
时间:2022-09-22 13:23:18 | 来源:语文通



清明作文500字 篇1清明节作文500字 篇2清明作文500字 篇3清明作文500字 篇4中华民族传统节日清明节作文600字 篇5清明节作文500字 篇6

清明作文500字 篇1


"In the Qingming season, there are rain, and pedestrians want to break the soul." In this rainy season, people often bring "spring sleep", which is always listless. It feels sad and sad.


There is no online study course on the weekend. My mother and my grandmother and I have a meal early in the morning to prepare to sweep the grave for my grandparents.


Along the way, the green mountains and green water, as well as shy flowers.Look!Golden rapeseed flowers greeted us; the bright Ying Shanhong saw us walking towards it, and they couldn't hold their mouthfuls; there were also those small flowers who didn't know the names to be open, so beautiful!At this time, I was like a butterfly, and came to Baihua, I really wanted to dance.


Soon we came to the graveyard of my grandparents. Grandma first put the flowers, and then I started to talk about my thoughts. Although I did not remember my grandparents, my mood became heavy.The thoughts of loved ones spontaneously emerged.


After a while, we were ready to return.ah!The sky began to make a drizzle. I think, is it that the Qingming Festival is coming, and God is also crying for the medical staff who sacrificed this new coronary virus epidemic?


We started to go home.Proudly, I seemed to be stumbled to the ground.Looking back, it turned out to be a bamboo shoot that had just emerged. This may be the hope of life!


I am thinking about it along the way. As a primary school student, we are the future of the motherland. We should also use medical staff who sacrifice the epidemic protection and other people who have contributed to the example.When you need it, you can contribute your own strength!

清明节作文500字 篇2


In the Qingming Festival, after lunch, grandma was ready to use.There are money and gold and silver treasures of Tiandi Bank, clothes, pants, socks, shoes.


Grandma told me: "The Qingming Festival, also known as the grave sweeping festival, ghost festival, the underworld festival, is known as the three underworld festivals in the 15th and October 15th Festival, all related to the sacrifice of ghosts and gods.The origin of the origin, based on the gift of the "tomb festival" from the ancient emperors. Later, the folk also took similar effects. On this day, the ancestors worshiped the ancestors and swept the tomb.Very famous, now I have lost the holiday -the cold food festival. "Grandma told me the story of the Cold Food Festival.We found the tomb of Taigong and the grandmother, and I started to help.Grandma put the prepared meals in front of the tomb, saluted the wine, and ordered the candle.Then, let my parents label Qingming paper. My mother told me: "Put it up with clear paper or put it on it with a stone, it means that the family has been here." After the label, the grandmother asked the little aunt to let the little aunt let the little aunt let the little aunt.Take out 12 incense for her. Grandma ignited the incense, and when she saw a rush, the fire was destroyed.Grandma sent 12 incense to 4 people and 3 people, and let everyone worship.


Grandma accepted the incense, inserted it aside, and asked me to respect it once. She also ordered my father to put the firecrackers brought up. Dad listened to Grandma's words and obediently put the firecrackers.After setting off the firecrackers, my mother respected the wine.Except for Dad, we burned the things brought, and it was almost half burned. The grandma's packet said, "There are too many things, take a band for them!"The band was thrown into the fire.After finishing, Grandma took a tray back and put the rest.After speaking, we left. On the way back, I was still thinking about Taigong and Taomao."Taigong, grandma, you can rest in peace!"

清明作文500字 篇3


Dear mom and dad, my dear loved ones, you have been traveling for a long time, let me forget time, but the affection you love my love will always be buried in my heart.However, when I was not mature, I left me one after another. At that time, my despair of life, the nostalgia for my parents, how sad, hopeless, distressed, distressed and distressed several times, how many girls were involved in the world.I lost the courage to continue living. I sat in front of the window every night and looked at the night sky. I always imagined that the figure of my parents appeared in the night sky, even if I looked at it ...


Every year and year, I spend every day in miss and pain. I envy the girls of the same age to snuggle in my mother's arms. I envy my classmates to hurry home to see my parents on weekends.Eat, fun, envy the peers girls can coquettish in front of their parents, envy the family to go shopping in the heat ... but I am alone to run outside ...


Dear dad, dear mother, in the days of your travels, I grow up in expectations, hone in hardships, and think in my thoughts.Today, I have matured a lot and a lot stronger.I chose to continue studying, and hard work will not only forget some pain, but also make me know a lot.Now I am an adult. Although I am not very mature, I have a lot of inspiration.


Sending sadness in the Qingming Festival, God also seemed to know me. These two days have been drizzling, as if sending me to me, and sending my daughter's most blessing to my parents in the distance!


Dear mom and dad, you can peace of mind in the distance, for your last wish, I will live a strong life, work hard, and embrace the future with wonderfulness!

清明作文500字 篇4


"In the Qingming season, there were rain, and pedestrians wanted to break the soul on the road." This poem was written by Du Mu, a great poet.Today is the Qingming Festival. Although there is no rainy underground, the pedestrians on the road are still as sad and silent as in the poem.


At the Youth Activity Center, I organized a "General Yang Jingyu" activity, and I also actively participated in the event.I came to the Youth Activity Center with a heavy mood. When the teacher lined us, we got on the car.The students kept silent along the way, and no one wanted to break the silence of the car.


When I arrived at the Martyrs Memorial Hall of Yang Jingyu, I saw the young pioneer team flag and the five -star red flag fluttering in the air. General Yang Jingyu's solemn and handsome statue stood in the middle of the yard. There was a stone monument engraved on it: Yang Jingyu: 1905-Essence1940.Grandpa Yang Jingyu lived only 35 years old!


The activity of General Yang Jingyu began, and the host announced: "First of all, the representative of the young pioneer went to the stage to read the velocity!" A little boy of our team went up. He read it so powerful and so exciting!Then, the host said: "The second item, donate a flower basket for General Yang Jingyu!" The teacher asked me and a big brother to carry a flower basket, step by step in "Gan Flower Songs" to Grandpa Yang Jingyu, put the flower basket in the flower basket in the "In front of his tall body, he returned to the team quickly.Next, the interpreter talked about the deeds of Martyr Yang Jingyu. When he talked, the teacher's tears fell, and the voice changed. Suddenly, we also burst into tears.


Our beautiful life is exchanged by seniors and martyrs with blood!Therefore, we have to work hard to learn and live up to the expectations of our predecessors!

中华民族传统节日清明节作文600字 篇5


During this time, we have a deep understanding of the festivals of interest, and there must be a lot of gains.Choose a traditional festival and write a work.You can write your own festival, or you can write deep stories in the festival.


Qingming has been an important traditional festival since ancient times. On the day of Qingming, people have stepped out of the house and sacrifice the late martyrs and loved ones. On this day, it will often be drizzle."Pedestrian desire to break the soul."


Today, in order to commemorate this far -reaching day, we have a neat team, wearing bright red scarves on their chests, and coming to the martyrs' cemetery with grief and heavy mood, remembering those soldiers who sacrificed bravely for the safety of the motherland.We admire their great achievements and learn their patriotic spirit.


The martyr's cemetery is so solemn. We arrived at the gate of the cemetery and first listened to the principal's speech, and then the school representative speeches. Then the class teacher took us to swear, and finally for three minutes for the revolutionary mourning.At this time, the surroundings were so quiet that I could hear the sound of the leaves flying in the air. In this short few minutes, I felt in my heart: our beautiful life today is the revolutionary martyrs.It is not easy for happiness to learn, and I will work hard to learn. When I grow up, I will contribute to the construction of the motherland and contribute my strength.


After silence, the teacher led us to the tomb of the martyrs in an orderly manner, pay attention to the ceremony, and offers flowers.Later, we came to the Memorial Hall. The pictures on the wall recorded the great deeds of the revolutionary martyrs. The showcases were placed on the items they had used during their lifetime, and they could feel the greatness of the revolutionary martyrs and the lofty dedication.After the visit, all our students read a poem to praise and praise the efforts of the great revolutionary martyrs.


With the passage of time, the tomb sweeping journey of Qingming Festival is over, but I will always remember those martyrs who dedicate everything for the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation!

清明节作文500字 篇6


Today is the Qingming Festival. I heard that today is a folk traditional festival and one of the important festivals in China. As the saying goes, the season of Qingming season is rainy. Pedestrians on the road want to break the soul."Just like the famous poems of Du Mu of the Tang Dynasty, the Qingming is accompanied by the drizzle every year.


He always feels sad, and the annual Qingming Festival is accompanied by the drizzle.


This morning, it was a strong sky. After a while, I felt unexpected, and it was still unsuitable!Dad was called to eat breakfast, picked up the fire, paper, and hoe to sweep the tomb.The thorns on the road, along the muddy path, came to the wife's grave.After Dad ignited the fire, I put the fire paper on it and put the firecrackers. We rushed to the rain again.Just come to the grave earlier.For a while, we arrived.Looking at the lonely grave, I couldn't help worrying.When Dad finished the grass, take out the fire paper when igniting the fire and sprinkle them all on the grave ...


The rain was getting bigger and crooked, and there was a deadly swaying around.This situation made me feel like I thought about it: think about their love for me during my lifetime, and the joy that brought me to me.At this point, Dad also shed tears.The rain did not decrease. We had cried into a tear person and stood up for a long time.


At this time, I saw the fiery rhododendron in the distance.Listening to my mother said that azalea is also called Qingminghua. The reason why it is open in the Qingming season is because it is the best item to commemorate and appease the undead.So, I ran over, and in front of Grandpa's grave, I hope they can get a few beams of inserting a few bouquets and insertion. There are different happiness every year, and not everyone can feel it.I yearn for happiness in this rain, so I yearn for Qingming.