一进门,我就看见了一位高大的徐特立铜像,他身穿中山装,两只眼睛直看前方,双手叉腰,面带微笑,好像在等待着好消息的到来。铜像的两旁有层层叠叠的石块,好像一件漂亮的裙摆,自然石块上面还种有蘑菇型的小树 ,如果把叠石比做裙摆,那上面的小树就是裙摆上最漂亮的小花。风一来,那些“蘑菇”就开始跳起舞来,好像正在开舞会呢!所有的树、花都加入了进来,随着节拍跳起舞,看,它们跳得多开心啊!
As soon as I entered the door, I saw a tall Xuteli bronze statue.Waiting for good news.There are layers of stones on both sides of the bronze statue, like a beautiful skirt. There are small mushroom -type trees on the natural stone.The most beautiful flower on the top.As soon as the wind came, those "mushrooms" began to dance, as if they were holding a party! All the trees and flowers joined in. As the beat danced, they danced, they danced happily!
走过小桥,爬上台阶,就是杏坛,映入眼帘的是三面石鼓,正立在杏坛中间,每一面石鼓又高又大,像天上的玉盘,中间的石鼓上写着徐特立先生的断指事件:1707年,发生清政府向外国妥协,徐特立在学校作实事报告,讲到激愤之处,就拿菜刀把左手小指砍下,蘸着血写了一份血书,写完后当场晕倒。看到这里,我觉得徐特立先生非常的爱国,那种大无畏的精神真是让我敬佩不已 。
walk across the small bridge and climb up the steps, which is the altar, the three-sided stone drum, standing in the middle of the apricot altar, each stone drum is tall and big, big and largeLike the jade plate in the sky, Mr. Xu Teli's finger incident was written on the stone drum in the middle: in 1707, the Qing government compromised to foreign countries.The kitchen knife cut off the little finger, dipped in blood and wrote a blood book, and fainted on the spot after writing.Seeing this, I think Mr. Xu Teli is very patriotic, and the fearless spirit really admires me.
Step on the small bridge, and walk another way to come to the lotus pond.The river water is clear. If you throw a piece of bread, the small fish will jump up, jumping into the water like a carp jumping the dragon door, and scrambled to swim in front of you, shaking a vigorous manner, shaking a vigorously shakingTail, it seems to be saying, "It's delicious and delicious! Still want it!" The breeze was brushed, and the ripples were rippled on the water. Under the sun, no matter how anxious people, they would stop and see it.Look at this beautiful scenery.There is a lotus leaf next to the pond. These lotus leaves greedily absorbed the sun all day. Sometimes there are some dragonflies as their airports as their airports, and sometimes some frogs take lotus leaves as their stage and sing on it.There are some small fish that will treat lotus leaves as umbrellas and play underwater.A gust of wind blew, with a thick lotus fragrance, making people feel refreshed.
Going up, we came to the highest point of the park-Shi Shengge, there is a lush tree next to it, like soldiers to protect Shi ShenggeEssenceIn the middle is a black and white tower, which contains a strong fragrance of books. Looking at it from a distance, it is like a white crane flying from the sky inhabited here. I think: This top floor should be a good place for sunset.
沿着台阶,往下走,就看到了清澈见底的荷花池 。一栋图书馆屹立在池水的上方 ,就像一座充满书香气息的小洲,整日吸收这天地的灵气 。中间还有一个四角亭,里面经常有老人下棋,而我喜欢在里面看日落,看红红的太阳慢慢的下降到山的那一头,火红的晚霞从水面慢慢消失,看旁边的荷花荷叶沉醉在这暖阳的怀中,像要睡觉似的,慢慢地低下头,不愿苏醒 。
Following the steps, walking down, I saw the clear lotus pond.A library stands above the pool water, like a small continent full of scent, absorbing the aura of the world all day.There is also a four -horned pavilion in the middle, which often has a chess play in it, and I like to watch the sunset inside, watch the red sun slowly falling to the end of the mountain. The fiery red sunset slowly disappears from the water surface.The lotus leaf was intoxicated in this warm sun, as if to sleep, and slowly lowered his head, unwilling to wake up.
1、公园:公园读音为gōng yuán,是指供公众游览休息的园林。公园 gōng yuán词语解释:供公众游览休息的园林。(1) [park](2) 古代官家的园林(任诚王澄)表减公园之地,以给无业贫口。——《魏书.景穆十二王.任城王传》(3) 城市或市镇经管作为风景区,供公众游憩用的一片土地北海公园森林公园分词解释:公众:社会上大多数的人;大众:公众领袖ㄧ公众利益。园林:种有花草树木,筑有亭阁台榭,凿有水池,堆有假山,供人游览休憩的场所。中国古典园林萌芽于秦汉,宋代以后成熟。按隶属关系一般分为皇家园林、私家园林、寺观园林三大类。休息:暂停体力劳动或脑力劳动或其他活动,以恢复精力。游览:漫步观赏:游览故宫|游览黄山。...公园怎么造句,用公园造句»
2、特立:特立读音为tè lì,是指1.谓有坚定的志向和操守。 2.独立;挺立。 3.孤立。特立 tè lì词语意思:1.谓有坚定的志向和操守。 2.独立;挺立。 3.孤立。分词解释:志向:人们在某一方面决心有所作为的努力方向。具有不同世界观和人生观的人有不同的志向。无产阶级的最终目的是实现共产主义,并以此作为最远大的志向。从个人来说,志向主要通过选择职业来体现,个人应选择社会需要的、最能发挥个人特长的职业作为志向,并为实现志向而努力奋斗。坚定:①(立场、主张、意志等)稳定坚强;不动摇:坚定不移ㄧ各级领导要坚定地贯彻群众路线。②使坚定:坚定立场 ㄧ坚定信念。独立:①单独地站立:独立山巅的苍松。②一个国家或一个政权不受别的国家或别的政权的统治而自主地存在:宣布独立。③军队在编制上不隶属于高一级的单位而直接隶属于更高级的单位的,如不隶属于团而直接隶属于师的营叫独立营。④脱离原来所属单位,成为另一单位:民俗研究室已经独立出去了,现在叫民俗研究所。⑤不依靠他人:独立思考ㄧ独立工作。孤立:①同其他物事不相联系:湖心有个孤立的小岛丨这个事件不是孤立的。②不能得到同情和援助:孤立无援。③使得不到同情和援助:孤立敌人。...特立的近义词,特立的同义词是什么»
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