
时间:2022-11-07 13:09:14 | 来源:语文通



这句话启发了我作文 篇1这句话启发了我作文 篇2这句话启发了我作文 篇3这句话启发了我作文 篇4这句话启发了我作文 篇5这句话启发了我作文 篇6这句话启发了我作文 篇7这句话启发了我作文 篇8这句话启发了我作文 篇9

这句话启发了我作文 篇1


A long time ago, I saw the saying "life is hard, no gain, no gain", but at that time I did not understand its meaning, just wrote it down. Until one day, my father told me that we should be diligent when we are born. How can we gain if we don't take the initiative to learn knowledge? But I still know a little.


One afternoon, I was finishing my homework assigned by my teacher. Suddenly, a problem blocked my way like a tiger. After finishing all my other homework, I racked my brains and pondered over the problem, but I couldn't solve it. It didn't work when I took it apart, and it didn't work when I put it together. It really worried me.


Time passed by minute by second. I was going to ask my parents, but after looking at my watch, the clock had already pointed to "9". I was surprised: "It's so late? If it were normal, I would have fallen asleep!" So I put away my homework and thought: Anyway, the teacher will talk in class tomorrow and go to bed.


When I came to the school in the morning, when the teacher talked about this problem, many students learned it from their parents, but I couldn't. I felt my cheeks burning immediately


From then on, whenever I encountered a problem that I didn't know, no matter how late it was, I would consult my parents until I understood it. When the teacher asks questions, I can always answer them at once. The students all cast envious glances at me. I am very happy!


I finally understood the sentence "Life is hard, no gain, no gain" - people must learn to take the initiative to seek knowledge, which will accompany me all my life.

这句话启发了我作文 篇2


In Han Yu's Persuasion to Learn, it is said that "industry is good at diligence, but not fun." It means that study is proficient because of diligence, but it is abandoned in the sound of laughter. This sentence inspired me.


Our studies are proficient and proficient because of our hard work. But if we are self righteous because of our proficiency and play around all day, we will be abandoned and forgotten. For example, if we don't practice writing one day, we will feel that it is natural. If we don't practice the next day, it will be difficult to write. If we don't practice the third day, it will be abandoned. Therefore, after learning knowledge, we must study and review it again and again every day. Confucius said, "Review the past to learn the new." Review the knowledge you have learned, and you will know new knowledge. Diligence is beneficial to learning, but not harmful!


Diligence, the words often appear in the mouth of teachers, and the promises often guaranteed by students, but it is easier said than done! How many people can stick to the end without slacking off or slacking off?


Fan Zhongyan died when he was two years old. Mother is poor and has no dependence. He remarried to the Zhu family in Changshan. When Fan Zhongyan grew up, he knew his own life experience, said goodbye to his mother with tears in his eyes, and left to study in Nandu Xueshe in Yingtian Mansion. He studied hard day and night. In five years, he never took off his clothes and went to bed. Sometimes I feel sleepy at night, and I often pour water on my face. They often study hard during the day and eat nothing until the sun is late. In this way, he understood the theme of the Six Classics, and later set his ambition to benefit the world. He often said to himself, "When the world worries, the world is happy." Isn't this diligent spirit worth learning? Isn't it "hard work"?


I used to have a friend who had a good academic performance, but she was overconfident and didn't study her lessons well. At the end of the day, her grades plummeted. She was a class representative, but in the end, she couldn't hold any position. But she has become such a class representative, but she still doesn't repent. She only knows how to play all the time. Finally, even the teacher began to persuade her to quit school. How could she become such a glorious class representative in the end? It is because she is "barren in playing"! Therefore, people with more skills have a biggest enemy, that is, themselves. The people who don't know themselves the most in the world are themselves. If you can overcome your desires and control yourself, then you will be a master figure, and you will reach the realm of "emerging from the mud without pollution, washing the clean water without demon".


How many people can do it simply by saying, "Diligence is better than frolic"?

这句话启发了我作文 篇3


As the saying goes, "A good word is like a spring breeze". A good word can benefit a lot and inspire people deeply. I am a beneficiary of "good advice".


When I first got to know the piano, I knew nothing about it. I only thought it was very beautiful outside, but I didn't know why it could make a nice sound.


Mom and Dad don't have much talent for literature and art. They decided to let me learn the piano to make up for their shortcomings, or just because they heard that my fingers were thin and long? I don't know.


No one can help me at home. For a long time, when I was in piano class, I always looked sad and made little progress. The music taught by the teacher was always poor. Some very simple music even took a month to play before I could hear some messy rhythm. Class hours are delayed, and there are not many songs. Sometimes I think: Why am I so stupid? I know all the scores clearly, but I am confused when I start. Is it true that I am not suitable for playing the piano?


My mother seems to have found this, and she is also trying to help me, but my mother can't play the piano, so she can only worry; Mom can't find a way to help me for the time being. She can only accompany me every time I practice the piano... Listen carefully to my tuneless music.


Once, Mom sat on the sofa and listened to me practicing the piano. My mother said to me when I was taking a break: "Son, the sun always shines after the rain." Seeing that I didn't understand, my mother said, "Giving up is the easiest choice. You can climb the mountain top and see the sunrise one step at a time.".


My mother's words seem to have broken the glacier that sealed my hands. Gradually, I found that each note was not so dull, but became cheerful and lively. I seem to have a feeling that I no longer frown in class, but smile. I slowly become confident. It doesn't take me so long to practice a piece of music. My rhythm is smooth, and I am willing to show it to others. I've really made progress! I'm so happy!


With my mother's continued encouragement, I concentrate on my study and experience, and my love for playing the piano is growing day by day. Whenever I encounter difficulties or want to leave, my mother's words "giving up is the easiest choice, and you can only go up to the top of the mountain step by step to see the sunrise" will haunt me. Finally, I passed the Piano Test Band 10, and now I'm practicing world famous music! Do you want to hear it?


The words my mother said broke the ice, broke the rocks, and broke the fear and darkness. I know that as long as you have confidence, find confidence, don't be afraid of difficulties, persevere, and face everything with a smile, you are the best yourself!


Thank you, Mom. My son will always remember your words!

这句话启发了我作文 篇4


Everyone has his own motto. No matter how ordinary they are in the eyes of others, they are irreplaceable in my own heart. I also have a motto, that is - "Compassion is the most basic quality of a person and a primitive instinct."


I found this maxim when I accumulated it. Although it is so inconspicuous in the book, I think it is very good. At the same time, I believe that people in the world must have compassion. I often see that on the street, many disabled people ask pedestrians for money. Although pedestrians don't give too much, it shows that they are sympathetic. When some people encounter difficulties, many kind-hearted people will stretch out their hands to help them, so that those people can find the hope of life again.


Once, the school organized students to donate money for the disaster area. My mother told me to be a caring person and to donate my pocket money. I remembered my mother's words and donated the money to the disaster area. When I put the money into the donation box, I felt very proud and happy. I could make a small contribution to the disaster area. Since then, I have really felt the joy of helping others, and I am determined to help more people.


Therefore, I would like to use this sentence - "Compassion is the most basic quality of a person and a primitive instinct." As my motto, I always remind me to be a compassionate person.

这句话启发了我作文 篇5


When I was growing up, my mother said many famous words to me, one of which I will never forget.

记得我上三年级时,我们班进行了一次测试,考试卷一发下来,我就欣喜若狂,因为,我考了一百分。我兴奋地跑回家,把卷子交给妈妈,妈妈一看我得了100分,高兴地说: “考得不错呀!”我得意洋洋地说:“那当然!”妈妈非常高兴地表扬了我。到了晚上,我刚写完作业就去看电视,妈妈走过来说:“你的《天天练》还没写呢!我大声说:“妈妈,我考那么好,还做什么天天练呀!”

I remember when I was in the third grade, our class had a test. As soon as the test paper was handed out, I was ecstatic because I got 100 points. I ran home excitedly and handed the paper to my mother. When my mother saw that I had scored 100 points, she said happily, "Well done!" I said proudly, "Of course!" My mother praised me very happily. In the evening, when I had just finished my homework, I went to watch TV. My mother came up to me and said, "Your" Practice Everyday "has not been written yet! I said loudly," Mom, I am so good in the exam. What can I do to practice every day? "


So, one day, two days, three days... I never did "Practice Everyday" again. Once, when I looked at the math exam, it was very simple, and I thought: I will definitely get 100 points. I finished the question quickly, not only did I not check it, but also drew a picture at the same time. After returning home, I excitedly said to my mother: "Mom, we had an exam today, and I'm sure I can get 100 points." My mother said unhappily: "The results haven't come out yet, let's send them tomorrow."


The next day, when my math score came out, I actually got 88 points. My heart was like overturning a bottle of Chinese medicine, and I fell to the bottom. I walked home with heavy steps and reluctantly handed the examination paper to my mother. My mother said to me sternly, "Be humble and benefit from being full of losses. A temporary success does not mean permanent success. You must be modest to keep good grades." I bowed my head in shame after listening.


In the final exam, I won the first place in the class with 100 points, but I am not proud, because I know that you can't be proud.


Mother's words have been echoing in my ears - "full loss, disrelish benefit". Yes, a temporary success does not mean a permanent success. Only accumulated practice can achieve real success. My mother's teachings have been invaluable in my life.

这句话启发了我作文 篇6


Everyone has his own motto, such as "modesty makes people progress, conceit makes people lag behind", "failure is the mother of success"... My motto is "perseverance is victory". In life, this sentence has given me a lot of inspiration. Let me meet difficulties and stick to it.

自从上了四年级,我觉得数学越来越难了,特别是学到“乘法分配律”,我总是一次次地出错,我心里特别焦急,经过好长时间才理解题型。妈妈看在眼里、急在心里。于是寒假期间,妈妈给我布置了艰巨 任务:预习下学期的语文和数学。一天,我在家里预习数学,一道题难住了我,我便努力在寻找解决的方法,可是怎么也找不到,几天来学习的烦躁集中在一起,我愤怒地把练习题扔到一边。这时“哈哈、哈哈……”一阵阵笑声传到我耳畔,好奇心驱使我来到了阳台,只见与我同龄的同学,有的在玩健身器材,有的在玩游戏,还有的在互相嬉戏、打闹,我用羡慕的眼神看着他们,恨不得长出一对翅膀飞下去跟她们玩。心里想:“反正妈妈也不在家,我就下去玩好了,再说,这些知识老师都没有讲,也没有让我们回家预习,为什么妈妈要强加在我身上。”

Since I was in the fourth grade, I think mathematics has become more and more difficult, especially when I learned the "law of multiplication and distribution". I always make mistakes again and again, and I am very anxious. It took me a long time to understand the question types. Mom sees in the eyes, anxious in the heart. So during the winter vacation, my mother assigned me a difficult task: to preview the next semester's Chinese and mathematics. One day, I was preparing for math at home. A problem baffled me, so I tried to find a solution, but I couldn't find it. After several days of study, I was so upset that I threw aside the exercise angrily. At this time, "haha, haha. I thought to myself, "Anyway, my mother is not at home, so I will go down and play. Besides, the teacher didn't tell us about this knowledge and didn't let us go home to preview. Why did my mother impose it on me?"


I got dressed and ready to run. But then I thought, if I preview in advance, will it make my mathematical understanding easier? It doesn't take a long time to understand new knowledge like last semester. I forced myself to take out the exercise again, then thought, and thought in my heart: "Persist in the end is victory". I secretly cheered myself on Finally, I worked out this exercise and prepared the math unit for the midterm exam during the winter vacation. At the beginning of the new semester, I have made great progress in mathematics. In particular, learning equations in Unit 1 is a new thing. The students are very hard to learn. But I went to school easily. I not only did my teacher's exercises well, but also overfulfilled my homework. The teacher praised me very much. Through my own efforts, I finally succeeded, and I am very happy.


"Perseverance is victory". This maxim has played an important role in my daily life. It reminds me to persevere in the end and not be discouraged. Victory will be in front of you.

这句话启发了我作文 篇7


In my memory, there is a famous saying that enlightens me a lot and makes me progress constantly. This famous saying is: "The strength of a ship is in the sails, and the strength of a person is in the heart."


When I chose my motto, I accidentally saw this famous saying, which means that although a ship may be large or small, it is like a bird without wings without sails. It has no power. If you have a sail, it is different. You can travel freely and sail freely on the sea. Of course, people are the same. Only when you put your strength into your heart can you succeed. This sentence has a great inspiration for me. It has made me exert great strength in my heart and made me stand out in Class 6 (4) where there are many experts. It has made me understand that only by working hard in my heart, I can be successful and make me stand out in such a developed era in the 21st century. Gradually, I found some truth from it: even if a ship has sails and no one drives it, it will run around like a headless fly, and will never reach the other side of success. People, like ships, cannot take the initiative to learn and work. It will never become a pillar and a qualified successor in the future.


Since the discovery of this truth, I have studied more consciously, and my grades have improved. I like this motto. It makes me study harder and better.

这句话启发了我作文 篇8


A person's growth process is like a dozen condiments, which are sour, sweet, bitter and hot. My growth was also full of different "flavors", which taught me a lot of truth and gave me great inspiration - "no pains, no gains".


When I was discouraged by my mistakes in the exam, I kept crying and my heart was crying in the face of the bright red score. I failed to live up to my teacher's expectations. I hate myself, I hate myself for not winning, I hate myself for not becoming a talented person, and I even hate how my parents gave birth to such a stupid me. No one has ever failed or fallen. I want to get up again! So I pulled myself together again, turned my tears into sweat, and was afraid of anything I did wrong. Just correct it in time. Finally, I succeeded!


When I tried to do something and failed repeatedly, I cried when looking at my parents' disappointed eyes, and I lost confidence in myself. Suddenly, the famous saying that failure is the mother of success flashed through my mind! I suddenly realized: How can you see a rainbow after experiencing wind and rain? There is no mountain that can't be climbed, no dangerous beach that can't be broken! So I wiped my tears and went on drying. Kung Fu pays off. Finally, I succeeded!


Teacher Zeng said, "No pains, no gains". When encountering setbacks, I should take it easy. It is the philosophy of life that teacher Zeng's words made me realize, a beacon that guides me forward, an indestructible beacon that always guides me to chop the waves and sail to the other shore of success!

这句话启发了我作文 篇9


"When you grow up, you will be independent". This is not a well-known celebrity maxim, but my mother's request and hope for me. When I am helpless and afraid, I often feel great comfort with that sentence.


I remember that one semester, my grades plummeted, and many students' grades jumped in front of me one by one, which made my mood very bad. I always felt that I was like a rose in the limelight being driven off the stage and reduced to a wild chrysanthemum in the corner. For the first time, I felt the taste of failure, and my temper became very strange. So I poured out my pain and trouble to my mother, hoping to be comforted. But after listening to her mother, she just dropped the sentence - "When you grow up, you must be independent, and you must learn to fight and win on your own." I listened to my mother's words, and was stunned. It took a long time to realize the meaning. So I started to run on the road my mother pointed out to me


I began to work hard to catch up with the results, so that other students know that I will catch up! I force myself to do some exercises every night, and rely on my perseverance to drive away sleepiness. Finally, my grades have been catching up bit by bit. "Nothing is difficult in the world, just for those who want to", my achievements rushed to the first place again without the help of my parents. On that day, I was so happy that I couldn't keep my mouth shut. I have a deeper understanding of the profound meaning of my mother's words. I thank my mother for this.