
时间:2022-09-12 13:20:28 | 来源:语文通



清明节的思念作文 篇1清明节的思念作文 篇2清明节的思念作文 篇3

清明节的思念作文 篇1


On the road, the four weeks of XXX surrounded us. The XXX in the field is lined with the glorious glory of the sky, which looks particularly vibrant.There is no intention to carve by the brushwork, and there is no trace of the ink, and only a few gently draws the rhythm of spring.I want to stop and walk to the endless sea of flowers.But there are tasks, I just hope to meet more spring scenery along the way.After getting off the car, a peach tree, finally came to my eyes. The pink flowers had not been poured by yesterday's rain.Smile.


Walking on the rugged road in the memory, the green pine is covered with half of the mountain tombs. On both sides, there are still beautiful grass all year round, and a little small wild flower.The faint purple flowers, small yellow flowers, pieces, clusters, clusters, clusters, scattered in the grass, complement each other, a prosperous scenery.Everything here is so familiar and strange.There are some cotton vegetables on the roadside, saying that they can be made of Qingming dumplings.The outside of the green leaves seems to be wrapped in a layer of fluff, so it looks like silver -white, and the flowers between the green leaves are like rice grains, which are yellow.I touched my waist, furry, so soft, so tender.We buried cotton vegetables, although it was not a full load, it was a lot of gains.


In front of Tai Cemetery, like a big challenge.After a year of wind and sun, it is covered with weeds and some spider webs.Everyone moved to clean up. I see that I ca n’t help myself.Carefully stepped on the soft soil, a kind of unknown flower came into view. It was a long white petal. The flowers were not very large, but it exudes a faint fragrance. Later, I knew that this flower could stop bleeding.After the sacrifice, we took the spring and prepared to go home.


From a distance, waving goodbye, and spring next year, we will come again.

清明节的思念作文 篇2


It is another year when Qingming is a good time for the Qingming Festival, and it is also the day when you sacrifice and miss the ancestors.


In the morning, the weather was gloomy, and it became drizzle after a while.I went to the grave to worship my loved ones with my parents.Grandpa's grave was hidden in the crooked trees, and the grave head. No one came to clean up for a long time. It was already overgrown.We came to the tombstone of the grandfather and grandfather, and there were two characters engraved on the tombstone — nostalgia.


yes!How much I miss them, especially Grandpa, he has always been in mind his care for me.


I remember once, I said to my grandfather, "Grandpa, I want to buy things, can I give me a little money." The master said decisively, "Go, go now." He put on his coat, put on it onHis hat, picked up a cane and held my hand to the store.When I arrived at the store, he took five yuan from his pocket and put it on the counter, and said to the owner: "As long as she wants to eat everything, I put this on this, and I don't have enough to ask me." The little brother of the neighbor's house metIf you ask his mother to buy food, his mother does not give it, he asked his father again, and his father did not give it.Take out one yuan and say, "Why don't you even give five corners. Give it, take it to buy something." In the last period of the grandfather's life, he couldn't get up because of his weak body. He was lying on the bed every day.No, you can only swallow for dinner. Who knows, one day he will never wake up forever.


"Come, hurry up to Grandpa." Dad's cry interrupted my memories.I burst into tears, tearing away the binding paper money, burned the paper money to my grandpa, and then kneeling down solemnly, gratitude to the care and care that Grandpa gave me when he was alive, and hoped that they would go all the way in heaven.


On the way home, the rain kept down, and the cold rain drops crossed my face until my heart was wet.


It was another year of thought, and another thought!

清明节的思念作文 篇3


It is again the Qingming Festival once a year. Mom and Dad took me to the southwest mountain to sweep the grave. Along the way, the spring is bright, the sun is bright, and on both sides of the highway, there are tender green wheat fields, pink peach blossoms, and white pear blossoms.Spring!


The Qingming Festival in Henan can be solemn. Our ancestral grave is distributed on the beautiful Qingyuan source. In the Qingming season, the mountains are full of grave sweeping people, and the mountains are lively; adults prepare many cake snacks, fruit drinks, one whole bag and oneThe whole bag was picked with a flat burden. Some children took hoes, some took shovels and followed. The family went up the mountain to sweep the grave.The grave sweeping activity can be interesting. Every time we find a ancestral grave, we are busy separately. Some weed and some add soil.The money was inserted into the new soil of the grave, and the brush was dipped in the red lacquer to describe the word work and workers on the tombstone. In this case, the unpaid ancestral tomb of the long time was instantly refreshing.


The adults took out the offerings in front of the grave, ignited the fragrant candle, and burned a lot of paper money. These supplies were eaten for the ancestors. The paper money was used for the ancestors, indicating the filial piety of our younger generation.In the end, everyone should take turns to worship from the large to small generations. Some of them still have words in their mouths. Look, my cousin reads: "The ancestors bless, let me get five points for the college entrance examination!"There are more interesting things. Grandpa's tombstone left a line left with a line that has never been described. I can scream without thinking about picked up the pen, and panicked: "Don't move!", It turns out that this line of words keeps it.I could only write it after the death of my grandmother. I almost broke the scourge and hurriedly stabbed four noise in front of Grandpa's grave. Adults laughed ...


After sweeping the tomb, we were all exhausted. The pace of going down the mountain was lying, but this day was really meaningful.Family.