
时间:2022-08-11 13:24:53 | 来源:语文通



"La la la, la la la, I am a happy traveler."Today, my mother and I are going to the well -known Qixia Mountain.


The sky is high, and there is no cloud, it is a good day to go out.After a while, we finally came to Qixia Mountain Scenic Area.Looking around, all the cars were parked by the roadside, one by one, one by one, like a dragon hovering on the mountain.The scenic area is even more crowded. Whether it is going up the mountain, downhill, or watching tourists, it is a master.After entering the Qixia Temple Scenic Area, the first thing that entered the eye was Mingjing Lake.Although the lake is not big, it is also a scene in the mountains.


There is a statue in the center of the lake, and there is a small pavilion next to it for tourists to rest.There are large and small trees around the lake, some are bent over to tourists, some are proudly standing like the PLA, and some seem to be beckoning to tourists.Continue to walk forward, I saw a relic tower. It has five floors and eight sides, engraved with various reliefs, vivid and vivid expression. The tower is 18 meters high, with about three floors height.Behind the tower, there is a thousand Buddha rock built on the mountain. There are thousands of Buddha statues with large and small and small posture.Leaving Qianfo Rock, standing at the foot of the mountain and looking at the mountains, the trees full of mountains flashed under the reflection of the sun.


We follow the flow of people to the mountains.After climbing for a while, I saw a group of flames faintly exposed in the woods.When I walked in, I realized that it was a small maple leaf.I picked up a leaf from the ground and observed it carefully: it is composed of five to six leaves, like the open palm of her open.The color of the leaves is really colorful, and some are still green, and it feels like it has just grown; some have gradually become orange; others have become big red, and a tree has changed various colors on a tree., It's really beautiful.We watched while walking, the scenery on the mountain could not be seen, but the time passed too fast, and it was time when we should leave!Qia Mountain I love you!Love the clear and beautiful beauty of Yiming Mirror Lake, the vivid and expressiveness of you in love, love you thousands of Buddha rocks, love you maple leaf colorful ...


Qixia Mountain, I will come to see you next year!



After school on Friday, my mother took me to Qixia Mountain.As soon as I entered the door, there was a wide cement road in front of my eyes, and it stretched forward.On both sides of the road, there are towering trees and lush.My mother and I walked along the mountain road.


Just not far away, a wooden steps on the mountain came into view, people on the top three or two.I was very excited. A step rushed to the steps, and my mother fell far away.When we board the last step, it is already half the mountainside, and the treetops are under our feet.I looked down, there were pavilions and lotus ponds below, where tourists laughed.


Going to the fork, there is a indicator of the street sign, which clearly marked the attractions of the play.Unfortunately, my mother answered a phone call and took me back.The mountain line is over.



This morning, I got up in my mother's shouting, "Wenwen, don't hurry up, why are you so rubbing!" My mother shouted as while burning me with breakfast."Come, come!" I agreed, and quickly speeded up.


After a hurry to eat breakfast, I came to school early, haha, I didn't expect that I was the first person to enter the classroom! After the students came together for three or two, we hurriedly line up. After the teacher talked about the precautions, we finally set off towards Qixia Mountain! Along the way, I opened curious eyes and watched the scenery outside the window. Although it is already late autumn, the scenery outside the window is still so beautiful and charming! Unconsciously, the car had drove into Qixia Mountain. As soon as we entered Qixia Mountain, Teacher Xiao greeted us to take collective photos, saying, "After taking the photo, you can relax, otherwise you will have to walk for a long time." I put down the bag and came to the team to take pictures. With the sound of "card wiping and stuck", our smiles are set with the beauty here! After taking the photo, we started climbing. Following a winding and slender path, we slowly climbed up! Looking at the green green, I couldn't help taking a deep breath, "Ah! It's fresh!" I can't smell such fresh air in the city! For the first time, I felt that the air was so fresh and delicious! "I'm tired, I can't climb, no, no." When I climbed half of the mountain, I said to Yang Ziwen. "Me, too." She said panting. More than forty minutes later, we finally climbed to the top of the mountain. Hurry to find a clean place and sit down and take a rest, but after a while, it is about to go down the mountain again. Live, run down! Finally came to the mountains and opened meals! We were exhausted and we were sitting around the lawn, and they ate food with a large mouth .... After dinner, we dragged tired legs and took the bus back to school.


Although I am tired of studying today, I have made my body very good, and it also makes my soul a great relaxation!Eyes also admire the beauty of nature, haha, it is really three birds with one stone!