中秋节福利发放方案 篇1中秋节福利发放方案 篇2中秋节福利发放方案 篇3中秋节福利发放方案 篇4中秋节福利发放方案 篇5中秋节福利发放方案 篇1
20__ The Mid -Autumn Festival is coming. In order to reflect the company's care for employees and make employees feel the joyful atmosphere of the festival, the Ministry of Human Resources specially applies for all employees of the company to issue the Mid -Autumn Festival welfare gifts.Anyone who joined the person before September 28, 20__ (not included in the leave of the leave), can get a Mid -Autumn Festival Festival gift. According to the company's financial budget, the specific plan for the Mid -Autumn Festival welfare gifts is as follows:
(1) Release objects: all employees of the company (as of September 28, the employees of the factory);
(2) Distribution time: September 29, 20__ (14:00 pm);
(3) Distribution location: Entertainment room on the first floor of the company's dormitory
(4) Organization and distributor: __
(5) Distribution method: Uniformly distributed by the Ministry of Human Resources, the departments will be collected at the designated place according to the notification time, and the departments will be clear according to the attachment forms according to the attachment form.Submit to the administrative commissioner of the Ministry of Human Resources before 10 am on the 28th. Our department will issue the actual number of the actual number of people submitted by the department;
(6) Procurement of items: All items need to be delivered to the company on time at 10:00 on the day of the distribution);
(7) Note:
1. After the gifts are taken back, please distribute to employees as soon as possible. If you find that moon cakes have mold or other quality problems, the drinks have an expired phenomenon.Do not change the period.
2. In order to avoid repeated collection, our department only distributed the number of people submitted by various departments, please please count the list accurately;
3. Due to the damage during transportation and transportation, it may be damaged. If the damage is not serious, it will not be replaced by quality problems; if the damage is serious, it will be replaced according to the situation.
中秋节福利发放方案 篇2
The annual Mid -Autumn Festival is coming. For the hard work and contributions of the employees for the company's hard work and contribution, so that everyone can feel the company's "warmth and care, and pay benefits and holiday holidays before the special plan.The specific scheme is as follows:
1. Welfare distribution standard plan
Note: The specifically the number of employees on the day of the distribution (all employees of the company); the total cost is 4725 yuan.
2. Welfare distribution operation plan
Release date: Plan for issuance before the Mid -Autumn Festival, the specific date of the Ministry of Human Administration will call the various departments in advance;
1. First of all, the person in charge of each department will be led by the staff of the department to the Hardware Tool Library of the Warehousing Department.
2. Then the Ministry of Administration is then issued to the employees. The employee himself signed it. The Ministry of Administration finally submitted the employee to the finance department and sold it in time;
3. The Ministry of Administration arranges one person to distribute the on -site moon cake;
Third, the Dimensions of the Disables of the Mid -Autumn Festival: Long_ width = 40m_0.7m
Content 1: Blessings of the Mid -Autumn Festival Happy Monthly Moon Round Round Man is a complete person (30m).
Content 3: Happy National Day Monthly Mid -Autumn Festival (20M) Fund: Zhejiang Bao's Foundation Co., Ltd. unit price: 8 yuan/meter
If the above plan is proper, please instruction!
Preparation: review: approval:
中秋节福利发放方案 篇3
Welfare plan
Welfare plan——中秋礼品卡
The most comprehensive Mid -Autumn Festival Welfare Program -Mid -Autumn Festival Gift Card
礼品卡是新兴的送礼模式。应用的理念是“给予礼物比购买礼物更好”。中秋礼品卡与众多大型品牌建立了合作关系,如澳门豆捞,跨世纪百货,豪客来,明视眼镜,怡和百货,麒丰百货,倍顺便利店,味食尚,安第仕蛋糕,温泉戴斯酒店等,礼品有几十类,用户自由选择,比传统的单一礼品更能满足盆友们的喜好。比较方便。是时下流行的送礼方案。 创意指数:★★★★★ 受欢迎指数:★★★★★
Gift cards are emerging gift giving models.The concept of application is "giving gifts better than buying gifts."The Mid -Autumn Festival Gift Card has established cooperative relationships with many large brands, such as Macau Doujiao, Cross -Century Department Store, Heroes, Bright Speed, Jifeng Department Store, Qifeng Department Store, Beishi Confucian Store, Food Shan, An Dishi Cake, Hot Spring, Hot SpringThere are dozens of gifts in the Das Hotel. Users are free to choose. They can better satisfy the preferences of pot friends than traditional single gifts.More convenient.It is a popular gift giving plan nowadays.Creative Index: ★★★★★ Plasticity Index: ★★★★★
Welfare plan
Welfare plan
Welfare plan
Welfare plan——奖金
神马福利都是浮云,只有奖金才是最实惠的。它看着顺心,花着舒心,可谓咱老百姓最亲密的朋友啊!想着每年公务员、企事业单位那些福利名义下的现金发放,有时甚至达到上万元,简直是低收入者一年的工资啊!虽然这样子的福利收着爽,但实在不适合拿出来显摆,中国人口这么多,一百个人中哪怕只有一个人吐你口水,你还是会被淹死,还是低调为宜啊~~~ 创意指数:★★ 受欢迎指数:★★★★★
The benefits of Shenma are all clouds, and only bonuses are the most affordable.It looked at the heart and was comfortable, and it was the closest friend of our people!Thinking about the cash issuance of civil servants, enterprises and institutions every year, sometimes even reaches tens of thousands of yuan, it is a year's salary of low -income people!Although the benefits of such this are refreshing, it is really not suitable for showing out. There are so many population in China. Even if only one person spits your saliva, you will still be drowned.Index: ★★ Platform Index: ★★★★★
Welfare plan
Welfare plan——和老板共进晚餐
虽然不是所有人都喜欢和自己的老板吃晚餐,但不可否认如果你在中秋节收到了老板的晚餐邀请,的确可以说明从某种程度上讲你在老板的心中很重要,也是你前途一片光明的征兆~~~这可以说得上是现代职场不可言说的“潜规则“典型范例吧,绝对让你感受到一种强大的精神鼓舞力,继续为老板更加努力的工作! 创意指数:★★★★ 受欢迎指数:★★★
Although not everyone likes to have dinner with their boss, it is undeniable that if you receive a dinner invitation from the boss in the Mid -Autumn Festival, it can indeed show that you are important in the heart of the boss to some extent, and it is also your future brightThe signs ~~~ This can be said to be an unspeakable "hidden rule" example of the modern workplace. It definitely allows you to feel a strong spiritual drum dance and continue to work harder for the boss!Creative Index: ★★★★ Plasticity Index: ★★★
Welfare plan
Welfare plan
Welfare plan
Welfare plan——加班
The most cup of Mid -Autumn Festival welfare solution -overtime
对于广告、媒体等行业的“资深人士”来说,中秋节最奢侈的礼物不是RMB,不是购物券,也不是iPAD,而是老板一句“今天不用加班”的通知。的确,试想一下,其他人都在回家团圆,不是一起吃饭看中秋晚会,就是外出游园赏月,而只有你们几个人在空旷的办公楼里加着班,不是很悲催么!所以,很多在这天木有接到加班通知的人都会很happy的修改QQ签名“不加班的中秋节真幸福啊! 创意指数:★★★★ 受欢迎指数:★★
For the "senior people" of advertising, media and other industries, the most luxurious gifts in the Mid -Autumn Festival are not RMB, not shopping vouchers, nor iPad, but a notice of the boss "I don't need to work overtime today".Indeed, imagine that everyone else is going home to reunite, either to eat and watch the Mid -Autumn Festival party together, or go out to visit the park to enjoy the moon, and only a few of you add a class in the empty office building. Isn't it very sad!Therefore, many people who have received overtime notice on this day will have Happy QQ signatures "The Mid -Autumn Festival is really happy! Creative index: ★★★★ Passion index: ★★
Welfare plan
Welfare plan——“中秋快乐”
大家有这样的感觉么?早晨一进公司,老板像换了一个人似的热情的跟每一个说“中秋快乐”,别高兴太早,木有福利的老板往往都这表现,接下来就没有下文了。可能公司认为此种福利尽管看不见,摸不着,但可以让你感受到一种强大的精神鼓舞力。呵呵,不过在物欲横流的现在,木有一点实际的表示,公司年末的员工离职率估计又要上升了~~~ 创意指数:★★
Do you feel like this?As soon as I entered the company in the morning, the boss was enthusiastic about saying "Happy Mid -Autumn Festival" like a person. Don't be too happy to be too early. The boss with welfare welfare often shows this, and there is no next.Maybe the company thinks that although such benefits are invisible and can't be touched, it can make you feel a powerful spiritual drum dance.Haha, but now that the material desires are flowing, there is a practical expression that the employee departure rate at the end of the company is estimated to rise again ~~~ Creative index: ★★
中秋节福利发放方案 篇4
All departments and branches of the head office:
20__ The Mid -Autumn Festival is approaching. In order to thank all employees for the company's hard work and efforts, the company reflects the company's care for employees' lives and decides to issue the Mid -Autumn Festival benefits. The specifics are as follows:
1. Scope of distribution:
1. According to the list of employees of the company's personnel system in the company's personnel system based on 20__ Years_ 20 _ 之 1 (including _ month _ day day).
2. 20__ Years_ 开始 _ 2 2 The employees who start the labor relationship with the company will no longer be included in the distribution range.
2. Distribution standard
Mid -Autumn Festival Moon Cake Box
Third, distribution time
The head office will be distributed in the _ 月 _ 总 总 总 (the specific time will be notified separately). When the branch is requested to receive a notice, the company's employees are notified to receive it in an orderly manner according to the standard.
Happy Mid -Autumn Festival to all employees and family members!
_____ Co., Ltd.
中秋节福利发放方案 篇5
The annual Mid -Autumn Festival is coming. In order to thank the employees for the company's support for the company, and to give you a happy Mid -Autumn Festival, the company is trying to provide you with good welfare conditions in the case of difficulty in capital turnover and create festivals to create festivalsAtmosphere.The plan for welfare distribution is now formulated: as follows:
1. Cash issuance: 100 yuan/person
Tip: 100 yuan/person × 45 = 4500 yuan
2. Gift distribution:
(1) Books: 1 "Mid -level Leaders' Practice Book" per person in the middle of middle leaders; a total of 6 books;
Each employee 1 "Be a Good Employee -Workplace Survival Surgical Collection", a total of 38 books;
Original price of 59 yuan/copy, 0.35 % off, after discount: 20 yuan/book.
Tip: 44 books × 20 yuan/copy = 880 yuan
(2) Fruits: 1 box per person, 6 catties/box, 50 yuan/box.
Tip: 50 yuan/box × 45 people = 2250 yuan
(3) Mooncake: Bulk Anqi Mooncake, 1 bag per person, 30 yuan/bag
Tip: 30 yuan/bag × 45 people = 1350 yuan
Cost: 4500+880+2250+1350 = 8980 yuan
If the above plan is proper, please instructions!
Human resources department
20__ Years_ 月 _ 年
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