
时间:2022-06-16 13:34:50 | 来源:语文通


The development of Ai Tangshan's contribution activities is a big fact that the government has done to the people.Through this activity, the government's efficiency will be higher, and the people will work more convenient.The following is the contribution deeds collected by the editor of the composition fan network. I hope it will be helpful to everyone ~~



Since the main city's theme practice activity of "Love Tangshan", Li Qiang-an ordinary Communist Party member, a captain, an ordinary manager, always keep in mind the work concept of "law enforcement+service", Gan Gan Dedication, and to be the people, showing a good image of rigorous law enforcement, law enforcement as the people, and serving the society.


As a front -line law enforcement team, Li Qiang often said that "urban management law enforcement is to serve the people."He said so, and did this.He comes in the morning and evening every day, and consciously relieves the jurisdiction area after the post. After that, it will arrange a day's work around the key tasks, implement it in step by step, carefully do the daily supervision, actively and properly handle the encounters encountered.Various law enforcement issues.In the concentrated operation of special rectification, he always asked for help. He often worked overtime and did not complain.

  为打好整治“露天烧烤”战役,李强和他的队员们几乎没有休过节假日,经常加班加点,出色地完成了拆除大学西道和星河湾周边违章建筑的险重任务。由于高新区大学西道(宋学新庄段)两侧存在大量临建板房,原由路北区管理,为路北宋学新庄市场内违章建筑,共计商户20家,板房29间,约1200平米,大多从事烧烤经营活动,属历史遗留问题。部分经营户室内没有油烟处理装置,门前卫生脏、乱、差,食品安全没有保障,私接电线隐患重重,高低错乱的板房也和周边环境很不协调,大队决定依法对这里的违章建筑全部拆除。拆除工作中,李强带领队员逐户走访,向违建当事人耐心细致地做好法规政策的宣传解释工作,为保证拆迁工作平稳、有序进行,先后入户走访50多次,争取了绝大多数当事人的理解和配合。仅用5天时间, 29间1200平米的违建彩钢房已全部拆除完毕,周边市容环境得到明显提升,彻底解决了这一历史遗留问题。在拆除星河湾小区周边道路两侧7间,约144平米违章建筑工作中,李强从上午8点连续工作到下午4点,放弃午餐和休息时间,顶着炎炎烈日战斗在拆除工作一线,直至圆满完成拆除工作。整个拆迁过程平稳有序,违章建筑没有了,道路畅通了,环境改善了,获得了周边住户的一致称赞。

In order to fight the campaign of "open -air barbecue", Li Qiang and his team members had almost no holiday holidays. They often worked overtime and completed the danger task of demolishing university West Road and Xinghe Bay. Because there are a large number of Linken Fangfang on both sides of the High -tech Zone University West Road (Song Xuexin Duan). It was originally managed by Lubei District. Most of them are engaged in barbecue business activities, which are leftover. There are no oil fume treatment devices in some household rooms, dirty, messy, and poor in front of the door, there is no guarantee of food safety, the hidden dangers of private connecting wires are heavy, and the high and low board houses are also very uncoordinated with the surrounding environment. All removal. During the demolition work, Li Qiang led the team members to visit the household, and patiently and meticulous propaganda and interpretation of the parties to the offendent. The understanding and cooperation of the parties. In just 5 days, the 29 1,200 square meters of illegal construction color steel houses have been demolished, and the surrounding city capacity environment has been significantly improved, which has completely solved the problem of this history. In 7 sides of the road around Xinghewan Community, about 144 square meters of illegal construction work, Li Qiang worked continuously from 8 am to 4 pm, abandoned lunch and rest time, and fought on the first line of the demolition work in the scorching sun, until it was successful. Complete demolition. The entire demolition process was smooth and orderly, the illegal buildings were gone, the roads were unblocked, the environment was improved, and the surrounding residents were praised.


The university road he governed is located in a number of universities and universities, and the mobile vendors are more gathering. Li Qiang understands the people's simple feelings at all times to understand the law enforcement work. Personally and meticulously convinced education, and established a good image of law enforcement. In a law enforcement, he found that a hawker selling fruits on the side of the road stepped forward for persuasion and education. I did not expect that the vendor was very impulsive, and shouted loudly: "I have no job laid -off, the child must pay tuition fees when I go to school, I don’t sell it, you love it!" Li Qiang patiently talked to her policies, regulations, and guided her Go to the nearby regular market to operate legally. Not only did the other party more impulsive, they said a lot of swear words, and even had to do it. Li Qiang stabilized the other party's emotions and continued to explain until the vendor obeyed management. Li Qiang enforced the law as the people, served the people, and was understood by the cooperation of the management objects, and was well received by the masses. When encountering difficult management objects, Li Qiang even took the initiative to serve without the masses. It is for this reason that he has formed a harmonious and healthy relationship with the masses in the jurisdiction, promoting the healthy development of urban management law enforcement work with practical actions.


As a member of the Communist Party, the captain of the grassroots level, Comrade Li Qiang always kept his purpose, worked hard, cared for his colleagues, and brought the squadron harmonious and stable, and his work was strong.Satisfaction rate continues to increase.



Zhao Zhengyong, an enforcement officer of the first squadron law enforcement brigade of the Tangshan City Administration Bureau.Since entering the urban management law enforcement team in 20xx, it has been fighting the front line of law enforcement work.In the past six years, he has worked hard and completed various tasks. He has been unanimously called by leaders and comrades, showing the charm and style of a new generation of urban management people.


Comrade Zhao Zhengyong is a veteran. For many years, his army life has cultivated his capable and solid work style and the spirit of courage to dedicate. Since engaging in urban management and law enforcement work, he has been working hard and fulfilling his duties.In various actions such as daily law enforcement work, the re -inspection period of the civilization city, and the governance of super -rule, he insisted on rushing at the forefront.Especially in the recently carried out random garbage governance operation and the special rectification operation of the 100 -day tackling of food vendors operating food vendors, he has actively act, constantly overcome difficulties, and practice the theme of "love Tangshan, contribute to contributions" with practical actions.Practice.


The problem of garbage siege is a major problem that restricts the development of Tangshan, and it is also a major problem that plagues the brigade. For a long time, although the brigade has taken a number of measures to carry out chaotic garbage control operations, the results have been limited, and the disorderly garbage behavior in the jurisdiction has occurred from time to time. It is difficult to thoroughly solve the cause of this "illness" mainly because most of the disorderly trash acts occur at night, the mobility is very strong, and it is difficult to investigate and deal with it. Since the winter study and education activities in 20xx, the brigade has determined the governance of the garbage as a problem to solve the key work. In the process of cracking, Comrade Zhao Zhengyong took the initiative to think, put forward the night inspections and squatting suggestions, and took the initiative to take the initiative to take this task. From 6 pm to 8 o'clock the next day, the garbage transport vehicles on the passing ring line are strictly investigated and punished. Due to the obvious identification of law enforcement vehicles, it is easy to cause the alerts of chaotic garbage. In response to the owner -free construction garbage accumulated in the jurisdiction, he took the initiative to ask for a variety of negotiation and communication with the construction site in the jurisdiction, and actively mobilized the social forces to dispatched a forklift, and the Qingyun vehicle helped the transportation to store the garbage. After his joint efforts with his colleagues, the phenomenon of chaotic garbage in the outer loop has been basically curbed, and the phenomenon of garbage siege has also been greatly improved.


Beginning in November 20xx, Zhan Dao's special rectification operation of food vendors has been fully rolled out in the city. The brigade has promoted this work step by step through measures such as tank construction files, propaganda, and centralized rectification.Comrade Zhao Zhengyong's flow stalls in Tang'an Road and Beixin Dao west of Beixin Road in the area are a difficult issue. There are more employees and foreign vendors under the stalls.In this regard, he patiently guided, on the one hand, he explained the interest relationship and the adverse effects on the image of the city, and carried out a cure for the cure.On the other hand, he used his spare time to coordinate with relevant departments to help the stall owners find places that are easy to standardize management and are easy to engage in business activities.However, some stall owners are indifferent, and they even insult him, but he is still not angry, and continues to explain the reason and move. Finally, all the food vendors signed a guarantee.The 12 mobile stalls were also completely banned.


Comrade Zhao Zhengyong not only performed outstandingly in various actions, but also strictly requested himself at high standards. Due to the more benefits of the grassroots people involved in law enforcement work, he consciously regarded serving the masses as the starting point of the work, sincerely to do good things for the masses, and to do good things for the masses.To do practical things, he played a model of pioneering party members everywhere: he provided plaques for on -site services for remote merchants, saving the time for the masses to run back and forth; he coordinated with Li Dizhuang Village CommitteeThe information is convenient ...


As a urban management law enforcement officer, in the past six years, he has witnessed the establishment and growth of the Outer Ring Law Enforcement Brigade, and has experienced various difficulties and helplessness.But he has always maintained his infinite enthusiasm for work, and he has never thought of being tired.He often said, "Urban management is the manager and guardian of the city. Don't look at the mixed things and the tube of the urban management work tube, but any little thing is a major thing for the city's facade." It is based on such a belief.He devoted all his energy to the work of urban management law enforcement, put into the construction of beautiful Tangshan, contributed to the development of urban management, and cast his "urban management soul".



The Western Suburban Sewage Treatment Plant is located in the southwestern part of Tangshan City. It adopts AAO sewage treatment process, which has a daily sewage of 160,000 tons.Providing high -quality regenerative water supply has contributed to the optimization and development of the water body environment in our city.


1. The production process is transformed, and the first level of the water quality is discharged.In order to meet the requirements of the national environmental protection and enterprise development, the western suburbs sewage treatment and reconstruction project in May 20xx passed the water commissioning operation.The sewage treatment plant provides a clearer source of water for the beautiful environment of the blue water and blue sky in our city.In order to practice the promise of "not allowing a drop of unqualified water into the South Lake", the entire factory cadres and employees have exerted a new enterprise spirit of "condensing their hearts, reality, self -pressure, striving for excellence, and pursuing excellence."New equipment, strictly control each link of sewage treatment, handle more than 37 million tons of sewage sewage throughout the year, all the water quality is up to the standard discharge, and has been praised and praised in the previous environmental protection verification and zero action.The city has made positive contributions to improving the water environment.


Second, the recovery of Zhongshui reached a new high. The continuous stable water supply for the sewage source heat pump is to promote the process of recycling the water resources of Tangshan City.Water supply, and achieved the continuous stable and stable water supply of the sewage source heat pump project of Huiminyuan Community, and 11 million tons of regenerative water annually, played an important role in reducing water pollution, increasing resource utilization, and reducing supply of supply.


In order to ensure that the quality of renewable water quality is better than the user's indicators, through increased communication with users, establish a daily and long -term communication mechanism, and accurately grasp the user needs in a timely manner; increase the management of equipment and facilities in Zhongshui Station, arrange a special person to inspect the Zhongshui Pipe every day to inspect the Zhongshui PipelineThe network equipment and facilities are found in time in the process of pipeline transportation, ensuring the stable operation of the heat pump of the sewage source, and sending warmth to millions of households in the cold winter.


Third, actively play the role of environmental protection bases, promote environmental protection knowledge, and improve environmental awareness.In order to enable all sectors of society to understand sewage treatment and improve environmental protection awareness, the western suburbs sewage treatment plant takes the "sewage treatment open day" activities as the platform, and actively exerts the functions of provincial environmental education bases."The theme of the provincial, municipalities at all levels, residents of nearby communities, students in large colleges and universities, and young reporters from the University of China come to the factory.Thousands of households' toilets, sewers of thousands of enterprises, flowing from countless rainwater wells into sewage treatment plants. After a process of pre -treatment, biological treatment, biochemical treatment, etc.This stimulates the awareness and enthusiasm of the general public to protect the water environment and protect water resources.


Fourth, actively carry out love volunteer service activities and dedicate love to the vulnerable groups of society.Employees have been to condolences to the orphans of orphans and disabled children, and brought them clothes, shoes, hats, books, toys and other items to them, and used their sincere love to present the weak power of the city's practice of civilization.



1、事迹:事迹读音为shì jì,是指过去所做的比较重要的事情:英雄事迹|战功事迹|事迹彰明。事迹 shì jì词典解释:过去所做的比较重要的事情:英雄事迹|战功事迹|事迹彰明。分词解释:重要:1.指重镇﹑要地。 2.谓重大而主要。事情:1.事物的真相;实情。 2.事理人情。 3.人类生活中的一切活动和所遇到的一切社会现象。 4.犹工作,职业。比较:①就两种或两种以上同类的事物辨别异同或高下:有比较才能鉴别ㄧ这两块料子比较起来,颜色是这块好,质地是那块好。②介词,用来比较性状和程度的差别:这项政策贯彻以后,农民的生产积极性比较前一时期又有所提高。③副词,表示具有一定程度:这篇文章写得比较好。过去:时间词,现在以前的时期(区别于‘现在、将来’):过去的工作只不过像万里长征走完了第一步。...事迹怎么造句,用事迹造句»

2、唐山:唐山读音为táng shān,是指1.复姓。 2.华侨对祖国的习称。唐山 táng shān词语解释:1.复姓。 2.华侨对祖国的习称。分词解释:华侨:旅居国外的中国人。复姓:不止一个字的姓,如欧阳、司马等。祖国:1.祖先以来所居之地。 2.祖籍所在的国家;自己的国家。● 山 shān ㄕㄢˉ◎ 地面形成的高耸的部分:土山。山崖。山峦。山川。山路。山头。山明水秀。山雨欲来风满楼(喻冲突或战争爆发之前的紧张气氛)。◎ 形状像山的:山墙(人字形房屋两侧的墙壁。亦称“房山”)。◎ 形容大声:山响。山呼万岁。◎ 姓。● 唐 táng ㄊㄤˊ◎ 夸大,虚夸:荒唐。唐大无验。◎ 空,徒然:功不唐捐(功夫不白费)。◎ 传说中的中国朝代名,尧所建。◎ 朝代名:唐代。唐诗。唐僧。唐人。唐三彩。后唐。◎ 古代朝堂前或宗庙门内的大路。◎ 古同“螗”,指蝉。◎ 姓。...唐山怎么造句,用唐山造句»

3、材料:材料读音为cái liào,是指①能直接制成成品的物件:这辆自行车很轻,是用什么材料做的?②供学习、研究、写作等使用的资料:参考材料|统计材料。③比喻合适的人:他是当演员的材料。材料 cái liào词语解释:①能直接制成成品的物件:这辆自行车很轻,是用什么材料做的?②供学习、研究、写作等使用的资料:参考材料|统计材料。③比喻合适的人:他是当演员的材料。分词解释:写作:1.犹写成。指作诗文﹑绘画等。 2.书法和文章。 3.写文章;创作。演员:戏剧、电影、音乐、舞蹈、曲艺、杂技等表演者的通称。合适:符合实际情况或客观要求:这双鞋你穿着正合适丨这个字用在这里不合适。直接:不经过中间事物的。与“间接”相对:直接取用|直接关系。...材料怎么造句,用材料造句»

4、贡献:贡献读音为gòng xiàn,是指①拿出物资、力量、经验等献给国家或公众:为祖国贡献自己的一切。②对国家或公众所做的有益的事:他们为国家做出了新的贡献。贡献 gòng xiàn词语意思:①拿出物资、力量、经验等献给国家或公众:为祖国贡献自己的一切。②对国家或公众所做的有益的事:他们为国家做出了新的贡献。分词解释:物资:生产上和生活上所需要的物质资料。自己:1.代词。自身﹐本身。 2.自己人。 3.知己亲近;关系密切。公众:社会上大多数的人;大众:公众领袖ㄧ公众利益。他们:代词。称自己和对方以外的若干人。一切:1.权宜;临时。 2.副词。一概;一律。 3.全部,所有。 4.泛指全部事物。 5.一般的;普通的。...贡献怎么造句,用贡献造句»