
时间:2022-09-09 13:18:38 | 来源:语文通



中小学生家庭教育讲座观后感心得 篇1中小学生家庭教育讲座观后感心得 篇2中小学生家庭教育讲座观后感心得 篇3

中小学生家庭教育讲座观后感心得 篇1


On Thursday, he was invited to participate in the "Family Education" lecture on the lecture on the lecture of Director Du of the Primary School.Safety education and other aspects.After listening to Teacher Du’s lecture, I felt a lot as a parent. During the period when the child arrived at school, the child learned a lot of knowledge, which was much more sensible than before.It is inseparable from the training of the school for parents.Through the cooperation with the teacher, I have realized some methods to educate their children:


1. Parents' words and deeds will directly affect their children's thoughts and behaviors. In the future, we need to talk about children in the same way, and everything will start from the health of the children.


2. Cultivate children's interest in learning.Guide children according to the teaching goals of various subjects, make children happy, diligent in thinking, good at observation, and develop good hygiene habits and safety awareness.Teach children to adhere to the rules of traffic and improve their awareness of self -prevention.Happy life and learning, and be a good student with excellent academics, laying a solid foundation for the successful life in the future.


3. Arrange the children's spare time reasonably. Under the premise of completing family studies, give other hobbies and cultivation, so that he can be a child with a comprehensive development.


4. Keep communication with the school at all times, especially the communication of the class teacher. For a first -year student, he does not have the ability to learn. With his personal hobbies, he accepts education.Most of the time in the school, only when maintaining communication with the school at all times can they understand the child more comprehensive and through the efforts of schools and parents to allow children to be educated happily.


5. Create a good learning environment for children.A good learning environment is conducive to cultivating children's ability to learn independently and independently; it is conducive to cultivating children's interest in reading, and enhancing the communication between parents and children.


The good or bad of a person's destiny depends on a person's personality, and the perfect cultivation of personality depends on the development of good habits and good psychological quality and moral cultivation.But these things have attracted our attention since childhood.Especially during the golden period of children's growth, various factors will affect their children, mainly in family, schools, society, etc.Therefore, we all need to work together and strive to do the education of children.


Thanks_The leaders and teachers of the primary school provided such a platform for parents to improve their progress.It is precisely because of your hard work, selfless efforts, and sacrificing your precious rest time to provide us with such training lectures, which truly reflects the lofty morality of teachers' teaching and selfless dedication.

中小学生家庭教育讲座观后感心得 篇2


I listened to the family education report today in the Elements of the Western Division. I deeply felt that the education of children was a life lesson that I could not finish.And this course requires all aspects of attention and growth.As a parent, a school, and even the whole society, the training of the next generation should have a sense of responsibility and attention.As the first teacher of our parents, our parents have deeply influenced their children. As parents, they must first lead by example to continue to learn and improve themselves.A expert in "Parent -Child Growth" said, "Don't be a parent with knowledge and no culture."This sentence is worth thinking about.You must be a qualified parent with a high education and a good job. We must always learn how to communicate with children, how to guide children, how to educate children, and how to cultivate good children.Therefore, family education plays a vital role in the child's life.


I think the environment of children's growth is the most important factor, and the environmental factors in family education simply divide them in the following four aspects: language environment; parent -child environment; personality development environment; hardware environment.


Language environment: One expert raised a problem that every family would have: What should be done as a parent when a child has a problem? Our Chinese parents have a large common problem to blame and punish. And the blame words often hurt the child's self -esteem, and the content of punishment is not related to the mistakes that the child is made. For example, there are often parents say, "You see why you are so careless? Why are you so careless every time? Don't eat anymore." Such words are the most harmful to children and a tendency to label on labels. If the child is often criticized by such discourse evaluations, he will have no self -confidence, and always feel that he can't do anything well. Therefore, the skills of speaking are important, and the direction of guidance is more important. When we face our children wrong, we must first remember that we hope he is better and better, so we must not attack personally. Education experts made such a suggestion: "Child, what happened just now? Are you sad and sad, right? Why do you think such things happen?,, Let the child think of solutions after thinking, and let him realize Such consequences are not good, and fully let him realize the reason for his mistakes. It does not make him feel bad about what he feels. " Therefore, the language environment creates the good physical and mental health and positive mental appearance of the child.

亲子环 www..cn 境:父母应该有颗平常心,父母心态如何,直接影响孩子的一生,凡是心态好的父母,身边就会有一个快乐的孩子;心态不好的父母,身边就会有一个障碍的孩子。无论孩子做出了什么样的错事,考出了什么样的糟糕成绩,作为家长都应该让孩子感受到爸爸妈妈是爱自己的。让孩子在良好的亲子环境下长大,总有一天孩子会学会感恩,学会为了报答而努力奋斗,成为高情商的人才。

Parent -child ring www..cn realm: Parents should have a normal heart, how the parents' mentality directly affects the child's life. Any parents with good mentality will have a happy child around.A barrier child.No matter what kind of mistakes the child has done and what kind of bad grades they have done, as parents, they should make their children feel that their parents love themselves.Letting children grow up in a good parent -child environment. One day, the child will learn to be grateful, learn to work hard to repay, and become a talent for high emotional quotient.


Personal development environment: As parents, you must not compare your children and other people's children. Don't let vanity harm your child. Don't let the compensation replace your usual mind, give your child courage, and give them their own sky.In the process of children's growth, there should be his independent space, respecting the child and giving the child a certain degree of freedom.Freedom does not mean indulgence.We can't help our children for a lifetime and accompany the children for a lifetime.Leave your children's money, housing, car and other wealth. It is better to teach children to have good habits and internal force development, so as to benefit them for a lifetime.


Hardware environment: As parents, we should continue to learn and adapt to the era of informationization, networking, modernization, and digitalization. Because our children were born in the new century, parents of the new century should also create a good hardware environment for their children, let the children allow childrenBe able to learn to grasp the means of exploring knowledge.It should also create an excellent environment for children to experience the society and explore the world.


As a parent, I hope to create the above environment for their children so that he can grow up happily and healthy.Whether he is a successful person in his career or ordinary people in the future, I just hope that it is the life path he chose, and I will grow up with him!

中小学生家庭教育讲座观后感心得 篇3


First of all, thank you for this family education lecture that the school has carefully arranged for our parents.


After listening to the lecture of Director Zhang Moumou, it benefited a lot.Director Zhang used the in -depth language, theoretical and practical method, and his own experience to teach our parents the matters and educational methods that the children should pay attention to during the education process, which made me feel deeply, and deeply understood the teaching of words.For parents, as a teacher for life, the responsibility and significance of parents carry.The key to education is to develop good habits, better communication with children, and increase reading methods.


Parents are the first teacher of the child.Our words and deeds are profoundly influenced by children. The harmony and rich family atmosphere of the family is an objective condition for a child's healthy growth.From an early age, the child has established an independent personality, and the second is to pay attention to the child's psychological and healthy development. Although the child is very small, he has a strong self -esteem.Unexplained accusations or complaints will bring spiritual damage to children.After listening to this lecture, there are still a few experiences to share with you:


First, it is necessary to have a good study and living habits. It should be reflected in the details of life.If you have good habits, you must first allow your child to get used to thinking. You must give your child sufficient freedom. You ca n’t care too much. Otherwise, you will have rebellion., Timely discover the bad behavior in children's lives, correct and guide; give affirmation and encouragement to the good behavior in the child's life, make them a habit, and let the child study and live with the accompaniment of good habits.


Second, do a good job of communicating with your child. Parents and children's communication should pay attention to scientific methods: first of all, be good at listening. Only by listening to the child's mind, knowing what the child thinks, what you pay attention to, and what you need can the child care and help, and it will make future communication easier. If the child tells you what you are happy, you should be happy; the child tells you the disappointment, you should let him vent and express sympathy; when the child tells you about the topic you are not interested, you should be patient. Listen, say that you pay attention to his conversation. In this way, not only makes children more happy to talk to you, but also improve his language expression ability. Secondly, parents must learn to be friends with their children. If parents are always high, they will be difficult to make friends with their children, and they will not be able to talk about real communication. This requires parents and children to talk with their children's mentality and language that children can understand when talking. Be patient. There are huge differences in the age, psychology, and thoughts between parents and children, and it takes a process to understand. If it is too impatient, communication will become a bubble.


Third, to cultivate a lot of reading for children.Reading is a way of learning to broaden children's vision and knowledge of knowledge.It is also a kind of entertainment that brings infinite fun to children.Therefore, we must first create a strong reading atmosphere for children.Make reading a way of life, so that children think that reading is a very happy thing. Therefore, at home, there will always be a fixed time to read books every night. No matter what kind of book, bring him a one to bring him a oneHead, create an atmosphere of learning.Slowly, the child also likes reading. Reading has not only become a living habit, but it also becomes our good teacher and friend.


By listening to this lecture, I benefited me a lot, and also let me deeply understand the importance of educating children and the importance of family education.Especially the cultivation of children's personality is not in place. At home, control the child's behavior, every thing must be done with my consent or recognition before dare to do it, which seriously blocks his imagination of thinking.Furthermore is the irritability of the temper, because of the irritability of the temper, without sufficient patience, not only to talk about the child again and again, but also hit him. When I saw the children's helpless and wronged eyes, I returned to it.God came, he was just a child.Experts are so good: once they are parents, they are teachers for life, so from now on, start from themselves, start with each small thing, so that children have an independent personality and have a good habit.Communication, let him grow up happily and healthy, make him a knowledgeable person, and be a useful person to society.