
时间:2022-10-19 13:20:07 | 来源:语文通



校园的早晨作文 篇1校园的早晨作文300字 篇2校园的早晨作文 篇3校园的早晨作文400字 篇4校园的早晨作文 篇5校园的早晨作文 篇6

校园的早晨作文 篇1


On the morning of campus, the sun was shining brightly. I had just arrived at school, and I felt comfortable and warm when the warm sun shone on me.


Then, I walked into the school gate and immediately smelled the fragrance after the rain. It was really coincidental, because it had just rained the day before yesterday. I also liked the smell after the rain best. Eh? Why are you so aggressive? Oh! It's grass! I looked carefully and found that dark pink flowers had grown overnight. If I didn't look carefully, I couldn't see them!


I walked a few more steps and saw a semicircular plant like a ball in front of me, which was full of green leaves and buds. A few leaves are inlaid with small pearl like drops of water, which sparkle. It was almost time to come to the classroom. I heard a lot of noise. It turned out that the students were playing. Some of them were jumping rope, some were talking, and some were playing with "stone, scissors, and cloth". Finally, I started to clean the glass on duty.


Ah! I love my school, school is my home! The morning on campus is a beautiful scene, a painting!

校园的早晨作文300字 篇2


I like campus morning because she is lively and lovely, and I like campus morning because she is beautiful and moving.


Early in the morning, I walked into the campus. The campus was quiet and the trees were indistinct, except for a row of genera and a? I can't see anything outside the teaching building. It was cool to hear birds singing in the trees and the breeze blowing. Slowly, the sun rose from the east, and the grass seemed to wake up. It came out of the ground, twisting its green body, and the flowers in the southwest of the campus began to come alive. Roses and water lilies are fragrant, butterflies are intoxicated with them, dancing in the flowers, and leaves are playing beautiful songs for the flowers.


In the classroom of "rely on the morning one day", students are grasping the time to study and exercise. Some students are studying hard, some are endorsing, some are looking up at the sky, as if thinking about something, some are sweeping the floor. From time to time, loud sounds of reading came from the teaching building.


On the playground, the students had to pity the dew on the grass and exercise. Some students are playing table tennis. They are much more energetic and can't tell the difference for dozens of consecutive rounds; Some people play basketball, and they will shoot at once; Some are in the long jump


"Dangdangdang", class, the campus is full of knowledge!


How beautiful the campus is in the morning!

校园的早晨作文 篇3


"Ding Lingling, Ding Lingling!" Class! The students ran back to the classroom and took the class seriously. At this time, the flower children put on purple, white and gold dresses and began their dance. Uncle Feng sang to them: "Hoo hoo hoo!" Brother Pine, Sister Cypress and Grandpa Ginkgo hold hands and Sister Bird become the lead singer: "twitter, rustle, twitter!" Flower children dance, their thin waist, twist and twist, slender arms, wave and wave, dance very beautiful!


"Dangdang dangdang," class is over! Class is over! The students poured out of the classroom! The flower children were quiet, and no one knew that they were just having a dance!

校园的早晨作文400字 篇4


The morning on campus is full of laughter.


From the bedroom to the playground, you can see the students actively exercising. Some are playing football. The ball is very obedient at the feet of the students; Some of them heard "hula hula" in hula hoops. With more people turning, the sound became beautiful music; The voice of "whoop" came into my ears, accompanied by a little breeze. It turned out that someone was skipping rope. All of a sudden, the playground was very lively, and the students were carrying out various activities of their own, laughing and laughing.


When I came to the sports hall, I could hear the sound of "table tennis" before I went in. Unexpectedly, there were so many people interested in playing table tennis. But walk in and have a look, wow! More than expected. Some singles, some doubles. Unexpectedly, it's also very busy here. Look, there is a fierce basketball match over there. Everyone fought for the ball. The team members all showed their own skills to pass from side to side. When it comes to rebounding, everyone rushes forward and jumps one after another. After the ball falls into the hands of one person, the game becomes fierce again.


Although there is no loud reading in the classroom, there are also attentive eyes in the classroom. Although not everyone is in the classroom, many poor students know that they are inferior to others and stay in the classroom to work hard.


The school morning is really lively!

校园的早晨作文 篇5


The morning on campus is beautiful, quiet and mysterious.


The morning on campus is beautiful. In the morning, a wisp of light smoke shrouded it, and flowers adorned it. The transparent windows reflected green trees and birds. The branches were swaying, and birds were flying. The beautiful campus scenery was presented in front of us.


The morning on campus is quiet. In the morning, it was like an old man, sitting quietly, looking very quiet, but from time to time there was the sound of birds singing.


The campus is also mysterious. The light fog fills the campus. The sun shines lazily out of the corners of the mouth. The clouds in the sky float slowly, like angels, with a sense of mystery, bringing us magic, as if we were drawn into a fairyland.


When the first ray of sunlight shines into the campus, and students enter the campus one after another, its tranquility is disturbed, but beauty still exists. The bright reading sound seems to be a force to welcome the arrival of a new day - because students will never forget the words: "Every inch of time is an inch of gold, and every inch of gold can't buy an inch of time". The morning on campus is beautiful and beautiful because it is full of happiness. I love the morning on campus.

校园的早晨作文 篇6


School mornings are quiet. In the early morning, a soft ray of sunlight penetrated through the gauze like mist and shot into our campus, as if it had put a golden new coat on the campus. The sun grandfather quietly jumped out of the horizon. Buildings, flowers, grass, trees and trees. Are bathed in the sun.


In the green square in the center of our school. The pine tree is as tall and straight as a strong boy, and the dew on the leaves is like the eyes of water. In the middle of the disc is the lawn, which is as green and lovely as leaves, accompanied by bursts of autumn wind. The grass seems to be dancing with its body twisted. It's very beautiful!


The morning of school is blue, because the sky is blue, which is also blue against the school; Our school is green, because the small trees are green, which is also green against the school; The morning of the school is colorful, because there are flowers and trees in the school, as well as teaching buildings, playgrounds, gardens, canteens, offices and dormitories, which make up a vibrant learning paradise.


The school morning is really beautiful!