
时间:2022-09-10 13:24:02 | 来源:语文通



难忘的国庆节作文 篇1难忘的国庆节作文 篇2难忘的国庆节作文 篇3难忘的国庆节作文 篇4难忘的国庆节作文 篇5难忘的国庆节作文 篇6难忘的国庆节作文 篇7

难忘的国庆节作文 篇1


The long -awaited National Day is approaching. In order to meet the arrival of National Day, Tangchang Town Party Committee and Government have opened the newly created cultural square. From then on, the situation of Tangchang Town has no square. Today I will see it.


The Cultural Plaza is between the second section of Tangchang Town (Ningxin Avenue) and Ningxin Community, covering an area of ​​20 acres and investing in 3 million. Before I arrived at the square, I saw the colorful balls fluttering and smelled a burst of flowers. It turned out that the flowers in the Garden of the Cultural Square came from the flowers. So I couldn't help speeding up. As soon as I arrived in the square, I saw the crowds of people, the flowers, the flowers, and the red, yellow, yellow, and purple ... it really made tourists dazzling and dazzling. Countless flower pots turn the square into a large garden. There are many large street lights in the square. There are Chinese lanterns, chrysanthemum lamps, elephant dragon flying lights ... The environment here is beautiful, so I strolled here, In addition, there are two small bridges carved on both sides of the gate. There are a lot of flying birds and plants carved on the small bridge guardrail. A winding stream under the small bridge comes through. There are many stone carvings in the center of the square, reflecting the glory of Tangchang history in the ancient town, letting people know the heritage and thickness of Tang Chang's historical and cultural, and also show the development of Tang Changfei Huang Tengda in the future. There are many thick lawns around the square, which really spreads a layer of green snow under the tree yin!


In the evening, I came to the Cultural Plaza again. I saw that every empty lamp in China turned on, making China more beautiful than during the day. Next, like flying in the night sky, I was too heartbroken ... Suddenly "banging" surprised me, I saw a lot of children pointed at the sky and shouted, "Put the fireworks, put the fireworks, come and see!" I looked at them in the direction of them, alas! What a big firework, like a lion opened his mouth to swallow us into its stomach, and then a few fireworks flew to the sky at the same time. It was very shocked, another firework rushed to the sky, and its buttocks had a tail, like which naughty child stuck it. Suddenly a few beautiful colored balls flew into the sky and kept changing the color, as if they were constantly adding and minusing clothes. At this time, several fireballs rushed into the sky, "Boom", a sound of "bombard" sounded. The fire ball was exploded, and the falling Mars was still carrying the tail, and the Mars that fell down then exploded again. This is called "dual flower fall". After that, the fireworks came here a "Sky Grand Flower", where there was a "peacock opening screen", and there were countless "rising sun", "hungry tiger fluttering", "shocking earth", "double dragon drama beads" and so on.


In this National Day, Tangchang Town also dressed in the festive costumes. It was beautiful and beautiful. It was really pleasing to the eye and beautiful. It really added a lot of happiness and festive atmosphere!

难忘的国庆节作文 篇2


Today is October 3, the third day of the National Day holiday, the birthday of my grandpa.My grandfather grew up in the old city of Tianjin when he was a kid, so this year's grandfather's birthday we took him to Tianjin "Ancient Culture Street".


We came to ancient cultural streets, and there are so many people who come here! This architectural style is imitated in the Ming and Qing dynasties, so the shop floors are two floors. The neighborhood is straight to the natural song, the ancient and ancient color, and the center of the street is the Mazu Temple with a history of hundreds of years. The entire ancient cultural street is full of strong ancient and cultural atmosphere. Various shops on both sides of the neighborhood mainly sell two categories. One is traditional handicrafts. There are clace people Zhang, paper -cutting, willow youth paintings, and shadows. What impressed me most was the characters in the "Journey to the West". Sun Wukong was full of domineering, the pig eight precepts were thick and cute, the monk Tang monk was serious, the sand monks were loyal and simple, all lively, just like real. The other is the traditional snacks of Tianjin Wei. There are "dogs ignore" buns, "eighteen streets" marijuana, "ears and eyes" fried cakes, pancake fruit, fruit kernels, tea hot ... we bought some while eating and walking , Walking and hearing the voice of "Woo ...". I looked up at a plaque with three large characters "cooked pear cakes" on it, and small noodles were dragged on it with various jams on it. I have never seen it, so I asked Grandpa, "What is this?" Grandpa said, "This is called" Cooked Pear Cake ", it is our favorite snack when we were young." Dad quickly bought us and bought us. One copy, after eating, Grandpa said, "This taste is still the same as when I was a kid."


In the setting sun, we reluctantly left the ancient cultural street.Grandpa said, "Thank you, let me go back to my childhood again!"

难忘的国庆节作文 篇3


Time is like an arrow, the sun and the moon are like shuttle, and in a blink of an eye to reach the annual National Day. How did the National Day come from?On October 1, 1949, it is an unusual day in the history of the world.


On this day, the great People's Republic of China was born, and it marked the people of the Chinese people stand up.In order to celebrate this day, the annual October 1st is set as National Day.


On the day of the National Day, our family and my mother's colleagues went to Black Dragon Beach to play.


During the trip, I saw many buildings on the five -star red flag on the wind.After a two -hour car, I came to the dam of Heilong Beach.The dam is 271 meters long and 53 meters high, and gradually narrows from the bottom to the top.This magnificent dam is built with stones, which is the crystallization of the wisdom and hard work of Renshou people.There is a monument made of granite beside the dam, with Guo Moruo's inscription "Black Dragon Beach Reservoir" on it. These words are glittering and vigorous.There is a lifelike dragon carved next to the monument.


Then we went to a cruise, and the boat sailed. The breeze of the bursts was blowing from time to time, which was very cool.A large group of fish can be seen on the boat, it seems to be running with the ship.Under the sun, the water on the lake was sparkling.After a while, the boat stopped at the pier of Pulong Island.We embarked on the Dragon Island with a high rugged mountain road. The rugged mountain road was paved with a piece of slate. On both sides of the mountain road, there were dense forests. I originally thought that I would see a group of monkeys, but I was unexpected.I saw two monkeys.Looking from a distance, the two monkeys seemed to be playing.


Later, we went to take the speedboat again. The speed of the speedboat was four or five times that of the cruise. The speedboat was bumpy. The people seemed to be close to the water.Behind the speedboat, the white waves were stirred, and the water on both sides of the speedboat was sprayed out.Twenty minutes, after taking the speedboat, we returned to the shore.


I am really happy this National Day!I will always remember this National Day.IntersectionReal unforgettable festival!

难忘的国庆节作文 篇4


On the second day of the National Day holiday, I, my father, mother, and brother went to the garden. We went to the jujube forest first. I saw the jujube trees in the jujube forest.Hanging on the branches, I watched this beautiful scenery, and I couldn't help but admire: "What a beautiful scenery!"


I walked into the jujube forest and saw a lush jujube tree with many butterflies flying around the branches.I couldn't wait to run over, and used the power of nine cows and two tigers to climb this tree, and then observe where the most jujube on the top of the right.In danger, I went up, and let my brother pick the jujube I picked into the bag below. I immediately picked a large string of crisp and sweet jujube, and then I seriously put without dryness, spots, no raw, no life.The worm's jujube was taken down and handed it to his brother.


After picking the jujube, I jumped off the tree and digged the sweet potatoes again. One by one, all like a small elf who hid and found with me. My father said to me and my brother, "Sweet potatoes are roots and buried in the soil."So we were all looking along the roots of sweet potatoes. Because the leaves were too lush, we had to find the root of sweet potatoes a little bit, and I went to the east and suddenly called." I found the root of a sweet potato. "ButI used all my strength, and I still haven't dug out this sweet potato. I will call my father and brother to help. After a while, we dug out the sweet potato.Then we dug a lot of sweet potatoes.


After we took jujube, after digging sweet potatoes, we left.We left Zhaolin happily. On the road, I watched my labor results, and smiled beautifully.

难忘的国庆节作文 篇5


On this full moon night, on this festive celebration, the 72nd birthday of our motherland came. At the same time, our students also ushered in a national Day "Ten. One" holiday, a happy journey began.


How can our living students who eat and live and live in school easily let go of this seven -day holiday?Everyone's supplementary classes, looking for classes and finding classes, busy.Especially our high school students are looking forward to the coming of "ten. One" every year.Finally, there is a sufficient study time that can be tuned well.The most angry this year was that the school had so few homework. Only twenty -piece rolling paper was not enough to stuff the teeth!Fortunately, I bought the teaching auxiliary book and practice book a week ago, otherwise I would not be able to grab it when I started vacation.


On the first day of the holiday, I was doing the question. My parents had to take me to my grandparents' homes for the holiday. I was very reluctant to finish three rolls of paper. I originally planned to make eight!But there is no way to not be able to beat them, after all, you should look at the elderly.But I said that it can only stay for 20 minutes, or delay learning.My mother said that you would bring it to write, how can the holiday go to the streets to waste time, and what makes me even more angry is to buy the product of a capitalist society such as a mobile phone.?This is inducing me to make mistakes. Fortunately, I was sober in time to not fall into the quagmire.What do you say is convenient? Isn't it enough to return home once a week?This kind of rhetoric cannot be deceived by my young pioneer team member.


This afternoon, another thing that puzzled me happened.A classmate in my junior high school called me.For a while, he suddenly asked me if I was playing the computer, which made me puzzled. What was the computer?I know the phone and TV.Is this computer related to my favorite tofu brain?Or is it the brain of electricity?I asked him, he laughed and said, "I said you are a nerd, you haven't used it on TV, otherwise you will not be able to pass the college in the future, let alone contribute to the motherland. My wish is to grow up and do it.A people's teacher, with my personal experience to educate children. Cultivate the future of the motherland.


Seeing that it was 5 o'clock, the composition was written here.There are 4 days during the holidays. How do I want time to become slower and give me more questions for a while!It's done, I have to do English, goodbye!

难忘的国庆节作文 篇6


On October 1, 20xx, we ushered in an exciting day -on the 61st birthday of the motherland. On the birthday of the people of the country, my family used the day of the National Day and embarked on the Wuhan -Guangzhou high -speed railway.Go to Guangzhou Chimelong.


When we were excited to sit on the Wuguang high -speed rail, the speed of the Wuhan -Guangzhou high -speed rail was really exciting and wow!The Wuguang high -speed rail is really fast!The comfort ring of Wuguang high -speed rail is really enjoyable.Look, a large lush tree seems to be a huge emerald, and the green oil is beautiful!Let's look at the wires over the sky. It is really fun. Each wire is dancing the joyful dance!After a while, I arrived in the countryside, where there were many peasants who were collecting rice, like a golden ocean.


I walked into the Chimelong Happy World with excitement. The tour guide bought tickets and gave us. The whole family flew into the Chimelong Happy World together, wow!Inside, there is a white tiger made of cement on each of the surroundings. It looks like it is really. There are two sculptures in a few steps. One is holding a guitar and sitting on a chair.There was another thing that Huang stood there, holding a bag in his hand.But they all have a sunglasses. Do you guess whether they are really or fake?Don't know!Then take a look at the back!The moment I happened to take pictures with them. When my sister saw the two of them moved a few times, she shouted loudly, and the prince was fast.I ran forward in a scared, and I looked back again. It turned out that he was real!It was really frightened.


20xx is an exciting day on October 1st, I can't forget it!

难忘的国庆节作文 篇7

月 日下午,我们一家穿过一缕缕阳光去大洲广场坐游艇,这一天让我很难忘。

In the afternoon of the month, our family walked through a ray of sunlight to the mainland square to take a yacht. This day made me unforgettable.


From a distance, we looked at a white, small and exquisite yacht, and the shape was like an arrow in the river.When the yacht picks us, we lean on the river. We can only walk along the side of the very narrow ship, carefully hold the armrest and slowly walk to the deck, for fear of falling into the river.


The door of the yacht is hidden, in front of the deck, like a window.The co -pilot seat in the cabin has a small fan. As soon as it is opened, it squeaks. Although the yacht is small, there is a toilet inside!


We wore a life jacket and yacht started.We sat on the deck, the wind blowing my hair and flying.I stood with the railing and saw thousands of water flowers swinging in the Mujiang River, as if the flowers fluttered at me.The yacht flows upside down, we sail on the wide river.At this time, Dad pointed to me and asked me, "Do you see the doll, what birds are flying in front of the air?" I looked away and saw a few egrets flying freely in the air, and the other one stood on the branches and sang.The yacht is about to accelerate, the wind is getting bigger and bigger, making us cooler.My mother shouted, "Doll, there is a cow over there." I looked at my mother's voice. There was a leisurely cow on the river beach. It was eating grass!I looked at the beautiful river scene, and I smelled the smell of autumn. The girl Qiu made our inner river more fragrant and more beautiful.


When I got home, I was still excited. I could only describe it in one word about the yacht, that is -cool!