In the impression, there will always be a white -haired elderly person who smiles and watched me step by step to the peak.You held me before, and now, I want me to turn my head and hold you, and slowly walk through the horizon.
In childhood, Grandpa took me to climb the mountain behind the old courtyard.
The mountain is very high, but it is not steep. Grandpa held my hand, step by step, slowly, not arrogant or impatient. I walked forward and walked forward, firmly pinched the hand of the old man who rewarded me the guts, and a sense of belonging flooded to my heart. Until I was tired, Grandpa asked me to sit on his shoulders, hesitated red flowers and green forests, and listened to the sound of flowers. After a while, he released me again. I suddenly had guts and dared to face the mountains and no one's assistance on the road to enter the mountain. I understand that Grandpa is my back, and his shadow has already transformed into a pair of invisible hands and led me to the peak step by step. Guide my way forward. When we stood in Shanjian and sent my grandpa to my grandfather, I laughed and waved, and I suddenly felt that I saw a beautiful landscape. The first -order rural accumulation was piled down. , Like a small beetle in the fields in the field, like a small beetle, it spreads across a hill farmland. Usually large objects, I think it is getting very insignificant. I suddenly felt very tall and big, and shouted happily to Grandpa: "I grew up, Grandpa! I'm growing up!" Grandpa also smiled at me.
In 2021, I and Grandpa and I thought about the peak again. The scenery remained unchanged, but the grandfather changed, and the sorrow gradually became more and more white.You have desperately chased the pace of a better life.Suddenly I realized that I was no longer a child, and the guardian of the wing -winged wing, now I know the grace.I held Grandpa's hand, the child who learned the teeth in the educating of Grandpa, and the young man who grew up healthy under the maintenance of Grandpa. At this time, Slowly walk, walk slowly ...
I hold you as if you were holding me before.You laughed, but I was uncomfortable to cry. You used to be my sun before. Now I want me to take you and step into the road to the peak.
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