
时间:2022-11-02 12:54:43 | 来源:语文通



小学生安全作文 篇1小学生安全作文 篇2安全小学作文 篇3小学生安全作文400字 篇4安全小学作文 篇5小学生安全作文 篇6小学生安全作文 篇7

小学生安全作文 篇1


Danger is better than open fire, prevention is better than disaster relief, and responsibility is heavier than Mount Tai


Focus on safety and care for life


Learning is the first, safety is more important


Strengthen the prevention awareness of teachers and students and create a safe campus environment


Always pay attention to safety and cherish precious life


Everyone is responsible for campus safety


Safety company I'm on campus, I take safety home


Implement safety rules and regulations and strengthen safety precautions


Safety?? Our Eternal Melody


Sweet home looking forward to your safe return


Safety knowledge can save you from danger


Everyone talks about safety and every family is safe


Always pay attention to safety and prevent accidents everywhere


Safety first, prevention first


Everyone talks about safety, safety for everyone


Everyone talks about safety and everything is safe; Always be safe, always be safe


One measure is better than ten slogans


Focus on the foundation from a small perspective and prevent hidden dangers from a small perspective


Everyone pays attention to safety and thousands of families are happy


Life gestates in safety, happiness roams in safety


Wherever you go, please go with safety


I don't want a gold hat or a silver hat, just my helmet


Success or failure is not temporary, but safety is instantaneous


Pay attention to safety, always remember, happy every moment


Build the safety dike and take the road of happiness


I keep my safety in mind. Everyone praises me for my good memory


At the beginning of the student's life, the campus often repeats itself


Safety comes first, and you are on the road to success


Safety is with us, and we welcome the bright future everywhere


It's better to walk for a day than to take a three car ride


Keep it safe and happy everywhere


Safety is a big problem. Don't play with children


Abide by safety regulations and create a bright life


Safety depends on everyone, and health depends on you, me and him


Life is like a treasure, and treasure is indispensable


Safety is important, money can't buy it


Safety is in place, and the whole family cries because of safety negligence


Walk safely for thousands of miles and retreat from danger


Because you cherish life, your life is more wonderful


Life is more important than everything, and safety is more important than Mount Tai


To live a good life, it is important to pay attention to safety


More security, more security for life


Safety is the foundation of happiness


1. Strengthening safety management and building a harmonious campus


2. Come to school happily and go home safely


3. Cherish precious life and refuse traffic violations


4. Stop at the red light and go at the green light. Please cross the street and take the zebra crossing


5. Care for life, travel safely, start from me, start from childhood


6. Take a civilized car, walk a civilized road, and be a civilized person


7. Playing on the road is dangerous, and traffic safety is the most important


8. Do a good job in the construction of "safe campus" and do a good job in traffic safety education


9. Learning is the first, safety is more important

Learning is the first, safety is more important


10. Safety company I'm on campus, I take safety home

Safety company I'm on campus, I take safety home


11. Sweet home looking forward to your safe return

Sweet home looking forward to your safe return


12. Everyone talks about safety and everything is safe; Always be safe, always be safe

Everyone talks about safety and everything is safe; Always be safe, always be safe


13. Solid line, dotted line and zebra crossing are all life safety lines


14. The infinite scenery is in the dangerous peak. Don't relax when students are safe


15. Don't hurt yourself, don't hurt others, don't be hurt by others


16. Safety in my heart, life in my hands

小学生安全作文 篇2

学了这本生活指南我最大的感受是安全是非常重要的,列如插头不要随便拔出插入,防止触电的事故发生。不要用湿手接触插座,不用抹布去擦插座。不用手指捅插座。如果有陌生人来敲门应该把电视音量调高或者大声喊吓跑陌生人。不可以乱闯红灯,要做到红灯停路灯行,不要突然横穿马路,致使交通顺序错乱,发生交通事故。遇到煤气泄露 应该立刻离开现场,在拨打119电话求助。遇到雷雨,暴风雨,不要在树下躲,不可以打电话用电等。不要在深水池边玩耍避免发生溺水的情况,如果遇到家庭暴力,可以向老师或派出所报告。网友如果要求见面的,要加以拒绝。一旦你交上了行为不好的‘‘朋友’应该及时停止你们的‘‘友谊’,如果行为不好的‘‘朋友’对你纠缠不休,就可以立刻告诉家长或老师,请她们帮忙解决。千万不要接受‘‘朋友’的唆使, 去做坏事,应该尽快远离那些唆使你做坏事的‘‘朋友’。不进入游戏机房、舞厅、网吧、酒吧等场所。

My biggest feeling after learning this life guide is that safety is very important. For example, don't pull out and insert the plug randomly to prevent electric shock accidents. Do not touch the socket with wet hands, and do not wipe the socket with a rag. Do not poke the socket with your fingers. If a stranger knocks at the door, turn up the TV or shout loudly to scare the stranger away. Do not run the red light at random. Stop at the red light and do not cross the road suddenly, causing traffic disorder and traffic accidents. In case of gas leakage, you should leave the scene immediately and call 119 for help. When encountering thunderstorms and storms, do not hide under trees, do not use electricity by phone, etc. Do not play near the deep pool to avoid drowning. If you encounter domestic violence, you can report it to the teacher or the police station. If the netizens ask to meet, they should refuse. Once you have a bad 'friend', you should stop your 'friendship' in time. If the bad 'friend' pesters you, you can immediately tell your parents or teachers to help solve the problem. Never accept the instigation of 'friends' to do bad things. You should stay away from' friends' who instigate you to do bad things as soon as possible. Do not enter game rooms, dance halls, Internet cafes, bars and other places.

安全是我们生活中一个不可缺少的部分,如果人们不重示安全,就不会要美好的今天, 要认真对待每一天,才不会发生悲惨的事情 !

Security is an indispensable part of our life. If people do not show security again, they will not have a beautiful today. They should take each day seriously, and tragic things will not happen!

安全小学作文 篇3


There is a saying: "Ten car accidents, nine quick!" From this we can see that we should abide by the traffic rules well, so as not to cause many human relations tragedies, which is a lifelong regret.


I remember one time, my father took my sister and me to school. On the way, he stopped at a crossroad. It was already a yellow light. A motorcyclist still wanted to cross the road. He said it would be quick when it was late A sound of braking came from my ears. Then I saw that the motorcycle rider fell to the ground, and the parts and things on the motorcycle were scattered on the ground, while the rider fell heavily on the ground. At this time, a group of kind-hearted people helped to lift up the motorcycle rider. The police also hurried to the scene of the accident to deal with the accident. The scene of the accident was really frightening. I often saw accidents such as drunk driving, speeding and racing on the news, and the consequences were chilling. The road is like a tiger's mouth. Everyone should obey the traffic rules to reduce the occurrence of traffic accidents.


Since it is so important to pay attention to traffic safety, how should we obey the traffic rules? First of all, when we cross the street, we should check whether there are any vehicles on both sides, and then walk over after confirming that it is safe. And we can't walk and play, let alone chase and play on the road; Usually, we should advise our friends and relatives not to drive after drinking. If we drink too much, we should call a taxi to take us home; Finally, the driver must have a driver's license before going on the road. When driving on the road, be careful and slow down. Only by cultivating good traffic ethics can we go out happily and go home safely.


In a word, everyone should abide by the traffic safety rules, and ask themselves to start from their own. I believe that as long as we abide by the safety rules together, we can change our lives, and our lives will be more secure.

小学生安全作文400字 篇4


People often say that money can replace anything, and money can make the devil go. Even if you have money again, can you save a person's life with money? So money is not everything. Life is the most important thing. Without life, you will have nothing


According to national statistics, on average, 6 minutes were killed by traffic accidents, and one person was injured every minute. What a terrible number! There are men, women, old and young people who died in car accidents, and the oldest is more than 80 years old; The youngest is only six or seven years old. You see, such a small baby. How many years can I live if there is no accident? How many more books can I read? How much maternal love can I have? However, the ruthless guy of the car accident will not let go of even the babies of 6 or 7 months old, and will not let go of those useless people.


The ancients often said, "If you are dead, your death will be heavier than Mount Tai or lighter than a feather." How can you be heavier than Mount Tai when you die? According to statistics, more than 36 million people died in the First World War, and the number of car accidents has reached more than 40 million. Please cherish our lives! Driver, please drive slowly. Don't drive when you are drunk or exhausted; Drive without license. Don't overload when driving. Don't hurt others in order to earn more money. Please control your speed, safety and happiness!


Please remember: love life and travel safely!

安全小学作文 篇5


With the rapid development of society, the pace of life and work is getting faster and faster. Cars have become the main means of transportation for people. They have brought unprecedented convenience and speed to you and me. When people fully enjoy the wonderful life and work that the scientific and technological society has brought to you and me, threats often look at each other, making you and I have to wake up. For your and my life safety, and for your and my healthy growth, you and I should always pay attention to traffic safety, which can not be ignored.


You and I should know that the loss of a traffic accident can be more or less compensated for for an enterprise, but what does it mean for a happy family? This may mean that a happy family is facing a breakdown and its life has fallen into the bottom since then, or it may mean that a family has lost its main labor force since then. Do these people have the heart to watch their wives and children suffer and their parents grieve? Traffic accidents are also a serious burden to the society. Have you and I ever been alert?


That time, because my mother was ill, my father took my mother to Shantou Hospital for inspection. There are a lot of cars coming and going on the street. An uncle accidentally drove his car into his father and mother. This collision caused his father's left arm to fracture and his mother's left eye to see things indistinctly. This reminds me that I should abide by the traffic rules and cherish life. My parents also often taught me to obey the traffic rules. Once an accident occurs, it may not only cause disability, but also cause life danger and even death. So far, you and I must abide by the traffic rules and cherish life.


Traffic accidents happen around us from time to time. I think that "everyone is responsible for security" should not be just a slogan. You and I should take action. Actions are better than words.


If you and I want to pay attention to traffic safety, we should get rid of some bad habits, such as drinking and driving, answering the phone while driving, eating while driving, distracting when driving, and prohibiting the hanging of ornaments in the car because it affects the driver's driving.


People give way to cars, warmth and order; Give way to people, give way to safety and understanding. In this world, only when people and cars are modest to each other can we avoid traffic accidents as much as possible, reduce the number of deaths and cherish precious lives.


People only have one life. Now there are more and more vehicles and many people die. Let traffic laws take root in our hearts! Let us take action. Those who call on us should abide by the traffic rules to make our tomorrow safer and better!

小学生安全作文 篇6


Security is very important for all walks of life in the country. Security concerns everyone's life and the property of the country and the people. Therefore, people's governments at all levels and every member of society must pay attention to security with a high sense of social responsibility.


Attention to safety must overcome carelessness and careless fluke psychology. Because the potential safety hazards are everywhere, safety accidents will occur at any time. Therefore, everyone must pay attention to safety from the bottom of his heart, start from himself, and start from every little thing around him. At the same time, we should actively and seriously learn from the painful lessons of safety accidents. I clearly remember that in the wheat harvest season of 20XX, a farmer uncle, despite the government's call to ban straw burning, secretly burned wheat straw in his own responsibility field. He knew it was wrong and was afraid that others would find out. As a result, he secretly ran home after the wheat straw was burned. As a result, the fire took advantage of the wind, and the fire was burning more and more, burning more than 100 acres of wheat that had not come and harvested, It has caused irreparable major economic losses. As a result, he was sentenced to prison.


To pay attention to safety, we must truly realize the truth that "safety is for production, and production must be safe". We should not only pursue economic interests, but also ignore the safety of workers. Driven by the interests of some coal mine owners, they did not update the equipment on time, and blindly expanded production under the condition of serious aging of various equipment, resulting in numerous cases of casualties of workers. Some transportation companies, in pursuit of profits, require Dora to run fast. As a result, overloading and speeding have led to major traffic accidents, and the loss of people's lives and property is even more alarming.


We should pay attention to security from an early age. Our young generation is the hope and future of our motherland. The strength of our motherland depends on us, and the Chinese civilization depends on our inheritance. As a pupil, I am full of curiosity. It is our nature to be active and fun. It has become a new trend to play "exciting", and sometimes even our own lives are "ignored". In order to stimulate and "praise" everyone, we always play a variety of dangerous games. However, human life is fragile, and one who is not careful may be in danger.


Safety seems far away from us, but also seems very close to us. As far as in the sky, as close as close. Where is security? Yes, safety is in our hearts. Only once can we live in peace and security.

小学生安全作文 篇7


The body of Xiaoyueyue in Foshan was not cold, and Du Yangyang, a three-year-old boy in Dongguan, was also buried under the wheel. "If the car is two seconds slower, Xiao Yang will be fine... I'm really sorry..." Chen Rongshi sighed many times to reporters yesterday. Seeing this news, my heart was gripped, and it was difficult to calm down. Why? Why don't you drive a little slower? Why don't you see the road clearly? Why do parents give their children unsafe places to play? Countless reasons revolve in my heart.


Parents are responsible for not taking good care of their children, and pedestrians are also responsible for not looking at the road. However, if the driver can slow down, everything can be avoided. So I want to say to them


Parents: Xiaoyueyue is just over two years old. She doesn't know how far the world is going, nor how the roads are like a tiger's mouth. She needs the supervision of her parents. If you have more eyes, Xiaoyueyue will not be treated like this. You may be very busy, but thousands of reasons are not worth an excuse. The key is whether you have the word "danger" in your mind? Keep in mind at a safe time that no matter how busy you are, you should put down your work, because your negligence may lead to irretrievable tragedy. Reflect - parents!


Citizens: Xiaoyueyue is only over two years old. She really doesn't know what traffic rules are. But when you grow up, you have read books and received the education from your parents and teachers. You know what is "danger" and how to walk safely. Why do you still try to do it? This test may be the end of life. There are many things in the world that can be tried, but things that violate the law cannot be tried. Otherwise, why should we formulate rules and regulations? That's for your safety! Wake up, citizens!


Drivers: "Better slow down by three minutes than seize a second!" Chivalry and prestige do not come at the expense of one's own or others' lives, which is not the performance of heroes. How many cases have happened because of your quickness, your negligence, your drunkenness, and your anger. In your eyes, you need to be more rational, sober, and calm. Always remember that "life is in my hands, and always keep sober", "cats have nine lives", while people have only one. How can we be careless? Wake up - drivers!


Whether you are safe or not directly affects the safety of your life. Your life needs safety as the basis. In order to make the flower of life more brilliant, you need to know and abide by the law; In order to make your family and others happier, you need to remember the traffic rules; In order to make the whole society more harmonious and safe, you need not go too far!