
时间:2022-09-14 13:26:39 | 来源:语文通



阅兵作文 篇1关于阅兵的作文 篇2阅兵作文 篇3

阅兵作文 篇1


Today is a long -awaited and long -awaited day -the 70th birthday of the motherland's mother.


On October 1st, people were facing the dawn, full of excitement and moved, waiting early in front of Tiananmen Tower.Welcome to the 70th birthday of the mother of the motherland.For today, the people across the country spent countless days and nights, countless sweats, only for the review of the chairman's review and receiving the people's review.


In the military parade in 1949, there were only three thin planes on the blue sky.In 2019, 15 different air echelons soared over the capital, adding infinite style to the huge sky.Although I didn't stand in Beijing and looked up at the spectacular scene of an eagle -like eagle, I still burst into tears in front of the TV.Looking at the aircraft, looking at the national leaders upstairs from Tiananmen City, I couldn't help but raise my right hand and respect the team gift.


During the parade, when the podium was cordially condolened: "The comrades worked hard."The soldiers of soldiers answered "serving the people".Yeah, why did they give up their little home, for this everyone, for our motherland.Because of their adherence, we can have the prosperous motherland today.Even if they miss their wives and children, they endure tears and stick to their posts.


After reviewing the troops, the parade began.The Air Force Army and Navy have successively walked through their neat and strong walk through Tiananmen.Listening to the exciting footsteps, looking at the happy smile, even if I can feel their excitement in front of the TV screen, and feel their full blood.Those new teams excited me even more.The most proud of me is those female soldiers.Once the society is more important to be male and female, women are not enough to leave home, and now they can protect their country like those soldiers and uncle.After the parade, the female soldiers burst into tears, and it was excited tears, and it was joy and proud tears.


After reading the parade, I couldn't help feeling: Nowadays, the prosperity of the motherland is made overnight, but countless British models are cast with sweat and life.The mother of the motherland is prosperous, and today we live a happy and healthy life.Therefore, we should cherish the current life, study hard, and serve the country with academics, so that our motherland has a better tomorrow

关于阅兵的作文 篇2


Today, October 1st is my most memorable day, because today is the birthday of the motherland's mother. Our family, the people of the country, and even the people of the world watch the 60th anniversary of the founding of the founding of the New China, an unforgettable parade.

十点不到,我们全家早早地打开电视机,我们的心情比看春节联欢晚会还激动。只见我们的首都北京沉浸在欢乐的海洋中,天安门城楼前人山人海,热闹非凡,鲜花盛开,彩旗飞舞。我们的中央领导人庄严地站在天安门城楼上,观看阅兵仪式。  礼炮声一响,国旗护卫队神气地走向升旗台,伴随着雄壮的国歌,我们的五星国旗冉冉升起,阅兵仪式开始了!  最先通过天安门城楼的是徒步方队,徒步方队有“精锐之师”三军仪仗队,有“最年轻的方队”水兵方队,有“新面孔”特种兵方队……他们迈着整齐的步伐,精神抖擞地走过天安门,小学生作文《难忘的阅兵仪式》。真不愧是一支文明之师,威武之师啊!  接下来是军事方队,有99式坦克,武警装甲车,舰空导弹,核导弹车,无人机,防空导弹,空降兵战车,两牺突击车……  然后是飞机方队,里面有预警机,轰炸机,歼击机,加油机……

Within ten o'clock, our family turned on the TV early, and our mood was more excited than watching the Spring Festival Gala. I saw our capital Beijing immersed in the joyful ocean. Our central leader stood solemnly on the Tiananmen Tower and watched the military parade. The sound of rituals sounded, and the flag guards walked towards the flag -raising platform. With the majestic national anthem, our five -star national flag rose, and the military parade began! The first to pass the Tiananmen Tower is the hiking team. The hiking team has the "Elite Division" three armies guards, the "youngest team" sailor team, and the "new face" special forces team ... They are neatly tidy. In the pace, he walked through Tiananmen, and the elementary school student composed "Unforgettable Parade Ceremony". Really deserved to be a civilized division, a mighty teacher! Next is the military team, with 99 tanks, armed police armored vehicles, ship -air missiles, nuclear missiles, drones, air defense missiles, airborne troops, two sacrifice assault vehicles ... Then there are early warning aircraft, which contains early warning aircraft , Bombers, fighters, tankers ...


So many advanced weapons are developed and developed by ourselves. Our country is getting stronger and more advanced. It is really the same as before!

最后是由36个方阵,60辆彩车,10万名各界群众组成的。群众游行开始啦!非常的绚丽,非常的壮观!各个不同的方阵以不同的方式表达出对祖国的赞美和美好祝福!  阅兵式在“歌唱祖国”的歌声中结束了,广场内外一片欢腾,大家一起尽情地欢唱,尽情地跳跃,整个广场变成了花的世界,欢乐的海洋……  我万分激动,这真是让人难忘日子!啊!我的祖国多么强大!我为我是中国人感到自豪!

Finally, it is composed of 36 square array, 60 colored cars, and 100,000 people from all walks of life.The masses have begun!Very gorgeous, very spectacular!Each different square matrix expresses praise and good blessings to the motherland in different ways!The parade ended in the singing of "singing the motherland". There was a joy inside and outside the square.Unforgettable days!what!How powerful my motherland!I am proud of being Chinese!

阅兵作文 篇3


"Good comrades, comrades have worked hard!" The long and long voice sounded in my ears."Good head, serve the people!" The soldier's mighty and solemn voice echoed in my mind.Different from usual, today he is wearing military uniforms and military caps, unlike the usual affectionate, but like a general who pays tribute to all soldiers.


I saw soldiers look up and stand upright, like a tall pine tree.They have ten rows, a total of ten rows, and the team is very neat. No matter from the front, the back, the left, the right side, the oblique, there is a straight line.At this time, if you can see it from the sky, it will definitely be very surprised. Why is there a black "square" below?Haha, in fact, it is a neat army.What surprised me the most was that they applauded the same, none of them applauded for a second, and no one applauded for one second.


When I was in the parade, I saw an airplane that rose into the air, like a mighty eagle, soaring freely in the sky, suddenly, suddenly, the left, suddenly, the right, letting people see people see, letting people see people see, letting people see people see, letting people see people see.Directed.Suddenly there were more than a dozen planes moved to form a Bayi word. I couldn't touch my two monks. What does Bayi mean?I ask my mother.


Mom replied that Bayi was a festival, where the army was founded, and it turned out to be the case.Then the tank appeared gorgeous. There were a dozen types. A total of more than a dozen were refurbished. I was dazzling, but one was the most impressed by me, because his gun tube was very long.Finally, there is a huge nuclear warhead!I heard that the nuclear warheads in the world will destroy the earth sixteen times!I was shocked and jumped three feet high.There are still many weapons in China, different sizes, different shapes, and different colors, but each shows the strength of China.


"The strong country needs a strong soldier. Our party is proud of such a hero army. Our people are also proud of having such a hero army." This is the final speech.


After watching this parade, I made up my mind to study hard, report my motherland, and make China stronger and richer.