
时间:2022-08-12 13:46:54 | 来源:语文通



Wuzi Chess_I learned to play a chess composition 600 words


On Sunday, after I wrote my homework, I begged my mother to let me play for a while.Mom said, "I teach you to play five sons?" "What is the five -son chess?" I asked strangely.


Mom turned to the room and took out a small carton.I opened a small black and white chess piece and a chessboard.There are a few black dots on the chessboard.My mother told me: "This is a row of five sons. As long as you are sideways, erected, and squinting enough, you will win. When someone else has three enough, you will be blocked on the side, otherwiseYou can't stop the first of four, you can't stop it. If you find a way to make your chess pieces favorable. "After listening to my mother's words, I explored the rules and played chess with my mother.Every next, my mother told me where to get off.I also slowly knew how to win a lot of victory.When I met my mother to three sons, I hurried to stop.Mom did not show weakness, and when she met three sons, she also attacked again and again.I only have the power to fight back.After a while, I found some rules and proposed to win and defeat my mother.


At the beginning, I didn't care too much, I didn't pay attention to let my mother win.I am not discouraged and continue to go down with my mother.In one game, I got one of the people, sideways, erected, and obliquely became three. Now I can't stop my mother anymore."I can win my mother!" I shouted loudly.I also begged my mother to continue playing chess with me.Sometimes my mother asked me to block her pawn intentionally, but developed more favorable chess pieces in other positions, which made me feel exhausted.Sometimes, I also gave my mother a clog, so that she was also in a hurry, taking care of it.I laughed.At the earliest, we couldn't even get half of the chess pieces.Gradually, the more the chess pieces used, there was a game, and we almost shot the chess pieces with light, and we did not divide the win -win.My mother sometimes didn't care, let me grab it first.We have been in about 20 games, and my mother has become a defeat of my men.


Through this five -son chess, I understand a truth: as long as you do what you do, be good at thinking, and discover the laws, you can do a good job.


Wuzi Chess_I learned to play a chess composition 500 words


One day, I saw my parents at home at home. I was very curious and determined to worship my father to learn the five -son chess for the teacher.


I asked my dad to teach me how to play the five sons. Dad told me: "As long as the fifty sons chess, as long as you connect the same color to five, you will win." I thought: I thought how difficult the five sons chess, and it turned out that this was not the case.EssenceDad seemed to see my mind through my mind, and he said to me, "Son, or let's go down, how about it?" I agreed quickly.


Before I took a few steps, I was "killed" by my father.It's really difficult to start with everything!I asked my dad: "How can I get it?" Dad told me: "Do everything you do, do not fish like a kitten, focus on a point, just like laser, gather light, gather light, gather lightAt a point, I can do one thing. "After listening to my father's words, I realized that I said to my dad;" Dad, let's the next set, okay? "Dad nodded.I stared intently at the chessboard and observed the steps of my father's walking. Then, while defending, I quietly attacked."Haha!" I yelled loudly, "Lian into five pawns! I finally won!" Dad looked at me and smiled on his face.


In the future, my dad and I played Wuzi Chess, and I could win my father several times each time.


Dad saw me often goes to him, and felt that my chess skills have increased a lot.I was still under my mother, and my brother, they couldn't get me down, I was very happy.


Although the next five children chess are a trivial matter, there is a big truth from it: as long as you concentrate and carefully do it, you can succeed.



My spare life is colorful and tasteful.I like to play five children with my parents the most to decide who is the king of chess.


When I came back in the interest class on Saturday, I played a checker with my dad to make a three -win and two wins.The first plate of father first snatched people, a proud expression, seemed to be saying, "You are a child, you are not my opponent at all." I secretly cheered myself, and I must attack and defense, defeat my father, destroy his arrogance,My first set of failures were that I was not careful enough. I accidentally accepted a pair of my father. It was "accidentally lost.


"I learned a lesson in the second set, and every time I shot, I thought about it again and again. It was necessary to prevent my dad's offense and create an opportunity to attack myself.Get up, my mother reminded me: "Kai Kai, you want to win or not."Dad's third set was also defeated by me. I won 2: 1, and I was happy to bloom.


On Sunday, my mother also became my men's defeat, and I became my chess king.



I really like the five -son chess.The five -son chess is fun and fascinating, which can not only enhance the thinking ability, improve intelligence, but also help cultivate body nourishment.


My mother bought me a box of five sons, with twenty whites and twenty blacks. Its game rules are like this: the same color of the five sons is connected to a line, horizontal, erected, and oblique.The four chess players are connected to the front line, but if you do n’t block it, you lose, but the next step you go. You have four chesss connected to a line, and you will win, but you must connect.


My parents and I often play five children at home. My mother often tells me: "Be good at moving your mind."


I like to play Wuzi Chess, because playing Wuzi Chess can learn knowledge in entertainment, and can be healthy in happy interaction.



These days, our class has started to get the fifth son's chess heat, and the five -son chess can exercise both thinking and let people relax.As for me, it is also a little five sons chess king. No one can play me in our class.


Today, we started playing Wuzi again.Chess was brought by Chen Chaoyi at the same table. As soon as the bell was knocked down after class, our class became lively.The classmates in the class were gathered around my desk and watched and checked at the same table.I didn't have much patience. At the beginning, I lived for a while for a while, but I was blocked by the opponent and had to open up another position.Gradually, I took advantage, and the students around me were also talking about it, pointing out, and it was a bustling life.


The noisy voice attracted the attention of Teacher Wang Teacher Wang. Teacher Wang said what the students are doing, so lively?We answered "playing chess" in unison.The teacher came over and asked me who was his turn. I said it was Chen Chaoyi, and the teacher was very interested. After watching the chess game, I told me that the teacher followed you.In this way, Teacher Wang and I started playing chess.


It ’s really a chess opponent. As soon as I became a life -threatening three, the teacher rushed to the four, and after a while, I could n’t tell the victory.When I got my throat, I thought that if I lost the throne of "The King of Chess", I couldn't sit down, but I thought about it. I was playing chess with my teacher today. The opportunity was rare. It would not be too embarrassing to lose.But the desire to win chess is very strong.Just when I was thinking about it, the teacher shouted a "Live Three" to wake me up. I concentrated on the spirit to resolve the teacher's step -by -step chess and deploy some serial chess for myself.Finally, I asked for the opportunity to defeat the teacher "Chong Four Live Three"."I win!" I jumped happily, and my classmates cheered.


Dingling bell, the ringtone sounded, and the time of class ended in such a tense atmosphere.



In school, I am a must -have, and I am a "Chang Sheng General". Often, my classmates are fell into flowers.Recently, I heard that Cui Bingqian learned a hand with his dad and defeated many classmates. Today, I have sent him a war book again.


I dismissed the chessboard to his table and said, "I heard that you are very powerful recently, but I don't accept it, come and teach you!"


The competition started, and the students were surrounded by water, and everyone kept cheering.Other classmates were squeezed next to the chessboard and prepared to move.I picked up the son and put it on the chessboard, and he did not show weakness, fighting with me.Black and white chess is like a dragon fight on the chessboard, which is spectacular.I suddenly drank: "The five sons are in a row." The five sons were my nirvana, and my three sons can be formed in different directions, so that the other party is in a hurry and cannot be defeated.I saw a thin sweaty beads on his forehead, and from time to time, he realized that the mystery of this burst and killed a "back of the carbide".In the end, under his powerful offensive, I still returned.


In this comparison test, I realized that no matter how good the moves were, there were still omissions, and I must be continuously improved and updated.



Once, I saw the "chess king" on TV, and I think if I am the "chess king".So I decided to learn to play chess.


But who teaches me?By the way, Grandpa!Grandpa was a master of chess, so I immediately ran to Grandpa's house and asked him to teach me chess.


When I arrived at Grandpa's house, I immediately asked him to come out. He taught me to play chess first.In front of the five dots, set up a gun behind, set the car next to the car, the horse next to the car, and the beside the horse beside the elephant beyond the scholar, the middle of the general.


Then Grandpa taught me how to play. He said, "The soldiers can only go forward, and the river can walk around. As long as there is a child next to it, you can eat it.It can only be eaten in the middle of a child; the horse collapse can be eaten as long as the diagonal; like Feitian, fields have four mouths, and the farthest corner can be eaten;Walking in that square shape; I can only walk in that square shape. "Every word I said in my mind was firmly remembered in my mind.


After learning to play chess, I returned home with a high degree of chess and told my parents that I learned to play chess, and said that I went down with my father.


In this way, as soon as I have time, I will practice chess. Over time, my chess skills are getting higher and higher.



I especially like to play military chess. Military chess can not only make people's brain flexible, but also full of fun.


Today I came to his cousin to play a chess chess again.The battle is about to start. I first put the head of the division, the head of the team, then the head of the row, the commander of the company, and then the engineer was put in the middle ... The battlefield was arranged, and I started proudly.


I saw my cousin killing my company commander: "Haha, it turned out to be a platoon leader." I laughed, and then my teacher quickly killed his head. I thought: "He is so weak, why can't I win?" Just as I was happy in my heart, his army commander dispatched and destroyed my teacher. "It's over, his general is here!" I shouted with my chin. So I transferred the commander and said aggressively, "I will kill you without leaving!" As a result, the commander was bombed by his bomb. "What can I do? I was a recurring soldier!" I thought for a while, and suddenly my eyes were in a hurry. I dispatched the commander of the army, killing his division, the commander, the engineer, and the engineer. I was happy in my heart, thinking: Cousin, I don't recognize your brother on the battlefield, haha. When I was intoxicated by myself, I suddenly discovered that my head was sacrificed, and then I tightened my heart, rushing out with the teacher, but the teacher was killed. I thought: Is it a commander? I bombed it with a bomb, but I was really happy. Then one of him blocked my road, I touched my mind and thought: What if it was a bomb? Therefore, I went to the road with platoon leaders. As a result, my platoon leader and his bombs were all over, and then I killed it with the commander, and ate his captain, the head of the group ... I also used the worker to enter a big base of him. Dig out his mines. Although my engineer was eaten by the company commander, his flag was also exposed. I thought: not far from victory. So I killed his company commander with the commander, and then attacked the base camp again, ready to eat the child who was blocking in front of the base camp, but he buried the landmine, and my commander was sacrificed. In the end, I pulled up his military flag directly and won.


After playing chess, my forgotten said, "Cousin, you are too bad to play chess, it's not my opponent." Mom said, "Although you are good at your chess, don't be proud, proud of being proud, make people proud.Behind, humbly makes people progress. "



I love playing chess more and more, and playing chess can make me understand the truth that I can't be proud!

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Today, after writing my homework, I went to play with my friends nearby.When I walked into the house of my neighbor, I saw the friends gist together. The little hand grabbed a stone and placed it on a plate gently. Sometimes frown was locked, sometimes laughing, playing unhappy.The son was excited and wanted to play, so I asked a young lady what was this?How to play?The younger sister told me that this was the "five sons". The two sides were one of them, and five pawns could be eliminated together. I heard it seemed to understand.When they played, I joined in. Because I was a novice, the level was not high, and I wanted to connect to five as early as possible.Although I failed a game, I learned the "Five Son Chess" and had a lot of gains.


Ah, playing "Five Son Chess" is endless!I fell in love with it.



1、五子棋:五子棋读音为wǔ zǐ qí,是指棋类游戏。棋具同围棋。两人对局,轮流下子,先将五个棋子连成一条直线者为胜。五子棋 wǔ zǐ qí词语解释:棋类游戏。棋具同围棋。两人对局,轮流下子,先将五个棋子连成一条直线者为胜。分词解释:一条:1.谓相连相通。 2.表数量。用于分列的项目或计量条状的东西。 3.犹一股。棋子:1.亦作“棊子”。 2.用木头或其他材料制成的下棋用的小块。通常用颜色分为数目相等的两部分或几部分,下棋的人各使用一部分。 3.状如棋子的食品。对局:下棋。也指球类比赛。轮流:依照次序一个接替一个,周而复始。下子:1.量词。表示动作次数。 2.量词。表示时间短暂。 3.量词。表示本领﹑技能。...