
时间:2022-11-26 12:57:09 | 来源:语文通






1. Ancient Greek mythology: Homer's Epic (Iliad, Odyssey)


2. Ancient Hebrew Myth: The Bible (Old and New John)


3. In Asia, there is an ancient Arabian folktale collection, The Arabian Nights (also known as The Arabian Nights)



1. Song Ci and Song Poetry


① Song Ci bold and unconstrained school represented by Su Xin. Su Shi, a scholar of Dongpo, has made great achievements in poetry, literature, calligraphy and painting. With his father Su Xun and younger brother Su Zhe, he is known as the "three su". He is the author of Su Dongpo Collection. Xin Qiji, with the word You'an, is named Jiaxuan, and has the short and long sentences of Jiaxuan.


② Song Ci tactful school represented by Liu Yong, Li Qingzhao, Jiang Kui, etc. Liu Yong, Li Qingzhao, Jiang Kui.


③ The great patriotic poet Lu You and the great national hero Wen Tianxiang. Lu Zi Wu Guan, whose title is Fangweng, wrote Jiannan Poems. Wen Tianxiang, whose name is "Lu Shanyou" and whose name is "Song Rui", was named Wenshan. He wrote the Complete Works of Wenshan, including "Song of Virtue" and "Crossing Lingding Ocean".


2. Song Dynasty prose ① The famous "Eight Masters of Tang and Song Dynasty". The eight masters of the Tang and Song Dynasties are Han Yu, Liu Zongyuan, Ouyang Xiu, Wang Anshi, Su Xun, Su Shi and Zeng Gong.


② Fan Zhongyan, with Xiwen as his posthumous title, Wenzhenggong. The Yueyang Tower is a masterpiece for thousands of years.


3. The storybook of the Song Dynasty is the base of the "talking" artists. The famous storybooks include "The Great Song Dynasty Xuanhe Legacy" (including the Water Margin story) and "The Three Kingdoms Annals" (later evolved into "The Romance of the Three Kingdoms").



A. Prose of the Han Dynasty


① Jia Yi is known as Jia Sheng. Also known as Jia Changsha, Jia Taifu. He wrote ten volumes of New Books. Guo Qin Lun and On Ji Yu Shu are his representative works.


② Sima Qian, with a long character, is a great historian and writer. The first "biographical style" was created in Shiji, which can be divided into the original discipline, aristocratic families, biographies, tables and books. Lu Xun called "Records of the Historian" "the swan song of historians and the unrhymned Lisao" ".


③ Ban Gu's "Han Shu" and Liu Xiang's "Warring States Policy" are both famous in history.


B. Yuefu folk songs and fu.


1. Yuefu folk songs: music, folk music; Government. The Yuefu was originally a poem collected by music organs in the Han Dynasty. Peacock Flying Southeast


2. Fu is a synthesis of Chinese ancient verse and prose.


Sima Xiangru's Zixu Fu and Shanglin Fu. Jia Yi's Fu of Hanging Qu Yuan is very famous.



A. Poetry and Prose in Wei, Jin, Southern and Northern Dynasties


① "Three Caos" and "Three Caos" refer to Cao Cao, Cao Pi and Cao Zhi, Cao's father and son. Cao Cao's View of the Sea, Cao Pi's Yan Ge Xing, Cao Zhi's Ming Du Pian, Bai Ma Pian, and Luo Shen Fu are all famous.


② "Jian'an Seven Sons" refer to Kong Rong, Chen Lin, Wang Can, Xu Gan and Ruan Yu (Y ǔ) Ying Yang (Y á NG) Liu Zhen. Wang Can's Seven Sorrow Poems achieved the highest achievement.


③ "Seven Sages in the Bamboo Forest" refers to Ji Kang, Ruan Ji and Xiang Xiu


④ Tao Yuanming, whose name is Qian and whose characters are bright, is known as Mr. Jingjie. "The Peach Blossom Garden", "Returning Home", "Returning to the Garden" and "Drinking" are works handed down from generation to generation.


⑤ In addition, Zhuge Liang's Memorial on Dispatching a Teacher, Fan Ye's (Y è) History of the Later Han Dynasty, Chen Shou's Annals of the Three Kingdoms, Wang Xizhi's Preface to the Lanting Collection, Liu Xie's Wen Xin Diao Long, and Li Daoyuan's Shui Jing Zhu are all famous in history.


B. The novels of Wei, Jin, Southern and Northern Dynasties. (The development period of the novel)


① The mystery novels are represented by Ganbao's Soushen Ji. Moye, a Ganjiang.


② Anecdote novels are represented by Liu Yiqing's Shi Shuo Xin Yu. Zhou Chu.



1. Novels of the Ming and Qing Dynasties


A. The chapter novels and "Four Wonderful Books" of the Ming Dynasty, and the Ming Dynasty called "Romance of the Three Kingdoms", "The Water Margin", "Journey to the West" and "Plum in the Golden Vase" as four wonderful books.


The author of The Plum in the Golden Vase is Lanling Xiaoxiaosheng, which reflects the social reality in the middle of the Ming Dynasty.


B. The great realistic novel A Dream of Red Mansions, based on the love tragedy of Jia Baoyu and Lin Daiyu, describes the rise and fall of the four families Jia, Shi, Wang and Xue, and reflects the gradual decline of the feudal society. The author is Cao Xueqin, named Snow Celery and Celery Garden, Celery Stream. A novelist in the Qing Dynasty.


C. In addition, Feng Menglong's "Three Words" ("Yu Shi Ming Yan", "Alerting to the World", and "Awakening to the World") of the Ming Dynasty, Pu Songling's "Strange Stories from a Liaozhai" of the Qing Dynasty, Wu Jingzi's "The Scholars" of the Qing Dynasty, Liu E's "Journey of the Old Man" of the Qing Dynasty, Wu Woyao's "The Strange Situation of the Twenty Years", Li Baojia's "The Current Record of Officialdom", and Zeng Pu's "Nie Hai Hua" were listed as the four major condemnation novels in the late Qing Dynasty.


2. Poetry and prose of the Ming and Qing Dynasties


A. Ming Dynasty. Liu Ji, with the character of Bowen, is the author of the Collection of Sincerity; Song Lian, known as Jing Lian, is the author of Collected Works of Scholars of Song Dynasty; Xu Hongzu, known as Xiake, is the author of Xu Xiake's Travels; Zhang Pu, with the word Tianru, wrote the Collection of Qiluzhai


B. Qing Dynasty. Gu Yanwu, author of Rizhi Lu; Fang Bao, the founder of Tongcheng School, wrote Complete Works of Fang Wangxi; Yao Nai is a great essayist of Tongcheng School. "Xibaoxuan Poetry Collection"; Yuan Mei, with the character of Zicai, is an old man in Suiyuan. He is the author of Xiaocangshanfang Poetry Collection and Suiyuan Poetry.



Zhao Shuli's Marriage of Little Erhei and Li Youcai's Talks


Sun Li's Chronicle of Baiyang Lake and Lotus Lake


Yang Mo's Song of Youth


History of Entrepreneurship by Liu Qing


Furong Town by Gu Hua is a masterpiece.


The contemporary rising novelists include Liu Shaotang, Cong Weixi, Wang Meng, Lu Yao, Ke Yunlu, Zhang Hanghang, Wang Anyi, Jia Pingwa, etc.



1. Four Masters of Yuan Opera


① Guan Hanqing, known as the old man who has lived a long life, has masterpieces such as Dou'e's Grievance, Wangjiang Pavilion, Moon Worship Pavilion, and Saving the Wind and Dust


② Zheng Guangzu, whose masterpiece is "The Departure of a Beautiful Woman"


③ Bai Pu, whose masterpiece is The Wall Horse


④ Ma Zhiyuan's masterpiece is Han Palace Autumn


2. Ten tragedies (mainly the first six)


① Guan Hanqing's "Dou E Yuan" ② Ji Jun's "Zhao's Orphan" ③ Bai Pu's "wutong Rain" ④ Ma Zhiyuan's "Han Palace Autumn" ⑤ Hong Sheng's "Longevity Hall" ⑥ Kong Shangren's "Peach Blossom Fan", in addition to ⑦ Feng Menglong's "Faithful Soul" ⑧ Meng Shun's "Jiao Hong Ji" ⑨ Li Yu's "Faithful Spectrum" ⑩ Fang Chengpei's "Leifeng Tower".


3. Wang Shifu and his Romance of the Western Chamber, Wang Shifu, are virtuous and trustworthy. The theme of Romance of the Western Chamber is to oppose feudal ethics and pursue happiness in marriage and love.



1. Ancient mythology

  中国古代神话名篇有: 女娲补天、后羿射日、精卫填海、(盘古)开天辟地、黄帝战蚩(chī)尤、刘安《淮南子》等。

Famous ancient Chinese myths include: Nuwa mends the sky, Hou Yi shoots the sun, Jingwei reclaims the sea, (Pangu) inaugurates the world, and the Yellow Emperor Zhanchi (CH ī) You, Liu An, Huainan Zi, etc.


2. Pre Qin Prose

  A、儒家经典 “四书”指《论语》《孟子》《大学》《中庸》。

A. The Confucian classics "four books" refer to The Analects of Confucius, Mencius, Great Learning, and The Doctrine of the Mean.

  “五经”指《诗经》《尚书》《礼记》《易经》《春秋》 “六经”又称六艺(《乐》)

The "Five Classics" refer to the "Six Classics" in the Book of Songs, the Book of History, the Book of Rites, the Book of Changes, the Spring and Autumn Annals, also known as the Six Arts (Music)

  B、历史散文。《左传》(编年体) 《战国策》(国别体) 《国语》(国别体)

B. Historical prose. Zuo Zhuan (chronological style), Warring States Policies (national style), National Language (national style)


"Three Biographies in Spring and Autumn", "Zuo Biography", "Guliang Biography", and "Gongyang Biography"


C. Famous prose works of various schools of thought include:


① Laozi, Li Er, Zi Dan (D ā N) , founder of Taoism School, and author of Tao Te Ching.


② Confucius is named Qiu, with the word Zhongni. He is the founder of the Confucian School. The Analects of Confucius is a book written by Confucius' disciples to record the words and deeds of Confucius and his students. (Ji Shi, He)


③ Mozi, whose name is D í, is the founder of Mohist School. Mozi has 53 articles.


④ Mencius was named Ke and Ziyu. Inheritor of Confucianism. Mencius is a book in which Mencius students record his words and deeds. ("More help is gained, less help is lost", "born in distress, died in peace", "Zhuang met Mencius violently", "I want fish".)


⑤ Zhuangzi, famous in Zhou Dynasty, was written by Taoism in the Warring States Period. (Pao Ding Jie Niu)


⑥ Xunzi, a Confucian in the Warring States Period, wrote 32 chapters of Xunzi. (Persuading Learning)


⑦ Han Feizi is a Legalist. Han Feizi. (The Bian Que Meets the Duke Huan of Cai, The Wutong, The Wise Son Doubts His Neighbor.)


⑧ Lu's Spring and Autumn Annals, also known as Lu Lan, is the collective creation of Lu Buwei, the prime minister of Qin Dynasty, and his disciples. (Chajin)


⑨ Li Si's representative work is the prose "Admonish and Chase Guests".


3. Pre Qin Poetry


A. The Book of Songs. The Book of Songs is the first poetry collection in China, with 305 pieces in total. There are three categories: wind, elegance and ode. Wind is a folk song, elegance is a musical song, and ode is a sacrificial song. The expression methods of the Book of Songs are comparison, prosperity and fu. "Bi" is a metaphor. "Xing" first talks about other things in order to arouse the chanted words, and "Fu" tells the story directly.


B. Chu Ci. Liu Xiang, a scholar in the Western Han Dynasty, edited the works of Qu Yuan, Song Yu and others into a book, which was named "Songs of Chu". Qu Yuan (340 ° F - 277 ° F) Mingping, a great patriotic poet in China, once served as a leftist official in the State of Chu. His representative works are Lisao, Jiuge and Jiuzhang.



1. Prose


The Republic (Plato), Poetics (Aristotle)


2. Drama


Prometheus Bound (Aeschylus)


3. Allegory


It is said that Aesop's Fables was written by a slave named Aesop.


(Mosquitoes and Lions, Hermes and the Statue Man)



Premier Zhou, Where am I


The White Haired Girl by He Jingzhi and Ding Yi


Wu Boxiao's Polaris


Yang Shuo's Fu on Tea Flowers


Qin Mu's Flower City


Liu Baiyu's The Three Gorges of the Yangtze River


Biye's Sunny Mountain


Shu Ting's Oak



1. Tang Poetry


① "Four heroes in early Tang Dynasty": "Four heroes in early Tang Dynasty" are Wang Bo, Yang Jiong, Lu Zhaolin and Luo Binwang. Wang Bo's "Send Du Shaofu to Shuchuan" and "Tengwang Pavilion Preface" are very popular.


② Wang Wei and Meng Haoran, "Landscape and Pastoral Poets". Wang Wei, a great poet, is a famous "painter and musician"; People say that he has "paintings in poetry and poems in paintings". His masterpieces include "To the Fortress" and "To dwell in the mountains at autumn dusk". Meng Haoran is a close friend of Wang Wei. His famous article is Passing the Old Man's Manor.


③ "Frontier Fortress Poets" Gao Shi, Cen Shen, Wang Changling and Wang Zhihuan. Gao Shi, Yan Ge Xing, Cen (C é N) Shen (SH ē N) "The Song of White Snow", "Farewell to Xinzhe from Furong Tower" by Wang Changling, and "Climbing the Stork Tower" by Wang Zhihuan are all famous works.


④ Li Bai, the poet saint, Du Fu, and Bai Juyi, the poet of the people.


Li Bai, whose name is Taibai, is called Qinglian Jushi. Li Bai is a great romantic poet. His masterpieces include "Going to Wine", "Difficult Sichuan Road", "Sleepwalking Tianmu Singing Farewell", "Autumn Puge", "Silent Night Poems", "To Wang Lun", and so on.


Du Fu, also known as Du Gong Bu, is a great realistic poet. His masterpieces include "Three Officials" ("Tongguan Officials", "Shihao Officials", "Xin'an Officials"), "Three Farewells" ("No Family Farewell", "Farewell to the Elderly", "Farewell to the Newly Married"), "Northern Expedition", "Soldier's Cart Walk", and "The Song of the Cottage Broken by Autumn Wind".


Bai Juyi, known as Lotte, is a resident of Xiangshan. Bai Xiangshan is also known as Bai Xiangshan. Bai Taifu and Bai Juyi advocated that "articles should be written in a timely manner, and songs and poems should be written in a timely manner". His masterpieces "Song of Everlasting Regret" and "Line of Pipa".


⑤ "Xiao Li Du": Li Shangyin, Du Mu, and the author of Fan Chuan Anthology.


⑥ "Three Lis in Poetry" are Li Bai, Li Shangyin and Li He.


2. Tang Dynasty Prose


① Han Yu. Han Yu, whose name was "Chang Li", was also called "Han Li Department". Han Yu was the leader of the "ancient prose movement" in the Tang Dynasty, and wrote the Collection of Mr. Changli.


② Liu Zongyuan, also known as Liuhedong, has a thick character. He wrote the famous "Eight Records of Yongzhou" and "Collection of Liuhe East".


3. Legend of Tang Dynasty (the mature period of novel development)


Chen Hong's Everlasting Regret and Li Chaowei's Liu Yi are both mature classical Chinese novels.



Lu Xun's original name was Zhou Shuren. He is the author of the novels "Scream" (including "Diary of a Madman", "Medicine", "True Story of Ah Q", "Hometown" and other famous articles), "Wandering" (including "Blessing", "Sadness for the Past" and other famous articles) and "New Stories".


Mao Dun, formerly known as Shen Dehong, was named Yanbing. His representative novel Midnight and his "rural trilogy" are Spring Silkworm, Autumn Harvest and Winter.


Ba Jin: formerly known as Li Yaotang and Fu Gan, his main works include "Rapids Trilogy", "Home", "Spring" and "Autumn". "Love Trilogy", "Fog", "Rain" and "Electricity".


Lao She was originally named Shu Qingchun, with the word Sheyu. His main works include Camel Xiangzi, Four Generations in the Same Hall, Crescent Moon, and after liberation, he wrote plays Longxu Valley and Teahouse.


In addition, Ye Shengtao's Ni Huanzhi, Qian Zhongshu's Fortress Besieged, Shen Congwen's Border Town, and Yu Dafu's Sinking are all famous works.


Guo Moruo, formerly known as Guo Kaizhen. Its representative is the poetry collection Goddess. Later Shuang wrote plays such as Qu Yuan, Tiger Talisman and Gao gradually left.


Cao Yu's Thunderstorm is an outstanding realist tragedy. He also wrote famous works such as Peking Man, Sunrise and Wang Zhaojun.


In addition, Xia Yan's "Bodyman", Zhu Ziqing's "Moonlight over the Lotus Pond", "Shadow", Bing Xin's "To the Little Reader", "Little Orange Lantern", Ai Qing's "Dayan River, My Nurse", Lu Xun's "Morning Flowers and Evening Gathering", and "Wild Grass" are masterpieces.