
时间:2022-10-29 12:56:29 | 来源:语文通



国庆节日记 篇1小学生国庆节日记 篇2国庆节日记 篇3国庆节日记 篇4国庆节日记 篇5国庆节日记 篇6三年级国庆节日记 篇7国庆节日记 篇8国庆节日记 篇9国庆节日记 篇10

国庆节日记 篇1


The National Day is coming. People celebrate the founding of China__ On the anniversary, various activities were held, and Meichen 1 also held free fishing activities from October 1 to October 3.


On October 2, my brother, I and my uncle went to the "Meichen No. 1" hall to participate in fishing activities.


First of all, we should register at the entrance of the hall and take the number plate. My name is 179 and my brother is 180. After the registration number, we came to the activity site and saw a fish pond about the size of the classroom. The pond was not very deep. There were dozens of large crucian carp and large black fish swimming around in the pond with clear water.


The rules of the activity are: people in groups of three go into the fish pond barefoot and catch fish with their bare hands. No tools can be used. Adults can only catch fish with their right hands, and only children can catch fish with their hands.


The first to enter the fish pond are three uncles. As soon as they entered the pool, the crucian carp and black fish began to shuttle quickly. The three uncles quickly attacked the fish with their right hands and chased them with their feet. One of the uncles in white clothes was even more fierce. His eyes stared at the fish, and then he quickly grabbed the fish's gills. The fish was caught by him at once.


It will be my turn soon. I took off my shoes and put my feet carefully into the pool for fear of disturbing the fish, but the bottom of the pool was too slippery and I almost fell. I tried to stand up and saw a crucian carp swimming past me, so I quickly caught it and caught it! I was very excited, but it was in vain - the fish was so slippery that it slipped out of my hands. I became very angry. The fish broke away from me so easily, and I caught it directly, but it was in vain. In the last ten seconds, I was very worried. I kept catching fish there, and finally I caught only one fish.


This fishing activity made me experience fishing and learned the skill of fishing - catching fish gills.

小学生国庆节日记 篇2


Today is October 1st, National Day and my birthday.


My parents took me to Tongxiang early in the morning.


We first came to Tongxiang's New Century Park to play. At first, Dad didn't want to take me there. I said, "Where can we go without going there?" Mother said: "Today is his birthday, let him play!" So my father went to buy three tickets.


When we entered the park, we first came to the lotus pond to watch. I saw white lotus and red lotus in the pool... There were several lovely ducklings playing in the pool.


Later, we came to the skating rink. I saw more than ten people skating there. Some people accidentally fell down, and the people beside them laughed when they saw it. A smiling man accidentally collided with others and fell down. Everyone laughed at him. I laughed too.


Then we came to the trampoline to play. I climbed onto the trampoline. As soon as I got on the trampoline, I fell down and just sat on a small ball. The ball rolled and I fell. I didn't want to play, so I climbed down a small ladder.


When I came to a slide, I saw a big cock slide. Some children slide down from a red thing and walk up from another place. I also went up and down like them. Later, I hopped on the steel wire again. At this time, I was like flying in the sky. I thought I was really flying in the sky! Inadvertently, I fell down again. I fell so hard that I said, "Stop playing, let's go out!" Dad took me to KFC to eat.


There is a dummy in front of the door. The dummy opens its mouth as if to say welcome. Entering the shop, I saw many tables and chairs. They are arranged neatly. An aunt came up and asked us what to eat. I said, "Let's have a whole family bucket." Soon, the aunt brought the whole family buckets. We ate happily.


After eating, we went home.


I had a very happy and happy day.

国庆节日记 篇3


"During the National Day holiday, we flew to Shanghai and went straight from Shanghai to Hangzhou, where we visited the beautiful West Lake. When we arrived at the West Lake, we got on a boat and started our water trip.


The scenic spots of the West Lake are really beautiful! There is the setting light of Leifeng Peak, the moon in the three ponds, and the snow on the broken bridge... But the most impressive thing for me is the moon in the three ponds. When we got on the boat and looked at the vast lake, I thought how deep the water of the West Lake was? Just thinking of here, I heard my aunt say. It's only two or three meters.. It turns out that adults are also talking about this topic.


When the boat came to the middle of the lake, a beautiful scene caught my eyes, and I finally saw the three pools imprinting the moon. There are three small minarets standing on the lake. It is said that you can see 33 moons here every August 15 of the lunar calendar - the Mid Autumn Festival. How can there be 33 moons W7? It turns out that a small tower has five holes, five moons will be reflected on the tower, and five moons will be reflected on the water. One tower can reflect ten moons. So the three towers are 30 moons, plus one in the sky, one in the water, and a bright moon in our hearts, there are 33 moons in total.


Out of the water, we went ashore. Oh! There are so many people on the bank. At this time, a layer of fog suddenly rose on the lake surface, and I suddenly remembered an ancient poem. It is good to see the glittering water, and it is strange to see the mountain sky covered with rain. If you want to compare the West Lake with the West Lake, it is always appropriate to wear light and heavy makeup. Today, I finally realized the real artistic conception of this poem.


The West Lake is a poem, a painting and a beautiful story. This trip, I not only saw the beautiful scenery of the West Lake, but also learned a lot about the West Lake. It was really a worthwhile trip!

国庆节日记 篇4


The happiest time of my National Day is to visit Shiyan Lake Park, which brings me a feeling of "lingering". As soon as we entered the gate, our eyes went straight. "What a paradise!" I don't like it. "Come on, it's not a paradise, it's a fairyland!" Mother was amazed. We were fascinated by the beautiful scene. I thought to myself, "I must open my eyes to see the charming scenery." I set out with excitement. On the way, I looked around and found it very beautiful. When I was watching the beautiful scenery, the "aerial ropeway" immediately jumped into my eyes. "1, 2, 3, rushed!" A boy laughed and shouted, "Help!" I can't help it. "I want to play!" "I'm so nervous!" I think. However, I still have the courage. "1, 2, 3, rushed!" I rushed out of the ground as fast as a bird flying in the sky, as high as an eagle.


I screamed, "Whoa!" "Drink!" I "felt it". Just as I calmed down, a cry jumped into my ears again, "Dragon and Tiger Team, come on! The 'Shit Team' leaked oil, leaving a drop of oil!" I hurried to see the activity. It turned out to be "double shoes"! My father, my brother and I are a group. Our name is "Family Father and Son Team". A group of mothers, sisters and sisters are called "Women's Guard Team". Start Our two groups set out at the same time, and they just started, "Ouch, a big horse fell!" Our group laughed. When we were about to reach the end point, "Ouch, I fell down again." Our group laughed again, "You...!" I couldn't speak with laughter. Needless to say, we won! The happy time passed again, and we reluctantly left.

国庆节日记 篇5


Today is a special day. Do you know what it is? My birthday? No, let me tell you! Today is the National Day. My mother took me to the fair early in the morning to give me a surprise. I jumped and jumped with joy.


At the fair, my mother took me to a toy store. There are many beautiful toys in the toy shop: cute plush bears, cars of various styles, beautiful Barbie dolls, small and exquisite bells, etc. My favorite is Barbie doll. I said to my mother, "Mom, I want that Barbie doll." After listening, my mother readily agreed to me and paid the money to the salesperson. I finally have a dream Barbie doll. How happy I am!


When I got home, I gave Bapyrene a nice name, Coco Xili. How beautiful she is! Under the curved eyebrows, there is a pair of bright big eyes, a small nose, a mouth of white teeth in the red lips, a long hair, which is draped on the waist, wearing a Xinjiang girl's skirt, with golden lace on the skirt, wearing a pair of small pink shoes, with a beautiful bow knot on the shoes, and a short stature like a girl with a thumb, small and cute, which is really popular!


I like playing with her very much. I often dress her up beautifully, sometimes tie her hair into a "horse tail", sometimes tie it into two small plaits like a village girl; Sometimes I comb a shawl, like a waterfall; Sometimes she put her hair on the back of her head and tied it with lace, like an open flower. I also like to help her design clothes. I used my mother's old clothes to make a red coat, and also used my old pants to make a pair of jeans, which makes me energetic!


My Barbie doll is beautiful and brings me a lot of happiness. I like my Barbie doll. Thank you so much, Mom!

国庆节日记 篇6


In autumn October, bright five-star red flags were everywhere on the street. The children were waving in the wind, holding a small red flag in their hands. Under the golden sun, they were very happy. The people of the whole country welcomed the birthday of the motherland with great joy.


During the National Day holiday in October, our family participated in the 3D Magic Painting Exhibition, which was a day of surprise, excitement and happiness.


Zhuzhou welcomes the birthday of our motherland with a new look.


The flowers on both sides of the Hongwei Bridge are full of various patterns, which are very eye-catching; The colorful flags on both sides of the Xiangjiang River Bridge seem to be waving to pedestrians on the roadside. How beautiful the graceful dance is!


At the intersection of the Yellow River Road stands a "wheel" made of flowers and green plants, with yellow flowers in the middle. The four characters "celebrate the National Day" seem to be full of happiness and joy.


Finally, we came to the 3D Magic Painting Exhibition of Dragon Sun City. Standing in the art exhibition, I can only use "incomparable" and "amazing" to describe here. Why do I use "breathtaking" to describe it? Because the painting here is very good, with a very breathtaking side and pictures of different shapes. Why do I use "incomparable" to describe it? Because although the paintings here are plane paintings, they all look very three-dimensional.


The pictures of climbing and jumping in the "bamboo forest" and being chased by the angry "green giant" are not movie pictures, but realistic 3D illusion art paintings. The 40 art paintings with different themes stunned the children and friends. The audience can give full play to their imagination and enter the three-dimensional space created by 3D through ingenious standing, so as to create a strange effect of integrating real people and pictures.


Among these interesting pictures, the picture of a "python" impressed me deeply: a "python" with its mouth open was painted on the wall, and there was just a hole in its mouth. It means to let us get into the hole of the snake's mouth and look like we were swallowed by a "python". I quickly got my head into this hole from behind the wall. My mother pulled me at the mouth of the python. It seemed that she was saving me. It was like I was swallowed by the python. I quickly pretended to stretch out my hand to save my life. Do you know how amazing it is?


This is my happy National Day. Please go to the 3D painting exhibition when you have time!

三年级国庆节日记 篇7

20__年x月x日 星期x 天气晴








国庆节日记 篇8


This year's "National Day" holiday is really happy for me! Because I went to Grandma's house with my mother, brother and sister to pick up chestnuts.


Picking up chestnuts is not a simple thing. A little carelessness will prick you and make you cry! Look at how I pick up chestnuts.


In a dense forest, there are all kinds of trees, and naturally there are chestnut trees sticking into the sky. As soon as I stepped into the forest, a different forest smell came to me. It was refreshing and refreshing. I could not help taking a few big breaths, which was very comfortable.


The chestnut tree is very tall, so people need to climb up the tree and knock down the chestnut with bamboo poles. My mother is good at climbing trees. After a while, she climbed to a very high branch and waved the bamboo pole on the tree. Just listening to the sound of "pa, pa, pa...", the chestnut drifted in the air like a celestial being scattering flowers, and finally fell to the ground one after another reluctantly. Soon, a large "hedgehog ball" fell in the grass.. Is this chestnut? Why is it so different from what I usually eat? I picked up one curiously.. oh dear!. My hand was pricked by the damn hedgehog, and it hurt me. Whoa, whoa. Call directly.


At this time, my mother slipped down from the tree. Seeing this, she smiled and said to me. Silly boy, you can't touch it directly with your hands. You have to step on it with your feet to remove the prick of chestnuts, so that you can see the real fruit. Without waiting for my mother to finish, I immediately stepped on it. Hey, I really saw the chestnuts I usually see. I took the skin off the chestnut and put it in my mouth. It's so sweet. Looking at the hedgehog balls on the ground, I was so excited that I threw myself into the busy fight of stepping on chestnuts. I don't know how long it took me to pick up a basket full of chestnuts. It's really a happy day.


Through collecting chestnuts, I have learned a truth. Deng means that only by experiencing something personally, can we really understand its meaning. It is the so-called practice leads to true knowledge.

国庆节日记 篇9


My dream is to be an astronaut when I grow up, travel in peace, defend world peace and serve my country in war.


After the Nuogan year, I grew up and drove the MO16TF1 spacecraft to the moon. My spaceship landed slowly on the moon after a 21 hour long flight through the clouds and fog. As soon as I got to the moon, my mobile phone received a message, "Welcome to China Mobile". I got off the spaceship, and Chang'e brought us a plate of elixir extracted from high-tech fire. We each ate one. Suddenly, we were full of spirit. We went to visit the Moon Palace with her.


In the Moon Palace, the Jade Rabbit shook hands with us warmly. Chang'e greeted the Jade Rabbit and said, "You should be their guide." The Jade Rabbit said, "OK!" The Jade Rabbit poured us a cup of millennium osmanthus wine, which can be drunk by both the elderly and children. It has a very good effect on strengthening the body. It was specially prepared by Chang'e. After I drank the wine, my original hoarse voice suddenly recovered.


We enjoyed the wine while watching the magnificent moon palace. The palace is full of solar energy "LED" colored lights, which are written with "MIDEINCHINA" meaning made in China. There is a martial arts hall in the front palace, where Wu Gang practices martial arts; The harem is the home and kitchen of the Jade Rabbit. The kitchen utensils in the harem are all made in China; Zhonggong is the Taiping Hall, where Chang'e lives; The outer palace is full of peonies, the national flower of China. How cool the Moon Palace is!


It is not a myth to go to the Moon Palace and explore the deep sea. In order to achieve this goal, I have to study hard since childhood, go to the Moon Palace to play, invent more advanced spaceships to adventure in space, and travel in peace. As long as there are bad people on the earth invading our country, the spaceship can be turned into a fighter plane to defend world peace and our motherland.

国庆节日记 篇10


During the seven days of the National Day holiday, my life was well arranged. I heard that when I went to Wenzhou on October 3, I jumped three feet. On the evening of the first day, I was busy and sweating.


When I came to Wenzhou, there were a lot of cars and busy streets, and many tall buildings were displayed in front of me. It was very beautiful!


Let's talk about history first! That really deserves the reputation. The sister covered bridges in Taishun have a long history. My sister is more than 400 years old, and my sister is also more than 300 years old. The two bridges are beautiful and plain. On the left side of the sister covered bridge, the emerald green river flows happily and makes a wonderful sound, which makes people feel relaxed and happy.


Not only the covered bridges, but also the famous natural landscape. The beautiful Yandang Mountain, the steep peaks, and the breathtaking and exciting ferry performances make people forget to leave. Dalongqiu and Xiaolongqiu are not willing to be outdone. The gap between Dalongqiu and Xiaolongqiu is nearly 200 meters and more than 90 meters, just like a magical and beautiful picture in the air. There is an ancient poem that says well: "The river flies down three thousand feet, and it is suspected that the Milky Way falls nine days." This is the beauty! And the hot spring is not bad. The spring water is boiling, and there are many instruments hidden in the hot spring. If you don't watch carefully, you can't find it. There are massage chairs, water bars... It's really fun and comfortable. When a gust of wind blows, the hot spring ripples and looks very beautiful.


Then let's talk about eating. The dishes cooked by Wenzhou people are really complete in color, smell and taste. River eel, forest frog meat, snake skin, wild boar belly... I really don't know if I don't eat it. I can't forget if I eat it!


Finally, there is a strange news, that is, "pig". Don't underestimate the word "pig". This big pig already weighs more than a ton. It's amazing to lie in the pigsty and sleep soundly every day.


Beautiful Wenzhou, I will come again next time.