
时间:2022-09-24 13:04:34 | 来源:语文通



赞美老师的作文500字 篇1赞美老师学生作文 篇2赞美老师的作文600字 篇3

赞美老师的作文500字 篇1


When the implicit glow appeared in the sky and the crystal dew was smiling, the teacher stepped on the wind with her light footsteps."Sneak into the night with the wind, the moisturizing things are silent." The tender spring rain, bright, floated from the teacher's mouth.The raining silk, as if the girl was playing the piano, playing a song of a gentleman: It was like the silk line in the hands of the spring girl, a needle and a line, embroidered a fresh and emerald green.The spring rain is like silk, the spring breeze blows, and the spring grass takes off the yellow clothes, germinating from deep soil.Passion and exciting climax


In hot summer, the sun -like teacher works passionately.


The teacher passed us on the bright sun, making us confident in everything.Under the scorching sun, we sweat and persist in learning, because you tell us about one inch of time and one inch of gold; in the wind and rain, we are in the wind and rain, and persist in learning, because you tell us that time is like flowing water.Teacher is the sculptor of our soul!


Soothing and touching turns


The autumn wind is cool and thorough.The teacher's heart is a soothing wind!


There was a small contradiction between the students, always arguing, and even fighting.The teacher's persuasion and teaching like the autumn wind blew, and the anger that burned in their hearts gradually cooled.Teacher, the bridge between classmates, she told us that the friendship of classmates was worth thousands of dollars, but money could not buy real friendship!


Silent and low end


The wind in winter is so bitter and so serious.Teacher, sometimes like this wind.


Everyone will make mistakes. When we make mistakes, we always want to hide this mistakes in the deepest part of our hearts, and the small reports of the students will always be the truth.We were restless, and when the teacher's smiling face gradually turned over, we dared not look at the teacher's eyes.The teacher sometimes teachs, sometimes without saying a word.But this changing criticism makes us feel ashamed.The silence speaks.

赞美老师学生作文 篇2


When I mentioned this article, my heart was extremely excited.My son studied in the first grade in the experimental primary school. Although he only experienced half a year of study and life, he made great progress and felt the teacher's extremely caring.Because of the growth of my son, I had intimate contact with the excellent group of the teacher again, which made me feel the hard work and difficulty of the teacher.


I still remember when I took my son into the door of the experimental primary school for the first time with excitement. Everything in front of me felt novel and excited.In the spacious and bright classroom, the five -star red flag fluttered in the sun, and the sound of Langlang reading in the classroom. Several students cleaned on the playground, and all of them knew polite. When they saw us, they took the initiative to ask us.I feel relieved that my children can have such a good learning environment, and I can feel assured that I can have such a good learning atmosphere.


Like all parents, I am full of hope for my son. I look forward to his good study and excellent grades, but it is contrary to his wishes. The good mood didn't last for a few days, and the next step was a series of unsatisfactory ideas. After a few days of admission, the teacher discovered the shortcomings of his son: he would not learn, move, can't sit on the stool, do his homework very slowly and willful, almost on the horizontal line with other children. This makes us very anxious as our parents. Let's drop out of school. The child has reached the age of enrollment. Keep reading, and I am afraid that the child will not keep up. I have communicated with our teacher with our confusion and eager mood. Teacher Niu, the head teacher, said to me with a smile: "Every child has disadvantages, but each child also has his flash point. For example, Liu Yutong is smarter, and he can speak, kindness, and honesty. The simplicity reason, coupled with too much love at home, has not developed good learning habits, so these situations have occurred, but it does not matter, I will do everything to help children and educate children, and I hope parents can cooperate with me. " Listening to Teacher Niu's words made us feel warm.


Teacher Niu did not dislike our children. On the contrary, she poured more love for Liu Yutong.


Because his son has a slow personality, he is often school from school. He has not finished his homework, and Mr. Niu use his personal time to accompany his son to remember the homework until he finish the work with the whole handwriting of the work and work, and then sort out and sort out the learning content of this day.Consolidate until he mastered.Every day I pick up my son from school. When I saw the teacher talking to me with a hoarse voice, I felt that the teacher was really hard, and my heart was full of gratitude!


My son often can't sit on the stool in class, and moves more, which makes Teacher Niu a headache, and the teacher communicates with me for analysis.Ask the child what you do after school, I said that the child has different extra -curricular learning content after school, such as: English, language, text mathematics, art, piano, etc. After listening, the teacher criticized me to cause too much pressure on the child.The child is too tired, so he will not be able to concentrate on listening during class.After listening to the analysis of Teacher Niu, I felt very correct, so I gradually stopped the son's after class. Slowly, the son felt that his learning was easy, and he also improved his interest in learning. He could sit on the stool in class.Seeing the child's progress little by little, I felt very gratifying.


Teacher Niu is strict but not strict with the child, loves, but not protects, tolerance, but not allowing him. During class, he has a strict requirements for his son. He is not allowed to slip, not allowed to engage in small movements. You must look at the teacher's mistakes.


After class, Teacher Niu often asked his son to talk about his heart and encourage him. If you have a little progress, he will praise him in front of the classmates. I often hear my son go home and say, "Today, the teacher boasts that I have improved again."


Teacher Niu used her rich teaching experience and seductive teaching methods to make the children insert the flying wings in the ocean of knowledge, and infected each parent who did not abandon every child, and nowMy son's academic performance has been greatly improved.Those bad problems last semester were basically changed, and these were inseparable from the hard work of Teacher Niu.


Although I failed to write the deeds that moved the world, doing small things to do small things is the most authentic portrayal of education.Teachers use countless ordinary days to reflect the great feelings of the teacher's love. I believe that here will write a gorgeous color for the children's future life!


I love you -Teacher Niu.

赞美老师的作文600字 篇3


From kindergarten to the fifth grade of elementary school, there are many teachers who have taught me. Among them, I have the greatest impact on me. What impressed me the most was the teacher Haoshanhua who taught me in the fourth grade.Teacher Hao is not tall or short, not fat or thin, black black hair, with a ponytail, an elliptical face, a pair of not big eyes, wearing a pair of glasses.When she laughed, she always showed white teeth.


Teacher Wu has been our Chinese teacher and class teacher since the fourth grade. Among the year and a half, she cares about her classmates, just like the number of stars in the sky is not clear.She strictly demanded and caring for us.As long as we do not do well, she will criticize us, but after criticizing, we will patiently teach us until we do well.During the class, the squad leader called Qili, and she always smiled on her face, giving a kind feeling.


I remember one lunch break, and Huang Qiting's stomach suddenly hurt. That day, it happened that Mr. Wu was on the lunch break. Huang Qiting did not want to tell the stomach pain that Teacher Hao was covered by his stomach, but then the stomach became more and more painful.The method had to tell Teacher Hao.After Mr. Hao knew, at the beginning, she didn't respond very much: "You have a stomach pain, and the teacher has no way. The teacher has no gastric medicine here." I heard the teacher said, thinking that the teacher didn't care about it at all., Mind is complaining.Who knew that after a while, the sweaty teacher Hao didn't know where to find the gastric medicine from where he had been found, and asked Huang Qiting to classmate Huang Qiting, and asked Huang Qiting if he had a water bottle, and then picked up Huang Qiting's Aquarius back to his office.Put some boiling water and send it to Huang Qiting.After Huang Qiting took the medicine, Mr. Wu asked her to sit for a while and fell asleep.It wasn't until Huang Qiting's stomach no longer hurt anymore.


Through this trivial matter, we can see that our class teacher Wu, no matter how busy with her work, she always cares and helps classmates. She is a good teacher who cares about us.