
时间:2022-10-14 13:26:37 | 来源:语文通



越来越自信的我作文 篇1越来越成熟的我作文 篇2越来越什么的我作文900字 篇3越来越什么的我作文 篇4越来越自信的我作文 篇5越来越什么的我作文 篇6越来越自信的我作文 篇7越来越自信的我作文 篇8

越来越自信的我作文 篇1


In life, there are too many hardships and hardships. Some people will think that this is his misfortune and his disaster. But if we adjust our mentality and look at such difficulties in a correct way, rather than a pessimistic and negative attitude, life will be more colorful.


Once, I was a young man who was very confused about life and fate, and fell down when suffering came. But now, I am different. When encountering unfortunate things, I will be more confident and stronger, because I know that this is God's training for me. These changes are all due to the fact that someone pointed out the direction for me and lit the light for me.


I used to remember nothing, but in front of my own eyes, it was dark and I was locked in a room. There was only endless darkness in front of me, but one day someone opened the door and the light came in. I ran along the light. Out of the darkness, into the bright world. And the person who opened the door was myself.


Yes, I have experienced sadness, despair and pain in the endless darkness, but I have been enduring it and groping forward with my hands. I don't know what is in front of me, but I am still exploring. Finally, my hand touched the cold door handle, I opened the door, let the light shine on me, and walked into the light, I saw myself clearly, and turned around to find that the so-called endless darkness in my heart was just an empty little house.


The same is true in life. When difficulties and misfortunes come, don't be sad, don't despair, don't curl yourself up in a corner, but go forward bravely. Confidence is the magic weapon of victory. Believe in yourself, everything is possible.

越来越成熟的我作文 篇2


Through the crisis ridden growth, each of us is a young survivor.




Let's turn back the wheel of time and see my growth history.


The wheel of time turned upside down and turned to my primary school days. At that time, I was the best child in my class. I received all kinds of commendations with soft hands. I was loved by all the teachers and stood on the stage with a proud face. At that time, I was like a rose, showing off my beautiful posture, looking at the flowers around me proudly, envied and admired. Entering junior high school, I found that I was not the best pet. I become a rose in the rose cluster, and the eyes of people around me are no longer full of admiration, but become covetous. If I am not careful, I will be taken away from the fragrance. Therefore, I struggled to hold my precarious position. With the help of pressure, my achievements also


Every night I would sit alone on the school bench, with the dark street lamp shining on the ground and my lamp, as if burning a hole in the dark, everything around seemed to disappear, leaving only me and the bad mood in the world.


One day, my teacher invited me to my home. I sat on the chair, holding the corners of my clothes with both hands, and did not want to look directly at the teacher. She brought out a dish from the kitchen, "Look, this is my newly researched dish. I call it mature. Try it quickly!" Her face was gentle, and I couldn't help but burst into tears. The grievances of several days were all poured out at this moment. The teacher gently wiped my tears and held me in her arms like comfort, letting my tears fall on her shoulder. "What's the matter recently? I feel depressed." A humorous sentence made me laugh through tears. I no longer closed myself and told her everything in my heart. She smiled and said to me, "It's a good thing!" She looked at me calmly, "Life is like this dish. You need to use raw food to overcome the fire, and finally you can become mature!" Suddenly, I understood that the edge of the sword comes from sharpening, and the fragrance of plum blossom comes from bitter cold.


After that, I regained my fragrance through my efforts. If the years are quiet, take care of yourself; If the time is dark, then have more experience. The time turntable turns to the present, and those cracks have become the patterns of roses. Up to now, whenever I think of Mr. L's loving face, I always think of me as more and more mature.


The axis of time keeps turning, urging me to grow up, mature and fragrant!

越来越什么的我作文900字 篇3


The long river of time flows slowly, gradually taking away the self abased and cowardly me in the past, making me grow into a more and more confident young man step by step.


The flying kite in the sky brings my thoughts back to the original green childhood and the vibrant campus


When I was young, I was so timid and lacked the courage to face difficulties. When difficulties and setbacks came, I always chose to escape. But one thing changed me.


It was an unusual class committee selection. At the beginning, I didn't realize that I was still doing my own thing as usual, as if it was irrelevant, to cover up my weak heart. Although I have the idea of taking responsibility, I lack the courage and responsibility to match it. What's up? I looked up and saw that I was choosing a class representative. No wonder the students were quiet. It is recognized that this subject has many tasks. Students usually regard it as a monster. Why would anyone want to do it? In the past, the teacher assigned students to undertake this task. This time, I don't know why, but another way was adopted. "Is there any student willing to do so? Is there any student willing to recommend himself?" Although the teacher kept asking, the students remained silent and the classroom was still silent.


"If no student is willing, I will make a choice." Hearing this, the students became nervous and prayed for themselves. I was also very nervous. I lowered my head deeply and did not dare to look at the teacher. However, the teacher's kind voice "Believe in yourself." This is what the teacher likes to say to me at ordinary times. It seemed that someone was fighting in my heart. On the one hand, I was cowardly and wanted to pull me into a deeper abyss; on the other hand, I was confident and wanted to see me pull out of the abyss and face the light. I did not know how to make a choice for a moment, and the teacher had guided me ", Just take ---. "Hearing this news, my heart felt cold. Suddenly, I looked at the teacher in the eye. From the teacher's eyes, I saw the recognition. Although I was not very willing to accept it, but it has already been like this, what can I do? I had to take up the post with a hard head. I bought a helpless pace, went to the office, and handed my first task to the teacher. I thought I would be blamed by the teacher, because the task was completed and Not good. But the teacher smiled, not only praised me, but also said to me in her special kind voice, "Believe in yourself, you can."


Although it is just a simple sentence, it has a great significance for me. Hearing this sentence, I immediately felt that my heart was warm and my whole body was full of power, and my steps were fast.


Since then, I have been holding that position. In that position, I try my best to do everything best and better. It makes me lose the appearance of cowardice and show my more and more confident side.

越来越什么的我作文 篇4


When I think of my hometown, there will always be a cluster of waves slowly knocking at the door of the dream where the red paint is peeling off. A black cat jumped onto the roof of my missing with a fish in its mouth. The kite line of the urchin is intertwined with the strings in my heart. As time goes by, my understanding of homesickness is getting deeper and deeper.


Five years ago. I only remember that I was holding my grandmother's coat tightly, and I just remembered that I was crying and didn't want to leave. My parents were helpless and took me to the car. The path full of wild flowers moved back sadly. I came to a foreign country with the change of my parents' work. Lying on the cold bed at night, my tears could not stop falling, just like the bright stars in the summer night of my hometown, and the strange crickets outside the window kept talking, which made me miss the familiar fireflies of my hometown even more. At that time, homesickness for me was a cup of strong wine that burned my intestines. The bitter and painful taste made me dare not touch it easily.


Three years ago. Frustrated, I boarded the train back to my hometown on the advice of my mother. As soon as I stepped on the thick and familiar land, I saw my grandma waving to me by the stone pier under the old banyan tree with a smile. The uncle next door watched the chess game and pointed out the horses. He didn't forget to tell me that he had made my favorite iced wheat tea. My childhood playmates came to me. We continued to fly kites in the fields and jump houses... People in my hometown never became strangers to me because of my leaving. In their eyes, I was still the little girl they had grown up with. Before leaving, Grandma said to me, "Nell, don't be afraid of anything. We are all there!" I smiled and squinted at the golden village in the sun, collecting its beauty in my heart. At that time, homesickness for me was a cup of mellow coffee, which was bitter but warm.


Now? I will not be secretly grieved when others return home to reunite, and will not cry loudly when I think of my hometown. I know that my hometown is my root, and homesickness is a thread that can be cut continuously. This end connects with me, and that end connects with my hometown, reminding me that I am the child of my hometown all the time. At this time, homesickness for me is a cup of light Kuding tea. I drink it again and again, and understand it more and more deeply.


Nostalgia, which is too thick for me to talk about, is more and more deeply integrated into my blood and stands side by side with me in a beautiful manner.


Nostalgia, in the final analysis, is a kind of growth. It is impossible to get a thorough understanding, but only a little understanding.


Nostalgia, I seem to understand more and more, but have been pursuing it on the road. How long will it take? Maybe a lifetime.

越来越自信的我作文 篇5


Everyone will change. Is it becoming stronger, more confident, or happier—— notes preceding the text of a book or following the title of an article


It was night, I walked alone under the light of the setting sun. This exam has made me black and blue, and I have lost my confidence in mathematics. Since I was a child, I have always had a smooth sailing, but this storm has broken up my "little cleverness".


I don't know how long it took me to calm down. I said to myself, "One exam does not mean anything. You should know that failure is the mother of success. You must not use cleverness to deal with learning. That will harm your life."


The corners of my mouth slowly raised a soft arc, and I turned around and looked firmly into the distance. I trotted to meet the starlight. In the twinkling light, I found that the world was so beautiful. At this moment, some changes are quietly growing in my mind.


From then on, I began to listen more carefully in class, began to work hard on the questions, and began to work hard to sort out the wrong questions. At the end of class, the person who has been around the teacher most times must be me... Finally, my efforts have paid off, and I saw the "120"!


At the moment when the examination paper was handed out, time seemed to solidify. I was extremely excited and could not help but leave tears. In this way, no one will know how much effort I have made, and no one will realize my excitement and joy.


Without wind and rain, how can we see the rainbow? How can you get the cold fragrance of plum blossom without experiencing the devastation of wind and snow? How can an eagle soar in the beautiful sky without experiencing the 150 day rebirth?


Lu Xun once said: "In the sun, I learn to laugh; in the clouds, I learn to be strong; in the wind, I grasp hope; in the rainstorm, I grasp my ideal. When I stand at the end of the line and look back, I walk out of a path of my life. No matter how many worries and hesitations, if I laugh, everything will follow. More setbacks and tribulations, when I laugh, become pale and fade away."


If you are not strong, who will be strong for you? Only when you face it bravely can you see the dawn.

越来越什么的我作文 篇6


Open the window, the night sky is like ink, and the stars are dim, listening to the sweet sound of flowers sleeping safely, and looking into the distance at the figure of stars tinkling gently. Looking back, looking back, looking back at me who is more and more sensible.


Five years old


The sound of crying alerted several households in the neighborhood. They searched for the source of the sound several times. "Mom goes to work and will be back soon. Don't cry, don't cry, alas." Grandma gently coaxed the children's voice, with some helplessness and complexity. "I don't care. If I want to find my mother, I will find her..." The childish cry came again. I don't know how long it took to realize that I was tired and couldn't make it, so I fell asleep. The grandmother beside her sighed heavily, her face was haggard, and she looked up at the dark and calm night.


Eight years old


"What's your score this time? Look at others' scores and reflect on them." "Bang -" With the door closed, the stubborn face was finally full of tears, unwilling to blame and suddenly burst into my heart, choked on my mouth, I wanted to shout, I wanted to lose my temper, I wanted to not listen to her arrangement, but finally I didn't say anything in silence. Because I know, I can't. She is my mother, the person who gave birth to me and raised me. Her starting point is to be good for me, even if I can't agree with her way of loving me. After a long time, I finally picked up my pen and drank the cool wind with the fragrance of osmanthus, and I was also touched with inexplicable sadness.


Twelve years old


"Ah --" The short and rapid cry reached my ears in the door and ran to the ground - my mother fell to the ground. I separated and carried my mother to the sofa, then ran to the kitchen, took out an ice bag and put it on her feet. The red and swollen feet seemed to bulge suddenly on the flat ground, which was very eye-catching. I looked at my mother in pain. Mother pulled out a reluctant and laborious smile and said lightly: "I'm fine, go to study quickly, and don't delay the afternoon class." The tone was high and low, as if he was struggling with pain. I looked at my mother deeply and said, "Call me if anything happens."| "Well, you are sensible." After getting a reply, he slowly entered the room. Unconsciously, tears flowed freely on my face.


Now, I have lost my childishness, become sensible, and become more and more stable. From my mother's crying on the night shift to my calmness when my mother fell to the ground, all these marks the footprints of my growth. Yes, I am more and more sensible and mature.


The sky not far away seems to be pulled open by a pair of giant hands, revealing the blue sky, beautiful and quiet. Raise your hand to gently close the window and close the door of memory.

越来越自信的我作文 篇7


People will change, they may become better, they may also become degenerate. Since junior high school, I have changed a lot, especially from inferiority to self-confidence.


This semester, the school held a storytelling contest, one class a day. From the beginning of the first day of the junior year, when I was selecting people in the class, I always thought: "Don't choose me! Don't choose me!" The teacher scanned the classroom and determined the representative of the Chinese class. At this moment, I was secretly proud: "Fortunately, the teacher didn't choose me." I breathed a sigh of relief.


However, the good times did not last long, and it was not long before the second round of competition began, with the content of "my story with the book". The teacher unexpectedly chose me this time. When I heard the news, I was shocked, as if I had a huge stone on my heart, which made me breathless. "God, why did you choose me?" miserable! But when I told my friend about it, she said, "Nannan, don't be so confident. I believe I can do it." Although many friends are encouraging me, I still feel guilty. In that week, I was almost in a daze every day, always thinking, Why? I don't want to go. How annoying! But my arms can't twist my thighs. I have to prepare carefully.


The one who should come will always come. The day before the speech, I stayed with my classmates. When she saw me with a sad face, she took something out of my bag and said mysteriously, "Look, what is this?" I looked up listlessly, and suddenly got excited: "Wow, isn't this the Cherry Blossom Starry Sky manual account book we've been dreaming of? Give it to me, give it to me!" She said, "No, if you are not nervous and confident in this speech, I will give it to you, but after the speech, and I will decide according to your performance." I said excitedly and blankly, "Yes, but you should encourage me and give me a hug before your speech." "Yes, of course." She nodded and said.

我即将登台了,她让我相信自己,把台下的观众都当成樱花星空手账本,面对自己心爱的东西。就不会紧张了。有了她的鼓励,我充满了自信地把故事讲了出来,当我演讲完,台下响起了热烈的掌声,我心里那块石头落了地。我走下舞台,同学们向我竖起了大拇指。她好朋友向我走过来,从背后拿出手账本,说;“给你,祝贺你!”我高兴地点点头,心里的幸福感快要溢出来。此刻,和煦的春风送来屡屡花香,我心旷神怡。广播里响起歌声 “想飞上天,和太阳肩并肩,世界等着我去改变……”

I was about to step on the stage. She made me believe in myself and treated the audience as the Cherry Blossom Star Sky's manual account book, facing my beloved things. You won't be nervous. With her encouragement, I told the story with confidence. When I finished my speech, there was warm applause from the audience, and the stone in my heart fell to the ground. When I walked off the stage, my classmates gave me thumbs up. Her good friend came to me, took the account book from behind, and said; "Here you are, congratulations!" I nodded happily, and my happiness was about to overflow. At this moment, the genial spring breeze brings me the fragrance of flowers, which makes me relaxed and happy. The radio sang "I want to fly to the sky, side by side with the sun, and the world is waiting for me to change..."


After that, no matter in my study or in my life, I firmly believed that I could do it. Teachers, family members and friends all said that I had changed. Yes, an experience to show myself has made me confident today and I believe my life will be more wonderful. Students, please believe in yourself and be your best.

越来越自信的我作文 篇8


"Nothing is difficult in the world, as long as you are willing to climb." At the first sight of this sentence, I felt the majestic confidence of Yizhong. The impact rippled around my heart for a long time. I am eager! I am eager to reach the top!


Cowardice at first


The timid heart is trembling constantly.


"Don't talk, don't look". These two words can describe me when I first met strangers. "Hey, classmate, can you..." I immediately looked at other places without saying a word, and there was thin sweat emerging from my forehead, and my hands clenched. The classmate looked at me like this, and left. I stepped forward to explain something to her, but I finally stepped back. I didn't dare... After that, the shadow of cowardice hung around my heart, enveloping my slightly trembling heart, and could not fade away every day.


At first, my heart was so weak and cowardly.


Progressive transformation


I seem to have become less timid.


A slight cool wind brushed my ears. I walked along the road alone, staring at the ground. Ah, I looked up. Not far away, a familiar figure came slowly towards me, wearing a long skirt, medium stature, and a pair of round glasses on the bridge of my nose. This was the first time I looked at a person like this. I wanted to escape, but there was no way to avoid it. I had to greet him: "Hello, old... teacher!" The gentle teacher smiled: "I saw you from a long distance. Unexpectedly, you said hello to me." My face turned red. "Well, goodbye, teacher." I walked away at an unsteady pace.


I think it may be a slight transformation.


Not afraid of today


The fear is not because the heart is not open and the faith is not enough.


Perhaps it is not difficult to be generous to others. Confidence is a good medicine. Now, I learn to communicate with others. Without the fear of head and tail, I find my confidence. No longer afraid of her incomprehensible eyes, I found the sincere confidence. Until now, I have understood what confidence is.


I became more confident.


Growth is a journey through the wind and rain. Confidence is like a cup of mellow and delicious dragon tea, a taste of life; Confidence is the catalyst of life, which will react and show different highlights!