
时间:2022-06-23 13:24:53 | 来源:语文通


猩猩小庞去医院了,医生给了它一个体温计,小庞接住体温计,直接把体温计插进了鼻子里,医生走过来说:“不是放进鼻子里 。”小庞听了医生的话 ,就把体温计放进了嘴巴里,眼睛四处张望,似乎在想:体温测量好了吗?过了一会儿,医生走过来,取走了体温计,它成功地量好了的体温。

Orangutan Xiao Pang went to the hospital. The doctor gave it a thermometer. Xiao Pang caught the thermometer and directly inserted the thermometer into the nose.Enter the nose. "After listening to the doctor, Xiao Pang put the thermometer in his mouth, and his eyes looked around. It seemed to be thinking: Is the body temperature measured? After a while, the doctor came over and took the thermometer.The body temperature with a good amount.

还有一次,它去量身高,跑到量身高的地方,站在上面抱着棍子,亲了一口,医生说:“站反了。 ” 小庞连忙转过来,踮起脚,用头顶着指针,想把指针顶上去。

Another time, it went to the height of tailorites, ran to a tailor -tier place, stood on it and hugged the stick, and kissed, the doctor said, "Stand the opposite." Xiao Pang turned around quickly, stomped his feet, and topped his head with his head on top of his head.With pointer, I want to top the pointer.


You see Xiao Banguo naughty!



1、调皮:调皮读音为tiáo pí,是指1.戏弄﹔嘲弄。 2.机灵﹐狡黠。 3.不驯顺﹐难对付。 4.耍小聪明﹔耍花招。 5.顽皮。调皮 diào pí词语解释:1.戏弄﹔嘲弄。 2.机灵﹐狡黠。 3.不驯顺﹐难对付。 4.耍小聪明﹔耍花招。 5.顽皮。(1) [naughty;mischievous]∶爱玩爱闹,不听劝导窗户被调皮的孩子们打破了(2) [tricky;unruly]∶狡猾(3) [play trick]∶做事耍小聪明分词解释:小聪明:在小事情上或枝节方面显露出来的聪明。多含贬意。顽皮:1.坚硬的表皮。 2.厚而坚的皮囊。指人的躯壳。 3.形容坚韧。 4.形容人的性情刁顽,无赖。 5.调皮,爱玩闹。 6.指调皮的人。戏弄:捉弄;开玩笑:这样戏弄人可不好|不要再戏弄了。...调皮怎么造句,用调皮造句»