
时间:2022-10-31 13:03:55 | 来源:语文通



难忘的国庆节作文 篇1国庆节作文500字 篇2国庆见闻作文500字 篇3欢乐的国庆节作文500字 篇4国庆节作文500字 篇5国庆节作文400字 篇6国庆节的400字作文 篇7欢乐的国庆节作文500字 篇8

难忘的国庆节作文 篇1


On October 1, 2020, we ushered in an exciting day - the 71st birthday of the motherland. When the people across the country celebrated the birthday of the motherland, my family took advantage of the National Day to embark on the Wuhan Guangzhou High Speed Railway to Guangzhou Chimelong.


When we got on the Wuhan Guangzhou High speed Railway excitedly, the speed of the railway was really exciting. Wow! The Wuhan Guangzhou High speed Railway is really fast! The comfort ring of Wuhan Guangzhou High speed Railway is really enjoyable. Look, a large lush tree looks like a huge emerald, which is green and beautiful! It's fun to look at the wires above. Each wire is dancing happily! After a while, I went to the countryside, where many farmers were harvesting rice, like a golden ocean.


I entered Chimelong Happy World with excitement. The guide bought the tickets and gave them to us. The whole family flew into Chimelong Happy World together. Wow! There are a lot of people inside. There is a white tiger made of cement on each of the four sides. It looks as if it is real. After walking a few steps, there are two sculptures. One is red, holding a guitar, sitting on a chair, and the other is yellow, standing there with a bag in his hand. But they all have sunglasses. Do you guess whether they are real or fake? Don't know! Look at the back! At the moment when I was about to take a photo with them, my sister saw them moving a few times and shouted, "Prince, hurry up!". I was so scared that I ran forward. I looked back and found that he was real! It really scared me to death.


October 1, 2020 is really an exciting day and I will never forget it!

国庆节作文500字 篇2


Today is the third day of the National Day holiday. My mother, my sister, my father and my cousin went to see the Qiantang River. I heard that the Qiantang River tides there are very spectacular.


At noon, we got to the Qiantang River early and got to the side of the Qiantang River early.


I feel very excited. This is the first time for me to stand beside the Qiantang River and feel the incompatibility of the Qiantang River.


Qiantang River, a magnificent name, has infinite dignity. I looked at her admiringly and gradually calmed down, waiting for the Qiantang tide to come.


An hour later, the crowd began to stir, and someone whispered: "Why don't you come? It's so boring to wait so long." "Well, that's exactly what Qian Jiangchao is doing. He just has to wait for someone to show up. It seems that he is a man of high status, and he wants us to wait half dead!"


After two hours of suffering and standing up for two hours, the crowd began a new uproar. A man in a dark blue T-shirt asked, "What's the sound of 'roaring' over there? The tide is coming?" "I guess so." An old man was thoughtful.


"The tide is coming!" The blue sweater stood on his stool and shouted. The old man also suddenly opened his eyes and stared at the place where the water meets the sky: "Qiantang Tide, finally came..."


I was stunned. The Qiantang tide was surging and rolling in front of me. The yellow waves rushed to the shore, clattering, clattering


The Qiantang Tide is a symbol of China in my heart! Wave after wave, sound after sound, hit the Chinese people's heart to win glory for the country.


I was deeply shocked. The Qiantang Tide aroused my heart to serve the motherland. Start from small things, start from little things, start from learning, I will continue to improve, continue to make progress, and contribute to the motherland!

国庆见闻作文500字 篇3


It is said that Foshan Food Festival has started! On the afternoon of October 3, my mother and I went to the New Square to eat food and watch programs.


In order to celebrate the National Day from September 30 to October 7, the "Foshan Food Festival" was held. This festival arranged a lot of food and a variety of acrobatics and magic programs around the country.


As soon as we entered the venue, we could smell the fragrant smell and saw the delicious food from all over the country around us. The radio can't say there is a program on the central stage at 3:00. We walked to the central stage.


When we got to the central stage, it was already crowded with people. We found a place to sit down.


The performances are some dance, male and female voice solo acrobatics and magic performances. Among so many wonderful programs, I think the most wonderful one is the magic show.


The magician took a very common cane. He held both ends of the cane in his hands. Suddenly, the cane in his hands turned into two scarves.


The magician took out a cigarette from his pocket and then took out another cigarette from his pocket and put another one into his pocket. At this time, the magician had only one cigarette left in his hand. Suddenly, his hand shook. The magician's hand was no longer one cigarette but three. It was strange.


He also changed one pipe into four pipes; He also unconsciously transferred the audience's watches from a box with three layers inside and three layers outside to another box with three layers inside and three layers outside, which nobody could imagine.


A variety of delicious food makes people's tongue immersed in Chaozhou meatballs, Tianjin "Goubuli", Shanghai soup packets, Yunnan coke leaf rice, Xinjiang braised mutton, and various kinds of exquisite snacks, soup, porridge, and fruits


My mother and I have a full stomach, but we still want to eat.


The happy food festival brings us joy and happiness. I really hope to hold such food festivals every National Day!

欢乐的国庆节作文500字 篇4


The annual National Day is coming, and we have a 7-day holiday. Haha, we can have a good time again. But I don't know where to go. After discussion, we decided to take my sister's advice and go to Sumian Park to play.


That morning, while I was still asleep, I was woken up by my sister's Lion Roaring Skill. I rubbed my eyes and said, "What are you doing? You can't sleep well during the holidays." "Sister, have you forgotten that we are going to Sumian Park today?" "Yes," I suddenly realized.


We all drove to the gate, only to see several rows of license plates, many, like a dragon. I finally found the parking space, but my sister disappeared again. Alas! Later, after everyone's efforts, she was finally found at the back door. When I entered the gate, the first thing I saw was the Children's Paradise, but when I entered it, I was disgusted. It was full of equipment for kindergarten children to play with. It's my sister. She can't put it down when she sees it. She wants me to play bumper car with her and play swing with her. But fortunately, she lost interest after playing for a while. We all went to the woods and saw the lotus pond. Ah! The scenery here is really good.


After lunch, we all went to the People's Park and climbed the ladder. The ladder is really high. If it falls down accidentally, it may break. However, it can improve your courage. Hmm, it's not bad. As for me, I prefer shooting. I bought 40 bullets as soon as I got there, regardless of his situation.


In the afternoon, we all went to the supermarket and bought a lot of things. It was really tiring.


Today, I had a happy National Day. I really look forward to the next National Day!

国庆节作文500字 篇5


On October 2, my father took me to climb the Xianglu Peak. Just after the National Day, I can play. I'm very happy.


It was very cool this morning, but it was very hot in the afternoon. Fortunately, there was an air conditioner on the car. I got on the bus. After about 30 minutes, I arrived at our place. There are two mountains, Dayu Mausoleum on the left and Xianglu Peak on the right.


Before I got to the door, I was deeply fascinated by the beautiful scenery. Four tall maples were standing at the door, and red leaves were like sparks that could be seen from afar. The leaves fall down like butterflies. I took a picture in front of a maple tree.


I began to climb the mountain. I carefully grasped the chain and struggled up. I looked at my father. He was sweating too, but he was not hard at all. I finally climbed and climbed to the second floor of the mountain. There is a large pool on the second floor. The stone shines in the water and reflects its shadow. There are many lovely fish in the pool, red, yellow and black. Some of them beat each other in the water, some swam in the water, and some of them followed the big fish. How beautiful!


I left the fish pond and entered the deep mountains and forests. On a small grass, I found a black and white butterfly. I put the big butterfly beside a spring, washed my hands, and put the butterfly into the water. Unexpectedly, the butterfly could swim, which surprised me. There are springs everywhere in the deep mountains and forests. I came to a spring to see the small fish. Unexpectedly, the fountain of the mountain spring has made great contributions to me, and I was almost washed away.


We climbed to the top of the mountain, with white clouds surrounding the Xianglu Peak.


Xianglu Peak is so beautiful! I love Xianglu Peak!

国庆节作文400字 篇6




国庆节的400字作文 篇7


The long-awaited National Day holiday has finally arrived. I can't say how happy I am. Because my parents promised to take me to the aquarium.


The next morning, I got up, jumped to my parents' room and called them to get up. After washing, eating and everything was ready, we happily set out for the aquarium.


Everyone talked and laughed along the way, and soon arrived at the aquarium.


As soon as I entered the aquarium, I saw all kinds of fish, big and small. There were giant Chinese sturgeon, lovely clown fish, fierce sharks, and turtles dragging their shells. Then we saw the colorful tropical fish, the bright red goldfish, the long-lived turtle, and the devil fish. The fish here are really strange!


We came to the jellyfish hall again. Some jellyfish tentacles were about the same height as me. Some jellyfish were shaped like mushrooms we ate, and some jellyfish were very small but could change color. The jellyfish here are so changeable!


At last, we saw the performance of sea lions and seals. The songs they sang were very unpleasant, but the dance they danced was very funny, which made us laugh. Next is the dolphin performance. The trainer uncle stepped on the head of two dolphins, and the dolphins swam forward quickly. It was really frightening. Finally, six dolphins jumped up at the same time, and we took a group photo.


This National Day I had a very happy time, because I gained a lot of knowledge, and my heart was very full.

欢乐的国庆节作文500字 篇8

今天,爷爷早早地起了床,对我笑了笑,我看到后觉得很奇怪,于是就走过去问:“爷爷,你今天怎么这么高兴呀?” 爷爷笑盈盈地说:“我们今天去游西湖,好吗?” “好啊!好啊!”我兴高采烈地说。于是,我们二话不说,骑着电瓶车出发了。

Today, my grandpa got up early and smiled at me. I felt strange when I saw it, so I went to him and asked, "Grandpa, why are you so happy today?" Grandpa smiled and said, "Shall we go to the West Lake today?" "Good! Good!" I said cheerfully. So, without saying a word, we set out on the battery car.


After half an hour, we arrived at the West Lake. The most striking thing was the tall and straight willows. The slender willows looked like little girls' eyes. When a breeze blew, the willows fluttered with the wind, as if they were combing their hair! The lake is green, like a big bright mirror. The fish in the water are swimming happily; The birds in the big tree chirped; Crickets in the grass are singing beautiful songs excitedly. There are many people on the shore, not only domestic tourists, but also many foreign tourists!


Moving slowly along the crowd, we unconsciously came to the famous six suspension bridges, which are: Hongqiao Bridge, Dongpu Bridge, Dike Bridge, Wangshan Bridge, Suolan Bridge and Yingbo Bridge. Because these bridges are too arched, we had a lot of effort to ride them, and even used a lot of electricity!


Then, we came to the Prince Bay Park. As soon as we entered the gate, we were intoxicated by the scenery in front of us. There were beautiful mountains, beautiful waters, green trees, and bright sunshine. The most noticeable thing is the clear spring water. The water is so green that it looks like a flawless emerald. The water is so clear that you can see the stones under the water. What a beautiful spring! I really hope that I can [WWW. BAIHUAWEN. CN] stay here forever to enjoy the beautiful scenery!


Time passed by minute by minute. In the afternoon, we said goodbye to the beautiful West Lake and ended our happy journey today!