
时间:2022-11-24 13:05:14 | 来源:语文通



关于中学生学习梦想的调查报告 篇1关于拜年的调查报道 篇2关于农村中学生健康调查报告作文 篇3

关于中学生学习梦想的调查报告 篇1


In the long and happy journey of students, the most talked about topic is learning. When students who have learned well feel proud when they see their grades, they think they have done well in the exam. Compared with students with poor grades, they are more inferiority complex. I can't help asking: "Why does the same learning environment make the difference between good students and poor students?


Maybe some people will say it is because of different degrees of intelligence. Yeah! When I am inferior to others, I will think how stupid I am! But this is not the case, just like no one is born a genius. Only through the efforts of the day after tomorrow will we succeed. The same learning environment has different effects on people. Students who are diligent and hardworking will be happy in the future because they will not regret what they have done. Those who only want to have fun will regret their life because of their hard life. I think it is precisely because of the different psychology of students that such differences are caused.


With this question [WWW.. CN], I prepared a questionnaire. I hope we can draw a conclusion.


By asking people of different ages, I came to the conclusion that, in the opinion of most teenagers, the reason why the same learning environment makes differences is that some students work hard, while others like to play and do not have the sense to study hard. Resulting in differences. Most parents think that the reason is that parents often nag their children to study hard, so that they can have achievements. Therefore, students have a rebellious mentality, so they are different from others. The elderly believe that it is because some people feel inferior psychologically and need the encouragement of teachers and parents. While some parents are busy with their work and neglect their children, so students lose interest in learning, which naturally forms a difference.


On the way of growth, we are like galloping horses, so impulsive, so sunny, so young. Such as clear water, pure and simple. So I thought of some ways to solve this problem. 1: Teachers should encourage students to be interested in learning. 2: Parents should give appropriate pressure to children, but not too heavy, which will make students breathless and lead them astray. 3: Students should set a lofty goal and work hard for it. No matter what difficulties we encounter, as long as we persist in not giving up, we will still be successful even if we fail. Because we fought hard. 4: Actively integrate into the atmosphere of learning, and learn together with your classmates, so that you can learn knowledge and have fun. The above four suggestions are summarized through the survey results. I believe that as long as we study hard, we can make achievements that we will not regret.


Throughout the ages, people have attached great importance to education. Parents want their children to become Jackie Chan, but few of them are interested in learning. It is said that learning is like an interesting adventure, full of danger and happiness. As long as you can complete this adventure, you will certainly be able to achieve academic achievements. Therefore, as junior high school students, we should study hard and fight bravely without fear of difficulties and dangers. Because the light in my heart will never go out.


Students, let's work hard for our dream! It provides us with the direction to move forward in the confusion, the dawn in the darkness, and the determination and courage to fight on when we hesitate. Let's raise the sails of learning and keep sailing. I believe that as long as students around the world can work hard and do not give up, they will be able to achieve academic success and return to the society and the motherland in the future. Let us never forget the spirit of learning! Let's make our learning footprint a highlight of the sky! Let our youth never regret!

关于拜年的调查报道 篇2


During the Spring Festival, relatives and friends will go to pay New Year's greetings. In the past, people would walk around every time they went to the New Year's Day. When they went to this house, they would go to which house. There were many New Year worshippers everywhere in the street. The street would also be very busy and tired. People's laughter and conversation can be heard at any time in people's homes. However, now, there is no such feeling every Chinese New Year. There are fewer people on the street every Chinese New Year, and people seldom hear the laughter when passing other people's homes. What is the cause of this phenomenon?


In the past, my family would go to many relatives' and friends' homes to pay New Year's greetings. Basically, there was no easy time to celebrate the New Year. I would run around here and there. When I finished paying New Year's greetings at other people's homes, those relatives and friends would come to my home to pay New Year's greetings. At this time, I would be very tired and busy, and my family would also be very tired. We won't feel so busy and tired until the New Year is over. At that time, there will be a lot of things at home. They will be sent by relatives and friends. They won't leave soon when they come. They usually stay overnight or have a meal before leaving. People and we will be very happy every time we visit the New Year.


But now, my family doesn't feel so busy every time we celebrate the New Year, and there are not so many busy times. Now, people go to other people's homes and people go to our homes during the Spring Festival. In total, they don't have a few days. Most of the time, they rest at home. And every time relatives or friends come, they will not stay for a long time. They rarely eat and leave overnight. Most of them stay for more than ten minutes and leave. The family is not as busy as before. They almost stay at home every day. After the New Year, many things at home will change. There are still so many gifts from relatives and friends, but there are still a lot of things left at home. Later, they can't eat all of them, so they throw them away. Nowadays, staying at home every day is also very boring. Even some friends who have good relationships will not come to pay New Year's greetings. When passing other people's homes, people will rarely hear people talking and laughing. There are fewer pedestrians on the street, and people's relationship is getting farther and farther.


What is the reason for this? I think people's relationship is not as good as before, and there are more and more problems between people; It may also be that people have more important things to do, so they don't have time to stay more, so they just stay for a while each time and leave; It may be that people don't pay as much attention to the New Year as they used to, so they give away the things they bought every time they celebrate the New Year, say "Happy New Year" and leave. They won't stay here for a while. Maybe because of this, people will not feel very busy during the Spring Festival, but very dull. If this continues, the New Year may become a very common time in the future, and the New Year will not feel like the previous New Year.


New Year, only once a year. Chinese New Year should be a time of excitement and reunion, not an ordinary and boring time. In the coming New Year, I hope that the Spring Festival will be as lively as it used to be, and that it will look like the Spring Festival, rather than the Spring Festival as it is now. I should stay at people's homes for a few more days each time, so that it can be regarded as the Spring Festival. Finally, we should cherish the Spring Festival every year, because the Spring Festival is only once a year, and we can no longer treat it with boredom and insipidity. Let's spend every year seriously!

关于农村中学生健康调查报告作文 篇3


At the beginning of school, when I went to the meeting, I could not help feeling, "Will the student union continue to be shorter than each other?" Looking at the students who looked like the third and fourth grade students, I suddenly became interested in the health of teenagers.


In my usual campus life, I carefully paid attention to the daily life of my classmates and summarized several factors that affect the health of teenagers.


Many students have unhealthy eating habits. Many students love snacks. The snack bar is always crowded during the lunch break, such as bread, biscuits and hot sticks; Snacks directly replace meals, and soda cans can be seen everywhere. Some students say that these foods taste better than rice, some students say that these foods are convenient and can be eaten as soon as possible to do homework and play, and some students think that eating snacks can save money... Many students have hastily solved the breakfast problem because of early class time in the morning, and eat these junk food at noon. It is conceivable that if this continues, students in the development period will be unable to eat.


Many students don't like sports, especially our girls. There are not many people on the playground during the break, and most of them are in the seventh grade. Many students are sitting in the classroom doing their homework and chatting. In addition to those students who love sports, others basically do exercises and run during the big break. Some students choose homework in front of homework and sports in PE class and leave sports behind. Some students are too lazy to exercise. As a result, they gasp after running for a few laps. They always fail the physical examination. If they fail, they will take the exam again. They often exclaim, "Why am I so poor in physical fitness?"


Occasionally, in some classes in the afternoon, I will see some students like eggplants that are frosted. Although they try hard to listen to the class, they cannot cover their fatigue. It can be seen that I once asked several students why they dozed off, and the unified reason was insufficient sleep. Some students did their homework longer than others and stayed up late at night because of their poor grades; Some refused to fall asleep because of their persistent study of several mathematical problems; Others were delayed too much time due to some trivial matters, resulting in failure to fall asleep in time. Lack of sleep leads to sleepiness during the day, inattention, delay in learning and wear down the body.


Health is not only embodied in the body, but also in the mind. Nowadays, students face a lot of competition, which is easy to cause psychological problems. Nowadays, students face a lot of competition, which is easy to cause psychological pressure. Some students around study hard under pressure, but they still worry about it. Some students can't bear the pressure, give up studying and enter the society early. These psychological pressures cause many children to lose their childlike innocence and begin to work hard for life and keep moving forward.


There are many health threats around teenagers. We must take good care of our bodies. What can we do if our bodies are not healthy?


Therefore, we must have reasonable work and rest time, keep adequate sleep, have healthy eating habits, supplement the nutrition needed by our bodies, exercise regularly, build up our physique, and face setbacks with a positive attitude, and try to keep a good mood to face life.