
时间:2022-10-22 12:53:19 | 来源:语文通


一道风景线作文700字 篇1道风景线500字作文 篇2那一道风景线作文 篇3道风景线500字作文 篇4道风景线500字作文 篇5道风景线500字作文 篇6道风景线700字作文 篇7道风景线500字作文 篇8道风景线500字作文 篇9

一道风景线作文700字 篇1


Persistence is a beautiful landscape


Peng You


Persistence is a beautiful landscape,因为我有一次坚持取得的成功。


It was a weekend when I was in the third grade. My family went to visit my cousin. I suddenly found that she had a beautiful bike, which made me eager to try. Dad saw my mind and said, "As long as you learn to ride a bike today, I will buy you a new one tomorrow." As soon as I heard of the great joy, I pestered my father to learn at once.


We came to the school playground in front of our cousin's house. My father held the back frame of the bike with both hands, but I was a little scared when I climbed onto the bike. I hesitated.


Dad said loudly: "It's easy to ride a bike. Hold the handlebars tightly with both arms, look at the front, and be brave." My heart crossed, my hands clenched the handlebars and my feet kicked up. Not bad, because my father is behind to escort me, I ride slowly, and the ride is still stable? I just rode two or three laps. Dad suddenly said, "OK, that's it. You can ride. I'll let go." Let me listen. Hurry to say: "No, I haven't practiced yet." My father had already let go of his hand before he could say a word. I shook my hand twice, and I fell down to the ground with my car and people. The palm of my hand was still broken, which made me grin and cry.


I slowly stood up and said wrongly, "Dad, what are you doing? I don't know how to do it yet. I don't want to learn anymore." I was just about to leave. Dad said, "Do you want me to give you a car all my life? The method is so simple. If you stick to it, you can succeed. It depends on your own practice. But I believe you can learn."


So I began to practice again. I fell down once and twice... With the time between falls getting longer and longer, finally, the bike was under my control and danced freely and happily on the playground. You can see it galloping from time to time, like a strong swift horse, flying from one side of the playground to the other. It sways from time to time, like a Wulin expert playing drunken fist. It looks unsteadily but never falls down.


Persistence is really a beautiful scenery!

道风景线500字作文 篇2


There was a loud thunder, and the rain poured down.


The moisture squeezed into the French windows and blew cool on the body. The huge classroom was full of faint soil smell. The violets outside the window were depressed by the rain, but they refused to fall.


I was the only one in the classroom, pressing my leg, and the pain spread all over my body. I didn't seem to feel it. What I replayed in my mind was the beautiful demonstration action. I thought, why can't I? I did before? After that illness, I wanted to go back to dancing, but my strength and sharpness were not as good as before. I stood up and jumped as hard as I could, but I didn't want to control it. At the moment of landing, my feet were numb and I fell to the ground. I know it's not easy to recover, but I don't have much time to enter junior high school. I thought, let's just do it, but I was unwilling to let go.


Sweat trickled down my cheeks and onto the floor, and my thin sobs were covered by the rain. I don't know when the teacher came to me and patted me gently. It was a pity that my eyebrows could not be concealed. "Dancing needs perseverance. Recovery is not simple, but it cannot go with the wind. Try more. The flowers planted in your heart will bloom."


The sound gradually faded away. I looked up. The rain seemed to be a little bit smaller. The smell of new shoots seeped into my nose. The drooping violets straightened up again, full of life. I got up, tied my hair again, and practiced again. Finally, I held my breath and leaped forward, stretching my arms to draw a beautiful arc in the air. The light rain has become my background plate. When I landed gently, I adjusted my breathing and smiled at myself in the mirror.


Push the door and walk out of the classroom. The rain stops. A touch of sunlight penetrates the layers of dark clouds and slants on the violets, illuminating their tenacious life. A rainbow appears in the distance, which is a beautiful scenery after the rain. It seems as if I have pushed through layers of clouds and fogs, which are extremely bright.

那一道风景线作文 篇3


I was ecstatic because the rainbow appeared that day.


Speaking of the rainbow, it is full of childhood memories. At that time, I painted it, sang about it, and even enjoyed its beautiful appearance from its appearance to its disappearance. I just don't know when I forgot its beauty, the beauty and vitality that can't be reflected in any photos or portraits.


It was another spring, and the rainy season followed. But this year's rainy season is not as soft and long as before. Instead, it is the torrential rain, which makes people happy and sad.


These days, the sky is always gray, and the earth is filled with the smell of rain; I remember that the rain the other day was the biggest. The clear sky suddenly changed into dark clouds. With the sharp lightning and loud thunder, the coming torrential rain came immediately, and it was getting worse and worse in the complaints of the people... It cleared up after the rain. When the teacher who was going to step into the scholarly atmosphere was studying for himself last night, he heard screams and cheers behind his ears, put down everything in his hands, grabbed his glasses and ran out.


When that colorful rainbow reflected in the clear sky and appeared in front of me, I found it hard to restrain my excitement and joy, because that long lost rainbow is still beautiful.


The rainbow that day is such a beautiful scenery. In this process, I learned that only by "letting life take its course" can I taste the sweet taste of success, which is also a landscape. isn't it? Look at the rain that day. It wet people's clothes and shoes; It dampens people's enthusiasm for going out and adds to their laziness; But we have harvested the rainbow, its beauty, charm and vitality, and our excitement and joy. After we experienced lightning, thunder, storm and rain, we left beautiful memories.


This is not just to tell us not to be afraid of the difficulties and obstacles in front of us, and to move forward bravely, not to retreat, not to give up, and finally we will have a colorful life like a rainbow. Life is like this, any beautiful and warm things will only be left to those brave people, because of their. Be brave and persevere, and you will reap more scenery.


The rainbow that day is such a beautiful scenery; It not only brought me back to my beautiful childhood, but also helped me find the memories that I had forgotten in my heart; Moreover, I learned that I should abandon the fear in my heart and move forward all the way, and that I should not fear strangers and dangerous roads to see more scenery.


The rainbow on that day is a landscape.


The brave and fearless self in the future is a landscape.

道风景线500字作文 篇4


That day, as soon as I entered the classroom door, I found many ecological bottles behind me. Some of the various ecological bottles were filled with beautiful small goldfish. One of them was red, and the other was black; Some loaches are loaded with slippery loaches. One more minute is too long, and one less minute is too short; Some small shrimps with hunched backs dart around in bottles, rarely waiting for them to rest; Others are equipped with wriggling spiral, crawling and stopping


Looking at the students' eco bottles, I can't help thinking of the process of making eco bottles myself.


I washed the excavated sediment, spread it evenly in the water cluster box, and then planted water plants. As the name implies, water plants need water. I poured pure spring water into them, because fish can live better in natural waters. Why are there less things when there are sands, water plants and water? By the way, I forgot the main character in the water, the little goldfish. Once they are put in, the whole ecological bottle is full of infinite vitality. Finally, sprinkle some duckweed, and a small ecosystem will be formed.


Through these days' observation, I found that the small goldfish like to eat the root of duckweed best, and they will eat the whole duckweed after eating the root. Now I finally understand the reason why duckweed is less and less every day.


Every time after class, the students will go to the ecological corner. I crowded into the crowd, moved step by step to my ecological bottle and said to the students, "Look, these fish are playing hide and seek in the water plants." "This ecological bottle is very beautiful. The water plants are green and the fish are naughty. Who made it?" I can't help feeling complacent.


Each ecological bottle is an independent kingdom; Each ecological bottle is a complete ecosystem; Each ecological bottle will attract a group of envious eyes. It has become a landscape in the classroom, an interesting ecological bottle landscape.

道风景线500字作文 篇5


Perhaps you are intoxicated with the magnificent and wonderful nature, perhaps you are intoxicated with the luxurious life, or you are envied by the bold and unrestrained successful people. However, do you sit in the audience on the stage of life and applaud others' success? So I lost myself in these beautiful landscapes and became a green grass forever to set off the flowers. Please remember, friend, you are a landscape. You don't need to be jealous of others' success. You can also believe in yourself.


They are all human beings, and no one is much better than you. You can't do what he does. If you want to succeed, you must first be confident. Li Bai said well: "{I am born with my talent and I will be useful, and I will come back after a thousand pounds have been scattered." If you don't even have the least confidence, how can you succeed?

《老人与海》中的圣地亚哥老人就是个很好的例子,他一没体力,二没武器,只身一人,有凭什么能捕到那么大的大马林鱼,又杀死了那么对鲨鱼呢?是自信,他不停的自我暗示,用狄马吉欧鼓励自己,才能做到如此。 我们也是一样,成功者与失败者只差一个态度——自信与不自信而已却分出了天堂与地狱的差别,相信自己也是一道风景。

The old man in San Diego in The Old Man and the Sea is a good example. He has no physical strength, no weapons and is alone. How can he catch such a big marlin and kill such a pair of sharks? It is self-confidence. He can do this only by constantly implying himself and encouraging himself with DiMaggio. We are also the same. Winners and losers only have one attitude - self-confidence and lack of confidence, but there is a difference between heaven and hell. We believe that we are also a landscape.


There is such a statistical data that 80% of the patients suffering from cancer are scared to death. On the contrary, an old comrade was told that he suffered from cancer and did not take him seriously. He regarded the disease as the enemy and firmly believed that he would win. After several years, he did not die, but basically recovered!

记住坚信自己,一定能行,你也能取得成功,不要灰心与沮丧,当你在看风景是风景也在看你 ,你就是世上最美的风景线。

Remember to believe that you can do it, and you can also succeed. Don't be discouraged and depressed. When you are looking at the scenery, you are also looking at you. You are the most beautiful scenery in the world.

道风景线500字作文 篇6


My hometown, Nantong, has a very beautiful scenery - Haohe River. Haohe River is called "the necklace on the neck of a girl". Hearing this name, you must think that Haohe River in my hometown is beautiful. Let me take you into the beautiful scenery of Nantong.


Haohe River in the morning is quiet. Looking at the river, you will feel that all the tall buildings appear in the river. A dragonfly "walks" across the river. The world in the Haohe River seems to shake up. The scene is lifelike and wonderful.


Haohe River at noon is calm, seems to be resting, waiting for the arrival of the evening.


Haohe River in the evening is hilarious. Looking at the river from afar, you will be shocked by the scene in front of you - the river is ablaze with lights, which seems to wear colorful clothes on Haohe River, add countless beautiful luster to the beautiful Haohe River, and make the beautiful Haohe River more beautiful and bright.


Haohe River at night is quiet. She seems to be sleeping, waiting for the arrival of a new day.


In addition to Haohe River, Nantong also has a very magnificent scenery - Langshan Mountain.


Langshan Mountain is an incomparably sacred Buddhist place. People come here not only to see the scenery, but also to burn a stick of incense, worship the Buddha and bless themselves and their families.


Although the Wolf Mountain is not high, when you really come to the top, you can't help being shocked by the wonderful scene. You can see everything and immerse yourself in the scene, and really want to "ah" to send out a sigh from your heart.


Come to the riverside and take a breath of cool river wind, you will feel incomparably cool. Looking at the river from afar, I was deeply shocked by the magnificent scene


This is my beautiful hometown Nantong, a beautiful scenery.

道风景线700字作文 篇7


Hangzhou is a picturesque place, which is absolutely true.


This summer vacation, I am also a junior high student. As a new junior high student, my parents naturally won't let me spend this holiday "comfortably", so I have to rush between various cram schools. Because I have a "good" habit of going to bed early and getting up late, I often play tricks such as "crossing the street" and "flying on the street" on the road.


Today, I was late again "as I wished". In the angry roar of my mother, I rode an old yellow car and quickly escaped from the place of right and wrong.


I quickly pedaled my disappointing car and ran on the road, raising a cloud of smoke. Finally, five minutes before class, I arrived at the last road in front of my destination. Tragically, there was no traffic light on this road!


Looking at all kinds of cars passing by quickly and the evil watches that don't go fast or slow, I can't help being impatient. At this moment, I wish everything in the world could stop at this moment, so that I can cross the road leisurely and arrive at the teacher's house every minute. At this time, the whistle of the traffic pulled me back to the extremely cruel reality, and I began to regret that I should have got up earlier. It would not have been like this a minute earlier. Alas, if I continue to be like this at the beginning of school, I will follow the footsteps of previous generations


"Didi!" Just when I continued to read, a loud horn woke me up. "Ha, it seems that you are calling me." With this in mind, I looked up——


A large bus was parked on one side of the road. The bus was painted bright light green, painted with dreamy, silk like patterns. Although it looks old due to the time, in my eyes, this car is like a savior, tall and incomparably tall, emitting divine light, which is really shining... The driver in the car is an old man in his fifties, with a friendly smile, indicating that I should go first. When he smiled, the wrinkles on his face were squeezed up, and his eyes were drawn into an arc. In the eyes of others, such a smile was not beautiful, even a little disgusting, but in my eyes, he was very cute.


Finally, with the help of this bus, I arrived at the place of make-up classes on time.


In Hangzhou, there are more than one or two "Youai" drivers who are so courteous to pedestrians. Their every move in front of the road forms a beautiful landscape in Hangzhou.

道风景线500字作文 篇8






道风景线500字作文 篇9


The sky is overcast. Without the moon and stars, I seem to lose my vitality. Sitting indoors, I look at the high four corner wall. My lonely heart leads me to the things I remember deeply in my mind - 5. 12 major earthquakes.


The silent earthquake was like thunder and lightning. It brought merciless disasters, but it took away a soul full of hope for life. The scenes in the earthquake emerge like a tide, and what is touching is the continuous occurrence.


It was a sunny afternoon. The weather was the same as usual. No one expected such a thing to happen. The innocent and lovely children were still in the classroom as usual, reading loudly, but the merciless disaster took away their innocent lives.


When the earthquake came, their teacher found something wrong. First of all, he calmed them down. Then the teacher held three or two students in his arms and carried them to an empty place. When the teacher came back again, the beam was about to collapse, but he did not hesitate to run into the classroom. He took the three children under the desk and protected them with his own body. When the beam collapsed, It hit him hard, and the blood flowed down. The children cried out in fear. The teacher comforted them and said that they were OK. After the earthquake, people found their existence, and also found that the teacher had gone. In the process of saving the children, they had to saw the teacher's hand because the teacher's hand was too tight. When the children face the teacher, they are not afraid, and all of them are in tears. They kneel in front of the teacher, and their hearts are filled with endless gratitude and admiration.


Yes, there are true feelings everywhere in the world. The true feelings are always warm. Although the earthquake is merciless, it hones people's will and shows the true feelings among people.


Those who have gone are gone, while those who have survived are still alive. Let's seize every day and make life colorful.