In the morning, the little ants, small bugs and butterflies gathered together on the lawn to play with the lawn, and they were happy.Because the little butterfly can fly high, it finds that there are more than half of the eggshell in the middle of the lawn, so I said happily to the little ants and small bugs, "Everyone can play new mobile games, I find most of the egg shells." Little antI am also very happy to be with the little bug: "Most of the eggshells? Let's take a look together."
Little ants, small bugs and small butterflies rushed to the edge of the egg shell. The little bugs first said, "How can you use eggshells to make a seesaw?" Everyone felt that this must be a fun mobile game. Therefore, they moved, put the egg shell on the ground, and put a small bamboo pole on the top, and a fun seesaw was ready. They rolled up, falling, rising, and falling in the seesaw ... Little ants said to the little butterfly excitedly: "Little butterfly, when I am still raising the seesaw, I feel like flying. Envy you. "The butterfly said," Do you want to fly? "Who is the response of the little ants and small bugs:" Natural! If you can fly around like you. "Little Butterfly thinks about it I want to say, "Yes, now, everyone can use this more than half of the egg shells to make a balloon, so that I can take you to the sky to see this magical world, let you fly." Little ants. The idea of listening to the little butterfly was happy. In order to better the ideal of their sailing, they were immediately exhausted. After a while, a good -looking eggshell balloon that can be equipped with small ants and small bugs is ready. Little Butterfly successfully sent the little ants and small bugs to the magical world in the sky. The little ants and small bugs were very happy. They crossed the lawn, passed the mountains, and passed through the river.
At noon, the sky was suddenly cloudy, and the rain was pouring. The small butterfly said, "The temperature says changes, and everyone has to land quickly, otherwise it will be risky." Therefore, they immediately landed on a idle land.As soon as the safety touched the ground, the rain gradually came out, and they quickly hid in the egg shell.The rain outside is getting bigger and bigger, but the small ants, small worms and butterflies in the eggshell have not been wet at all.They stopped until the rain stopped.At a glance at the egg shell, the moon rose at night. The small butterfly said, "Look at it tonight, we can camping outdoors, and everyone will fly back tomorrow."So go to a large deciduous as a mattress and cover it on the egg shell.They lay in the warm egg shell and entered the sweet dream hometown.
1、带来:带来读音为dài lái,是指暂无解释。 ...带来怎么造句,用带来造句»
2、快乐:快乐读音为kuài lè,是指感到幸福或满意:~的微笑 ㄧ祝您生日~。快乐 kuài lè[happy;cheerful] 欢乐。指感到高兴或满意 快乐的单身汉快乐 kuài lè欢乐。谓感到幸福或满意。 汉 焦赣 《易林·乾之履》:“富饶丰衍,快乐无已。”《敦煌变文集·妙法莲华经讲经文》:“王住宫中快乐多,更於终日奏笙歌。” 明 唐寅 《感怀》诗:“万场快乐千场醉,世上閒人地上仙。” 巴金 《家》六:“他没有快乐,也没有悲哀。” ...快乐怎么造句,用快乐造句»
3、蛋壳:蛋壳读音为dàn ké,是指蛋(尤指鸟或家禽蛋)的硬壳。 蛋(尤指鸟或家禽蛋)的硬壳蛋壳 dàn ké词语解释:蛋(尤指鸟或家禽蛋)的硬壳。[shell] 蛋(尤指鸟或家禽蛋)的硬壳分词解释:硬壳:由于含矿地下水向上移动和蒸发作用,在地表或靠近地表处所形成的硬壳。● 蛋 dàn ㄉㄢˋ◎ 鸟、龟、蛇等生的带有硬壳的卵:鸡蛋。蛇蛋。蛋白。蛋黄。◎ 形状像蛋的:脸蛋儿。● 壳(殻) ké ㄎㄜˊ◎ 坚硬的外皮:鸡蛋壳儿。● 壳(殻) qiào ㄑㄧㄠˋ◎ 义同(一):甲壳。地壳。金蝉脱壳。...
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