One day, I read the text "Letter to the Children of my hometown".The article wrote that Ba Jin's expectations of children and their own lives.Among them, what shocked me the most is that the meaning of life is dedication, not enjoying. "
How great!Ba Jin himself is the dedication of a lifetime.He has donated countless donations, but also asked the newspaper not to report.He did not get a country's salary in his life.What a selfless dedication!Qian Xuesen, in the United States, received both fame and fortune, but after learning that the New China was founded, he abandoned the strong conditions and advanced laboratories in the United States, and returned to China in unison to dedicate everything to himself.
God asked us to come to this world, not let us eat dry rice, but to dedicate to others.There is a grinding knife craftsman, who lives with a knife, three meals a day, coarse tea and light rice, reluctant to add clothes to yourself.However, when the Wenchuan earthquake occurred, he was carrying a tall hemp bag with others, walking towards the bank step by step under the scorching sun.When he arrived at the bank, he could not take a rest and let the bank staff donate all his life savings -more than 20,000 yuan to the victims.What a "small dedication"!Only by the dedication of others can the life of life be blooming, and the society can make the society more harmonious.
All, I think the significance of life lies in dedication rather than enjoyment.We should start from the small things around us, such as "love collective, respect the teacher, study hard, and help others" to dedicate it!Life will become better!
I believe many people don't feel unfamiliar with the great writer Ba Jin.Ba Jin, formerly known as Li Yaotang, is a well -known contemporary writer, publisher, translator.At the same time, he is also known as one of the most influential writers since the May 4th Movement. He is also the outstanding literary master of Chinese literary and Chinese literary arts in the 20th century.He is also known as "the conscience of Chinese literature in the twentieth century".Today, I am fortunate to read his work- "Letter to the Children of the Hometown". The writer Ba Jin has always been one of my most admired writers, so I read in detail about his works. After reading, I feel touched by it.It is quite deep and benefited a lot.
The text of "Letter to Hometown Children" is written by Grandpa Ba Jin's sincere care and kind encouragement of his hometown children.The author Ba Jin educates children in the text to cherish time, study hard, and can make life flowers like him.Every word and sentence in this article are so sincere and touching. I seemed to see a kind old man. He has a kind and warm heart ...
Author Ba Jin wrote this article- "Letter to the Children of the Hometown", he was already old and dying.Red ">, but , In order not to disappoint the children in their hometown , In this letter.It can be seen that Ba Jin's feelings for children are so sincere and affectionate to the children.In this text, the author thanked the children for their letters to get warm.From this let us see a big writer who knows how to be grateful.
"I write is not my talent, but I have feelings, I have unlimited love for my motherland and compatriots. I use my work to express my feelings." This sentence fully reflects the author Ba Jin's strong patriotic patriotic’s strong patriotic patriotism.Affection.The author loves the motherland and compatriots. It is precisely because of this love that inspires the author's creative motivation. The author uses works to express his feelings. Only love can move readers. Therefore, it is not difficult to understand the writer Ba Jin wrote outWhy can the article attract the love of so many readers.
"People are not living for dry rice. We live to add a little glory to the society in which we live." From this sentence, we can see that the writer Ba Jin's life values are to contribute to society!Yes, the writer Ba Jin is not just talking about it. He dedicated all his love and enthusiasm to his life.
The author Ba Jin also believes that he has little time, and he cherishes every minute and every second.He hopes that the children will love time and study hard.Yes, time is like water, and the years are like flowing, so we should cherish time and use time.
Writer Ba Jin is a talented writer. His life can be said to be famous, but he still said that he is an ordinary person. Does this not reflect his humility?
In the text of "Letter to Hometown Children", we have seen a writer who loves children, hometown, motherland, and love -life -Pakistan. We should learn the life values of Lord Bajin's contribution to society. We shouldRemember Grandpa Ba Jin's Jin Yanliang -study hard and cherish time. Only by arming with knowledge can he be the successor of the times and lick the bricks for the great rivers and mountains of the motherland in the future!
1、孩子:孩子读音为hái zi,是指①儿童:小孩子丨男孩子。②子女:她有两个孩子。孩子 hái zǐ分词解释:①儿童:小孩子丨男孩子。②子女:她有两个孩子。分词解释:两个:两个钱的省称。指一些钱财。儿童:较幼小的未成年人(年纪比‘少年’小):儿童读物。子女:1.男和女。 2.美女;年青女子。 3.儿女。小孩子:见“小孩”。...孩子怎么造句,用孩子造句»
2、家乡:家乡读音为jiā xiāng,是指自己的家庭世代居住的地方。 自己的家庭祖祖辈辈的居住地;故乡家乡 jiā xiāng词语解释:自己的家庭世代居住的地方。[hometown;native place] 自己的家庭祖祖辈辈的居住地;故乡分词解释:家庭:以婚姻和血统关系为基础的社会单位,包括父母、子女和其他共同生活的亲属在内。自己:1.代词。自身﹐本身。 2.自己人。 3.知己亲近;关系密切。世代:1.时代;朝代。 2.年代。 3.累世;代代。 4.犹言继承﹑相承。居住:较长时期地住在一个地方:他家一直居住在北京。...家乡怎么造句,用家乡造句»
3、有感:有感读音为yǒu gǎn,是指有感触;有感受。唐李商隐有《出关宿盘豆馆对丛芦有感》诗。冯浩笺注:“芦丛江乡最多﹐今身宿关外﹐乃又见之﹐故有感而言。”有感 yǒu gǎn词语解释:有感触;有感受。唐李商隐有《出关宿盘豆馆对丛芦有感》诗。冯浩笺注:“芦丛江乡最多﹐今身宿关外﹐乃又见之﹐故有感而言。”分词解释:感受:①受到(影响);接受:感受风寒。②接触外界事物得到的影响;体会:生活感受ㄧ看到经济特区全面迅速的发展,感受很深。关外:指山海关以东或嘉峪关以西一带地区。出关:1.出关口;到塞外。 2.谓和尚或佛教信徒坐饿关结束。江乡:多江河的地方。多指江南水乡。感触:跟外界事物接触而引起思想情绪:他对此事很有感触ㄧ旧地重游,感触万端。...有感怎么造句,用有感造句»
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