I was woke up by the light of the glass window, and I remembered the past ...
Staggering, I saw the green leaves passing through the window outside the window, and faintly shown on the white wall at the table of my writing table.At the beginning was the orange light of the class. Slowly, the light spots turned from orange to dark red, and condensed into two elliptical light balls, flashed silently ... I stunned, always felt like what they looked like, what it looked like, what it looked like,Woolen cloth?Oh!It's the mother's hands.
It turned out that I didn't cover the quilt again, but I just felt very uncomfortable and drowsy.My mother came in to check if my quilt was covered as well as the day.The mother came in very quietly, and accidentally touched my forehead. She couldn't help but be surprised. The two eyes flashed a surprise light in the night: "Lele, are you okay?"
I just said a few times: "Mom, I'm so uncomfortable." After that, I saw my mother immediately put on a coat, picked me up, and set off to the hospital.
Near the early morning, there were a few drops of rain in the sky, and the car on the road was almost invisible.Only my mother's face and my big hand were holding my sweaty face.The mother ran to the road for a while, but she didn't even see the shadow of the car.I groaned slightly: "Mom ..." My mother looked at me: "Rest assured, my mother will make you okay." I don't know when, my mother's eyes have a little confidence.I laughed and clenched my mother and hugged my big hand.
And I was still very anxious. Suddenly, my mother didn't know what to see, so she ran away with the rain of Dou Da.I only saw the rain on my mother's head, and gradually I seemed to fall asleep in the dimness ...
"Lele ... Lele ..." With the call, I opened my eyes and saw that I was in the infusion hall in a hospital, and her mother's face was pale and her lips were purple.He leaned against the back of the chair, but he kept sinking down, and immediately lifted it up, Xu was fighting.That usually glory, but now I am very tired.Maybe I was alarming my mother. My mother opened her eyes, first, and then smiled, stroking me: "Mom said it will make you okay." After that, he grinned with me.
In my memory, my mother never slept on that day ...
When I was chatting with my neighbors recently, my heart trembled in a word: *** Mom had a cold at the time. After you were sick for a few days, the mothers also hung up for several days., I would have to be hospitalized, if it wasn't for your mother's straight character ... "I couldn't help crying ...
In the early morning, the sun passed through the window, shining on the white wall next to my writing table. Slowly, it turned from orange to dark red, and condensed into two ellipse group made me think of my mother's hands again.
Yes!The only love in the world is motherly love, which is the most beautiful love in the world.
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