and always smiled.She used corn skin to make a small basket for each of us, telling us that we can go to the field to catch the pupa in the morning to feed the chicken, and at night to go to the woods to catch cicadas.


We couldn't wait until the next morning, and we went to Taoyuan to catch the grasshopper after eating watermelon.At noon, the grasshopper was more afraid of hotness than us, and we didn't have much to jump. We caught several skewers in a while, enough for the big rooster to make a meal.Grandpa in Taoyuan is also a "old naughty boy". He made a few "pistols" with the remaining branches of the fence, and also taught us to use willow branches to make a few straw hats and play "guerrillas" games with us. TaoyuanIt's enough for us to play for one afternoon.


In the evening, we finished dinner early, holding a flashlight, carrying a small "basket" to start looking for the night activities.A large group of people didn't feel scared in the black forest at all. The friends would tell me what the tree knew much, because the taste of each tree was different.You can also know that you can also get rid of the shell. It is said that you can get medicine.Generally, we ended around 8 o'clock. The shells were all given to the "basket grandma". They knew it to Grandpa. Grandpa said that he could help us make food.


After the event, we will gather in the locust tree in front of Grandpa's door. They tell me the interesting things in the field. I will tell them the games in the Hangzhou playground.From time to time, our laughter came from from time to time, and the tree on the tree was accompanied by the frogs in the pond.



1、暑假:暑假读音为shǔ jià,是指学校夏季的假期,一般在公历七八月间。 指学校夏季的假期,在七、八月间暑假 shǔ jiǎ词语意思:学校夏季的假期,一般在公历七八月间。[summer vacation] 指学校夏季的假期,在七、八月间分词解释:七八:1.七八成。表示将近达到某种极限。 2.差不多;大概。 3.七乘八,五十六。夏季:1.见“夏天”。2.埃及古历一年三季之一,每季四个月,其他两季为冬季和洪水季。...暑假怎么造句,用暑假造句»