
时间:2022-07-01 13:26:55 | 来源:语文通



"First -level, multi -order, third -order ..." I picked up the steps and rushed to the corridor of this understanding.


I returned here on a deliberate detour. With the neighbors of college graduation date, everyone will say goodbye to here, but it is unforgettable and reluctant.Five years of precious elementary and middle school years.


The corridor at noon is quiet and warm.The classmates are in class. The warm sun sprinkle from the dialog box. The light and shadow projection on the floor tiles. The paintings are hung on the wall.


In the memory, the corridor was only for the areas where the students went upstairs to cross the road.At that time, he silently took on the daily silence and appreciated everyone's richness and happiness in the call.


After that, the classmates gradually became familiar. When everyone met the classmates in the corridor, they would say goodbye and say each other: "Hi, hello!" This sound "Hello" contains how much concern is it.How warm, how happy, warm heart.


If you coincide with a nap, the corridor may be an area where everyone is extremely longing for.The girls chatted in groups of three or five, and the boys played mobile games with high eclectic functions."Hey, do you want to play together?" At this moment, you must not be easy to refuse. Because the invitation is installed with the simplest happiness that belongs to everyone, such as a glass of wine, it is not drunk before drinking.If there is a class student just beginning, everyone will get together here. This question, the invitation, the passion is full of the small corridor.


Inadvertently, we grew up. The original classroom was given to the first -year children. Our classroom moved to the other place, leaving here to understand but the corridor.Quickly, the sixth grade follows, and everyone is about to bid farewell to the alma mater.


The fragrance of the wind posting day is never the time to tear.Even if you are nostalgic, you ca n’t come back that happy yesterday and cannot return to that ignorant day.


"Ding Zero ..." The bell rang at the end of the get out of class, and the first -year younger brothers and sisters suddenly poured into the corridor. The bouncing sun seemed to share their happiness with me.How can I be unhappy?When I was a child, I was in the corridor here to learn dance, play, and work with the friends of the pot ... seeing their figures, like a movie, and the old things happened again.


Suddenly the summoning of the classmates, it's time to return to the classroom.


picked up again and stepped into the return path.Behind, the corridor in each other was silently looking at.Kim Xiao, thank you for your growth, and accompany me to develop into a young man in childhood, this sentiment will follow my life.



Every time I think of that time, the happiness in memory is from the deep love of my father. He made me feel extremely happy!


It was a weekend of early autumn. It was gloomy and terrible. I went to my grandma's house. On the street of grandma's house, I played with my friends.


I didn't tell my grandpa, grandma, and father, mother, and secretly ran away with my friends, and went to find some interesting things to play.We found a lot of grass and flowers in a far place, and we wanted to chop it, and we wanted to find some stones.So, we were looking for everywhere, but before we found it, it rained in the sky.We "escaped around", ran to each family, and kept shouting: "It's raining, go home, go home!" At this time, I suddenly couldn't find the way. I saw one of them.The tall figure of the umbrella came to me -it turned out to be a father.


Dad saw me, and did not blame me, but pulled my hand and walked towards the direction of grandma's house.Gradually, I couldn't move, and my dad said without saying a word, and I continued to walk, and the umbrellas in my hand were on my head.Dad stepped back and walked back to Grandma's house.


Back to Grandma's house, my father's body was soaked, and my body was just humid.My mother blame me to say, "I secretly run out and play, don't tell us, you want your dad to pick you up when it rains, and your dad is soaked!" Dad said, "It's okay, take her to change clothes, let's change her clothes.! "Mom looked at Dad helplessly and took me to change clothes.


Looking at the wet dad, my heart was uncomfortable.Yeah, because of my play, my dad will be soaked! But how happy I am! Dad will go back to the playful me.


How unforgettable this period of happiness in memory!



Time flies, and we have grown up for a moment.During the companionship of studying my mother; in the breakfast I bought for me at half past five; when my parents were constantly nagging when I was sick, I really knew happiness. It was the happiness hidden in memory!


In this world, happiness is everywhere.It is just that people are easy to ignore happiness. Happiness is clearly in front of you, you need to observe with your heart.


There is a trivial matter who lingers in memory and can't bear to forget it.With the end of another dream, the sun's seemingly normal day began. Parents went out early in the morning because of something, but I bought breakfast in advance and stayed at home. Soon I went to school.It wasn't until the night after school that Grandma reminded that today is my birthday, and this birthday is like this?


I dare not ask too much, I just hope that on their birthdays, they can call and say on the phone that everyone can say "Happy birthday", so I will be satisfied.Soon my father went out, and my mother asked me to accompany me for a birthday for an afternoon.Dad walked into the house. Of course, the most conspicuous is the big cake holding hands. He put the cake on the bed with a frozen red hand, then stood up the table, put it up, and opened it to insert fifteen candles.Very solemn, I thought: I hope this is not a dream.


Mom asked: "What other birthday wishes? It's not easy to have a birthday!" I was polite to ask KFC, my mother agreed, and I regretted it after a while.Bring ashamed.This is all from the hard -working work of the parents, but the parents have never eaten KFC! But they died, "You eat it, you have to grow your body!" Suddenly, my heart was warm and felt very happy. I felt very happy.Essence


As the saying goes: Children's birthday is the painful day of mother and child.One year old means more sensible and thrive in happiness.The happiness in the memory is like a flower that never withered!



Recalling the trivial matter in life, the most clear thing is what happened during the summer vacation. It is the happiness that treasures in my memory, and it will never forget!


Dad learned that I had a good test score and very happy, so I bought me a small car as a prize for me to encourage it.


That day, the wind and the sun were beautiful, the sun was bright, and the trees were lush.My father took a mysterious small box after his hands, and I saw it curiously in the future: "Dad, what do you install in the box?" Daddy said, "Electric car!" I heard I happy in the future.If you are mad, hold the box with both hands, jump and jump into the house, quickly disassemble the packaging, and watch the novel -style electric car, it is extremely pleasant in his heart.


Since then, I have played with it every day.But because it has been playing for too long, the battery has no electricity.The car did not move, the music disappeared, and the villain would not wave it.At that time, I still didn't understand the mystery of it, so I was angry (inaccurate words, it was recommended to change to: born).I walked to the kitchen and took the chopsticks to stab the villain's face, forcing it to move, but there was no effect, the villain was still moving, and I became even more angry.I ran to the brick beside the brick outside and picked up a brick, and thought: If you don't move, you will break your bones! "


Subsequently, I raised the bricks and smashed it down.Suddenly, a big hole appeared on the car.After smashing, I regret it.The most important thing is how to explain to my dad! Simply, do nothing, and smashed it a few more times.The car is really broken.At this time, I found out that only the upper body was connected to the positive and negative electrode.After my father knew, he laughed at my recklessness, and promised that as long as the test scores were excellent, I would send me a brand new car. How happy my childhood was!


Childhood is happy and carefree. Cherish this beautiful time! Time is gone. This time will make us happy, let us healthy, and let us know how to be human.Every time I think of the happiness time in memory, I am particularly happy!



Someone once asked me what the best memory is!My answer is simple, so much!Don't believe you see you


Segment 1: Last year, my brother suggested that the family will sit together on the 30th night of the year.On the 30th day of the Chinese New Year, my brother and I got up early, and then went to my parents to help the couplet, clean the yard, and started to make dumplings in the afternoon. I made a few dishes at night, and the family sat around the table.Looking at the Spring Festival Gala, talking about home, drinking small wine, it is good!I hope my everyone's court will always be happy.


Segment 2: When I was a kid, my backyard was a small vegetable garden. There were two cherry trees in the garden. We will plant some vegetables in the garden.Mom and dad water the garden together. Dad is responsible for ending water from the room to the window sill of the backyard. Mom and I are responsible for pouring the land in the yard. The two sisters below are playing in the garden.The decent landed land, the result was to wet the shoes and dare not squeak and quietly hide into the grass behind the house., I haven't seen my sister yet, the family is looking for a sister who is full of villages like crazy!As a result, I found a circle and didn't find it. After a while, my sister didn't know where to come out. The mother took her into her arms. It turned out that the family was looking for her like crazy.Dare to come out, haha this silly sister!


The memory of happiness is like the number of stars in the galaxy!Flash!



Deep in everyone's memory, there are happiness and sad things, but this matter is deep in my memory, making me feel the happiest thing!


I still remember that it was a late autumn afternoon. I came back to the class because the family was very close to the classes, and my father and mother were usually busy, so I went to my uncle's homework every time I finished the class. By the way, I solved it.My "food and clothing problem".


But that day, the sky suddenly became overcast, the clouds were dense, and from time to time, it accompanied a strong wind, and then it rained.When I came out of the makeup class, I hit a cold war, shrank, and put my hand in the pocket, and quickly walked towards the uncle's house.


When I arrived at the house, as soon as I opened the door, I saw the rain on my body and said, "Is it your dad and *** not telling the rain today? *** also cools down. ! "While I said, I found a thick clothes and put it on, then put it in the dining table, took the seat cushion and put it on the stool. This is waiting for me to come back for dinner! Suddenly, I remembered that there were still a lot of homework in the school, so let's write a meeting first. When I opened my schoolbag, I was dumbfounded. What can I do? I glanced at my grandfather and grandpa secretly. The two of them were preparing to eat! I looked up and looked outside. So I walked towards me, looking at her a little embarrassed, and lowered my head and couldn't open my mouth. I saw that I was thinking, so I asked me what happened? My homework has fallen in my house, I have to finish writing today ... "I didn't say a word to put down the tableware and asked me:" Where did your homework be? I will help you take it! "I whispered:" The homework is in my bedroom On the desk. "I turned and took a thick clothes, hit an umbrella out of the house. I looked at the back of my uncle and slowly disappeared into the light rain in the late autumn.


Grandpa told me to eat at this time, and looked at the braised pork ribs made by me, and I couldn't help it anymore, so I sat down and picked up the chopsticks to eat.After a while, I came back, and I saw a few rays of bangs on the forehead sticking to the forehead, and the cold rain flowing from the cheeks from time to time.Folded a few folds, and the clothes were wet.I looked at the embarrassment of my sister -in -law and asked what happened to this? I told me that on the way back, she hung the umbrella (scrape) because of the wind.So I used the broken umbrella cloth to wrap my school and put it in my arms.Looking at my homework carefully from my arms, I suddenly got cold and itchy on my face, as if something quietly passed.


Some people think that the love of his father is like a mountain, and some people think that the mother's love is like Qingquan, and I think that the love is like a warm current, always reserved (changed to: treasure) deep in my memory!



What is happiness?Although this is a simple question, the answers are diverse.Some people say, "If you can't finish the money, you want anything, just happiness." Some people said, "You can eat big fish and meat every day." Some people say, "You can do not work every day.I am idle is happiness. "But I don't think so, because happiness may be just a smile, maybe it is just a trust look, or it may be just a warm words ...


In my memory, there is always an unforgettable shadow. I still remember that it was a math test. I smashed it. Don't mention how sad it, and there is a trace of fear. I am afraid that I will be scolded by my dad when I go back.Just like a storm, I was so sad because I didn't take the test, but he scolded me like this. My nose was sour, but I still held back so strong.But it ’s not as simple as I think. Dad scolded enough. After a while, after a while, the anger was still missing, and I left a ruthless words:" Don't eat it for lunch. "The door went out.


I think Dad should be very disappointed with me. When I was at 6:30, I sat at the table in front of the table. I didn't understand that it was not just a test?As for such a big fire?Dad should have been sitting at my desk now to help me learn mathematics together, and I will correct my homework, but today I do n’t, Dad is going out, and I have n’t come back for dinner. He should have given up on me!At night, I turned off the lights and lying on the bed, thinking, I am so happy in such a family that is so angry?It's better to leave.Thinking of this, a drop of tears slipped to his mouth, bitter, astringent, and fell asleep soon.


It should be more late at night. A string of footsteps are getting closer and closer to me. I stopped. It should be watching me.After a while he covered me a quilt, and gently walked to my learning table, opened the small lamp, opened my schoolbag, took out mathematical books and homework, and took a red pen to start changing my homework.EssenceI see clearly, that is my dad, and I won't see it at all. At that moment, I was moved, as the light emitted from the light became brighter and brighter.At that moment, I understood that I was so happy.


What is happiness?In my opinion, the happiness is just a dad hooking a cross with a red pen in my homework, and every stroke in my book.



Some people say that happiness is a three -petal flower: dreams in their hearts, things in their hands, and love around them.Lying in the window, calm down all the world, go back to the heart, and truly examine everything in the world.Suddenly, I paid attention to the leaping waves in memory, and found that this wave of waves like crystal clear jade, all of which were all happy ...


Life is like a trip, but there is no ticket to return.The accumulation of vulgar smoke and the ruthlessness of the years corroded the pure heart.We splurked our lives and looked for happiness in the distance because we did not protect the embankment of the soul and made the surface of happiness confused.


The bird of happiness, as soon as the flying is a group of people.The sunset is forgight, and the autumn leaves are rooted. Pay attention to every corner of life. Happiness is everywhere:


Lonely empty lanes, several old men played tables, Jin Ge iron horses, galloping on the paper, leisurely and leisurely!


Mid -Autumn Festival, the whole family dinner, the mother pushed the best dishes to the children, God's family!


The catkins are gently shaking, and the flowers are fragrant. A pair of lover sitting next to the river and snuggling lobster. They were silent, and their eyes showed a little happiness!


Cooking smoke, farmers returning to farm, children welcomed their father, their father took the son, and the son took the cattle.


Bit bites, crushed zero, naturally, really cut.No one will think that these are great happiness, because they are lucky.But at the same time, they are already the landscape in the long roll, which are embellished with this world.


In the evening, Shuo Feng reversed the travel, revealed the cold and cold, and sitting alone in front of the window, counting the stars, this is a kind of happiness, a supreme happiness.


Open the window of memory.Shake off the dust, carefully open the bottom page of the heart.Refine the happiness I pursue.What can be changed at this time?Why can I express my heart?Mingyue and autumn wind cannot be, even more, because happiness is a station of the heart travel, and the milestone is not the text, but the true feelings.True love is invisible, love is speechless, happiness belongs to you and me.


Bathing in a happy morning light, looking at the unknown years, I want to tell the sky and tell the earth: There will always be your sky in the dream. No matter how many years of the years, I will look forward to happiness and look forward to happiness.


Happiness has settled in my memory!



One year dripped the lotus leakage, and Bi Jing was crispy frozen wine.Xiaohan is still bullying, and the spring state is slim first to the willow.


—— "Yulouchun · Ji Yin's year"


One year, one spring, one season, one year old.

One year, one spring, one season, one year old.


It always comes as scheduled, not to be slow, and rushing to the early spring, gradually walking in the sound of firecrackers in the season, near.The Spring Festival is a traditional festival in my country. No matter where it is, people attach great importance to it, so it has achieved a kind of folk customs that reunite and warmth, not to mention the strip boxes. Every family and everyone have their own Spring Festival.


On New Year's Eve, the color brought by the flow of people on the street is gradually gloomy in the dusk, and each household has lit a light of its own at home. The thin fog in front of the window reflects some kind of warm light.gosh.


In front of a rich table, the family was too busy. The aunt who had dumplings in the kitchen, picked up the mother who took a camera to take pictures, and sat in front of the table.The bright skin, delicious side dishes and delicious dumplings are undoubtedly adding color to this warm overflowing New Year's Eve. It seems that the joy and beauty seems to have expressed the tenderness and beauty.


Every New Year's Eve, every time every family reunited.


The New Year's Eve is always like this. Among them, with our laughter, and the care and expectations of our elders, the children's hearts are naive and beautiful, and I have a deep impression on my heart.After eating New Year's Eve, next is our most anticipated part -New Year's money.In a hurry to stand in front of the elders, with a short but full of blessings, we also took over the hope of pinning on us, joy and proud.The hour hand on the watch has quietly moved. The family sat together and talked about the family, while my brother and I ran to the balcony and closed the door.The darkness was slightly rippling, and a faint halo looked at it softly. Looking at the bright eyes that seemed to be smiling, the slightly light illuminated the dark room, and the laughter carved this time.


It's another year, a spring, a season, one year old.

One year, one spring, one season, one year old.

One year, one spring, one season, one year old.


In this year, when the time was just right, the memory of the past Spring Festival revealed his head from the sea in my heart. The probe looked at it, and the move was so light. It was always a smile.However, on this sea, there is always a ray of glory, gently swaying like a candlelight with weak wind, but tough and soft, unyielding, and immortal.


One year, one spring, one season, one year old.

One year, one spring, one season, one year old.



Childhood is happy.When I stepped into the kindergarten again, I felt the beauty of childhood.


In this era, children's kindergarten life is getting better.The hardware environment of the kindergarten is very superior.There are complete toys and cute nap rooms.There are also computers for teachers to perform supporting exercises for children.


Can't help but remind me of my childhood.Childhood is like a big cake.Every bite is full of sweet atmosphere.


Childhood is so memorable, and the joy of childhood is even more valuable for me.This happy childhood will always be imprinted in my heart ...


Therefore, when I saw the exquisite toys in the kindergarten, I couldn't help but want to pinch.I picked up the doll.Pushing the cradle.Just let the kindergarten teacher laugh.


Happy childhood, happy child.



1、幸福:幸福读音为xìng fú,是指个人由于理想的实现或接近而引起的一种内心满足。追求幸福是人们的普遍愿望,但剥削阶级把个人幸福看得高于一切,并把个人幸福建立在被剥削阶级的痛苦之上。无产阶级则把争取广大人民的幸福和实现全人类的解放看作最大的幸福。认为幸福不仅包括物质生活,也包括精神生活;个人幸福依赖集体幸福,集体幸福高于个人幸福;幸福不仅在于享受,而主要在于劳动和创造。幸福 xìng fú词语解释:个人由于理想的实现或接近而引起的一种内心满足。追求幸福是人们的普遍愿望,但剥削阶级把个人幸福看得高于一切,并把个人幸福建立在被剥削阶级的痛苦之上。无产阶级则把争取广大人民的幸福和实现全人类的解放看作最大的幸福。认为幸福不仅包括物质生活,也包括精神生活;个人幸福依赖集体幸福,集体幸福高于个人幸福;幸福不仅在于享受,而主要在于劳动和创造。分词解释:看得:旧时审判案件公文的开头用语。认为:对人或事物确定某种看法﹐做出某种判断。创造:1.亦作“剙造”。 2.发明;制造前所未有的事物。 3.制造;建造。 4.犹创作。谓撰写文章或创作文艺作品。愿望:希望将来能达到某种目的的想法。...幸福怎么造句,用幸福造句»

2、记忆:记忆读音为jì yì,是指①记住或想起:小时候的事情有些还能记忆起来。②保持在脑子里的过去事物的印象:记忆犹新。记忆 jì yì词语解释:①记住或想起:小时候的事情有些还能记忆起来。②保持在脑子里的过去事物的印象:记忆犹新。分词解释:记忆犹新:犹:还。过去的事,至今印象还非常清楚,就象刚才发生的一样。事物:指客观存在的一切物体和现象:任何事物都不是一成不变的。事情:1.事物的真相;实情。 2.事理人情。 3.人类生活中的一切活动和所遇到的一切社会现象。 4.犹工作,职业。过去:时间词,现在以前的时期(区别于‘现在、将来’):过去的工作只不过像万里长征走完了第一步。有些:1.有一些。表示数量不多。 2.犹有的。表示其中的一部分。 3.略微﹐稍微。...记忆怎么造句,用记忆造句»