
时间:2022-06-23 13:24:55 | 来源:语文通



Many things are for the first time, and the first time is usually the deepest.I was born in the countryside. For the first time, I went out and weeding. My mother took me out.


That year, I was nine and a half years old, and my grandfather made me a small hoe for me, which gave my mother a half -growing lady's hoe.To everyone, "I often watch the TV series in front of the TV and the eyes are not very good. I still remember that we dig grass in our fields and remove the earth."


Therefore, I picked up for a time with my mother for a while. Usually everyone would play a mobile game. Since I asked the grandfather to get a word, we decided to spend some time to weed the ground.The grass under the grass is just feeding chicken, duck and goose, which can be regarded as cyclic use.


In the case of hot sun at the ground, everyone gradually considers that the dark red land is really full of joy. The sound of the sullen hoe colliding with the land of the land is so comfortable.I can't help sing a small song:


Next to the open Ruishan Road, the green grass is like a bird -like flower incense bird,


The happiness of happiness and happiness is the area where everyone develops.


La La la la la ....


With a singing, a piece of emerald green land was attracted by everyone with a hoe.Under the nourishment of the sun, the colorful world is cultivated.


Everyone threw the weeds taken home in the chicken circle, and for the first time, we grass exercised my heart. This kind of richness is also rich in our daily life.



1、第一:第一读音为dì yī,是指1.等第次序居首位或首位的。 2.形容程度最深;最重要。第一 dì yī词语解释:1.等第次序居首位或首位的。 2.形容程度最深;最重要。(1) [the first (1st);firstly;primarily;at the head;in the first place]∶排在最前的 排名第一(2) [first;most important]∶首要的,最重要的质量第一分词解释:次序:1.先后顺序。 2.犹次第。常态。 3.调节;安排。重要:1.指重镇﹑要地。 2.谓重大而主要。程度:1.法度;标准。 2.程限;进度。 3.文化﹑教育﹑知识﹑能力等方面的水平。 4.事物发展达到的状况。等第:1.等级次第。 2.谓分等级。 3.唐代科举﹐由京兆府考试后选送前十名升入礼部再试﹐称为“等第”。...第一怎么造句,用第一造句»

2、锄草:锄草读音为chú cǎo,是指用锄头为农作物除草、中耕或间苗。 用锄头为农作物除草、中耕或间苗锄草 chú cǎo词语解释:用锄头为农作物除草、中耕或间苗。[hoe up weeds;weed with a hoe] 用锄头为农作物除草、中耕或间苗分词解释:锄头:即锄。松土和除草用的农具。农作物:指农业上栽培的各种植物。包括粮食作物﹑油料作物﹑蔬菜﹑果树和做工业原料用的棉花﹑烟草等。间苗:种子发芽出苗后,拔去过密幼苗的工作。一般在大批幼苗出土后进行,拔去生长不良、瘦弱、有病虫害的幼苗。有利于培育壮苗。中耕:作物生长期中,在植株之间锄草﹑松土,叫做“中耕”。中耕可使土壤表层疏松,防止水分蒸发,使空气流通,提高土壤温度,加速肥料的分解,消灭杂草,有利于作物的生长。...锄草的近义词,锄草的同义词是什么»