I invented a reminder bracelet.
There is a circle on the bracelet with a gorgeous rose engraved on it. The appearance looks simple and unreasonable, but the mystery is only known by the mystery.
Getting up at 7:30 in the morning and going to school, it is a difficult thing for me who loves to sleep. Remind the bracelet to wake me up with super volume at this time and let me hurry up.Get up so that I will not be late.
Before class, remind the bracelet to remind me according to the textbooks I needed in the lesson, let me prepare, and collect everything that has nothing to do with this lesson.If not obedient, it is another strong electric shock to "serve".
Before dinner, the bracelet reminds me to wash my hands.Of course, the same is true after meals, urging me to maintain good hygiene habits is an important function of the bracelet.Now, every time I go out to play or go home from school, I will consciously wash my hands.
When doing homework, the bracelet will also remind me to look up and sit up, so that I can maintain a good learning effect.
If each child has such a bracelet, it can make them develop good life and learning habits, so that they can learn happily and efficiently.
In the future, the development of science and technology will be fast. In the future, we will need to focus on the dispute between the great powers more and more efficiently.This is my invention, do you like it?
1、提醒:提醒读音为tí xǐng,是指指出来以引起注意:要不是你提醒,我肯定又忘了。提醒 tí xǐng词语解释:指出来以引起注意:要不是你提醒,我肯定又忘了。分词解释:要不是:假设情况并非如此或要是没有,引导假设条件句。如:要不是你来,我们还不知道该怎么办呢?。肯定:1.对事物持确认的或赞成的态度。与“否定”相对。 2.有把握:无疑,有信心,有理由确信。 3.确定。引起:1.起身。 2.一种事情﹑现象﹑活动等使另一种事情﹑现象﹑活动等出现。...提醒怎么造句,用提醒造句»
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