
时间:2022-11-23 13:06:51 | 来源:语文通



对初中生新学期寄语 篇1对初中生新学期寄语 篇2对初中生新学期寄语 篇3对初中生新学期寄语 篇4

对初中生新学期寄语 篇1


To all students:


All children, welcome home!


The new school year is coming, and I have entered a new grade. I will be exposed to new subjects and deeper knowledge. At the same time, I hope you can face all the troubles brought by growth calmly.


The children of Grade 7 like your naivety very much. I hope you can find a learning method that suits you. Don't let books and homework cover your innocent smiling face. In life, there will be many kinds of people, and their ways, methods and principles will be different. I hope you can look at people and things with a pure heart and always stand on the side of justice. In terms of learning and morality, we have laid a solid foundation.


Eighth grade 'children, shed some innocence, you are eager to mature. Rebellion period is a very troublesome period. We appreciate personality and encourage you to be yourself, but please be correct. The seventh grade children call you brother and sister, and the ninth grade children call you brother and sister, which is really an awkward age. There are many pairs of eyes watching you, you are not just your own. I hope you can put more energy into your studies, think about your original dreams and goals, work hard, work hard, and make final preparations for tomorrow's sprint. At the same time, we should be modest to the top, courteous to the bottom, and carry out the power of example to the end.


Are you ready, ninth graders? From today on, every day is the final sprint, which is a competition of physical strength and endurance. I hope you can make rational use of your time, rest - study, and keep your energy to meet each day. Of course, people are tired sometimes. When they are tired when they are bitter, talking is the best way to relieve stress. Students, teachers and parents are willing to share. In the last two hundred days, let's work together, no matter what the result is, just because we firmly believe that: a hard work, a harvest!


Life is like a journey, when people get on and off the bus and get off the bus, people in the bus will always miss him for his good; When someone gets off the bus, no one notices, as if he never came; When someone got off the bus, all the passengers cheered.

对初中生新学期寄语 篇2


The new semester began. We welcomed the first day of the new semester. We stood in the old place again and began our new journey.


The road is still yesterday's road, but the milestone is new; The song is still the song of yesterday, but today it is more beautiful; The sun is still yesterday's sun, but it radiates a new light. Let's take a look at the first sunrise in the East. Do you want to check yourself: Is my dream still alive and my heart still flying?


After many people have passed, the road is still empty, but the road itself is more solid. After history, the time tunnel has left traces of the past dynasties and the Hong Zhong in the dark, and we often feel the fierce thunder and lightning. Now, we are facing a new year. We are the master of the world today.


Many things are a dream before pursuing, a poem in the process of pursuing, and an old song after pursuing. Only the process of pursuing is the most beautiful and romantic season. As long as you are pursuing, you will gain something; As long as we are running, the road will not be deserted; As long as you love, your heart will always be filled with warmth. When you love nature, you also love yourself, because you are a leaf in nature. What can you see tomorrow, if you don't grasp today. If today is a bow, then you are the arrow waiting on the string. Grasp the bow, and you will go straight to the bull's eye tomorrow. The moment when your dream comes true is the moment when you touch the value of life.


The wind is silent when it is quiet. When it runs, it has a song; When the water is still, it is silent. When it runs, it has a song; The mountain is silent. When there are climbers, the footsteps and echoes of the pioneers are songs.


Yesterday's seed and a drop of sweat are today's flowers and fruits. Tomorrow's you may be a pigment in the future rainbow. Please show yourself. If the stars in the night sky are ashamed of their shimmer, how can we enjoy the beautiful starry sky?


As the ancients said, "Heaven is moving well, and a gentleman is striving for self-improvement. Let's work together for our ideals at this new rising sun."!

对初中生新学期寄语 篇3


It is about to start school again. A few years ago today, I carried my small schoolbag on my back and walked into a completely unfamiliar school. The sound of books in it made me curious. On that day, I embarked on this learning path


I have experienced many difficulties and setbacks on this road. I know that everyone must experience this on this road, which is something everyone has learned. I don't want to tell you about the difficulties and setbacks I have faced. These are past and meaningless, and there will be many more in the future. But I think what is really worth praising is the unyielding spirit of overcoming difficulties and setbacks. How dare you ask? How many people give up and back down when they encounter difficulties in their studies... are these common for you? Do you just indulge yourself and lower your requirements?


I believe that there are absolutely no difficulties that "people" can't overcome in the world. If you really want to surpass those learning idols that you think are superior, why don't you try? You should know that academic achievements are not the purpose at all. Your efforts in this way will make you feel really happy and proud.


Of course, some parents may also disapprove of it, and think that bad grades are bad. At this time, I will also reflect on myself. When I feel that I have worked hard enough to prepare for this exam, I have no regrets, and I will not pay too much attention to parents' views and criticisms of this exam; However, if I did not spare no effort in preparing for this exam, I would not shirk my responsibilities. I would listen carefully to my parents' views on this exam and make myself work harder. I would recall where the loopholes in this semester are. Although they have passed, they should be repaired.


The result of your study is changeable. Maybe you worked very hard this time, but if you didn't do well in the exam, you can't give up. This is God's test for you. See if you can stick to it all the time. Maybe you will make significant progress in the next exam.


The idea of giving up has also appeared in my mind. At that time, I was really afraid. In the face of strong competitors, I struggled day and night, but I couldn't catch up with them. I was really depressed, but an idea flashed in my mind. Why can't they do it and I can't? Perhaps it is because of my stubborn temper that I never give up. I don't regret now. Facing me now, I have a little pride and pride, but I won't stop here. My life is still waiting for me to start. I want to let myself in the future recall the past without leaving any regrets. I want to let such regrets remain only in the previous generation. I don't hope that I will have such regrets in the next year


I always believe that stupid birds can fly first

对初中生新学期寄语 篇4


Dear students


The spring of 20XX is coming. Are you ready? In the frozen earth, the grass has already bred its embryo. Only when the spring wind wakes up the earth, it breaks through the ground. The streams also gurgle out under the thick ice layer, waiting for the warm sunshine to bring happy songs to the fields. I believe you are getting ready for the sprint after a month's rest. We are meeting the challenges with enthusiasm.


How many times can there be such a confrontation in life? And they are all familiar with their classmates. They have the same goals, receive the same education and learn the same courses. Know each other's strengths. What a pleasant challenge! What an exciting duel!


Nine years of equality education, along the way, you have had laughter, tears, successes, and many detours. Looking back, I can still see that I have been moving forward, although I saw my steps were askew. Although sometimes the pace is dense and the pace of progress is slow, it can be seen that at that time, you met stumbling stones and little hearts were hurt, but you still walked around and looked forward. Students, please applaud for this and be glad that you have gone through many difficulties. If you fall down and get up again, it proves that you are a strong person, and life will favor and reward you.


Now your life has reached a high level. Go up bravely. Nine years of strength accumulation and knowledge accumulation must be done at one go, so that the steps will appear small and insignificant. Life can have several fights, such as water meditation is your mentality; It is your style to strive upstream; It is your persistence and persistence to not stop until you reach your goal.


The teacher believes in you. The ideal flag has already been flying, the fierce battle signal has been sounded, and you have lined up in neat and light. Because you know that there is no choice. We will come on the stage of life after others sing. We interpret the legend of life, real and wonderful. No one will replace us, because everyone is writing his own movement with life, there will be many intersections without the same. Let's grow and develop ourselves in the instant collision. The teacher has already prepared a triumphal wine for you, expecting you all to win.