
时间:2022-10-13 13:20:13 | 来源:语文通



大学毕业留言 篇1大学生毕业留言 篇2大学毕业留言 篇3大学生毕业留言 篇4大学生毕业留言 篇5大学毕业留言 篇6

大学毕业留言 篇1


1. Although the time of three years is very short, looking back on the road, there is a tortuous section, which is more flat and comfortable. There are successes and failures in life. Please believe that "where there is a will, there is a way"


2. I don't know how many stars are so enchanted that a wave of their hand can erase this inexhaustible attachment. Even if the scenery in the future is more beautiful and better, I can't easily throw away the past to show a smile. Although it is difficult to say goodbye to ordinary things in life when they really say goodbye


3. In the past, I came to think, with many peaches and plums; I am going now, willows are leaning on me.


4. The south wind blew gently again, and the time spent together was hurried.


5. Dear friends, please don't be sad, and cherish each other after leaving.


6. Don't be so sad under Liu Yin. My classmates have been in love for many years. I hope that thousands of thoughts will come from the journey. May friendship be turned into a force of progress!


7. My friends, it's time to part temporarily; I will not say "Take care of yourself" any more. In the night that is about to leave, we should try our best to cast a few small morning stars; Although it is bright, it can also make the early traveler happy.


8. Can you give me a handkerchief? Let a sail float in my heart.


9. It's time to leave. Let's go! There is no need to regret or say goodbye. Even if the singing gradually quiets down, our hearts will also dance endlessly.


10. If I can, I would like to rub everything in my heart into today's parting. But I can't! Then, let's break up in silence! You know, this is the silence of a volcano, which is better than any farewell!


11. Meeting and saying goodbye, and going back to sail and going offshore are both the end of past happiness and the beginning of future happiness.


12. Facing the banquet, we smiled at each other and urged each other to drink, as if all unspoken love and reluctance were hidden behind the words. Because we all know that there is no more mellow and beautiful wine than this one in our hands.


13. Your figure is a sail, my vision is a river, how many times I want to retain you, and finally can not. I know that friendship is rare in the world, but freedom is more valuable.


14. You finally have to go, but you left behind the image of the flower, the fragrance of the flower, and the hope we shared. In the future, as long as I think of you, my years will always be bright and beautiful.


15. Someone said, "Everyone can be a lucky architect." May we build a lucky building with our own hands on the road to life.


16. Come from all corners of the world and go to all parts of the world. No matter where we go, no matter where we are, let's continue to fill in the resume of life, hand in the excellent answer sheet of our career, and add luster to the banner of our alma mater.


17. We met when we were strangers, and we broke up after we became familiar. Tomorrow, we will go to the star map of life to find our new position. Let's use our twinkling stars to ask each other for expression.


18. "Only by withstanding all kinds of temptations and troubles can we achieve the most perfect mental health". I hope you can stand all kinds of tests and be a person beneficial to society after graduation.


19. Don't look at your life and your ideal as round as the moon of October 56. It is made up of ups and downs. Be practical. I hope you will have more sunny days.


20. The beautiful ideal like the sunrise is calling to us. My classmate, parting is imminent. Don't ask when we will meet. We are drop by drop of water and will be active in the sea of our motherland!


21. Farewell tomorrow morning, but WWW composition fans. CN is willing to accompany you to the ends of the world with the bright sunshine; Flowers and green grass accompany you to spread a great future.


22. Love depends, don't depend. A thousand words turn into silence. You can't forget me, I can't forget you. There will be a time when we meet.


23. It is hard to tell my feelings at this moment when I am parting. We have discussed difficult problems and talked about a better life together; There are understandings and many misunderstandings between us, and these have become the past with the passage of time. I don't know whether it is sadness or laughter.


24. I wish you a happy farewell. May happiness be with you. Separation will melt deeper friendship, and reunion will be in a brighter tomorrow.


25. I always said to myself in the morning that the wind, rain and frost will always pass, and the road of sadness will not be long. The long night calls back the past as yesterday, and my heart no longer tells of tenderness. Who covers up the loneliness for me.


26. Looking back, it was a happy yesterday. Yesterday, we had a debate in class; Yesterday, we ran on the court; Yesterday, we fought in the examination room; Yesterday, we sang by candlelight. How beautiful, how memorable.


27. The moon is misty and the birds are misty. I will quietly send you on a long journey. Since then, a tearful star has been added to the sky, watching your back forever.


28. We met and left in a hurry. We met by chance and passed each other by. Can we ever leave a touch of deep affection.


29. I will stay in your heart as you are in mine; In the past and now, we have always been two lives that cannot be alienated from each other.


30. The inexhaustible thousands of strands of love, the inexhaustible vows of mountain alliance, with the willow catkins flying around and winding around the heart, only fell in love.


31. You are not allowed to leave my world. No matter what the result is, I will always remember you.


32. Fifteen is the age of hope. Hope will fly with you in the boundless blue sky.


33. Don't say blessings, don't say goodbye, it's better to be silent - leave dreams to night, tears to the sea, and hopes to the future.


34. Youth is like a silver Ling tied to our hearts. Only when we keep running, can it make a pleasant sound.


35. Youth is a beautiful and irreversible period, and it is the beginning of all happiness and brightness in the future.


36. It's like running a marathon in a daze and struggling to get from middle school to college. The track outlined by the white line has disappeared, and I'm still struggling to find it.


37. How can there be a beautiful ending without beautiful mistakes.


38. Looking at your faraway back, I only want you to look back!


39. When can I fly across the wet sky like you without wetting my wings


40. Of course, I don't talk about your excellence, but God broke that model after he created you, so you are unique!


41. The track and history of life can be written in blood or in tears, but never in water!


42. Here is a photo for you, and a quiet landscape for you. This landscape belongs to all seasons. It is neither dry nor yellow, and will never fade.


43. In this way, turn around and collect the gifts of good years for an eternal journey to the horizon.


44. The car going north will carry you with my thoughts, and the dust will attract my eyes and tears.


45. Cherish this beautiful memory and narrate our friendship in a dream.


46. All the waiting eyes will come out of the small window and knock on the door in turn.


47. Not all dreams can be realized/not all words can be told/maybe it is joy/maybe it is sorrow/who can decide to go and stay!


48. People always fall in love with the old road when they take a new road, and the road always falls in love with the people who passed in the old time.


49. Even if we shed tears, heavy and salty tears, we would wave our hands on the farewell platform, smile, smile, because we don't want to be sad!


50. Needless to say, the land scoured by passion is so honest, full and rich.


51. We are standing at the seaside of the campus. The sky above the campus is full of stars, but we have no tomorrow of the campus!


52. Sincere, all have been said; False, have not learned to say.


53. Please forget that I once hurt you, because at the same time, I also hurt myself.


54. This season is a dividing line, separating the dreams of more than 1000 days!


55. Take care of yourself in the days without me, and I will cherish myself more in the days without you!

大学生毕业留言 篇2


May can't hold the pace of time, the process of life is too hasty, and all the outcomes are unpredictable. June has been quietly covered, covering the hazy eyes of May. The sun in early summer scattered countless dust, overturning the whole season in the light of crape myrtle flowers in full bloom. Life in June began to be hysterical. In June, I began to face the coming of graduation.


Small a said, congratulations, finally want to become a social freshman. I was slightly lifted up and answered with a wry smile by the rough and stinging corners of the society. It's not that I don't understand. The society is changing too fast, learning too little, and the competition is too fierce. Suddenly, I found myself rusty. Why is it new.


Mom and Dad began to nag in their ears that they were going to graduate, so they could find a job and plan for the future. The word "future" suddenly became far away. Which song has been singing, my future is not a dream. But looking down at the palm carefully, the future is still just a gorgeous and faraway dream. The lines entangled in the palm extend from the lines at the moment, and there is no end in sight.


Crape myrtle flowers bloom most brightly this season. Everything seems to have sunk to the bottom. I am going to graduate, but what I hope to see has not surfaced yet. A fruitless love, an unfinished movie, a feeling that is too late to say. All things that are not finished, rush to the end without process.


A long time ago, Yuan told me that we were all good children and good friends, living and dying together, and even hell was rampant together.


After a long time, we are finally going to graduate. Yuan is going to leave. I am going to leave. All my friends are going to leave. It is difficult to be rampant together.


Peter. Pan was still the little boy, Alice was still looking for the crystal ball in her dream, and the little prince was still watching the sunset on his planet for forty-four times. These children, whose world has never stopped, are still young in samsara, but I said to Yuan, we are finally old after our senior year. After all, we are earthly mortals, unable to escape the shackles of time.


My face has matured, my eyes have wrinkles, and my heart has grown old. A long time ago, I cried in the face of all the difficult parting. I once remembered that Takeshi Kaneshiro in Chongqing Forest said that every time I was disappointed in love, I would run as hard as I could until the water in my body was evaporated, so that my tears would not flow out. So silly in the sad time desperately running, so that all the tears do not flow. Now, faced with too many departures and too many vicissitudes of life, these friends who graduated together agreed that no one should cry when they left. Later, when they left one by one, no one really cried.

大学毕业留言 篇3


1. May our friendship be as beautiful as spring, as hot as summer, as bright as autumn, as white as winter, and as pure as the four seasons!


2. It is not easy for people to know each other by chance. May we have a good grasp of friendship and make the bridge of friendship more stable.


3. When you are silent, your heart should still listen to his heart; Because in friendship, without words, all thoughts, all wishes and all hopes are shared in silent joy.


4. The spring in the mountain is endless, which is the milk of the earth; Sincere friendship grows with each passing day, which is a deep feeling in our hearts.


5. Love and kindness are bosom friends, heart to heart reports are bosom friends, and like-minded people are bosom friends - this is me and you.


6. Like bees and butterflies flying over flowers, like a spring flowing through a valley, in the heart screen of memory, the life of the student days is just like a colorful picture page, also like a piece of music jumping with happy notes.


7. Birds twitter in the branches, much like our old whispers, and those strings of giggles


8. My friend, let's keep the best time in our life, and don't let it become a fading memory.


9. Bread is everywhere. For our eyes, there is not a lack of bread, but a lack of discovery-- The teacher said this to the students when they graduated


10. Use wisdom to draw a picture of life, use diligence to write the ups and downs of life, and use sweat to soak the journey of youth. Believe that your tomorrow will not be brilliant, but it will be full without regret!


11. Gently, we left, just as we came gently. Wave goodbye to the green campus. We leave a bright smile here, and we take the pure friendship away from here. Wish you a wonderful future


12. Memories are left on the desk, thoughts are written in chalk, friendship is recorded on the blackboard, and diaries are kept in the classroom. Every time we look back, we cherish each other instead of passing by. Happy graduation!


13. In the long river of life, what cannot be retained is time and past events, but dreams and memories. The university time passed away quietly, and the social life came quietly. I sincerely wish you a smooth sailing


14. It is unclear who holds who, who loads who, in the constant pursuit, who can not have who.


15. You not only cherish today, but also embrace tomorrow with a hundredfold of enthusiasm, so the future must belong to you!


16. Meeting is greeting, parting is blessing! After many years, please remember me. Abandon the ambition of swallows and sparrows, and envy swans to soar!


17. Cheese is created by our own efforts! Meeting and saying goodbye, and going back to sail and going offshore are both the end of past happiness and the beginning of future happiness.


18. The wind blows away the blessing mood, the rain blurs the expectant vision, and I tighten the complex of missing. I believe that one day we will meet again!


19. I just want to add some encouragement to your dreams and hopes; I just want to give you some strength and hope when you are frustrated and tired in your life.


20. In the quiet sky, each star has its own track, so that we can find our best position in life. The world in our mind may become harmonious and peaceful.


21. What you left me is a beautiful memory. You miss the innocence and friendship of your youth. When I picked up the wine in my memory and wanted to buy you a drink, I got drunk first.


22. The sky is clear in June, and the graduation bell rings; Don't give up your lovely classmates, remember your respected teachers, and say goodbye to your familiar faces. Step into the palace of success and welcome the glory of tomorrow with the dawn of progress.


23. I firmly believe that I am a star, shining through clouds and fog. I firmly believe that I am a flint, not afraid of beating and twists and turns, and I firmly believe that I am a talent to dispel the clouds and haze. I am about to graduate, and I wish to have a bright future.


24. Graduation season, blessing delivery; Don't hurt and leave, cherish each other; Students love, keep in mind; Remember the past, remember it well; The road ahead is wide, and I wish you success; It's hard to get together when the world is far away; Good friends, keep in touch!


25. The predestination of acquaintance is unforgettable. The sincere friendship will last forever. On the long road of friendship, I will never forget the days when I traveled with you.


26. I would like to reveal my shallowness to you and let you know my weaknesses; The grass and trees need sunshine, and the grass and seedlings are thirsty for rain. My faithful friend, I look forward to your advice.


27. I hope you will remember each other and never forget each other. Friends, long time no see, long distance, separated by thousands of miles of letters, can not stop thinking, forever retain the friendship for you.


28. The spring flowers, on the wall beside the fence, are showing their beauty without emotion; The autumn moon, in the corner of the tree top, emits a quiet light. My deskmate, are you all right in the distance!


29. Friendship is a wordless song. In your light season, a tree of beautiful flowers opens, and in the deep and shallow footprints, a moving waltz is played for your constant pace. Every year, every year.


30. In the past, I came to think about many things; I am going now, willows are leaning on me.


31. The south wind blows gently again, and the time for gathering is hurried.


32. A blessing is a lifelong concern; A exhortation, life moved. The graduation horn has sounded. With your blessing, we are on our way. No matter how much wind and rain is ahead, our heart will not be lonely again.


33. If you face the surging waves, do not be afraid, let alone consider yourself insignificant. Once you have a broad mind, your life will be as magnificent as the sea. After graduation, I am willing to take a new road!


34. The road we have traveled, the people we have loved, the taste we have tasted, the tears we have shed, and the beauty we have laughed have all been deposited in the rivers of time and preserved in mottled memories. Four years have gone by so quickly. After graduation, I wish you a bright future!


35. Gently we get together, with infinite laughter and laughter; Gently we have to separate, friendship ties up each other; If it is difficult for us to get together after graduation, let my blessing follow you along the way.


36. Quietly, we are about to part. Sincere wishes will be sent to you. In the days of a long absence, I wish to work as you like and live happily. I will end my family if I have love, and I will be promoted step by step. I wish you all the way through graduation.


37. In my senior year, I had a wonderful life, and I was worried about my degree. Throughout the four years of true love, you followed on the way to graduation. With the same sweet and bitter, with the same advance and retreat, young invaluable youth is innocent.


38. In the fragrant July of peach and plum, harvest your brilliant smile. With the passion of summer, I'd like to bring you my warm greetings. I wish you a successful graduation and an early job search!


39. Once you and I shared the sunshine and wrote a chapter of friendship. How many memories are beautiful in our hearts. After graduation, I wish you thousands of blessings to accompany you all the time.


40. There are small fish in big rivers and big fish in small rivers. Although you haven't been admitted to the ideal famous university, with your intelligence and hard work, I believe there is still a bright future in four years. Come on!


41. Once, the stars and the moon fought hard, and the test paper was full of questions; Now, I have been studying hard for 12 years. Your kung fu is worth the effort. Congratulations on your admission to the ideal university. Congratulations!


42. Four years of college is my best time; Four years of sleeping together is my luckiest blessing. Thank you for your autumn, winter, spring and summer. Wish you all the best after graduation!


43. After graduation, let's wave goodbye, say treasure and bless, thank each other for their good memories, and treasure our sincere friendship. May your future be bright!


44. You and I have their own trajectories, such as meteors. It is fate that we can get together and take a journey together, but we will eventually go further and further in our respective directions. It is destiny. I hope you will have a happier future after graduation!


45. The flying youth writes the years with enthusiasm, the magnificent years engrave the friendship with sincerity, and the bright life adorns the future with perseverance. I wish you all the best and a bright future! Graduation Message


46. Gently, we left, just as we came gently. Wave goodbye to the green campus. We leave a bright smile here, and we take the pure friendship away from here. Wish you a wonderful future


47. Memories are left on the desk, thoughts are written in chalk, friendship is recorded on the blackboard, and diaries are kept in the classroom. Every time we look back, we cherish each other instead of passing by. Happy graduation!


48. Dear friends, please don't be sad, and cherish each other after leaving.


49. Don't be so sad under Liuyin. My classmates have been in love for many years. I hope that thousands of thoughts will come from the journey. May friendship be turned into a force for progress!


50. Can you give me a handkerchief? Let a sail float in my heart.


51. It's time to leave. Let's go! There is no need to regret or say goodbye. Even if the singing gradually subsides, our hearts will never stop beating.


52. Meeting and saying goodbye, and going back to sail and going offshore are both the end of past happiness and the beginning of future happiness.


53. Your figure is a sail, and my eyes are the river. How many times I want to keep you, I can't finally. I know that friendship is rare in the world, but freedom is more valuable.


54. The trees on the campus are green and luxuriant, and the classroom is covered with clear sunlight. The familiar places and people will inevitably feel sad. However, I believe that youth is not old, you and I will meet again in a better future.


55. Define our time today with youth, calculate our brilliant tomorrow with happiness, discuss our unfulfilled dreams with passion, and set up our respective ideals with success. I hope you can go on with your graduation.


56. Gently, we left, just as we came gently. Wave your hand to say goodbye to the green campus. We leave a bright smile here, and here we wish you a more wonderful future.


57. Youth is engraved with your shadow, and happy times remember your smile. After graduation, say goodbye to the sincere campus, and let's meet on the way to success. See you soon. May you be happy.


58. This summer, how many people will not give up, how many people will cry, how many familiar faces, silently look back on the summer solstice, the season of separation, how eager for the summer solstice.


59. Picking strings of dreams and playing in school, I recall how gorgeous it is; And the pursuit of growth has already leapt. The hustle and bustle of the world seems silent. I hope we don't forget the past.


60. Come from all corners of the world and rush to all parts of the world. Three spring has passed quickly. The age is like a dream. It is full of passion and laughter. Don't cry. Don't forget to pass your message to me when the flowers are gone.

大学生毕业留言 篇4


1. I hope that only time will flow away, and then there will be a wife!


2. Laugh often, and you deserve to die. Longevity than Nanshan, thin into cookies.


3. Boys like you are very rare, but it is not easy to deal with boys like you. You can do it yourself.


4. Don't lose heart. You can still be saved.


5. It's a long way and the wind is strong, brother, go!


6. Divorce, you must think of me!


7. After four years of acquaintance, you walked away quietly, leaving behind a pile of excrement instead of taking away a piece of color. How smelly, how smelly!


8. Have a good journey and jump into the pit halfway. QQ is stolen and IP is blocked.


Selected Graduation Message


9. Ha ha! My nightmare is finally over. I don't have to sit with you anymore!


10. If I didn't know you, I might not be so unlucky!

大学生毕业留言 篇5


When youth is over, waiting for the performance of the next scene, like a drifting bottle waiting for the next footnote. When I was young, I spoiled myself and forgot what to do. Andu can only get together and break up the messy emotions.


Paper cloud smoke, the lyrics of the unfinished song, embellished whose dream. Peach Blossom Dream is just like killing immortal love. It is red when it hits, but it can't escape in the mirror. Years of song and poem, you and I are just vagrants, mounted in the silent corridor. Life, stop by stop. Memories, stop for a moment. Falling into the mortal world, you can't be sad, but you have returned to the origin of the dream.


The world of mortals should not be disturbed when you write. The zither and the harp are slow in tune, and they are sympathetic but reluctant to give up. Braised flounder is deeply in love, and the aftertaste is slightly astringent, which makes people sad about right and wrong, and burns tears. For you, it is an acacia tablet. Before the case, it is sketched and written with a word of return. It is signed with sorrow and joy. It is hand-painted with the sincere words that only love is Qing.


Dealing with time is nothing more than forgetting each other. Everyday, there are numerous clusters, where are you. The shadows of the trees mottled the scene, and the fluorescent light under the crevices separated the whole century. The flickering candle shadow worries about whose curtain dream? Who's lonely in the evening boat? On the Yanbo River, people are worried. The dense fog does not disperse. If people are hard to divide at the beginning, they will be easy to settle at the end.


The fragrance of the pistil is beautiful and beautiful. Charming and charming. Flowers fall into pieces. Aestheticism is breathless when the way of love changes. How to relieve the depression and make the sadness less obvious. Really can all return to zero, restart memory, no longer ending. What has changed in the past, everything returns to the unknown once turned around, and nobody is who. When the memory is erased, it really helps that the times have changed, and everything is new, and it returns to the starting point.

大学毕业留言 篇6


1. What I can't forget is the taste of Shacha noodles in the school canteen; What can't be erased is what we have done in the past four years.


2. I often think of myself in the third day of the year. I got up early every day and walked on the playground alone, breathing cold, wet and fresh air. Look at the distant sky and tell yourself that you must leave here. In high school, I thought everything would change because of the change of time, but I was still not free. In this era of super fast pace, people cannot slow down. Because maybe a step too slow will never catch up with the times.


3. Gather a string of dreams, school play, memories are so colorful and magnificent; And the catch up of growth has already leapt. The world's hustle and bustle, as if quiet, let me pick up the memory of the fallen leaves.


4. In the maple forest with red leaves flying, how many memories we had. The fluttering maple leaves bring us into an incomparably beautiful realm.


5. Finally, I graduated. I have no hope! But we must "let us fly, let our dreams fly!"


6. Every station sign has the footprints of you and me, either deep or shallow, which are the traces of your company and mine.

7、抱着一颗平常心认真的生活,即使平凡也会不平凡!所有美好的回忆 我将铭记于心 即将各奔东西 大家珍重。

7. With an ordinary heart and a serious life, even ordinary will be extraordinary! I will keep in mind all the good memories that I will cherish soon.


8. I hope you will smile when you think of me! I wish you happy copies.


9. Graduation photos leave our laughter, our sky and our youth


10. What makes me sad, one day, I will say it with a smile. In the future, I will remember my strong and optimistic self who loved to laugh. In my best years, meeting you is the most beautiful surprise.


11. Once brilliant, can only explain the past, everything has become history. The rewriting of history still depends on us


12. Life will end! Life is approaching! Look back at college life and our class; Be thankful and reluctant; If you have time, please contact me. Wish you all the best


13. We have four years of age together. Every game, every discussion, and every quarrel will become a valuable page in my memory.


14. Scattering is not the end, gathering is not the beginning, and every bit of my four-year college life will always be remembered in my heart. Finally, six words of encouragement: smile, observe, calm.


15. Sitting with graduation travel is the beginning of a happy journey.


16. Do you still remember the photography commemoration of that day? My instant consciousness lights up together with the flash lamp: your beautiful image remains on the negative film, but also deeply branded in my heart.


17. It is my lucky fortune to meet lovely people in the class of college Hahaha~I hope everyone will have a bright future, and will be happy every day.