
时间:2022-09-06 13:42:51 | 来源:语文通



Everyone has their own childhood secrets, hee hee, in the fall of my four -year -old, I also have the first little secret in my life.


At that time in the kindergarten ... "Stone scissors, haha, you lost!" "Classes!" We were still playing games immediately, and returned to their seats. Teacher Zheng walked into the classroom.


"Ask the classmates to open the textbook and turn it over ..." Oh, I just played for a long time after class, and forgot to go to the toilet! Well, really, I knew it would go to the toilet for a get out of class. I can't get up, alas ... "How much is Zhang Xinyue?" Ah? Oh, equal to 15 ".After answering the teacher's question, I immediately sat down, for fear that I would not be able to hold my urine pants.Half an hour passed, and I sweated, and my butt sat on the chair and twisted, as if it had a nail.Alas, when can I get out of class! What should I do, what to do? Zhang Xinyue, just endure it for a while, alas, please, please be grace, bless me, I can go to the toilet until I get to the toilet, please, please! Ah,What to do, I have n’t finished class yet, I ca n’t go to the toilet, otherwise, or tell the teacher, what if the teacher agrees? But what if the teacher does not agree, what should I do?The teacher was criticized by the teacher. It was too shameful.


The time passed by every minute, and the second hand rang on the clock. At this moment, I was like a little bird who was anxious to fly out of the cage. The belly is tight. I sweated, I really hope that there is a separation, so I left the substitute here for class, and I really went to urinate comfortably. It was really cool! Unfortunately, I have no avatar. "Da Da Da Da ..." 57, 58, 59, 60, another minute passed, alas, Zhang Xinyue, you must hold back, a class passed soon, and blinking Hold back! I secretly exhaled myself in my heart, but my little stomach had already hurt at this time, and the sweat on my back flowed down. My legs were shaking even more, and I was restless. At this time, I only listened to "Zhang Xinyue, what should I shake?" The teacher's words were useless to me. I was dizzy. I couldn't care so much. My crotch was hot. The heat flow is like a flood, rolling out of your legs. The so -called "the water of the Yellow River comes up, running to the sea without returning"! Oops, in order to prevent my students and teachers discover my urine pants, I looked left and right, and hurriedly took out the water cup from the left side of the schoolbag. Pretending to drink water, then shook his hand, "Wow-" poured the water on my pants. "Ah, teacher, the water in my water cup is sprinkled on the pants!" I saw Teacher Zheng coming over, "Be careful about drinking water next time, know? You see the water sprinkled with the ground!" I nodded, that moment was so comfortable, my disturbed heart finally calmed down. I saw that the classmates looked at nothing, and I vomited, and no one found it.


Ah, comfortable!