
时间:2022-09-16 13:30:24 | 来源:语文通



路成长作文800字 篇1路成长一路风雨作文 篇2路成长一路风雨作文 篇3我们一路成长作文1000字 篇4路风雨一路成长作文 篇5路成长一路笑作文 篇6路成长作文 篇7路风雨一路成长作文 篇8路书香,一路成长作文 篇9我们一路成长作文900字 篇10

路成长作文800字 篇1


Youth is enthusiastic, youth is ignorant, and youth is naive.And these sooner or later are fading because of the truth of life.


It is impossible to make a stable adult from a well -behaved child.There must be a fierce, struggling youth.


Like tens of millions of teenagers struggling to self, I have sank, but I am awake.


"Recently, your expenses are quite big. You don't eat these in elementary school. I can't afford you anymore. Come, just clean the room when it's okay!" One day, I was eating snacks on the campus.There were a few words like a gun.I didn't care about it. I wanted to mumble and greet it, but a name of an unknown fire came out in my heart.She stood up for a while, and said blame, "So irritable!"


This is probably my most commonly common life clip, but it is also filled with a strong smell of gunpowder.I do n’t know when I became irritable. My parents' instructions were as harsh as I had raised a lot of tones and saw my heart.


Finally, he was promoted to high school, and his parents rented a high -end house next to high school.But then the monthly test pressed the young and strong, and my mathematics grades were very bad. My parents watched my results and encouraged me to encourage me, but it didn't help.Fortunately, Dad can counsel my math, but this price ...


Dad even sneezed a few times, and he has been uncomfortable since he lived in this new house because of the wind nearby.His mother had argued with him before he rented the house, but he rented it in my share.


Mom said, why don't you go to the hospital!Dad said, I live in other places, that is, this is not possible!Mom said, then you live in the old house!Dad said, no, I have to counsel to do it!


"Then I agreed with her to rent here!" Mom suddenly raised her throat and said in a aggressive tone.Dad also argued fiercely: "I won't live here if she doesn't want to counsel!" I suddenly emerged and shouted, "It's noisy!" But this time, my mother did not like it as usual, but continued to argue with her father.Dad also said differently, yelled at me: Go back to the room!


I returned to the room angrily and listened to the endless argument.But suddenly realized that each of them was about me.Suddenly, the nose was sour.


If it weren't for me so naive and unconscious, they would not be noisy because of my selfishness and grades of renting a house.


My youth brings such a pain to my parents!My rationality gradually emerged in the struggle.Oh, how ignorant and naive I was before!


From youth to mature, youthfulness, youthful ignorance, youthful naiveness, eventually wiped out by our lives a little bit.

路成长一路风雨作文 篇2


It is inevitable to encounter wind and rain on the road of life, and the wind and rain will grow with us.Only after experiencing wind and rain can we grow into a big tree.On the way to grow, only the sun, and the road without wind and rain can only be fantasies.We grew up, the storms all the way, the difficulties all the way, the frustrations all the way, some passed by, some needed us to face it calmly, but some needed to fight against it.


There is such a sentence: how can you see the rainbow without experiencing wind and rain, the sun is always after the wind and rain.Only when we experience the storm can we go to maturity.Time is like an arrow, the sun and the moon are like shuttle, day after day, year after year, the pace of growth goes faster and faster, and there are many storms in the distance waiting for us.Rush forward, rush to the end of the uneven road.The road of life is long, since we were born, it means that there is a journey -a journey of life.


I remember when I was a kid, I shrink back when I encounter a little difficulty.I have an introverted personality. Once I wanted to eat dumplings. Dad asked me to ask the owner of the dumpling shop if there was any dumplings, but I didn't even dare to ask this. I was shy.Later, with the encouragement of Dad, I finally got my courage to enter the dumpling shop.I didn't dare to talk on stage before, and my voice was very small, and I didn't dare to answer questions. Now I overcome these difficulties.In the Chinese class, the teacher also provides us with a platform that shows self and exercise ourselves, let us tell stories, perform programs, etc. I like this activity.


Sour, sweet, bitter, and spicy are hovering in our lives, and sweetness is always behind bitterness.Because only the taste of suffering can taste the sweet taste.Shouzhu treats rabbits tell us that there is nothing in the world that only pays first to gain.It's like planting a tree, only to protect it, protect it, and take care of it to bear fruit.However, in these processes, many difficulties are not avoided.


The growth accompanied us, and the wind and rain followed us.For the road of life, let us throw difficulties behind us, and work hard!After the sun always lets the wind and rain go first, the sun is walking first, and the sun is accompanied by us.

路成长一路风雨作文 篇3


It is inevitable to encounter some storms on the road of growth, but these storms are also embarrassing us while promoting our progress and growth.


I remember that in the fourth grade, every time I walked to the playground, I saw the students of the school football team worked hard to practice playing football. At that time, I always watched and thought about it: When I reached the fifth grade, I also had to participate in the school.football team.Until the second semester of the fifth grade, I was finally selected as the football team.As soon as the team entered the team, the coach first taught us to practice the ball. This action looks simple, but it is difficult to do it. Can't control the strength on the feet.Practice, we are proficient, the left and right, the ball is like sticking to the feet.After practicing the basic action, we have learned some difficult moves: shooting, passing and some kicking rules.


After a series of activities such as practice, training, and testing, I was selected as a formal player and arranged in the position of the defender. There was an unspeakable joy in my heart.Finally, we ushered in the first game- "Primary School Football Game".As a novice, it was inevitable that I was a little nervous. The game was just beginning. We were robbed as soon as we served. I stared at the ball with another defender, but the opponent was still passing by our strict guardian.Enter.In the end, we still couldn't match their opponents and lost the first game.After the game, the coach explained our questions and mistakes one by one. We silently agreed to do our best in the future game without mistakes.


Soon we ushered in the second game, which seemed to be a challenge that God gave us. Let us fight against the last championship team. We were stunned, but we did not discourage it, but worked even harder.As a defender, I tried my best to defend, but because of our lack of experience, I was scored two goals in the end, but the coach encouraged us to say, "It doesn't matter, you have made great progress.Among them, our team is the best against this championship team. "We heard it, and we were relieved a lot.


This is indeed the same.Don't be afraid of wind and rain, the scenery on the way to grow is better.

我们一路成长作文1000字 篇4


As time flies, we who have been growing up like a small seedling, eventually grow into a big tree towering into the clouds.However, there are many of me sour and bitter.In the process of growing up, there has always been one thing that makes me remember, and I can't help but want to tell you.


It was a wind and sunny morning, and I went to the hotel with my mother.


On the way, a large bag of Bika "Yao Wu Yang Wei" outside the store made me unable to throw my greedy eyes into it, and I couldn't wait to swallow it all at once.


When I arrived at the hotel, I walked in front of my mother, straightened my arms without saying a word, and spread my hand and asked him for money.


But my mother said, "Don't buy snacks, this thing is not good for your body." I shook her head vigorously and put her eyes at her again.


At this time, Dad rushed out of the kitchen at a speed of wind, shouting, "Eat less snacks, exercise!" I was frightened and ran away quickly.


At noon, I accidentally heard the mobile phone payment password when my father bought food, which gave me a "good" idea.


So I pretended to play with my mobile phone and stretched out the magic claws to the phone.As soon as I got my phone, I rushed to the store like a bombing.


As soon as I entered the store door, I found out that my father had to buy things. I was frightened and quickly put my phone into the pocket.


Dad asked: "What are you doing?"


I replied in a fright: "No ... something, come ... play."


I looked at his bomb -like iron fist. This "big head" passed by, and I couldn't help but stun for a while.


After my father left, I slowly walked in front of the QR code, and its embarrassing and happy face was beckoning to me.


My hand kept shaking, pulled out the mobile phone in the bag, and took it with the QR code.After that, a period of "Please enter the payment amount" like a thriller.I was trembling and hesitated: "Don't pay, don't pay? Oh! Oh! God, what am I doing? Do you think of the consequences, Yan Wei?"


My fingers were as fragile as grass, and I touched the number "6", and a password box came into view.


While I lost my password, the sudden footsteps made me panic, and the footsteps rang in my ear and left me.


I breathed a sigh of relief, and the picture of successful payment flashed in my eyes.I turned off my phone and took Cocke to hiding in a corner.


I thought my "plan" was seamless, but it was actually a lot of loopholes.Dad was sitting on a chair and flipping WeChat payment records. I glanced at it. A payment information came into sight. I forgot to delete it!


Of course, this "important intelligence" can't escape the attention of Dad.Dad was stunned, and he couldn't understand who the payment information was. Later, I realized that it was me.


He was furious, and I had seen the light of despair.


I cried and waited for this "slap dinner".After Dad asked me to have a sigh after this "feast", he sighed, and said to me with a long time, "Son, you have to be agreed and sneaky. How can this be in the society in the future?"


After listening to this sentence, I lowered my head ashamed and refused to speak for a long time.


We have been walking towards maturity, but when the seedlings grow, we always need gardeners to water and prunites.Dad's words benefited me a lot, he was the hard -working gardener.

路风雨一路成长作文 篇5


On the road of long life, there are wind and rain and rainbow, but after experiencing these, you will really understand what growth is.


The wind and rain, of course, are difficult and setbacks. Sometimes they make us physically and mentally pain, sometimes it will make us panic, and sometimes it will make us cry ... but after the wind and rain, there will be a rainbow, and then you will jump and jump on the ground.I am happy to dance ... Although the failure makes us pain, success will bring us pride and happiness.


In the process of experiencing storms, we have to learn lessons from it to transform into the crystallization of growth.


If you fall, your legs are injured, your hands are cut, and the nosebleeds are flowing out ... It's okay, don't be sad, stand up bravely, and cry when you want to cry, but then, you have to cheer up, raise your head, re -restart your head, re -restart your head, and re -restart your head.look up to the sky.Even if you are seriously injured, you must live beautifully.In this way, you can know how precious it is!


When others bully you, insulting you, you should not care about them, and do not return your hands. You have to hold back the provocation and torture, calm your mood, calm down, and inspire yourself to grow and progress.Remember, "Hengmei coldly pointed at Qianfu, and bowed to Gan Gan as a bull."


When others ignore you, you can bear the loneliness; if others hate you, then you have to think about whether you have made any mistakes and what disadvantages you have, or have any problems with your own friends ... discover them, discover them, find them, find them, find them, find them, find them, find them, find them, find them, find them, find them, find them, find them, find them, find them, to find themAnd correct them.In this way, we can make us better, improve the relationship with others, so as to motivate ourselves to grow, and remember that "tolerate loneliness can reach high."


Don't only respect me, because when you grow up, you are not a person's world; don't be lazy, because you have to eat a lot of suffering on the road of growth; don't stubbornly, because you still need friends; don't be timid; Don't be abandoned halfway, because the road is long, but there is no way back to let us go again.


If the difficulty is wind and rain, then the growth is a rainbow; if the difficulty is a wall, then the growth is a beautiful house; if the difficulty is a messy waste paper, the growth is a beautiful picture ...


Growing up, let us grow up; grow up, let us be physically and mentally strong; grow, let our lives be energetic, sunlight: Growth allows us to learn ...


All the way, growing all the way, there will be rainbow after the wind and rain.

路成长一路笑作文 篇6


The way to grow is destined to be lonely, but even so, I am willing to use a smile to embellish my growth path.


Growth is a difficult journey.Growth is a long trip. It is so long that it will be done with a lifetime.Nevertheless, I am only willing to pass by with a difficult sadness on the road of growth.


On the way to growing up, doubts and ridicule are always indispensable.In the fifth grade, I transferred to another school.In the past, my grades were among the best in the class. After being transferred to this school, there are probably too many outstanding students in this school. My grades are almost not stuck with the excellent.


At that time, I would choose outstanding students in the class. I naturally hope that I am myself, but I just want to be delusional. I don't want to say that they are elected, and there are no "finalists". No one recommends me, I am naturally lost in my heart. When the classmates were congratulating the outstanding students with warm applause, I inadvertently said, "Why don't you choose me?" It happened to be heard by the classmates next to me. It seems that jokes are more ironically and said, "You have a bad grade, of course you don't choose you!" I felt a great humiliation and refuted: "Hmm! I will prove it to you, I am an excellent student!" Because I was too angry at the time, I did not control the loudness of the sound for a while, and the students around me were allowed to keep the sound of the classmates around I heard it. It was a laughter and disdainful eyes. I was very embarrassed in this situation. A sour feeling rushed into my heart, I endured tears and stop tears from flowing down. I am determined that I must be an excellent student and prove it to them! Let them know that they are wrong!


However, it is against people's wishes.In a test immediately, I could not get excellent results.I was holding the eighty -eighth math test papers, and my heart was not tasteful.One afternoon for the test paper, I was absent -minded and stunned.After school, I stuffed the test paper in the schoolbag, and hurried home in a hurry.My face was full of helplessness and despair, looking up at the sky, and the sky seemed to be dim; looking at the flowers, the flowers seemed to be lost; there were a few birds flying in the sky, as if they were laughing at me.It seemed to be shrouded in Wuyun around me.The schoolbag only put a few books in the schoolbag, but because of this test paper, the schoolbag became so heavy, making me breathless.A few tear marks were revealed in his face.


When I got home, I ran into the room without a noise. Sitting on the bed and sobbing. My mother who knows my mother has long found something wrong, and walked to my room lightly. As soon as I entered the door, I saw the mathematical test of the bright red "88" on the table. Mom picked up the test paper and laughed gently: "Eighty -eight! Very auspicious. Numbers." There was a touch of fun in his tone. And when I heard this, I didn't want to make a voice, and wiped my head and wiped tears. Seeing that I didn't speak, my mother knew that this trick was not used. So, said seriously, "Don't cry, strong!" I said with a cry: "I let you down!" Mom said, "Who said you let me down, you are my pride. I can't see others, I can see clearly. I believe you will be able to achieve good results next time! "I said silently and secretly thought: Tian will be descended to Sri Lanka, and I must suffer their minds first. , To do their bones, hungry their body skin, lack their bodies, and make their actions. This is a test of me, I want to face with a smile! Tears stopped flowing instantly, I raised my head, and my face was full of hope.


After that, the natural kung fu was reluctant to have a heart. In the final exam, I achieved excellent results.


On the way to grow, there are suffering and sweetness, but no matter what the taste, I have to laugh and taste it.Happy is also one day, and sadness is one day. Why don't you spend every day?I want to welcome every day in the future with a smile!

路成长作文 篇7


"The stars in the sky don't speak, the dolls on the ground want mother, think of mother's words at night, sparkling tears Lu Binghua ..." When he heard this song, I remembered him, and he had experienced incredible pain.


He is my primary school classmate. He has a bad personality, but he is very clever. It is him who was called by the teacher. It was him who was agile in class.If you criticize it, you will not cry, and you have reached the state of comparable to the city wall.After the words of the old people, the more naughty boys, the smarter, but he was still "thick."There is a gentle mother in such a person. I have also seen his mother many times. Almost all of them were ticked by my classmates and were called by the teacher. What impressed me the most was that he torn my photos on the "Three Good Students" list.Become Ultraman, the teacher called his mother to lose money, apologizing. After his mother came, the teacher called me out to apologize to me. His eyes contained water vapor, and he said with a mosquito voice "Sorry, "I said," Don't cry ", my mother's status in his heart should be heavier than anything!


A few years have passed like this, and unfortunate things happened in the sixth grade; on the evening of the day, a thief dived into his house and stole many finances. At that time, he was taking a bath. After his mother knew, he quietly quietly knew that he quietly knew it.Followed out, in the end, what he saw was the body of his dear mother, and 120 came from the sound, but his mother was hurting the key, and I am afraid that Hua Yan was hard to save the life. After one day, he was red.The bleeding eyes came to the campus. In the teacher's cry, I knew this and wanted to comfort him, but I couldn't say it in my throat.When other students talked about this, I pretended to be calmly and said, "He is so optimistic and must come out!" Can the bottom of the eyes have a strong sadness, can it come out?


Is he still that he?Now he is not running around, but sit quietly in the classroom and read books. The time will be cured. Until the math teacher said, "You have to study hard, and those who love you!"I tried to avoid the word "mother" with him. Gradually, his face smiled.During the parent meeting, we were also on campus and found that he was standing in the school gate. I asked in confusion: "Don't you go to find your parents?" He said back: "You mothers can't worry about you?"I stopped the pace that wanted to move forward.His words were as if a stone was thrown into my calm heart, and a circle of ripples splashed. This is the first time I asked this word from his mouth for so long, and he came out!


After experiencing this incident, he grew up at once, but the cost of growing up was unbearable pain. How unfortunately, he was also a person who lost his loved ones one day in the future and grew up after life and death.A person walks alone in the world, but don't forget to grow up. Don't forget to write the song that belongs to himself, whether it is joy or sadness.This song has a trough and orgasm. It needs your growth to write it. Please always bring this song with hope.


Grow all the way, sing all the way ... composition

路风雨一路成长作文 篇8


There are always many setbacks in life, and there are always many storms.Only when you have experienced can you feel the bitterness and bitterness in it.From small to large, you must have experienced a lot of setbacks and storms. In these setbacks and storms, you have gradually grown.Let's go into this wind and rain together to grow together.


When you were a kid, you were in the warm arms of your mother, sweet, happy, and smiling deeply. At that time, how cute, how good you were, and how happy you were!When I grow up, I think of the original thing, how much you want to go back to the past and want to rely on your parents.But what about now?Different, everything seems to have changed. Moms and dads are no longer so gentle. They always quarrel, and they don't love themselves as before.


In terms of learning, you may have a good grade in elementary school, but in high school, you may not work.At this time, you will be disappointed and sad.Please don't be disappointed, don't be sad.Because there is always your unexpected setbacks and storms in life, as long as you dare to work hard, work hard, and overcome, these setbacks and wind and rain will become the stepping stone that you go to success and become the bridge you reach the ideal shore.


When each of us is painful, when you encounter difficulties, you will feel loneliness and helplessness. At this time, only you learn to overcome difficulties, solve problems, and pass the difficulty. At this time, you can get it from it.Experience the happiness of growth.In the future, no matter how hard, hardships, or difficulty, you will have a way to solve and spend it.


In work, you go to work, work overtime every day, and stay up late every day.When you feel too tired, too hard, you think of your family and continue to work as soon as you think of your family.When you have done a good achievement, you will unconsciously remember the unforgettable sour, sweet, bitter, and spicy days.You will think: That's nothing, it is worth it, it is the precious wealth in your own life experience.


In life, which one has no setbacks and has not experienced storms?When you find yourself out of the predicament, you will also find that you have grown up.The "difficulty" in life is not as painful as you think. Only those who know how to resolve, overcome, and solve it will have his life must be extraordinary and unusual.


"The sun is always after the wind and rain." Only when the wind and rain are strongly spent strong, will the rainbow definitely appear in the sky.You also gradually grow and grow in the rainbow!

路书香,一路成长作文 篇9


Sit a little ink, passing by in front of the eyes; the page of the book, over the hand;On a long way to grow, a good book makes people read all of them.


There are a lot of books I have read. Whether it is the naive and dreamy fairy tales, the relaxed and interesting campus novels, the fresh and elegant modern prose, or the beautiful and sad Shirlei poetry ... all bring me a lot of beautiful enjoyment.However, the only one who accompanies me all the way is you- "The Romance of the Three Kingdoms".


When I first saw you, I was young and couldn't recognize the black paper.But you are easily attracted by the comic version of you.Those characters are carrying big knives, riding a horse, and the heroic posture and extraordinaryness.I couldn't tell their names and surnames, but from then on letting the hero's image was rooted in my heart.


When I finally can recognize the common block characters, I met you in the youth version.I read you with hunger.So there was a difference between good and evil.Envy Liu, Guan, and Zhang's heroic and friendship and hate Cao Cao's narrowness and calculations; admire Zhuge Liang's cleverness and wisdom and despise Sima Yi's insidious and cunning.I always think that good people must have good reports, and do not understand those so -called strength and weakness.So that after reading this book, I was sad for several days for the ending of the story.


Time is passing quietly, and I am growing quietly.When I finally finished primary school studies and became a middle school student.In my father's old -fashioned bookcase, I was surprised to find you in the classical version.I gently hold you up and stab at you in the smooth text.Today, you are no longer you yesterday, and I am no longer the ignorant girl.You grow in the text and grow in my thoughts.I started to read you with dialectical eyes and look at the figures of the Three Kingdoms.Cao Cao is "the emperor to wait for the waiting", but he is good at machine conspiracy and is very talented.Although Guan Yu is all loyal and loyal, he is too arrogant to defeat Maicheng.Zhang Fei is a grassy husband's spleen, but sometimes it is rough.The Three Kingdoms let me learn a different perspective to evaluate a person, so that I understand that good people also have imperfect places, and those so -called bad guys also have highlights worth our learning.


In the summer of the second day, in the bookstore, I met you again with the hardcover version.At this time, you already have a gorgeous turn, and I open you carefully, the faint fragrance comes, the perfect and smooth text, and the exquisite illustrations will make me happy.This time I started to make you finely you. I finally understand that in fact, everyone in your book has his own responsibility and his own responsibility, and he is struggling for your ideals.Cao Cao chased for the throne; Liu Bei abandoned Xinye but "walking slowly with the people". This is his responsibility to the people and the people.The glory and wealth that Cao Cao gives him will not love Cao Cao, just for the promise of Taoyuan's three knots.Even Sun Quan also assumed the responsibility of guarding the 81st state of Jiangdong.And I have also grown up, belonging to my responsibility and thinking about the future and inspiring me ...


From reading, from reading, to the gradual reading, script, and books, every footprint of my growth has your testimony and companionship.And the scent of scholars haunting by me.Gorky said, "Books are the ladder of human progress"; Lavin said, "Books are the most wonderful voices from humans"; and I want to say "Books all the way, grow all the way."

我们一路成长作文900字 篇10


When the wheat lowered his head, it was breeding a new, lively, life, huge fruit.The deep land gave it a chance to bow.Only after spring and summer, the proud brilliant and dazzling golden ...


After the alternate replacement of vibrant spring and hot summer, gently, a comfortable wind brought a sense of autumn.When the leaves on the treetops have yellowed, the golden gauze is rotated like a dancer, and it comes along the beautiful arc to the ground.People perceive the nerves of the season to be touched."Ah, it turned out that the footsteps of autumn have reached the earth."And when I saw this topic in the examination room, I couldn't help but cause my thoughts ...


From the sowing of spring to the bumper harvest in autumn, it seems that the change of wheat is the most obvious, and it is transformed from green to maturity first; every late autumn, there is such a scene in the farmland next to my small road.Autumn seems to bring nutrients to these wheats, so that the wheat is full of golden light; I watched them grow from the tender and small wheat to today.It grows to develop many leaves.They were all lowered by the fruits, bent high, as if apologizing to the land.Yeah, but they have passed their nutrients when they grow germination.They are crazy and grabbing.So that the land under my feet was slightly dry.But the earth was unknown, giving them tolerance and tolerance; like their mothers, and the loving "mother" blindly gave these naughty "children" comfortable and warm.


In late autumn, the wheat changed from green to yellow, and changed from children to one of the dazzling golden adults.This is a change from green to mature, and they seem to understand the hard work of "Mother Earth" for them.So they all looked ashamed to lowered their heads, and apologized to their "mother" in a sincere news. I watched this wheat field and couldn't help but sigh: "Ah, it is irrelevant to the breeding of the earth when he was young, but now it is now.Thanks for the earth! "


Losing his head is not the so -called inferiority and cowardice, but to nurture new life, nurture a mature fruit, and nurture a new self.And these are all experienced by growth.


After late autumn, the wheat will stand up because of the full and brilliant fruits, so the previous bowed head was to be frank after growing, to harvest more fruitful results.In our work, we must make mistakes.However, it is not ridiculous to lower your head.It is a mature to mature, a growth in mind and thought.Whoever has no time, as long as he is willing to lower his head and communicate with heart and heart.Abandoning the so -called self -esteem is not self -esteem.Consistently treat others and treat others.Then there will be a tomorrow like a bumper wheat field!


To learn to endure, learn to bow your head so that you will have your own head!Life is precisely because of these seemingly cheap behaviors that accumulate priceless significance on the road of life.