
时间:2022-07-22 13:25:17 | 来源:语文通



Life is fair to everyone, life is precious, and life is beautiful ... Some people fight with the disease, struggle with disasters, some people work hard for a lifetime, willing to dedicate ...The practical significance may become a successful person in life. Maybe you do not make much to make it, but life is precious to everyone, beautiful, or dull ...


It is a small story in a book.Before, there was a blind child, his name was Bori.Not long after being born, she lost her glory because of her major illness, but her mother almost did not inform Bori. Because her mother was worried about disability, Bori lost self -confidence.


One day when Bori was seven years old, he and his cousin played the ball in the yard. Bori was very happy.A "" leather ball didn't know where to fly, and only heard the cousin shouted, "Walking around, the ball needs to hit you!"On his body, Bori stood up there for a moment, and then touched his mother little by little.


"Which cousin knows the ball and needs to hit me, but I don't know?" Bori asked his mother weirdly.Mom suddenly stunned, she didn't know how could she ask this question.Seeing nature, she thought that after Burry had grown up, she could also bear some severe blows. Therefore, the mother decided to inform the truth of the matter.


After Burry listened, the face was unable to cover up.Mom took out the steam ball in Burry's hand and said to Bori, "Hold this ball in his hand." Some unswerving Bori Zhao Mom got his words.At this time, my mother gently peeled the middle thumb of the hand holding the ball, and said, "Boboli, don't be discouraged, the four fingers can hold the ball!"


Two years later, after growing up, Bori had never understood this sentence and suddenly became cheerful. This month, Bori said goodbye to his parents and went to "break" alone.Two years later, Bori has long become the boss of a well -known enterprise.Bolly said: "At the moment I was discouraged, I thought of my mother: 'Four fingers can also hold the ball,' Many customers who have experienced experience in the processing factory now must know that the raw materials are meSupport, I thank you for an outstanding mother! "


Everyone can write if you get your life, but how many people who really realize that life is really practical?Don't be discouraged, you must not give up, ‘the four fingers can also hold the ball’!



1、关怀:关怀读音为guān huái,是指关心:关怀备至丨亲切关怀丨关怀青年人的成长。关怀 guān huái词语解释:关心:关怀备至丨亲切关怀丨关怀青年人的成长。分词解释:成长:1.长大;长成。 2.向成熟的阶段发展。亲切:1.切近。 2.亲近;亲密。 3.贴切。 4.真切;确实。 5.引申为准确。 6.形容热情而关心。关心:(把人或事物)常放在心上;重视和爱护:关心群众生活丨这是厂里的大事,希望大家多关点儿心。关怀备至:关心得无微不至。...关怀怎么造句,用关怀造句»

2、生命:生命读音为shēng mìng,是指由高分子的核酸蛋白体和其他物质组成的生物体所具有的特有现象。与非生物不同,生物能利用外界的物质形成自己的身体和繁殖后代,按照遗传的特点生长、发育运动,在环境变化时常表现出适应环境的能力。生命 shēng mìng词语解释:由高分子的核酸蛋白体和其他物质组成的生物体所具有的特有现象。与非生物不同,生物能利用外界的物质形成自己的身体和繁殖后代,按照遗传的特点生长、发育运动,在环境变化时常表现出适应环境的能力。(1) [life]∶生物体所具有的存在和活动的能力冒着生命危险(2) [vitality]∶指事物所具有的能够存在下去的性质一部有生命的文学作品(3) [condition]∶指参加某种活动的资格和能力政治生命分词解释:环境:①周围的地方:环境优美 ㄧ环境卫生 。②周围的情况和条件:客观环境ㄧ工作环境。发育:生物体成熟之前,机能和构造发生变化,如植物开花结果,动物的性腺逐渐成熟。遗传:生命的重要特征。生物产生与自己相类似的后代的现象。在遗传学上,指遗传物质从上代传给后代的现象。...生命怎么造句,用生命造句»