
时间:2022-09-19 13:22:24 | 来源:语文通



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次军训有感日记 篇1


On Friday, our neat military uniforms, wearing a magical military cap, looking forward to the first military training.


In the second class in the afternoon, a neat instructor walked into our classroom.The instructor's surname is Xu, about 20 years old, with thin eyes, thick eyebrows, wearing neat military caps, wearing neat military uniforms, and knowing that he is a well -trained instructor.After a brief welcome ceremony, the instructor made several requirements for us: Do not play and make trouble during military training, do not speak, and dress neatly. The clothes inside are stuffed in military pants.Native


Then, when we lined up, Instructor Xu took us to the playground for training.On the playground, we lined up. Instructor Xu asked us to move together with five fingers, stick it on the gap between the pants, put both legs together, and the two feet were separated, and it became a 60 -degree angle.After listening to the words of Instructor Xu, I thought: others can do it, and I can!One minute, two minutes passed, I still let myself stand as a small soldier, don't look at the students next to it, don't move.At about thirty minutes, I finally couldn't bear it. I really wanted to report to the instructor. You can look at the classmates next to them. They all insist on it.Just, I have to persist too!Finally, the crispy get out of class rang, and everyone was lying on the ground like a leaky ball, and I lay down.


It turns out that it is not easy to be a small soldier. It does not need to wear military uniforms and bring military caps. To become a real soldier, you still need to continuously train and excellent skills!

次军训有感日记 篇2


On September 19, our experimental junior high school classmates faced the first military training in junior high school. This military training made me feel great.There are sweat, tears, hard work, and hard work during military training!This military training made me feel the care that I can feel outside the home for the first time, so that the children who have been cared for under the wings of their parents can feel warm when leaving home.Quite perception!


What impressed me most was: At that time, we did not make every effort to shout the slogan. The instructor said: "One person is sick, the whole family takes medicine." Every classmate was punished.Squatting up, there is no big school bag www..cn Fanwen, just do it!But when the instructor's whistle was getting faster and faster, the students couldn't eat it. Slowly the legs became more and more powerless. That night, our legs became sore.No matter what you do, you have to work hard even if you can't do it. From then on, you dare not be lazy.


What makes me the most perception is a closed -camp performance. In the last two days, in order to show you the best side of our best side.After the excellent class worked hard, Teacher Ma gave us great encouragement: "As long as everyone is working hard, it doesn't matter if you can't get the excellent class, but the family must do his best." Teacher Ma Ma. "This sentence gives us the motivation to rush forward and gives us motivation.After that, the performance of our class won the title of "Excellent Class", and everyone was very happy, because our students in the thirteenth class will achieve such good results through the efforts and solidarity of each person.I know: as long as everyone work hard, diligence can win!


This military training made me experience many things that I could not experience at home, and the warmth occupied my heart ...

次军训有感日记 篇3


The first military training is about to begin, and I finally look forward to this day!The classmates were excited to look forward to this moment in the morning.


As soon as the ringtone rang in the second quarter, the instructor came to our classroom.The instructor's surname is Xu, about 20 years old, with a medium one, wearing military uniforms, belt, leather shoes, and holding the waistboard, but prestige!After a simple welcome ceremony, Instructor Xu put forward a few training requirements to us: we must not laugh and make trouble. If we are wearing military uniforms neatly, if you want to move during training, you have to report a small report ... After listening to the request of Instructor Xu,We started to dress up, buckle the buttons, turn the collar, press the red scarf under the collar, and tie all the underwear on the upper body into the pants.It's amazing, we are so angry at once.


After that, the instructor led us to the playground to start formal military training.At the beginning, we thought that instructor Xu would let us run around like a physical education class, but no, the instructor asked us to stand in the military posture: "Five fingers together, stuck the legs of the trousers, look up in front of the eyes, stand upright ... Do not laugh ...! Looking up and holding your chest. "I thought: It turned out that military training was not as horrible as the elder brother and sister said, but it was just standing for military posture.One minute, two minutes, five minutes, this is a piece of cake, but after 20 minutes, I can't hold it anymore. I really want to make a small report.I thought: Isn't the classmates standing like me, everyone can do, why can't I do it?I still bear it!


After class, the bell finally rang, "wow," the students fell down the grass like a soft scarecrow, and some of them lamented: "Finally, you can play for a while."


It turns out that the uncle's uncle's usual training is so hard. We just stood a lesson, and it would be crooked. What if the moment is constantly undergoing training like soldiers?

次军训有感日记 篇4


Just set foot in the sixth grade, we welcomed us for a military training.It turned out that I thought military training was an easy thing.But after four days, my thoughts changed.


When I went downstairs, when I saw the instructor, the instructor told us to bask in the sun, and someone could not stand it in a few minutes.My body is always itchy, I endure, yo, too uncomfortable.no!Tolerate!


After ten minutes, the problem came again.Because the long -legged legs began to rebel, it was very sore, I really wanted to go to class.For 20 minutes, my legs were sawn, and I secretly said, "Damn, I have to rest, I can't let me be a wooden man. A few minutes later, the whole class rests for a while.


After the rest was over, the instructor taught us to walk in place.I thought: This is too low, what is it difficult?The instructor said that he should not be aligned while walking.We are messy, and we do not become a team at all.


We have practiced many times, and the instructor praised us a lot. We told us again, this time qualified.Then the instructor taught us to walk together. I thought it was easy, but just a few steps.


It is not easy to walk well, and just walking is a mess.There are fast and slow, some are as normal as the snail, and some mouths can stop.There is something wrong.The instructor was angry.Some students are disdainful.Once again, it is exactly the same. Now there are good fruits to eat.


The instructor later gave us another chance.For the third time, seriously, and finally walked like a person.The instructor order: "dissolve."

次军训有感日记 篇5


Today is Friday. We put on a new camouflage suit and a magical military hat. We are particularly excited, because today we have to start the first military training, and we can finally taste the taste of being a little soldier.


At around 1:50 pm, we ushered in our instructors with warm applause.The instructor's surname Xu, we all called him in the instructor Xu.First of all, we performed wonderful shows for Instructor Xu.Later, Instructor Xu also made a training request to us: the attitude must be serious, and the most impressive is the dress requirements: the buttons on the clothes should be deducted, the zipper should be pulled to the head, the clothes fortress is stuffed into the pants in the pants, Wear the hat.After organizing and dressing in accordance with the requirements of Instructor Xu, we are more like a small soldier.


After the event in the classroom, Instructor Xu led us to practice in the playground.Instructor Xu first asked us to stand in the military posture.He also taught us to step by in place. The instructor said that when he called 1, we lifted their right and left foot. When he called 2, we lifted the left hand and right foot.After speaking, Instructor Xu let us train in rows in rows.We walked in the grass in a neat step, and he was so angry!But this action is very tired, but we all persist.After class, the bell finally rang, and we sat on the ground like a leaky ball.


Through this military training, I understand: Persistence is victory.