
时间:2022-08-23 13:17:07 | 来源:语文通



In life, many foods have brought us benefits, but some foods have harm us.


When we go to the supermarket to buy food, facing a variety of packaging in the supermarket, we feel that it is good for each kind of food?I am afraid to make a question mark.In the news, we often see that children eat food poisoning such as diarrhea and other food poisoning after eating snacks purchased by a supermarket, so we must brighten our eyes and carefully identify before buying.It depends on whether there is a production date in the food, the shelf life, whether it expires, whether there is a signs of food safety and quality certification, do not buy three -free products, do not buy or unqualified food, no production date, and no guarantee period.


On the way out of school, there are many foods on the stalls that look delicious, but in fact they are very unhygienic. In fact, they are very fragrant. In fact, they all put too much flavors and over -amount of food additives. These are all to the human body to the human body.It is harmful, and most of the roadside stalls do not have food business rights.Food of small stalls.


Usually we also eat less fried, barbecue and other garbage foods, and eat less at restaurants to reduce the harm of bad food to us.


Therefore, for our health, please stay away from the roadside stalls, stay away from garbage food, and stay away from Sanwu products.