My brother but a naughty ghost, he can be regarded as a "little emperor" in our house.
Finally, I spent Friday, and it was hard to Saturday, but I heard that my mother said that the "little emperor" was going to my house. I thought: This Saturday has no doubt that it is bad.Do your homework to get rid of this time with the "little emperor"!
When we just sat down, the electronic doorbell rang, and I understood that it must be the "little emperor" self -driving, and I opened the door reluctantly."Little Emperor" ran to my bedroom. I immediately chased the past and saw him painted on my draft.At first glance, it was okay. It was a draft.He took another book when he looked at me without response, not very good!He drew random in my practice. I rushed to block the personal behavior of "Little Emperor". Fortunately, I haven't painted it.Dear "Little Emperor", when can you grow up?
This is not his advantage, his advantage is to hide my things.When I was going to pee for a while, he hid both my book and pen. I was very angry. I really wanted him to take out the book honestly.I begged him, "I still need to teach the acquired nature, please take it out!" He waved his hand, I thought you would not eat and eat and punish me.The chocolate of love.I took out his favorite chocolate, but saw him swallowed, or waved his hand, "Oh! Not very good." His defense ability was far beyond my attack. In the end, I exhibitedMy "secret weapon" -tto ten chocolate, my brother finally couldn't afford my temptation and took out my book and pen.
My brother and I just finished the "buying and selling". Suddenly a tall and big shadow happened to me. It was not good. It was my mother who came back. I took my brother to run back to the house. Because my mother was strictly forbidden me to give them to eat them.Chocolate, if I found out that I violated the ethnic rules, I wouldn't know how accusations would be obtained.
If I want to go to "surrender to the case", will I blame lighter?Therefore, I made an outstanding choice, that is to "surrender to the case."Although I acknowledge the mistake, the reason is on my brother's body. I think my mother should preside over fairness!
Unexpectedly, my mother was not justified, but I scolded me. I was very aggrieved. Who wants me to be my brother and his brother!
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