
时间:2022-07-26 13:28:16 | 来源:语文通



Dongbai Mountain is our highest peak in Shaoxing. The scenery there is very beautiful.One city and village; and the large blockbuster reeds bent down in winter, and the white velvet flowers on the top are like a cream, watching the enchanting in the evening in the evening.The fog and ice hanging due to low temperature, crystal clear, beautiful!


However, with the increase of tourists, this beautiful place also increases a lot of garbage that should not occur. Because of people's inadvertent, they are hiding in small woods and reeds, which seriously affects the environment on the mountain.I followed the public welfare team of the snail outdoor, and came to Dongbai Mountain together to clean up the garbage for it and return it to a clean look.We walked all the way, picked up plastic bags, beverage cans, beer bottles ... and even tattered shoes, picked up a dozen big bags.The adults brought the recyclable bags down the mountain, burned the burned place, burned it, buried it, and turned the garbage into fertilizers.Hidden garbage, there is no way, pick it up a little bit.


Sleeping in the tent at night, I can't help thinking. If we pay a little attention when we play, throw the garbage into the trash can, this beautiful mountain summit will be more tidy!



1、公益:公益读音为gōng yì,是指公共的利益(多指卫生、救济等群众福利事业):热心公益。公益 gōng yì词语解释:公共的利益(多指卫生、救济等群众福利事业):热心公益。分词解释:利益:好处:物质利益ㄧ个人利益服从集体利益。热心:非常愿意;有兴趣而非常肯做:热心助人|对集体活动十分热心。卫生:①能预防疾病:乱倒垃圾,不卫生,不文明。②符合卫生要求的状况:养成卫生习惯。群众:①大众:人民群众|群众运动。②指没有加入中国共产党、中国共产主义青年团等组织的人。用于表示政治身份。救济:用金钱或物资帮助灾区或生活困难的人:救济费ㄧ救济粮ㄧ救济难民。...公益怎么造句,用公益造句»