
时间:2022-11-16 12:50:23 | 来源:语文通



小学生满分作文 篇1小学生满分作文 篇2小学生满分作文 篇3小学生满分作文 篇4满分小学生作文 篇5小学生满分作文 篇6小学生满分作文 篇7

小学生满分作文 篇1


When I was a child, there was a legend in my hometown that if the sun goes down, the wolves on the mountain will go down and eat the children, so the children must go home before the sun goes down. I never believed in this legend, but my superstitious grandma really believed that letting is true.


At that time, I was so fond of playing that I had to hear my grandma's call before going home. Every time I trot barefoot on the dirt road in the field to the door, I would see Grandma standing at the door waiting for me.


"The wolf is coming down the mountain. The stone is going home soon." Hearing the call, I immediately ran home with a toad in my hand. On the way, I found that I was still holding a toad tightly. I threw the toad and went home with mud. When she got to her house, she found Grandma standing at the door as usual. Her two propped up the door and looked out of the door without a glance. The sun was about to set and threw its last ray of light on her face. When she saw me, her worried face faded. At this time, I always hold my grandmother, and she never got angry. Just touched my head and asked me if I was hungry.


Later, I found that there was a pit in Grandma's place, and the door edge became very smooth.


Later, when I left my grandmother, I still walked on the dirt road in the countryside, but my feet could not feel its softness. But my grandmother's call to me always appeared beside me.


Now my grandmother has been away from me for several years, but her voice is always reminding me.


"The stone wolf is going down the mountain.". I'm going home soon. In fact, I sometimes make many wrong decisions on the road of life. There will be many detours, but whenever I step on the wrong road, Grandma will call me. She seems to tell me that there are a group of wolves on the road ahead.


Grandma's call made me avoid many detours. I knew her call would point out the right path for me on my life path and remind me.


I remember that call, which brought me good memories of my childhood and pointed out a way for my future life.

小学生满分作文 篇2


The autumn outing I had been looking forward to on Friday, the Hip Hop Valley, finally arrived. I came to the school happily, and all the students were smiling. We waited for the bus while reading in the classroom. At about 8:00, we lined up and set out.


After driving for an hour, we arrived at the Valley of Play. We came to the entrance and saw fountains and various castles... I think there are many thrilling games in the Playful Valley. We successively played Air Patrol, 4D Underwater Elf City, and Fantasy Optimus. Among them, I was most impressed by Fantasy Optimus.


"Fantasy Giant" is a dynamic flying ball screen cinema. After we went in, we put our things away and took a seat that could shake under the guidance of the staff. At first, I was very nervous, and I firmly grasped the safety bar. When the movie started, I was fascinated by the magical pictures, and immediately forgot to be afraid and stared at the screen. Our seats began to shake, which made me feel like I was flying along with the picture. I flew over the "Future World", "Wonderful World", "City of the Sky", "Outer Planet" and other places. These places are particularly beautiful, including white snow capped mountains, beautiful castles, lakes like mirrors, towering trees, beautiful giant mushrooms, and strange monsters. All these are amazing.


I had a great time today, but the happy time always passed quickly. Next time I have the opportunity, I will definitely come to the Valley again to play more games.

小学生满分作文 篇3


In the countryside, there are more and more mosquitoes, which is a hint that we should start preparing for everything in summer!


In summer, it makes the campus hot; In summer, it makes the campus atmosphere more joyful; In summer, it makes the campus more beautiful... In summer, it makes the campus more dynamic!


In summer, it makes the campus hot. The hot sun is baking the campus, and the fans in the campus are rotating constantly. Students are happy to learn under the fans. The hot sun shines on the playground, on the teaching building, on the window edge... The sun is baking the campus, and the students become more happy with the arrival of summer——


In summer, it makes the campus atmosphere more joyful. The students talked and laughed under the fan, chased each other on the playground, and talked in the corridor... The atmosphere on campus became more joyful because of summer! At the same time, the campus has become beautiful——


In summer, it makes the campus more beautiful. Leaves stick out in spring and become thick in summer. On the lawn, there may be more beautiful flowers! Potted plants are placed everywhere. How beautiful the flowers are: purple, red, pink! Summer is also a rainy season. A rain "sweeps" the campus, adding a bit of style to the school!


In summer, it adds vitality to the school! It is our school's "good assistant". My school and I, as well as our classmates, like it - summer!

小学生满分作文 篇4


The old carpenter knocked the stick, and the stick turned into a chair. The old carpenter sold the chair. Since then, the chair has a home and a master. Once the little master had a PE class, and when he came home, he was so tired that he sat down on the chair. The "ouch" chair screamed with pain. He is tired of being sat down. That day, the little master went to class, his father and mother were not at home, so he took the opportunity to walk out of the chair, climbed late into the night, and then came to the carpenter's house. He knocked at the door.


"Who is it?", "It's me, the stick you made me into a chair last time". Oh, it's you. The carpenter opened the door while saying that the carpenter had not slept and was thinking about new wood products. "Please, please, I don't want to be a chair any more. The little master always likes to sit on my butt, which is killing me and tiring me." The chair begged the old carpenter to turn him into something else, and the carpenter readily agreed.


The old carpenter made him a pencil and sold it. This time, the owner was very clean and sharpened the pencil whenever he could. Therefore, he was often cut off the lead and couldn't stand the pain, so he chose another chance to escape back to the carpenter's house.


"Carpenter, carpenter......, please turn me into something more powerful and powerful!" The carpenter sighed and made him into a match, saying: "You have asked me for the third time, and your body is getting smaller and smaller every time. You only make a little contribution to human beings, and you will cry hard and tired all day. You should shine and heat up for human beings.". Then the carpenter took out a lighter from his pocket and lit the match

满分小学生作文 篇5


The long winter has finally passed. Spring returns to the earth, and everything recovers.


The last layer of thin ice floating on the water surface of the brook also melted, and flowed to the distance with the stream. Grass also poked out a small head from the land and looked at the world with a new and strange vision. The willows by the lake are leaning against each other. The willow branches on the willow trees have sprouted new shoots, just like the silk thread woven by Spring Girl. This reminds me of an ancient poem: "Jasper is made up to be a tree high, and thousands of green silk tapers hang down.".


Spring is a colorful season. In the park, the Jasminum nudiflorum flowers vied with each other to nod their heads to passers-by and kept swinging and dancing. The little bees seemed to smell the smell of spring. They came to the flowers in small groups to work busily. At this time, I thought of an ancient poem: "After gathering hundreds of flowers into honey, who will work hard and who will be sweet?"


In the sky, the birds also kept chirping, as if they were singing to welcome the arrival of Spring Girl.


Spring is beautiful and vibrant.

小学生满分作文 篇6


Today, all our teachers and students went to Jiaoshan for a visit. Jiaoshan is one of the famous "three mountains" in our city.


On the way to the ferry, the walls were full of students' science fantasy paintings. After seeing their paintings, I thought: "How rich their imagination is!" As we walked forward, we saw the waterfall, which reminded me of the sentence in Li Bai's poem, "The river flies down 3000 feet, and it is suspected that the Milky Way falls nine days." We and our teacher came to the place where we took a boat. There were a lot of people there. After waiting for a while, it was finally our class's turn to cross the river by boat. This cruise was really fast, and soon we arrived in Jiaoshan. We first came to a small river. There were so many fish in the river. The colors were very beautiful, including yellow, black and white. They swam freely in the clear water.


Then, we saw the four Vajra and the eighteen Arhats in different shapes and lifelike. We came to a grassland and saw an ancient ginkgo tree. The leaves of the tree were like small fans, shaking in the wind. We followed our teacher to the Mingshan Master Memorial Hall. We visited the exhibition. It turned out that he was the host of Jiao Shan. He was knowledgeable and respected. After walking out of the Mingshan mage memorial hall, we came to a grassland to have a rest for a while, and then reluctantly left Jiaoshan under the guidance of the teacher. How happy we are today!

小学生满分作文 篇7


At 11:30, the Zhongtian Gate.


Before I came here, it seemed that I was in Huimaling, and my heel began to ache faintly. However, "minor injuries do not leave the line of fire", and this is not even minor injuries, so my father and I worked hard to reach the mountainside Zhongtianmen.


Looking at the map at the Zhongtianmen Gate scared me a lot. It was still 5 kilometers away from the Nantianmen Gate. I'll look for the Jade Emperor's Top again - I'm sorry, but I can't see it. I only saw two lines waving to me between the misty peaks - the cableway.


However, how can I give in to my firm will? I am a hero climbing Mount Tai and sitting on the cableway. What is that called? Sitting in that small box, can you feel the fun of mountain climbing? At this time, my father grabbed me and said, "Let's go!"


Finally, I saw the South Heavenly Gate, which was connected by the eighteen plates. From a distance, the eighteen plates were full of people. I can't help feeling, is this mountain climbing or human climbing? We slowed down because of too many tourists and the beauty around us.


A variety of stone carvings came into sight; The spring water is clearer than that at the foot of the mountain; Several peaks loomed, and countless pines welcomed us with open arms. It is necessary to take a picture with others. It's a pity that there are too many tourists and they take group photos.