Everyone knows that Sichuan people like spicy food, but my dad is not Sichuan, but he likes to eat peppers. Each of his meals cannot be separated from peppers, and sometimes he does not steamed up.的 Chili, sweaty with spicy scalp, it feels spicy when he watched, but he disagreed.
He bought a lot of peppers every time, and his mother was repeatedly stunned. He always didn't listen.Once, he carried a sacks from outside, and said in surprise: "I finally found the pepper nest and bought his peppers." Seeing his expression, it seemed that a three -year -old child picked up the baby.My mother opened it, and a spicy straight drill nostrils could not help but sneeze.He complained: "Why do you buy so many peppers? Can you buy it if you eat it?" He always didn't listen to buying chili.There are peppers everywhere at home: there are pepper beans, dried peppers, and pickles ... Chen's new, new ones, some spicy people can't enter the mouth, but he eats it with great interest.
There were a lot of pickled peppers before. Yesterday he marinated another altar. He was careful about taking care of the baby every day, for fear of pickling.See several times a day.
This is the father who loves to eat chili. Of course, eating chili has the effect of improving the digestive system, protecting the heart, sterilizing and disinfection, but not too much, and it is necessary to stop.
1、爸爸:爸爸读音为bà ba,是指父亲。爸爸 bà bà词语意思:父亲。分词解释:父亲:有子女的男子是子女的父亲。● 爸 bà ㄅㄚˋ◎ 称呼父亲。...爸爸怎么造句,用爸爸造句»
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