
时间:2022-07-02 13:12:53 | 来源:语文通



"Come on, come on ..." A moment of cheese sounded on the playground. What is this? It turns out that we are jumping the long rope under the organization of a sports teacher. Come and see.We are divided into two groups, each of them, in the second group, the rules are seven games and four wins.


With the whistle of "Dudang-", the game began, the skipping rope hit the ground, and made the sound of "da--", and we jumped rhythmically with the sound.Suddenly, my companion accidentally stepped on the skipping rope and was tripped.So in the first game, we defeated, and the cheer of their cheerleaders was even greater, and I started to have a trace of nervousness.In the second and third innings, we have defeated three games in a row. My heart is like a little rabbit, "banging--" straight jump, and the big sweat beads dripping down. I took a deep breath., Say to myself, "How can I see the rainbow without experienced wind and rain?" I must persist!


In the fourth game of , we steadily followed the rhythm of the skipping rope and jumped steadily.At this time, because the other party was too excited, the feet were chaotic and stepped on the skipping rope. We won in this game! My mood relaxed a little bit.In the fifth game, the sixth inning, and the seventh inning, we have won the fourth innings and defeat."Yeah! We won!" I cheered with my companions, and we were as happy as full scores.The cheerleading team's hearts were like long drought grass. They were bathed by spring rain, and they jumped and jumped.


This competition left me a deep and unforgettable impression. It hone my will and exercised the spirit that I did not give up when I encountered difficulties.



Today, the school has held a unique trick jumping long rope competition!


1. Excited change clothes


When Teacher Wang was ordered and asked all athletes to wear red sweater, the classmates immediately conducted a "big search". The athletes shuttled between the students and hoped that they could find the red sweater suitable for themselves.Some of the students shouted loudly, asking the athletes to go to him to change clothes, and some said nothing, took off the red sweater three or two times, and threw it hard upside down. The red sweater was pretty beautiful in the airThe arc that constitutes the fire that we are burning in our hearts -------


Second, Qi Yuxuan Anglala Team


Although the contestants were unable to press the nervousness, our cheerleading team couldn't bear the excitement: one by one, rows of rows of their heads, and deafening.Whenever the action is successfully completed, the classmates are cheering; whenever the stumbling block is frustrated, everyone is extremely nervous and shouted "Come on! Come on!"


Third, dazzling tricks


Oh, it seems that our athletes perform well today!The dazzling rope was thrown quickly, which was extremely eye -catching.After a while, a carp jumps the dragon gate, lined up, one by one; after a while jumping a word, one by one, both right; for a while, I pulled hands, the same heart, and the coherent faster. Let's take a look at their style at this time:The clothes are like passionate flames; pants, a black wind, like a dragon out of the water; shoes, like the horseshoe of "Snow Snow".


Fourth, "everyone picks firewood and flames high"


Through this competition, I deeply understand the principle of "everyone picking firewood and flames".



December 17, 2019 is a very happy day, because our team leader team won the first place in the school in the long rope competition!Why can I get the first in the school?This starts from two months ago.


Two months ago, Teacher Zhu told us that there will be a long -rope competition in the four -five -sixth grade. Eight male classmates and eight female classmates go to the competition in the class.Students listened to both expectations and fear, because we have never skipped long ropes from the first to fourth grade. Everyone is still very strange to jump long rope.


In the morning, Mr. Zhu, Mr. Zhu, let us divide us into two men and women's teams to jump long rope.We jumped carefully to the rope, one by one.At this time, Mr. Zhu's gaze moved to me and said, "Hong Dura, go to the long rope team!" In this way, I was selected!I was very surprised, can I do it?What should I do if I can't jump well?What to do if the game is dragged ...A series of problems emerged in my mind, and my heart jumped.But then I thought: If I tried hard and the game was victorious, wasn't it a honor?I am determined to jump well and strive to win glory for the class!Immediately after, several classmates were selected ...


When the personnel are all, we have to start receiving Teacher Zhu's devil training!Jumping around, jumping around, we kept jumping back and forth in the long rope every sun.Although it is winter, we still make us flushed and sweaty.In order to learn to adjust in the air, we have trained their feet numbness and back pain.


Although the training is tired, everything is worth it.We learned to jump, which made us jump faster.Teacher Zhu's requirements for us are getting higher and higher. Our sunshine movement often passes by the sound of the rope knocking on the ground and the rhythm of the classmates shouted by the classmates.


The game finally arrived. We came to the playground and were particularly nervous. I felt that my legs were soft and my hands were shaking.However, we still seize the last time practice.Finally, the whistle of the game sounded, and we immediately jumped up at a lightning speed.The atmosphere was even more tense. When the teacher shouted the countdown: "Ten, nine, eight, seven ..." At the time, we were extremely nervous. If we were not careful, someone was tripled, but fortunately, we immediately picked up again.


Finally, I heard that the referee reported that our results were 303. Everyone was ecstatic, and they were all happy!Because this is a number we have never reached!


It's really three minutes on the stage, two months off the stage!I understand, unity is power!As long as there is any effort, there is a good return!



I think jumping long rope is very interesting.


This is a multi -player game, at least three people, at most dozens of people.First of all, two strong students shake the rope.The lightness of the rope is not good, and it takes skills.The rope should be thrown just to touch the ground, forming a semi -circular shape, and the rhythm is uniform.Students with skipping rope also have skills. Eyes have to stare at the rope. It is best to jump in when the rope is in the air.This will not be tripped.Just like this one after another, you can't stop.


Classmates, have you learned?



The bell rang at the end of the get out of class, and the playground immediately became a happy ocean.Throwing sandbags, catching and hiding, two -footed running, one or two three wooden people ... so lively! And my favorite is the jumping long rope.


Under the organization of the teacher, the students were waiting for a long line.The teacher told us: "First of all, we chose two classmates with high schools to shake the rope, and then ask the students to jump one by one in order, pay attention to safety. Do you understand?"Essence


Started jumping long rope, we stared at the long rope of ups and downs, eager to try, can't wait.A female classmate in the front was flexible, ran up quickly, and quickly jumped over.I am in the second one, a few flying steps, jumping, and jumping through the long rope easily.I looked back, and the next classmates did not show weakness, running towards the long rope one by one, and jumped quickly.The classmates cooperate well! One by one, one by one, and orderly.


The "Failure King" of our turn is the turn of our rope.Every time she jumps, she is hesitant: I want to jump, I am afraid that she can't jump;Look at her, run directly, and get out of the rope again.As a result, he accidentally fell.The classmates laughed, and she ran away with blushing.The teacher walked over and told her patiently: "You run to the rope, you must jump, and then run out." She nodded.Then, the second round began, and it was the turn of the "Failure King". I saw her courage and ran quickly. As soon as her legs were lifted, like a dexterous little swallow, she jumped easily.Everyone clapped her hands for her! The smooth team jumped one after another, making people feel good and proud.


The game of jumping long rope makes our body more flexible, make our collective unity, and make our will brave and stronger! Let's jump the long rope together!



My favorite sports activity is jumping long rope.


In the physical education class this afternoon, Teacher Ma led our class to jump the long rope in the big fuck.He first introduced the rules of the game in detail: "Two students are responsible for shaking the rope, the other students lined up, and after the rope was shaken, the classmates jumped one by one, and they should be fast, don't empty the rope!" After introducing itPut your palms with a fist, eager to try.


Xiaoming and Xiaodong shook the rope first, and the rope hit the ground "patting".Sports member Xiaohua first jumped into the past, but unfortunately, the rope hit her head. She held her head with both hands, "Oh", and she died, so she laughed.


Soon it was my turn to jump, looking at the rope that flipped up and down in front of me, I hesitated for a long time.Finally, I jumped into the rope bravely, and quickly jumped up when the rope arrived.But when I came out, I took a slap, my feet were tripped, and almost fell.I returned to the team with my heart, secretly reminding myself that I would take a photo next time.When Xiaoyu jumped, he could make a big joke. He rushed up and did not notice that the lace was opened.Pour, fall into the sky.Everyone stepped forward to comfort him, and he himself squatted on the ground and tied his shoelaces.


A few rounds of bumps passed, everyone slowly followed the rhythm, one after another, jumping out a lot of tricks.We have fun.


The jumping long rope is over, but my heart is still dancing ...