In the afternoon, the sun shines on the earth warmly.Looking at the charming spring light, I suddenly proposed: "Let's go out to fish?" "Okay." Uncle who liked fishing agreed."I'm going, I have to go too." The sister was on the side.Seeing this scene, the boring grandfather and mother at home also have to participate.As a result, the five of us settled towards the river.
When I came to the river, my uncle opened the fishing gear and fished quietly. The rest of our people picked up a long one -meter -long fishing and ran to another fish and shrimp. "I'm here first!" The sister couldn't wait. I saw her holding the handle of the fighting fight, and sophisticatedly poured into the water. Essence She stretched the net passing, and I was anxious to look at it. There were really shrimps, and there were more than one or two. There were more than a dozen. The sister put the net flat on the ground, and the shrimp jumped on the water grass, as if he was saying, "Put me in the water, I am thirsty!" I hurriedly reached out and threw them one by one into the bucket. Seeing them swimming happily in the water, my heart was full of joy and sense of accomplishment. My sister took a few more nets and was my turn. I held my handle and couldn't help but be nervous. Can I do it? I just tailmed it as my sister's appearance, and then worked hard to mention the net, almost a slap, and fell down. I glanced uneasily and gained it! Looking at my sister picking them up one by one, I really have a sense of accomplishment.
After a while, I went to take my lemon soda and accidentally dropped the bottle. When my mother saw it, I hurriedly told me to open it slowly, but I didn't care, opened the bottle cap all at once, and immediately many foam surged.come out.At this time, I woke up. This was a soda. When I swayed, there would be gas running out of the drink, and it would splash.It's a pity to lose a lot of drinks.The sister didn't see this scene, and she came to drink soda for a while.She picked up the bottle of her own and shaken like a fruit of fruit. My mother and I quickly stopped her, but she shook even more crazy. Before she had time to make sense to her, she suddenly opened the bottle cap.EssenceInstantly, soda crazy "shot" around.I watched and laughed, and the annoyance just was replaced by the excitement of gloating.She was startled, and then laughed with me.
Later, my sister and I practiced with slender grass leaves.I pulled a straw leaf, clamped with the side of my thumb with both hands, put it on my mouth, drummed my breath, and sounded briskly.The birds on the opposite tree also screamed, as if to respond to me, as if asking: "Who are you?"
1、下午:下午读音为xià wǔ,是指从正午十二点到半夜十二点的一段时间,一般指从正午十二点后到日落的一段时间。下午 xià wǔ词典解释:从正午十二点到半夜十二点的一段时间,一般指从正午十二点后到日落的一段时间。(1) [afternoon]∶一天当中中午到日落的一段时间那天下午,尽管天还很亮,我们被迫宿营了(2) [evening]∶大约从中午至黄昏的一段时间分词解释:半夜:①一夜的一半:前半夜ㄧ后半夜ㄧ上半夜ㄧ下半夜。②夜里十二点钟前后,也泛指深夜:深更半夜ㄧ哥儿俩谈到半夜。正午:美国故事片。米高梅影片公司1952年摄制。弗.辛尼曼导演,贾莱.古柏、葛雷丝.凯利主演。1870年,美国西部某小镇警长威尔在卸任之日举行婚礼,突遭一伙恶徒报复,经过一场恶战,威尔与新婚妻子尽歼恶徒,然后策马疾驰而去。一般:①一样;同样:别和他一般见识。②一种:别是一般滋味在心头。③通常;在正常情况下:一般说来,不会出什么事。④普通;没有特色:这篇文章写得很一般。⑤见“一般与个别”。十二:1.十分之二。 2.特指税率或利率十分之二。 3.形容数量多或程度深。...下午怎么造句,用下午造句»
2、河边:河边读音为hé biān,是指1.靠近河流的地方。 2.河畔,位于河岸上。河边 hé biān分词解释:1.靠近河流的地方。 2.河畔,位于河岸上。(1) [riverbank]∶靠近河流的地方(2) [riverside]∶河畔,位于河岸上河边的村庄分词解释:靠近:①彼此间的距离近:两人坐得十分靠近ㄧ靠近沙发的墙角里有一个茶几。②向一定目标运动,使彼此间的距离缩小:轮船慢慢地靠近码头了。位于:处在某个位置上。河流:地球表面较大的天然水流(如江、河等)的统称。地方:①中央以下各级行政区域的统称:地方政府。②处所;部位;领域:学校在什么地方|什么地方疼|桀、纣贵为天子,富有四海,地方甚大,战卒甚众,而身死国亡。③部分;方面:这话有对的地方|有些地方你欠考虑。④地保:令他们报个“暴病身亡”,合族中及地方共递一张保呈。⑤本地;当地:地方上的老百姓个个拥护李书记。...河边怎么造句,用河边造句»
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