
时间:2022-11-14 13:06:18 | 来源:语文通


理想的力量作文 篇1理想的力量作文 篇2理想的力量作文 篇3理想的力量作文 篇4理想的力量作文 篇5理想的力量作文 篇6理想的力量作文600字初中 篇7

理想的力量作文 篇1


Ideals are stones that strike out the spark; Ideal is fire, which lights up and extinguishes; Ideal is a lamp, illuminating the road at night; Ideal is the way, leading you to the dawn.


The power of the ideal is infinite. It can give us the power to move forward. With the power, we will reach the other side of the ideal step by step.


The mid-term exam of the first semester of the seventh grade was the first grade ranking exam in my life. That time, I got the first place in my class. The seventh grade is good, but I don't believe this is my limit level. I believe I can do better. Since then, I have set myself a goal: the final exam must be better than the mid-term exam. With my ideal, I embarked on the journey of realizing my ideal. I study harder. Whenever I am ready to give up because of fatigue, boredom, or other reasons, the goals I set for myself will emerge in my mind, as if a pair of invisible hands are pushing and pulling me closer to the ideal, giving me the motivation to move forward.


Everything comes to him who waits. The result of the final exam is really better than that of the mid-term exam: the class is still the first, but it has already ranked fifth in the whole grade.


The power of the ideal is that I have tasted the sweetness of success, and let me know how important the ideal is to a person. With ideal, talents will have motivation and direction. If a person has no ideal, his life will be like a broken kite, flying and swaying.


I once read a story that a little boy was very timid and shy, and did not dare to show himself in front of people, but he wanted to prove himself very much. Every night, the little boy practices secretly, and he believes he can do it. A few months later, he was able to sing and joke in front of everyone.


Yes, the little boy did it. The power of his ideal drove him to do what others could, and his ideal was realized.


In my opinion, the ideal is always in front of people, and the power of the ideal is endless. It has always urged people to work hard to reach the other side of the ideal.

理想的力量作文 篇2


Put down your pen and rub your frozen hands. My eyes wandered out of the window. Blue sky and white clouds, golden light shines on the vast world. In the face of this wonderful scene and beautiful scenery, my heart cannot be calm.


The vast scenery outside the window is not in harmony with my mood. Looking at the piles of homework in front of me, my motivation for learning disappeared. I often wonder why I study. Only five to nine, three to one. After hard work, he entered a good university. Find a good job; Support the family; Since then, nothing has happened. Hurry through the rest of my life; Not even an ideal! However, I am very lucky. My dream is to become a historian. I have my ideal. I am my ideal


I never get tired of doing this every morning, rubbing my tired eyes, moving my limbs, wearing glasses and facing countless homework. I know that only in this way can I save time and learn the history I love.


At that time, I was almost crazy to study. I firmly grasp each theme, and history is not backward.


But now, after entering junior high school, my homework is more than three times as much as before. I can't spare a moment to study the history I love. Facing the teacher's unchanging tone on the platform, I was very depressed. Once upon a time, the power that kept me motivated disappeared.


One voice told me: "Give up, you are not that kind of material!" Another voice said to me: cheer up, you will succeed in the end! "With my indomitable strength, I work hard. During the day, I have no time. I stay up late to read. I put everything into my study. The rest of the time, I am fighting for my ideal! Every time I learn something, I will be farther from the ideal! Step by step, I believe I will succeed.


Looking back at the homework in front of me, I picked up my pen and continued to work hard. For my own ideal, I must succeed.

理想的力量作文 篇3


What is the ideal? It is the power that makes you continue to work hard when you want to give up learning; It is the strength that makes you persevere when you feel boring and have a desire to retreat. In life, everyone has his own ideal, and my ideal is to be admitted to the National University of Defense Technology.


I remember it was a Saturday, sunny and cloudless. I sat at home and watched TV. When I watched it, the "National University of Defense Technology" appeared on the news. I saw that all the students there wore military uniforms. In addition to the corresponding physical training, they also had professional studies every day. After four years of college, they were assigned to the PLA as a melting pot, and they just used their expertise to contribute to the army and the country. It was at that time that I buried the seeds of ideal in my heart.


After watching TV, I began to struggle for my ideal. At that time, I immediately turned off the TV and rushed into the study at a speed of 100 meters. I went into the study and began to read, but reading only ordinary books was absolutely impossible, so I took out my book and began to read purposefully. In the process of reading, if there are good words and sentences, I will immediately extract them and memorize them so that they can be used in my composition. Not only that, but I also carefully analyze the author's writing methods, because if I can master these, my composition will be more vivid in the future, and my performance will be improved.


If I want to enter the National University of Defense Technology, learning is not enough. After a day's study, I need to exercise properly. Because "National University of Defense Technology" is an all-round development school, not only to learn well, but also to have good physical quality. Therefore, every day I will have one to two hours of exercise time, 40 minutes of jogging time in the exercise time, and the rest of the time after running I will go to play basketball or learn military boxing with my father. Since then, my daily itinerary has been the same as the above.


Only in this way can I believe that I can enter my ideal university - "National University of Defense Technology". Yes, everyone has the ideal, but there are not many people who can really realize it. But as long as we work hard, we can turn the ideal into reality!

理想的力量作文 篇4


I am a seed, born under the ground surrounded by rocks. I don't know everything outside, and I don't care to know it. In short, it's good to be here underground. It's very leisurely. But as the years went by, I gradually found that the surrounding rocks were binding on me. I don't want to live in this dark prison anymore.


Once, I suddenly heard the voice outside, which was really amazing. I heard the sound of "twitter", "whoop" and gurgling. Later, I knew it was the sound of birds, wind and running water. Not only that, I also feel the growing desire of my brothers and sisters around me. It is the desire for the outside world that makes me feel my inner energy. I want to sprout!


I began to look for cracks in the rocks, trying to highlight my strength and send out buds. But it was too difficult. I was about to give up, but I heard the call from the outside. I thought how wonderful the outside world would be! It must be colorful, with flowers and grass, birds resting on me, the warmth of the sun and the moisture of rain and dew. Suddenly, I seem to have strength again. The strength comes from the heart, which is the power of the ideal. I continue to grow. The crack in the rock is tight, but I'll stretch it out. I want to believe in my own strength.


Finally, with my constant efforts, I opened the rock crevice. I grow slowly, without water or sunshine! But I will never give up. I climbed the crevice. The feeling of sunshine makes me go forward bravely. I can feel that I am not far from success.


Wow! I succeeded. I saw the sky. I can't wait to get out to see my ideal state. I finally created a dream with my own strength.

理想的力量作文 篇5


The ancient China is a nation with a glorious tradition. Countless people with lofty ideals and sages used their actions to tell future generations what is honor and what is shame.


These glorious names tell us that no matter in the past, now or in the future, as long as we are responsible for the society and contribute to the motherland and the people, we will be loved by the people.


For our young people, to practice the socialist concept of honor and disgrace, we should start from now on and start from small things. Remember the days before, The Young Pioneer Brigade Department of the school broadcast an amazing notice on the radio: "Liu Xinglong, a classmate of the 39th Middle School of our city, was diagnosed with leukemia, but because of poor family conditions, he could not afford hundreds of thousands of yuan of expensive medical expenses, and he could not find a suitable bone marrow, so he planned to stop treatment. As everyone knows, the society is a harmonious family, and we cannot helplessly watch the sixteen or seventeen year old youth of our motherland, who was in bloom, die because of a long illness. Please extend your warm hand to help us Has been able to save this wonderful will wither flower of the motherland. In a voluntary manner, all classes can donate money to the head teacher after class. The amount is unlimited. "


After the notice, the whole school was boiling up. After the broadcast, almost all the students in the school talked about Liu Xinglong: some felt sorry for him, some discussed how much money to donate to him, and some made jokes about donating bone marrow to him


In the afternoon, most of the students went to donate to Liu Xinglong: one yuan, two yuan, five yuan... The reason should be that everyone sympathized with him.


In fact, there are still many people like Liu Xinglong who need to help in life, but the situations are different: some people need comfort, some need remedial education, and some need... Life is a long game, no matter how great you are, you will always have a time of distress. If someone helped you at that time, you will understand that: the simple work in the eyes of others is a rebirth for you in distress.


Dear young friends, let's take "" as a precept on the road of life, and use it to constantly spur ourselves, so that our ideals can fly, and our lives can be full of power.

理想的力量作文 篇6


When I was young, I watched the angel in white on TV, desperate to save lives. I'm so envious! I thought: I want to be a doctor, saving lives like they do!


One night, something confirmed my ideal. After supper, my parents went out on business. I was playing games at home alone. Suddenly, I heard a door bell. I cautiously walked to the door and asked, "Who are you?" "I'm Xiaoling!" Neighbor Xiaoling cried and said. I asked Xiaoling, "What's wrong with you, Xiaoling? Where are your parents?" "Mom and Dad went out on business. I feel terrible! My head hurts!" Xiaoling cried after saying that.


I think: It's spring now, and many people have colds and fever. So I took my temperature and said, "Oh my God! 38. 9 degrees!" I called my mother hurriedly. After listening, my mother asked me to put a cotton swab on her tongue to see if her throat was red. I had a look. My throat was inflamed. I used WeChat to return to my mother.


Mother asked me to stick the antipyretic pad on her head, and found some medicine for Xiaoling to take. Later Xiaoling's fever subsided and she fell asleep at my home. In order not to let Xiaoling's parents worry, I called her parents. Later, Xiaoling's parents came to take her home and praised me as a doctor! Mother also praised me for helping others!


In order to become an excellent doctor, I study hard. Sometimes, I learn some first aid tips from my mother.


My ideal is to be an excellent doctor. I want to see everyone in the world healthy, because then there will be no pain in the world.


Although I am still young, I will study hard and make progress every day for this goal. When I grow up, I will be an excellent doctor and help the wounded and the dying! Trust me!

理想的力量作文600字初中 篇7


Gong Yanzhen


Once upon a time, we were the most persistent people in the world, frowning for a flower, stopping for a flower, moving for a drop of rain, and struggling for a dream.


When I was in primary school, I did not love calligraphy. She fell in love with calligraphy under her mother's various threats and inducements.


This is an art. It is the quintessence of China.


When I watched the teacher write the book, I felt tender in my heart - the regular script was dignified and beautiful, the clerical script was gentle and elegant, and the grass was flying. At that time, I was shocked by my teacher's skill. Calligraphy beyond the tenth level became my ideal.


I am used to reading the teacher's words. On the contrary, my words are just like his own. The words he writes are not like a piece of art at all. I often hide my face and sigh. I felt that the journey to the tenth level was too long. I tried to give up, but with this idea came the word "ideal".


Ideal, what is it? Goal or pursuit?


It's a belief.


I asked myself in my heart: "Do you love it?"


"Yes." Needless to say.


Since then, I have gone to the calligraphy institute to copy and describe shapes every day after school. Although it is not as "black as a lake" as Wang Xizhi, nor as "black as nine lack of water" as Liu Zongyuan, nor as deep as a third of the tree, I can see my efforts and progress with the naked eye. The grade examination will be conducted in one year, and the results will be given in two years


I didn't pass the exam and got to the ninth level.


Inadvertent tears fell. Since then, it has been decadent. Calligraphy is almost deserted.


Did you give up your dream?


Starts up, like a nightmare.


I am no longer decadent. I get up half an hour early every day, squeeze out half an hour at noon, and go to bed an hour late. I only practice calligraphy. My efforts are not in vain——


I've got a Grade 10 certificate.


Standing at the top of the 10th level, looking down on the heroes, it's so wonderful. Is it really the wonderful feeling brought by looking down on the heroes? No, it is the feeling of achieving the ideal.


The ideal is that mountains and seas can be flat.


Looking back on his efforts and efforts at that time, it is hard to imagine that day after day, year after year, and again and again, that is the power of the ideal.


There will always be endless poems and books, tender feelings that cannot be covered by the bowl of law, uncontrollable ideals and the power that they bring.