
时间:2022-06-25 13:39:28 | 来源:语文通



Today, everyone takes the double -layer bus holiday line Line 1 to visit the Polar Maritime Museum.Xiaobian in the sky, the temperature is a bit low, go to the new project in the room to play.


Qingdao Polar Hall covers an area of ​​386 acres. I heard this but the world's largest polar aquarium! When I entered the museum, the first to enter the eyes of everyone was "White Whale". White whales are national -level protection animals. They are very tame and beautiful, and the sounds are high and loud. According to the test of authoritative experts, the intelligence of a white whale is equivalent to the intelligence of a four -year -old child. But seeing the white whale rolled around in the fish tank of the golden fish, he made a cute posture in a while, and he would talk to people across the mezzanine. Everyone rushed to the comedy film classroom teaching in the theater. The first three sea lions appeared. They were but have a small animal. You see, some of them are arithmetic on the large chair, some of them can top the ball, and some can top the ball. , I like it! What wants me to be cheerful is these fleshy penguins. They shook on the shore to make us laugh. Every penguin jumped into the water, and the group would make a laugh. Too interesting! Getting rid of the theater, the group of fish in front of me is not ordinary, that is, the fish that can drink milk, how about it, is it wonderful? Tell everyone, eating milk fish is also known as a wish fish. This kind of fish that can eat bottle pacifiers is a koi fish produced in Japan. It has a long service life. Generally, I can live over 100 years old. Just as soon as the glass bottle reached into the water, the fish group opened their mouths one by one, bit into the glass bottle, and sucking the glass bottle mouth hard, watching them can't wait, and please like it!


The most exciting is the performance of the marine world white whale and whale and human interactive exchanges.However, seeing the white whale with the foot of the domesticationist's feet on the top of the head, from the distance, cutting the water into two parts, splashing the milky white waves, the domesticationist seemed to fly on the river, and "flying" to the front of the front.Performance stage.Under the guidance of the domesticationist, the White Whale began its performance. At first showing its beautiful voice, the bass made the whole person surprised; the following is an interactive communication with people. It kissed a audience with its own lips.Face, interesting enough!The whales are on the stage. Under the guidance of pet trainers, they have made various difficult movements, and they performed various kinds of singing, dance, swimming, top balls, vomiting circles, high jumps, side empty fans, etc.The clever and intelligence of the filming is made, and the trainer will continue to ride on the whale to slide in the water and bow like fans. It is so handsome!In the end, the whale jumped into the air, pushed to the steam balls in the air in the air, and fell down a pair of couplets in front of the audience. The performance of the audience was completed!


The journey of one day is so soon coming to an end. Tomorrow, I will leave this beautiful coastal city.Qingdao, I can go again!



1、开心:开心读音为kāi xīn,是指①心情快乐舒畅:同志们住在一起,说说笑笑,十分开心。②戏弄别人,使自己高兴:别拿他开心。开心 kāi xīn词语解释:①心情快乐舒畅:同志们住在一起,说说笑笑,十分开心。②戏弄别人,使自己高兴:别拿他开心。分词解释:自己:1.代词。自身﹐本身。 2.自己人。 3.知己亲近;关系密切。高兴:①愉快而兴奋:听说你要来,我们全家都很高兴。②带着愉快的情绪去做某件事;喜欢:他就是高兴看电影,对看戏不感兴趣。快乐:感到幸福或满意:快乐的微笑 ㄧ祝您生日快乐。戏弄:捉弄;开玩笑:这样戏弄人可不好|不要再戏弄了。十分:1.按十等分划分。 2.犹十成。 3.充分,十足。 4.副词。犹全部。 5.副词。非常,极,很。表示程度高。...开心怎么造句,用开心造句»

2、青岛:青岛读音为qīng dǎo,是指草木青翠的岛屿。青岛 qīng dǎo词语意思:草木青翠的岛屿。分词解释:岛屿:四面环水的小块陆地。散处于海洋、湖泊、河流中。按成因分为大陆岛、海洋岛(火山岛、珊瑚岛)、冲积岛。世界上最大的岛屿是格陵兰岛。世界岛屿总面积约为970万平方千米,约占世界陆地面积的7%。青翠:青绿色:春天到来,田野一片青翠。草木:1.指草本植物和木本植物。 2.指荒野。 3.亦作“艹木”。比喻卑贱。多用作自谦之词。● 青 qīng ㄑㄧㄥˉ◎ 深绿色或浅蓝色:青绿。青碧。青草。青苔。青苗。青菜。青葱。青山绿水。青云直上。万古长青(喻高尚的精神或深厚的友情永远不衰)。◎ 绿色的东西:踏青。青黄不接。◎ 靛蓝色:靛青。青紫。青出于蓝,胜于蓝。◎ 黑色:青布。青线。青衫。青衣。◎ 喻年轻:青年。青春。青工。◎ 竹简:青简。青史(原指写在竹简上的记事,后指史书,如“永垂青青”)。● 岛(島) dǎo ㄉㄠˇ◎ 江海或湖泊里四面被水围着的陆地:岛屿。半岛。海岛。岛链(排列成一串的许多岛)。...青岛怎么造句,用青岛造句»