
时间:2022-10-15 13:25:41 | 来源:语文通



毕业季优秀作文 篇1感受作文 篇2我来了作文500字 篇3我的学校生活作文 篇4追寻的作文 篇5

毕业季优秀作文 篇1


Time flies. Three years of junior high school career is coming to an end. Looking back on the road you have traveled, imagine the future you are looking forward to. Can the "green" ideal in your heart really be realized? But in my heart


I remember that when I was in the third day of junior high, I felt that my life in the third day of junior high was both tense and busy. I was busy from morning till night. The third day of the lunar calendar is a gray year. There is no sunshine in the third day of the lunar calendar, only smoke of gunpowder. We can only play well in such a battlefield.


In the morning, when it was only 5 o'clock, the alarm clock began to cry desperately "Lazy bug, get up, lazy bug, get up..." It sounded in my ears again and again! "No choice, it's the third day"! After arriving at the school, the day of intense study began again. Chinese, physics and mathematics were all kinds of things. "Bell" - the second self-study session of the evening has been finished. I eagerly watched the students of the first and second day of the junior high walk towards the school gate, and they can go home, while we... "helpless, it's the third day!" Another sigh.


It was not easy to finish the day. Today, just after the first class, the chemistry teacher led the students to the laboratory: "Today you will do something about sodium hydroxide and copper sulfate...". After the bell rang, we went into the classroom one after another to prepare for the next math class... However, we occasionally relaxed. This is not true. On the wide playground over there, some male students are playing basketball games fiercely! So I have to say that the third day is interesting!


In order to meet the coming high school entrance examination, every student is busy like an ant on a hot pot. Because of this, the competition among students is becoming more and more fierce and cruel. This is the so-called challenge. The road of life is full of thorns. Facing the short time, the wall facing their parents, the test papers, and the sharp scores, their burden is unconsciously heavier, It has been three years since junior high school, and the key is to fight here. Three years of hard work, three years of achievements, and three years of hard work are all for two words - the high school entrance examination.


Looking back, one cold winter after another, the strong cold wind blowing on the weak face, and one hot summer, I came to school under the cool sun. I survived despite the wind and rain. Can't I work harder just for a few short days? The ideal dream, the olive dream, is what I hope, is what I expect.


"How many beats can we have in life? When can we fight if we don't fight now?" Junior high school life has gone with the smoke, but the promising tomorrow will be more colorful, work hard! Tomorrow will be better!

感受作文 篇2


Today, my family and my uncle's family went to Qinglong Mountain to visit the tomb.


Early in the morning, the sky was drizzling and foggy. My father and I got up at 6:30 and began to fold the "gold ingots" for burning to the dead relatives. I was curious, too. I studied origami beside my father. It occurred to me that Grandma loved playing mahjong when she was alive, and she had a special "mahjong device" and "mahjong card". After packing the things we need to carry, we drove to Qinglong Mountain. Along the way, vehicles came and went in a continuous stream, and they may also be like us, going to visit graves. On the bus, we heard the sad sound of fireworks, saw the golden rape flowers on both sides of the road, and imagined Grandma. We really missed her and couldn't help crying. It reminds me of an ancient poem, "It rains one after another during the Qingming Festival, and pedestrians on the road want to die".


When we got to the cemetery, we took out the sacrificial objects and walked slowly to Grandma's grave. My uncle poured the folded paper and gold ingots in front of the grave, and when they were lit, the fire was as high as one person! My cousin and I cried like rain. We were very sad and sad. When the fire subsided, we all took turns to crack our heads for Grandma and said some thoughts and wishes.


After completing all the ceremonies, the Tomb Sweeping Festival ended, and we left Qinglong Mountain with sadness.

我来了作文500字 篇3


Time is like the wind, blowing through another spring, summer, autumn and winter. A year has passed in a hurry. I'm going from the first day to the second day. I feel that time has passed too fast.


After more than a month and a half of summer vacation, people began to become lazy after eating, sleeping, going to cram school, and doing a little homework every day. Looking back now, one third of junior high school has been completed. After finishing the "junior high school adaptation period" - the first day of junior high school, and entering the "junior high school acceleration period" - the second day of junior high school, I felt more nervous. This time is totally useless! Running so fast.


With steady steps, I stepped into the gate of "Xuefu Middle School" again. It is still the familiar appearance, with various flowers and plants growing in large areas, and creepers crawling all over the building. The lively and lovely animals are also alive and kicking in the "Park" of the university. A few golden carp are dotted in the gurgling water.


After walking through the Avenue of Stars, I habitually walked to the original teaching building G, half way to the building, and stopped walking. It seemed that I had gone wrong. Then he turned his head abruptly and walked in the right direction.


A new classroom, a new environment, and a lot of noise. I smiled a little, and sure enough, Class 14 is still the original Class 14, which has not changed at all. It can be energetic at any time. The arriving students chatted happily.


This semester, our class changed 4 teachers. Mathematics, English, Taoism and history have all changed. After several classes, we have basically adapted to so many new teachers' teaching methods. I have also prepared for the new storm - the arrival of the second day.


Opportunities are reserved for those who are prepared. I believe that in the life of the second day of the junior year, I will keep forging ahead and do my best! New semester, new weather. Second day, I'm here!

我的学校生活作文 篇4


Our campus life is colorful, including sadness, anger and happiness.


Sad things


It was a sunny Tuesday. In the first math class in the afternoon, a tall figure walked in quietly. The whole class was silent. I looked closely, ah! It was a math teacher. I saw the math teacher holding a stack of test papers, and I thought: This time I will get high marks in math, and then I can show off in front of my classmates. But when the teacher handed me the test paper, I was shocked by the score - I only got 87 points! Looking at the red forks and forks on the test paper, I felt like a knife in my heart. Looking at them, these red forks seemed to have come back to life, showing a sneer. My mood plummeted and I thought: I'm afraid my parents will tell me again this time.


Angry things


One day, it was raining cats and dogs, and this was a PE class. The PE teacher came up to us and said, "It's raining today. I can't have PE class any more. Let's have free time." Hearing this sentence, all the students danced, and some people shouted, "Long live the teacher!" However, the sky failed. Shortly after the physical education teacher left, the math teacher came in and said, "Be quiet! Boys and girls, the final exam is coming. In order to get better results, everyone take out your books to review math!" After the math teacher finished speaking, many students secretly complained under the table: "The math teacher is too bad. He won't even give us a break!" I also secretly said to my classmates indignantly, "The teacher is really too bad."


Happy things


On a Friday with a gentle spring breeze, we finally had the last class. Our head teacher walked up to us and said, "Dear students, since you have won the first place in the mid-term exam, I will not assign homework this time." As soon as the words ended, the students began to discuss - "The head teacher is really good to us. I can play again without homework!" "Without homework, I can play games again!" "Without homework, I can let my father and mother take me out to play!"


The life on campus is rich and colorful, which really gives me endless aftertaste.

追寻的作文 篇5


If the road of pursuit is a long voyage, the goal in mind is the beacon, and effort and persistence are the everlasting power. Only those who have clear goals and keep working hard towards them can reach the other side of success.


When I was young, I happened to see a big brother playing the guitar. His nimble fingers were plucked from the ground on the strings, and the soothing and free melody came out. I couldn't help but be intoxicated. My feet couldn't move: "Mom, I want to learn to play the guitar!" Mother readily agreed.


After I started learning, I found that the guitar was not easy to play. My fingers were like a few stiff sticks, and the sounds played were not beautiful. The beautiful melody on the paper was torn apart by me, like a piece of jade. After a period of practice, I still haven't improved. I want to give up.


Mom knew this and said to me seriously: "Since you are interested in it, why should you give up? Don't be afraid of difficulties, and stick to it."


"I didn't think it was so difficult to play the guitar. It was even more difficult to play beautiful music!"


"Son, do you know Edison?"


I nodded.


"He was able to invent the electric light because he had a goal and also because he had an indomitable heart. He did more than a thousand experiments and paid a heavy price for them. If he was an ordinary person, he could not persist after three or five times, but he persisted for so long. One person groped in the dark and pursued the goal in his heart until the light was lit."


I listened to my mother's words and insisted. From a complete and smooth melody to the whole song, my fingers became more and more flexible. In class activities, my performance was praised by the students. I thank my mother for her encouragement and persistence.


While I was happy, I also learned the enlightenment of life: no matter what you do, you should first set a goal and keep working towards it. Having a goal in the way forward is like having a direction in the journey. Without a goal, without a goal, you will achieve nothing in the end. You will drift with the tide and waste time. Without a clear goal, you cannot avoid failure. Of course, it is not enough to have goals alone. You need to persevere towards the established goals.