
时间:2022-11-09 13:25:48 | 来源:语文通


2022小学语文组教研工作计划 篇1小学语文教研组计划工作计划 篇2小学语文教研组计划工作计划 篇3小学语文教研组计划 篇42022小学语文组教研工作计划 篇5小学语文教研组计划工作计划 篇6小学语文教研组计划工作计划 篇7小学语文教研组计划 篇8

2022小学语文组教研工作计划 篇1


1、 Guiding ideology


Focusing on curriculum reform, taking improving teachers' teaching skills as the starting point, taking improving teaching quality as the goal, taking "everything for children's development" as the foothold of all work, following the New Curriculum Standards for Primary School Chinese, deepening classroom teaching reform, comprehensively promoting quality education, further improving the quality of each Chinese teacher in our middle grade Chinese teaching and research group, so as to comprehensively improve the quality of middle grade Chinese education.


2、 Working ideas


In this semester, the teaching and research team will work in a pioneering manner in accordance with the work arrangement of the Education Office, in the spirit of advocating simplicity, being pragmatic, being practical and having a degree of work style; Through paying attention to teachers' learning, communication and discussion, relying on students' activities and combining with the school and learning conditions, we have created a big Chinese education atmosphere and made great efforts to improve our Chinese teaching and research level. For teaching and research activities, everyone should be encouraged to participate, improve each other, carry out in depth, and achieve goals, preparation, emphasis on the process and harvest.


3、 Key work points and main measures


(1) Based on classroom teaching research, improve the quality of chinese teaching


1. Further strengthen theoretical learning, internalize the new curriculum and new ideas into teachers' teaching ideas, and implement them in the whole teaching process. Let teachers read books on teaching and scientific research theories, education and teaching magazines, newspapers and magazines to learn teaching and scientific research theories, strengthen teaching and scientific research methods and skills, and constantly improve teachers' theoretical accomplishment.


2. Each teacher should deeply study and discuss the requirements of the middle age of the new curriculum standard, and be able to understand the requirements of this year, so as to guide their own teaching work and improve the teaching quality.


3. Organize teachers to carry out textbook interpretation activities, unify ideas on the teaching requirements, objectives and practices of the textbook reading teaching, exercise teaching and other materials, formulate plans and make solid progress.


4. Make progress in preparing lessons in groups for all grades, share resources under the premise of independent thinking, so that everyone can have a good grasp of the textbooks and improve the effectiveness of the classroom.


5. Carefully write teaching reflection, and timely record every bit of experience in the classroom. Write and submit essays and papers on education and teaching, and write a high-quality reflection on teaching experience or case analysis at the end of the term.


(2) Based on the construction of Chinese teachers, improve the professional level of teachers


1. Prepare and teach classes well to improve teaching efficiency


Adhere to weekly group lesson preparation, reach a consensus, narrow the teaching differences of teachers, avoid teaching mistakes, and better ensure the effectiveness of classroom teaching.


2. Push forward the activity of "teaching pairing" and strengthen communication.


The members of the group should "help each other" and pair up. Teachers should listen to and evaluate each other's lessons to learn from each other, reflect in practice, improve in reflection, and constantly improve their ability to control the classroom.


Strengthen the preparation and evaluation of the teaching and research group. Teaching and research courses should be well conducted, so that everyone can participate in the evaluation of courses, timely self reflection, and improve teaching awareness, teaching skills and teaching level.


3. Light burden, high quality, strict operation


Strictly implement the regulations on burden reduction, control the amount of homework, and ensure students' activity time. Select homework according to the principle of laying equal stress on foundation and appropriate expansion, enhance the practicality and openness of homework, achieve excellence, liveliness and practicality, improve students' academic performance, and cultivate students' innovation spirit and practical ability. We should pay more attention to the teaching of writing, so that "practicing calligraphy while picking up the pen" will be deeply rooted in the hearts of the people, so that every student can write Chinese characters and write Chinese characters well.


(3) Based on project research, improve the quality of project research.


We should seriously focus on the topic "Research on improving the effectiveness of the Chinese classroom in the middle grades of primary schools" in the group. Teachers should carefully collect, sort out and study theoretical and practical materials around the topic at ordinary times, carry out targeted research and teaching practice in teaching, and constantly reflect, summarize experiences and lessons, strive to write high-quality research papers, and strive to successfully conclude the topic in the next semester.


4、 Organization of work


Week 2: Read the textbook and make teaching plan


Fourth week: Discussion on "Research on Improving the Effectiveness of Chinese Classroom in Primary Schools"


Week 8: Teaching seminar


Week 10: Seminar, evaluation and exchange


Week 12: Theoretical study on related topics


Week 14: Seminar


Week 16: Seminar discussion and exchange


Week 18: Discussion on "Research on Improving the Effectiveness of Chinese Classroom in Middle Grade Primary Schools"


Week 20: Final summary communication

小学语文教研组计划工作计划 篇2


1、 Guiding ideology:


Seriously study the spirit of school education, take the opportunity of implementing the Chinese Curriculum Standard of the new curriculum reform, firmly grasp the main channel of teaching, take students as the center, take quality as the soul, take classroom teaching reform as the center, and take school-based research as the main way, continue to implement teaching routines and norms, implement and optimize the teaching process, and improve teaching quality in a down-to-earth manner. At the same time, in combination with the teaching and research practice of all teachers in the Chinese teaching and research group, create a good teaching and research atmosphere and display stage for teachers, and comprehensively improve the classroom teaching level and professional ability.


2、 Specific measures


(1) Further standardize and implement teaching routine management and improve teaching efficiency


1. Activities of the teaching and research group: fixed time, fixed point, fixed topic content, and fixed center speech. Each lesson preparation group should be guided by the spirit of "curriculum reform", correctly grasp the three-dimensional goals, and establish a special research goal at the same time to improve the effectiveness of the research. In addition, teachers should participate in activities with high quality on time according to the notice.


2. Lesson preparation: achieve "three preparations", that is, prepare three-dimensional goals, textbooks and students. Strengthen the awareness of collective lesson preparation, pay attention to sharing resources, and achieve "deep" lesson preparation. (The teaching plan is checked twice every semester)


3. Class: Strive to improve the teaching art to be realistic, realistic, active and innovative, make full use of the existing audio-visual media, use online information resources, broaden the learning space, cultivate students' good learning habits, and constantly improve the efficiency of classroom teaching. The dialogue between teachers and students should be in Putonghua. Teachers should write standard characters on the blackboard and write teaching reflection after class.


4. Homework: The design of homework should be "refined" to reflect the teaching idea of "light load, high quality", the correction should be "detailed", standardized and timely, and attention should be paid to error correction and feedback. (homework check twice a semester)


5. Counseling: do a good job of filling the gaps of students. We should teach students in accordance with their aptitude, often analyze students, be good at capturing students' highlights, enthusiastically encourage them, and make use of extracurricular activities to provide layered guidance so that each student can fully develop.


(2) Deepen teaching research, carry out school-based teaching research, and improve teaching effectiveness.


1. Organize teachers to continue learning the New Curriculum Standards, reform classroom teaching methods, and promote the development of teachers and students. The third section of every Tuesday afternoon is a Chinese teaching and research group activity to learn and understand the relevant education and teaching concepts, so that everyone can benefit and improve together. The contents include:


(1) Establish a student-centered idea, establish a democratic and equal teacher-student relationship, create a positive, upward, harmonious, relaxed and interesting teaching atmosphere, give students humanistic care, and let students absorb knowledge in a relaxed and pleasant atmosphere.


(2) Adhere to the unity of instrumentality and humanism, and pay attention to the influence of humanistic factors on students' thoughts and feelings while cultivating students' ability to use Chinese and practice.


(3) Actively advocate independent, cooperative and exploratory learning methods, weaken tedious explanation and analysis, give students enough time and space, and let students independently raise, analyze and solve problems under the guidance of teachers, and accumulate and understand in the process of active practice.


(4) Emphasize the dominant position of students, and regard the teaching process as the process of equal dialogue between teachers, students and texts. Cherish students' unique feelings, experiences and ways of thinking, and cultivate students' good learning habits.


(5) Set up the concept of Chinese teaching, communicate the connection between the inside and outside of the textbook, the inside and outside of the classroom, and the inside and outside of the learning, broaden the channels of Chinese learning and application, increase the opportunities for Chinese practice, and improve the learning efficiency.


(6) Focus on the diversity of training methods, improve the effectiveness of exercises, try to step up extracurricular assignments, so that different students can learn something, and have a modern concept of homework correction, including establishing students' wrong problem records (teachers are encouraged to practice).


2. Listening to the class: the group must listen to the open class, think while listening, comment in time, and encourage teachers to learn and communicate with each other more. New teachers and young teachers should listen more.


3. Open classes: teachers are encouraged to have open classes or seminars. Each teacher has at least one class every school year. The whole staff shall participate in class, speaking, listening and evaluating. All materials of the research course shall be collected and archived.


4. Make use of the advantages of learning teachers and famous teachers, and share resources to improve together.


5. We will carry out activities for teachers and students to read and write essays together, and strengthen the research on the cultivation of Chinese reading habits in primary schools.


6. Improve the teaching quality of school-based curriculum and peer schools.


(3) Do a good job in discipline activities, broaden students' learning areas, and improve students' comprehensive quality.


1. Principle: Try to let more children participate in activities, use them in participation and experience them in participation. First grade students should read after class to stimulate their interest in reading. Second grade fairy tale creation, cultivate imagination and creativity. Third grade students should experience reading and master the preliminary reading methods. In the fourth grade, students should master the methods of organizing materials and layout, and cultivate their comprehensive ability. Fifth and sixth grade reading comprehension, cultivate preliminary literary accomplishment, and make good reading notes.


2. We carried out the activity of "reading extracurricular books and writing standardized characters".


A book, a special class, a story, a special activity, and a rich reading dinner have aroused our talents, and colorful activities have given full play to the vitality and vitality of the campus. In this semester, we cooperated with the teaching and research office to organize the teaching and research activities of "reading extracurricular books and writing standard characters", in order to cultivate students' good habits of benefiting all their lives, and from the perspective of students' long-term development, guide teachers to start from this semester and focus on two points in the primary school stage, "reading extracurricular books and writing standard characters& RD




3. Do a good job of discipline integration. For example, the integration of Chinese and information technology, the use of information classes to find information and write words to practice. The integration of Chinese and moral education, writing and practicing in combination with activities, etc.


4. We will continue to read ancient poems and famous poems.

小学语文教研组计划工作计划 篇3


1、 Guiding ideology


This semester, our Chinese teaching and research group earnestly studied and implemented the spirit of the higher education department and the new curriculum standards, guided by the School Work Plan and the Education Office Work Plan, based on school-based teaching and research, centered on improving teaching quality, paid close attention to actual results, and vigorously promoted the professional development of teachers. The teaching and research work takes the school-based as the center, and strives to improve the teaching quality of the Chinese subject and cultivate the humanistic quality of students. Focusing on the work objectives of the school this semester, we will further strengthen the reform of classroom teaching, standardize the management of teaching routines, improve the quality of teaching and research, improve the teaching level of teachers, and promote the comprehensive quality of students.


2、 Work objective


(1) . Learn theory well, renew concept and improve quality


Chinese teaching should be based on the characteristics of Chinese and Chinese subjects, adapt to social needs, strengthen the humanity, practicality and practicality of Chinese, and improve students' Chinese literacy. In order to adapt to this new situation and not be eliminated, all Chinese teachers need to do the following in terms of theoretical learning:


1. Carefully study advanced education and teaching theories, and read one or two theoretical monographs. In combination with Chinese teaching practice, through thematic study and discussion, we can improve our theoretical literacy, update our educational and teaching concepts, and establish a correct outlook on education and students.


2. Timely understand the dynamics of Chinese teaching and the trend of Chinese teaching reform, broaden the vision and broaden the thinking of Chinese reform; At the same time, we should combine our own teaching practice, absorb and digest the advanced educational experience of others, and constantly practice our own "internal skills" in Chinese teaching.


3. Closely combine the educational and teaching practice and subject research, and determine the key learning points according to their own needs, pay attention to learning methods, and improve learning efficiency.


(2) Pay close attention to routine, reform teaching and improve efficiency


1. According to the requirements of the new curriculum standards, we should really establish teachers' sense of service and change students' learning methods; Reform the obsolete, rigid and monotonous Chinese classroom teaching mode, and research and design scientific, novel, lively and open Chinese classroom teaching mode; Chinese classroom should pay attention to activating students' thirst for knowledge, cultivating students' habit and ability of independent learning, and highlighting the cultivation of innovative spirit and practical ability; Firmly face all students, take care of the learning needs of students at different levels and levels, and research and implement hierarchical and classified teaching; Efforts should be made to optimize the classroom teaching structure and greatly improve the efficiency of Chinese classroom teaching.


2. Strengthen routine research to ensure burden reduction and efficiency increase. Young teachers should have at least one teaching and research lesson each semester; Members of the teaching and research team should participate as much as possible for no special reason; After class, timely evaluate the class.


(3) Strengthen research on topics and pay attention to students' quality


While teaching language knowledge, Chinese teaching should focus on guiding application and cultivating students' speech skills. This requires us to change the old education which mainly imparts knowledge in time in Chinese teaching to the new education which focuses on cultivating students' ability to cope with changes and innovate. To this end, we should strengthen research projects, pay attention to training students' Chinese literacy.


(4) Strengthen exchanges and grow together


As the backbone of the language teaching and research group, we young teachers should strengthen exchanges, share information, learn from each other, and improve together so that we can improve and mature as soon as possible.


(5) Carry out scientific research and highlight key points


1. After weekly class listening and evaluation, we timely discussed and fed back with teachers, evaluated the success and shortcomings of classroom teaching, and jointly discussed the direction and measures of teaching reform to improve teachers' wisdom in classroom teaching. Teachers should participate in activities and discussions on time to improve the effectiveness of thematic research.


2. In the spare time of teaching, write articles about self reflection and practice in practice, and strengthen the reflection on classroom teaching behavior. Improve the level and self-cultivation.


3. Create a strong teaching and research atmosphere, organize teachers to seriously participate in all kinds of teaching business learning and teaching and research activities at all levels, and organize the school's "big classroom, interdisciplinary"; Carry out school-based teaching and research activities of "isomerism in the same course - continuous improvement". At the beginning of the semester, the activity topics of the teaching and research group will be determined, and the activities will be carried out by the teaching and research group as a unit to improve the quality and taste of teaching and research activities and teachers' classroom teaching skills.

小学语文教研组计划 篇4


1、 Guiding ideology


A new semester has begun again. This semester, our Chinese teaching and research group will closely focus on the school work plan, base itself on school-based teaching and research, focus on improving teaching quality, pay close attention to actual results, and vigorously promote the professional development of teachers. Face all students, take the development of students as the foundation, and comprehensively improve students' comprehensive Chinese literacy. Implement the teaching and research work plan. Classroom teaching is guided by intensive teaching, interaction and efficiency. The teaching and research work is school-based. We should carry out good lesson discussion teaching, and strive to improve the teaching quality of the Chinese subject and improve the humanistic quality of students. Closely centering on the school's work objectives, we will further strengthen the reform of classroom teaching, standardize the management of teaching routines, strengthen the research, service, guidance and other functions in Chinese teaching, reduce the students' workload, and comprehensively improve their comprehensive Chinese literacy.


2、 Work objective


Renew ideas, improve understanding, form a learning group, and comprehensively improve the Chinese teaching level of teachers in this teaching and research group. Establish a strong teaching and research atmosphere, strengthen school-based research, and implement teaching and research activities. Refine and optimize the routine work, give play to the initiative of each teacher, carry out various teaching activities orderly, effectively and actively, strengthen the study of lesson examples, and improve the teaching and research ability. Prepare provincial quality inspection and enhance quality awareness.


3、 Main work and measures


1. Strengthen the construction of teaching and research groups and build a "learning type teaching and research group".


(1) We should pay close attention to theoretical study and renew teachers' ideas of education and teaching. Clarify the requirements of the development of the situation, learn the new curriculum, establish the awareness of the new curriculum in ideology, and better serve the classroom teaching and students.


(2) Adhere to the combination of collective learning research and individual self-study, and each teacher should be a lifelong learner. In addition to participating in the learning content specified by the school, individuals should formulate self-study content according to their own actual situation, focusing on improving their quality and taste.


(3) Regular learning of teaching. We should pay close attention to the regular study of school teaching, and each teacher should check regularly.


(4) Guide teachers to read two good books in one semester, and do a good job in reading experience exchange activities.


2. Strictly implement the teaching routine and strengthen the teaching management.


Teaching routine includes teaching preparation, classroom teaching, correction and guidance, teaching evaluation, teaching research, etc. This semester, we should pay attention to the implementation of teaching routines. Every month, we should carry out a targeted routine inspection of teaching.


(1) With improving the quality of classroom teaching as the center, optimizing education and teaching as the goal, and changing teaching methods as the focus, improve the management of teaching quality, and implement the teaching requirements of the school.


(2) We should pay close attention to the preparation of lessons. Teachers should arrange teaching plans according to the characteristics of textbooks and students' receptivity, implement measures to improve teaching quality, put the cultivation of students' learning ability in the first place, effectively change the way students learn, and closely combine full autonomous learning, effective cooperative learning, and appropriate inquiry learning.


(3) Do a good job of listening to and evaluating the lessons. Each teacher will attend at least 18 classes this semester. Establish a normal course evaluation system, strengthen the monitoring of teaching process, play the role of random detection in quality control, and improve the effectiveness of teachers' teaching and students' learning. You should carefully fill in the lecture record and class observation form of lesson study. Strengthen the activities of course evaluation and strengthen the atmosphere of teaching and research.


(4) Pay attention to the evaluation of teaching quality and do a good job in teaching evaluation. Each grade should do a good job in teaching evaluation, research and analysis of teaching quality, find problems in time, and put forward suggestions and suggestions for improvement according to the actual teaching situation of the grade. At the same time, we should pay attention to the examination of students' oral examination and reading amount, so as to improve students' oral expression ability and innovative practice ability. In addition, homework designed by teachers should be arranged according to the actual situation of students. The homework should be targeted, interesting, effective and expansive. Do a good job of improving the quality and making up the difference, guide the underachievers in a planned way, and make a record of the coaching work. According to the students' homework, record the type of questions, and analyze and record the typical wrong questions. There is no written homework in Grade One or Grade Two. At the end of each unit teaching, according to the children's grasp, carry out targeted review and testing, and do a good job in detecting and filling the gaps. In addition, special attention should be paid to the training of students' writing and reading, and students' writing and reading should be included in the examination content.


3. Actively carry out teaching and research activities to improve the level of teaching and research.


(1) The teaching and research group actively carries out teaching practice activities according to the requirements of the school's teaching plan. Through the development of "effective questions and answers in classroom teaching" video classroom theme discussion activities, "good class appointment activities" and "five serious teaching evaluation activities", teachers can absorb and digest new curriculum reform information and education theories in academic discussions, establish new education concepts, and improve the level of education and teaching.


(2) Improve the collective lesson preparation system and improve the overall teaching level. In this semester, the Chinese teaching and research team used the teaching and research activities on Wednesday and the time for collective lesson preparation to strengthen the management of the lesson preparation teams of all grades, improve the collective lesson preparation system, build up the language discipline resources, and provide effective resource sharing for teaching. When preparing lessons collectively, teachers should select texts for research and discussion, talk about teaching methods and learning methods, and other teachers should revise and supplement them. They should strive to pursue a new realm of classroom teaching, tap the essence of teaching materials, focus on the broad sense, and carry out teaching and research activities, so as to thoroughly and accurately understand the texts. Make the classroom full of vitality, humanistic care, problem exploration and teaching wisdom.


(3) Actively play the leading role of backbone teachers, create opportunities for young teachers to learn and exercise, enable young teachers to grow rapidly, and improve the quality of education and teaching. Young teachers should regard grinding lessons as a stage for their own growth, and promote teaching and learning by pairing teachers and apprentices and helping each other.


(4) Actively carry out teaching reflection activities. Chinese teachers should temper their teaching language, make their classroom teaching language accurate, vivid and vivid, and demonstrate to students. After class, teachers actively carry out reflective activities according to the classroom teaching situation to promote the improvement of their own teaching and improve the teaching quality.


4. Strive to improve students' quality and create discipline teaching characteristics.


On the premise of being based on the classroom, consciously expand the subject content and strive to develop the subject characteristics. Teachers should prepare well for writing lessons, teach in a planned and step-by-step way, and constantly improve students' writing ability; Have a good reading class, let students feel the happiness of reading in Shixi Shuxiang campus, so as to truly improve students' Chinese literacy.


5. Meticulously welcome provincial quality inspection and strengthen quality awareness.


(1) One class hour review is guaranteed every week, two related assignments are conducted, and the answer card test is held every two weeks. Take this opportunity to improve teachers' quality awareness.


(2) Strengthen the classroom for ten minutes, and ensure ten minutes of practice time in the classroom. Actively explore and optimize memory interests and methods, promote students' happy memory, and comprehensively improve students' comprehensive quality.


(3) Build a school-based homework library and a quality inspection question library. Give better play to the pertinence of the exercise, enrich the content of the exercise, improve the teaching quality, form a hierarchy of improvement and compensation, reduce the teacher's preparation time, avoid the randomness of the exercise, and effectively control the workload.

2022小学语文组教研工作计划 篇5


1、 Guiding ideology


We have carefully studied the spirit of the provincial party committee and the provincial government on reducing the burden on primary and secondary school students. Our school's Chinese teaching and research work has renewed our ideas, and we have done our best to carry out in-depth teaching research with curriculum reform as the center and classroom teaching as the focus, Establish "student development oriented" ". We should firmly grasp the main channel of teaching, take students as the center and optimize Chinese classroom teaching as the center, focus on studying the specific problems in Chinese classroom teaching, take school-based research as the main way, continue to implement the teaching routines and norms, implement and optimize the teaching process, and improve the teaching quality in a down-to-earth manner. At the same time, we should combine the teaching and research practice of all teachers in the Chinese teaching and research group to create a good teaching and research atmosphere and exhibition for teachers Show the stage, comprehensively improve the classroom teaching level and business skills, and serve the healthy development of all students.


2、 Working measures


(1) Strengthen the construction of the teaching and research group, and give full play to the team cooperation strength of the teaching and research group. This semester, we will conduct Chinese teaching research in the teaching and research group as a unit, and take this teaching and research group as a powerful group, so that each teacher can play their potential in the team, pool wisdom and create wisdom.


1. The teaching and research group should earnestly and enterprisingly carry out various activities.


2. The teaching and research group will carry out three comprehensive disciplinary activities this semester. April Calligraphy Competition May Knowledge Competition June Word and Word Accumulation Competition.


3. Do a good job. Each teacher in the teaching and research group shall prepare lessons carefully, attend classes carefully, assign assignments reasonably according to the spirit of burden reduction, and timely correct and feed back assignments.


4. Organize teaching and discussion activities.


A series of "teaching research" activities in various forms should be carried out around the "teaching" work.


Each teacher will have an open class in line this semester.


In this semester, teachers will be organized to prepare lessons in groups according to grade, organize public teaching and research activities, and listen to and evaluate lessons among teachers in the group according to the spirit of burden reduction.


(2) Strengthen the management of teaching routine and improve the teaching quality.


1. Strengthen the management of teaching routine. Fully implement the curriculum plan, strictly follow the curriculum schedule, prepare lessons according to the teaching progress, enter the classroom in advance, finish classes on time, and handle students' homework on time every day, without corporal punishment or corporal punishment in disguised form.


2. Do a good job of grading students. In this semester, students will be assessed for their grades and encouraged language evaluation, and the percentage system will be abolished.


(3) We should constantly improve the quality of teachers in learning and practice.


The development of teachers can promote the development of students and schools.


1. We should further strengthen the training of young teachers with goals, levels and measures.


2. Do a good job of teachers' professional learning. There will be three competitions for teachers this semester.


3. Go out, please come in. Encourage teachers to actively participate in various training work, give a good report class after returning, and talk about their own learning experience, so that everyone can benefit from learning alone.


4. We should encourage the bold use of existing modern educational means to carry out Chinese classroom teaching, and speed up the integration of information technology and subject teaching.

小学语文教研组计划工作计划 篇6


1、 Guiding ideology:


This semester, under the guidance of the School Work Plan and the Work Plan of the Education Office, combined with the school work ideas of 20XX, and guided by the new curriculum concept, the high-level Chinese teaching and research group has increased teaching and research efforts, improved the education level, and improved the efficiency of Chinese teaching; Carry out teaching research and actively explore ways and strategies to improve the quality of disciplines; Make full use of Chinese education resources, expand Chinese practice activities, enable students to love learning Chinese, learn Chinese, learn useful Chinese, constantly improve the quality of education and teaching, and improve students' comprehensive Chinese literacy.


2、 Members of the teaching and research team:


There are 13 teachers in the teaching and research group (fifth and sixth grades) of the high section, all of whom are young and middle-aged teachers with college or undergraduate degrees. Several of them are key head teachers and key teachers in school districts, counties and cities. Members of this teaching and research group have solid professional knowledge, certain management ability, and a sense of continuous reform and innovation in teaching.


3、 Work objective


Integrating theory with practice and implementing teaching routine; Create a quality classroom and demand quality from the classroom.


1. The reading plan of this semester is for each teacher to read one education theory book and two other books, and to be able to recommend each other and exchange the use of their own income in the classroom.


2. Improve the atmosphere of classroom discussion. Guide and improve the classroom teaching ability of this group of teachers by listening to and commenting on lessons, speaking lessons and other forms, study the factors that affect classroom teaching, and maximize the efficiency of classroom teaching.


3. Carry out relevant theoretical study to improve the teaching and scientific research ability of teachers in this group more quickly. Encourage teachers to write teaching reflection, education narrative, teaching essays, teaching papers, etc., actively organize teachers in the group to participate in the annual writing of Chinese teaching papers and cases in primary and secondary schools, and strive to publish some papers and cases in influential educational journals.


4. The graduating class is facing the transition to junior high school. This semester, our group will carry out research on the topic of "Primary School Chinese Connecting to Primary School" and carry out a symposium. How to carry out effective practice and evaluation during graduation review is a problem that our teaching and research group of senior Chinese is exploring at present, and we hope to explore some teaching models suitable for this group.


4、 Specific measures


1. Focus on the classroom, strengthen "conventional teaching", earnestly implement the topic "Research on improving teaching behavior based on classroom diagnosis and observation", change teachers' teaching concepts, infiltrate the concept of student based education, improve teaching methods, cultivate students' autonomous learning ability, and improve teaching efficiency. Strengthen lesson preparation, pay attention to cooperation, achieve resource sharing, pay attention to teaching effect, and improve the overall teaching quality. We should strengthen management, so that no teaching plan can not enter the classroom. We should pay attention to preparing enough students for lessons, and homework exercises should conform to the spirit of reducing burden, reduce repetitive mechanical homework, and improve the effectiveness of Chinese practice.


2. Pay attention to the cultivation of students' good study habits and improve the teaching quality. Special attention should be paid to the cultivation of students' habit of listening attentively in class, completing homework on time, reviewing questions, reading, writing, etc., and practical measures should be taken to pay attention to it frequently and repeatedly, so as to lay a good foundation for students' sustainable development. The teaching and research group will strengthen the spot check. It is encouraged to evaluate excellent homework frequently in class or grade to encourage students to be positive. It is necessary to strictly grasp the quality of homework, control the quantity, correct in time, regulate teaching in time, decompose the pursuit of Chinese teaching quality into the evaluation of each lesson and unit, and reduce or eliminate the accumulation of errors. Pay special attention to the work of improving the quality and making up the difference. The teaching and research team will cooperate with the Education Office to conduct random quality testing for many times and in a small range, and timely analyze feedback regulation.


3. Centering on the construction of the "Chinese characteristics" of the school, various school level reading and teaching activities were carried out. Pay attention to students' accumulation in class, and guide students to carry out reading activities extensively in morning classes, lunchtime and weekends after class. Let every student read more, read well, read well, gain knowledge from reading, understand reason, cultivate sentiment, and make reading a conscious behavior of every student's lifelong learning. At the same time, we should strengthen various Chinese practice activities, such as reading competitions, story king competitions, classic reading activities, reading and newspaper knowledge competitions, so as to comprehensively improve each student's Chinese literacy.


4. Pay attention to the training of teachers' professional ability, and actively participate in various teaching seminars, skill competitions and other activities at all levels, such as schools, districts and cities. We will organize independent course selection and various trainings on the provincial platform, continue to carry out the activity of "one teacher, one excellent course", and strengthen the professional development of teachers.

小学语文教研组计划工作计划 篇7


This semester, the work of the Chinese teaching and research group will continue to implement the spirit of the school's educational affairs conference, deepen the reform of Chinese teaching under the guidance of the new curriculum standards compiled by the Ministry, strive to change the concept of education and teaching, vigorously improve the efficiency of classroom teaching, and carry out its work in a solid and effective way with the goal of comprehensively implementing the Party's education policy, comprehensively promoting quality education, and improving the quality of Chinese teaching in a large area.


1、 Learn theory well, renew concept and improve quality


1. Each member of the teaching and research group should continue to seriously study advanced education and teaching theories and new, read through one or two theoretical monographs, and at the same time, focus on "quality education", "innovative education" and other hot issues, combined with Chinese teaching practice, through thematic learning and discussion, improve their theoretical literacy, update education and teaching concepts, and establish a correct outlook on teaching and students.


2. Each member of the teaching and research group should adhere to reading through the second and third language teaching research journals, timely understand the dynamics of language teaching and the trend of language teaching reform, broaden the thinking of language reform, at the same time, combine their own teaching practice, absorb and digest the advanced teaching experience of others, and strive to practice their own "internal skills" in language teaching, so as to better adapt to the higher requirements of quality education for language teachers.


3. Each member of the teaching and research team should closely combine the actual education and teaching situation with the research topic, and determine the learning focus, pay attention to the learning methods, improve the learning efficiency according to their own needs, and strive to: consciously learn the theory, in-depth research and exploration, earnestly summarize experience, and actively write essays, so that theoretical learning can be implemented effectively.


4. We will vigorously promote the new concept of the Ministry of Education, carry out open classes within the group, and give good teaching and research courses in schools.


2、 Pay close attention to routine, reform teaching and improve efficiency


1. The key to the overall improvement of the teaching quality of Chinese is to implement the routine, reform the classroom teaching and improve the efficiency of classroom teaching. Classroom teaching is the main position for the comprehensive implementation of quality education. This semester, on the premise of vigorously promoting quality education, we should firmly establish teachers' sense of service, change students' learning methods, and constantly improve the teaching mode of "learning plan guidance". At the same time, we should attach importance to the creation of a harmonious, relaxed and democratic teaching atmosphere, the creation of teaching scenes, the activation of students' thirst for knowledge, the cultivation of students' habit and ability of independent learning, the cultivation of innovation spirit and practical ability, and resolutely face all students, take care of the learning needs of students at different levels, and research and implement hierarchical and classified teaching.


2. Strengthen routine research to ensure burden reduction and efficiency increase. In this semester, the teaching and research team will cooperate with the school to check the implementation of the routine by listening to lectures, spot checking lesson preparation teaching plans, homework correction and other ways.


3. Strengthen collective lesson preparation. Give play to the group advantage, improve the quality of lesson preparation, and ensure the quality of classroom teaching.


Activity schedule:


February: Complete the Chinese teaching work plan, and prepare for the first lesson.


March: Various activities of listening to each other in the group were launched, and Zou Jingjie attended the public class "Ancient versus Modern".


April: regular monthly inspection. The lesson preparation group shall prepare for class inspection collectively. Calligraphy competition, ancient poetry recitation competition, poetry recitation and other activities were carried out.


May: In April, the mid-term examination paper production, grading and quality analysis of the regular monthly check.


June: Monthly inspection of teaching routine. Excellent reflection, case, courseware and paper evaluation, and summary of teaching and research achievements.


July: Final exam. Work summary of the teaching and research group.

小学语文教研组计划 篇8


1、 Guiding ideology:


Guided by modern educational thoughts and concepts, closely centering on the work objectives of the school this semester, we earnestly studied the New Curriculum Standards, actively, steadily and effectively deepened the experiment of Chinese curriculum reform, further increased the strength of classroom teaching reform, standardized the management of teaching routines, strengthened the research, service, guidance and other functions in Chinese teaching, comprehensively improved students' comprehensive Chinese literacy, and solidly improved teaching standards, Improve teaching quality.


2、 Key points:


(1) Study hard, practice boldly, and further promote the experiment of Chinese curriculum reform.


1. Deepen the reform of Chinese classroom teaching and boldly practice and explore. It is necessary to establish the awareness of promoting development through activities. Through holding classroom teaching, demonstration and discussion activities at different levels, more discussions, exchanges and collisions are needed to find, study and solve problems encountered in the activities. We should effectively change the way students learn, closely combine full autonomous learning, effective cooperative learning, and appropriate inquiry learning, and attach importance to stimulating interest, activating unique experience, and playing the role of reading aloud. In class, we should not only have pre class presets, but also open to flexible elements. As for the creative spark in the interaction between teachers and students, teachers should grasp it keenly and ignite it, so that different experiences can be spread and shared, thus exceeding the preset goal.


2. Continue to seriously study the "Chinese Curriculum Standards" and other educational documents, and change ideas. We should devote ourselves to studying and understanding the background, guiding ideology and objectives of Chinese curriculum reform, and be familiar with the objectives, contents and requirements of curriculum standards. Continue to pay attention to changing the following educational concepts: curriculum concept, from "text" to "experience"; The teaching concept, from "preaching, imparting knowledge and solving doubts" to "teaching and learning grow together"; The view of talents, from "pen pole" to "foundation"; Scientific concept, from "closed" to "open"; Goal view, from a single goal to a three-dimensional integrated goal. We should continue to make efforts to transform the basic ideas of teaching reform into specific behaviors of the Chinese teaching process, and integrate and optimize the teaching process.


3. Reform the evaluation system. Classroom teaching evaluation should focus on students instead of teachers, and pay attention to the development of students. Student evaluation should highlight the integrity and comprehensive evaluation, and pay attention to improving the comprehensive quality of students from the perspective of three-dimensional goals; Strengthening students' self-evaluation and mutual evaluation; We should combine formative evaluation with summative evaluation, qualitative evaluation with quantitative evaluation, and basic evaluation with creative evaluation.


(2) Optimizing Chinese Teaching


1. Standardize and strengthen the "six earnest" teaching work.


Do not enter the classroom without teaching plan. We should pay attention to preparing students for lessons, and make sure that there is someone in the eye and there is some flexibility. The homework exercises should be reasonably matched with the basics, comprehensiveness, practicality and activity. Each teacher strives to achieve one lesson and one reflection, and encourages young teachers to write cases for reflection and teaching.


2. Pay attention to the cultivation of students' good study habits.


Strengthen the cultivation of students' learning habits, and strive to improve students' homework habits and listening habits. Special attention should be paid to the cultivation of the habit of listening attentively in class, completing homework on time, reviewing topics, reading, writing, etc., and practical measures should be taken to focus on it frequently and repeatedly, so as to lay a good foundation for the sustainable development of students.


3. Strengthen students' extracurricular reading and pay attention to students' accumulation.


Under the favorable condition that the school has abundant book resources, it is necessary to stimulate students' interest in reading, and guide students to carry out reading activities extensively during morning classes, noon, afternoon school hours and weekends. Make the total amount of students' extracurricular reading reach or even exceed the amount specified in the new curriculum standard. Let each student read more, read good books, read well, gain knowledge, understand reason and cultivate sentiment from reading. Let reading become a conscious behavior of each student's lifelong learning, so as to comprehensively improve each student's Chinese literacy.


(3) The close cooperation between members of the teaching and research team should be strengthened. Listen to and evaluate each other's lessons, communicate and explore with each other, so as to make sure that the teacher will be evaluated when listening to the lesson, and that one lesson is discussed three times, so as to put the work of forming a team of teachers and apprentices into practice, and effectively improve the teaching ability and professional level of teachers through such activities as passing on, helping, guiding, demonstrating lessons, and following up lectures.


3、 Arrangement of teaching and research activities:


1. Formulate the activity plan of the language group, and the language teachers formulate the discipline plan;


2. Actively participate in various business studies and strive to improve their own business level.


3. Review, marking and analysis of mid-term examination.


4. Carry out teaching and research activities and learn advanced teaching theories.


5. Organize the group to listen to and evaluate the lessons and exchange teaching experience.


6. Participate in various teaching and research activities organized by the town education committee.


7. Review, marking and analysis of the final exam.


8. Complete the summary of teaching and research activities in this semester.


9. Organize Chinese teachers to write papers and teaching cases.