
时间:2022-07-16 13:30:16 | 来源:语文通



Since I want to play basketball this afternoon, my mother has adjusted my Taekwondo lesson to three to 5 o'clock, and let me play basketball again at 5:30.


After finishing the Taekwondo class today, I was tired and I got tired when I got home.My mother sent me to the basketball court, and I sat on the ground with one ass and rest.After a while, I saw a lot of coaches shooting, and I was not tired, and I started to fill the blue with a basketball.Yeah! I cast four!


Starting the official class, I know new and know new. The coach asked us to review the previous movements, let us play more proficient, and then experience the joy of playing basketball in the next exercise, and master the knowledge of new studies proficiently.Essence


In the blink of an eye, I passed two hours, and I made myself dirty.My mother picked me home and asked me on the road: "Tong Tong, you toss back and forth like this, are you tired?" I lay on my mother: "I still think it's so interesting, just a little breathless ..."


In this way, I will definitely become strong and make those fat into muscles!



1、今天:今天读音为jīn tiān,是指①说话时的这一天:今天的事不要放到明天做。②现在;目前:今天的中国已经不是解放前的中国了。今天 jīn tiān词语解释:①说话时的这一天:今天的事不要放到明天做。②现在;目前:今天的中国已经不是解放前的中国了。分词解释:已经:1.业已经过;业已经历。 2.副词。表示事情完成或时间过去。现在:1.存在。 2.指目前活着。 3.现世,今生。 4.眼前一刹那。与过去﹑未来相区别。后泛指此时﹑目前。目前:1.当前;现在。 2.眼睛面前;跟前。明天:1.指月光满天。 2.今天的下一天。 3.不远的将来;未来。一天:1.一昼夜。 2.指一个白天。 3.犹一时,泛指不太长的时间。 4.整天;成天。 5.某一天。 6.一块天空。 7.指满天。 8.一重天。 9.如天之大。形容很大,很多。...今天怎么造句,用今天造句»