
时间:2022-08-09 14:42:41 | 来源:语文通



After the summer vacation, I returned from the school and was dying from non -relatives. In my 50s, the next afternoon, the 83 -year -old grandfather died. I learned that recently, 6 people have died nearby, one after another, and I was shocked.


In the evening, when I met an old grandma, she asked me to go to her. I walked to her and sat down. She held her hand with both hands. Her hand could be said to be thin as a firewood. Stando, although she is deaf vision and bad, she quickly recognizes me. She talked about the situation closest to her father and her family when she was young, saying that she is still healthy now. I still remember when she was chatting with my grandma when I was a kid, but now my grandma has died for more than ten years, and she is really older. She told me that she is 95 years old. I think it should be my oldest age here. It's right. I talked to this grandma to talk about the recent situation. My grandma told me some things in recent months. Grandma's ears were not good. I kept nodding next to her and occasionally told her something. Basically, she could know me. What she said, she said that if I stood up, she couldn't hear it. It is estimated that someone else could only guess who it was, but when I was standing at first, she was called by her, maybe because of my indifferent and familiar face. There is still a trace of kindness and kindness.


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The moonlight is bright, and the quiet walk like a tulle is around the moon. I look up at the campus, and I have this time on campus.


Compared to campus studying and life, the comfort of the home is heaven.At home, I don't have to worry about whether each lesson can be handed over on time. Whether I understand what I learned today, I can leisurely "do whatever I want" during the holidays.


When I felt boring in the beach of the homework, I played a football athletes between the two goals on the two doors and the ball on the green grass, and occasionally came to the air in the air. Although the ball did not enter, the ball did not enter.But fell a pleasant and comfortable.At this moment, everything is like a late autumn animal -disappeared.


Wandering in front of the bookshelf and swimming in the sea of books, I got extremely precious knowledge from it, so that I learned about the loyalty of love for love in the four famous books in the legendary book.The fate of fate is ups and downs.Let me understand the great contribution of a series of great men such as Copernicus, Roononov, Nobel, Nobel, etc. to humans.Let me understand that all scientific undertakings should have the spirit of exploration, all difficulties, and setbacks are the only way to success.


In the summer vacation, you can also see countless wonderful series blockbusters, hear countless pleasant music, and do countless interesting things.


Although it is like fresh water, it has no tea, no fragrance, and no coffee, but it is clear and transparent, giving people infinitely thoughts, making people have an endless aftertaste.



During the summer vacation, Mom and Dad took me to the city.I have to read a book and walk into the bookstore. I find that there is a small house in the corner, which says "Fun Studio" on it.


I walked in, wow!There are so many things inside!I can't see it.I saw a painting hanging on the wall, which was particularly beautiful.I asked my aunt, "Auntie, what is that?" Aunt said, "That's mud painting!" I immediately interested in mud painting and shouted to make a mud painting.In desperation, my father paid me money and made me really make a mud painting. I was happy to jump three feet high!


Auntie helped me choose the color and teach me to make mud paintings.Many people make mud on the wooden board, but I do it on the glass!


This mud drew two piglets, sitting on a large lawn, holding hands, and leaning sweetly together, as if very happy ... There were two cute ducklings and two.Like the piglet -sweetly leaning together.Even the clouds in the sky are two pairs of them!There are peach hearts everywhere, and also say "LOVE" (meaning "love").


The reason why I like this painting most is: this painting is neither bought nor sent by others, but I made it myself.


Classmates, let's try the mud painting too!It is indeed interesting.I believe that as long as you try it, you will like it.



The end of the summer vacation does not mean the eternal end of the summer vacation, but a new beginning, a new stage.


Summer vacation is a relaxed process for me before, a happy time, a good time to play.But this summer vacation has more reluctance and attachment, and there are some regrets.


Because it was a foreign student, he was eliminated outside the examination room without qualifications to go to the battlefield.


After two months of mood adjustment, I did not give up myself, but re -established my goal.


Perhaps in the eyes of many high school students, we are on the same starting line. Now we have been thrown behind them, and we seem to be destined to lose in this game.


But I don't think so.Although I did not go to high school, but when I arrived in the vocational school, this choice may be more suitable for me.Because I believe that gold will shine everywhere.(Article Reading Network: www.sanwen.net)


I don't think I can give up myself, but work harder, exuding my own light on the stage of the three school students three years later.


I know that if you work hard, you may not succeed but you will lose if you don't work hard.I don't want to leave regrets, because opportunities and success are left for those who are prepared!



The colorful summer vacation arrived, and the kitten's family went to the sea with a variety of foods with excitement.


Everywhere is around the beach.Some swim on the sea, some are exposed to the "sunlight bath" on the beach, some are surfing on the sea, and some are volleyball on the beach.Everyone's face with a bright smile.


The kitten's family was just settled with a large sun umbrella. (The kitten is a king of paper) Little Meow Mimi took out a box of paper and wiped his hands and feet and his face.The paper crumbs were thrown randomly. Later, the kitten felt that the paper crumbs were very fun to drift on the sea.Throw the eaten empty bottle and watermelon peel on the sea.After a while, everything sank into the sea.


Early the next morning, the Sun Father -in -law still rose slowly, and the birds went to the seaside mirror as before, but she found that the sea was no longer so bright.She asked with concern: "The sea, before, you are so clean and beautiful, but how do you become so turbid now?"


The sea frowned and said helplessly, "The holiday is here, and the number of people who come to the sea gradually increases, and people throw all kinds of garbage to my warm home."


One week later, the bear's family also came to the beach. He saw many garbage on the sea. He quickly found puppies, pony, and rabbit Nini to clean up the garbage together.The kitten heard that he lowered his head and rushed to the sea to help.The sea smiled happily, and the sea surface returned to the original appearance.



The wind and rain outside the window are whispering, which makes people think of how powerful the power of nature is.Winds in nature can generate wind and generate electricity for humans.Rain can nourish the earth and cultivate 10,000.However, human counterattacks cannot be ignored by human counterattack.For example, a large amount of rainwater was screened into soil and rock flows, the river water skyrocketed, and disasters such as farmland and buildings were drowned. When the wind struck, the wire rod would fall down, the bridge was broken, and the trees could be uprooted.It can be seen that the power of nature can help humans can also destroy humans, just like "water can carry boats, and can also cover the boat."

暑假时,台风造成山区严重的泥石流、山崩和桥梁断裂,害得民众无家可归,甚至有人失去了亲人,家庭也破碎了。不过,大家一听到灾难的消息,立刻有钱出钱,有力出力,有人救灾,有人 捐钱,也有人志愿到灾区帮忙求灾、补给救难用品,安慰灾民,甚至有人因为救人而牺牲自己或受了重伤,完全是想救助别人而忘了自己。但这也突显了我们是个充满爱心的社会。

During the summer vacation, the typhoon caused the severe mudslides, landslides, and bridges in the mountainous areas, which caused the people to be homeless. Some people even lost their loved ones, and their families were broken.However, when everyone heard the news of the disaster, they immediately had money to pay for money, strong forces, some people relied, some donated money, and some people volunteered to help the disaster area to help the disaster, supply to the disaster, comfort the victims, and even some people sacrificed because of saving people to save people.I or seriously injured myself, I wanted to help others and forget myself.But this also highlights that we are a caring society.


However, the cause of the disaster will be caused by the felting forests arbitrarily for economic benefits, planting economic crops and destroying soil and water conservation. Although money is important, the environment is more important, because more money is bought, and even if you buy more money, you can buy more money.Do not return to the original appearance of nature.



The summer vacation comes to me. For me, this is the best time to relax and play, but I look at the pocket full of air, but I feel sad.


At noon, the sun spilled the sun to the earth, stretching everything, bathing in the sun.After lunch, I said to my mother, "Mom, do you want me to give you a summer vacation and make some money, how about it?" "Yes, wash the bowl first." My mother looked at the excitement.Nodded, "Okay." I agreed, immediately packed the chopsticks and put it in the pool.


I took out a large basin, put it in warm water, squeezed some detergent inside, and then put the bowl in one mouth and soak for a while, and then brought it to the bowl.After there is no rice particles and dirty things, clean it.While brushing the bowl, I was holding a small abacus in my heart: washing clothes for three yuan, a dish of one yuan ... In this way, I can make more than 50 yuan a week.I secretly complained in my heart. I finally had money to spend. Although I took up a lot of time, it was worth it.Thinking of this, the bowl has been brushed, and I went to my mother's money.


After a few weeks, I have made some money. Looking at the money in my hand, I can't help but raise a sense of pride: this is the money I earned through hard work. Although not much, I have also been satisfiedThere is a sense of accomplishment of self -reliance.This time I do a summer vacation work, not just wealth, but also independent and self -discipline. Daily labor every day allows me to fully appreciate the taste of life, not the clothes to reach out, the meals come to enjoy, fading naive, finding to find, findNew self.


Although I am not the best, I will do my best to do it. Not only do you do something at home, collect waste products, and help your mother to complete the product. I think I can do things step by step and steadily.



1、感想:感想读音为gǎn xiǎng,是指由接触外界事物引起的思想反应:看了这封信,你有何感想? 由接触外界事物引起的思想活动请问,这次春游你有什么感想?感想 gǎn xiǎng词语意思:由接触外界事物引起的思想反应:看了这封信,你有何感想?[thought;impressions] 由接触外界事物引起的思想活动请问,这次春游你有什么感想?分词解释:事物:指客观存在的一切物体和现象:任何事物都不是一成不变的。引起:1.起身。 2.一种事情﹑现象﹑活动等使另一种事情﹑现象﹑活动等出现。...感想怎么造句,用感想造句»

2、暑假:暑假读音为shǔ jià,是指学校夏季的假期,一般在公历七八月间。 指学校夏季的假期,在七、八月间暑假 shǔ jiǎ词语意思:学校夏季的假期,一般在公历七八月间。[summer vacation] 指学校夏季的假期,在七、八月间分词解释:七八:1.七八成。表示将近达到某种极限。 2.差不多;大概。 3.七乘八,五十六。夏季:1.见“夏天”。2.埃及古历一年三季之一,每季四个月,其他两季为冬季和洪水季。...暑假怎么造句,用暑假造句»